The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 807 112. It would be nice to have two more people to relieve boredom!

Chapter 807 112. It would be nice to have two more people to relieve boredom!
Yun Qing originally thought about going to the palace today to talk to his grandfather about going to the north.But last night, being tossed by Chu Limo, a bastard, more than half of the time has passed.Yun Qing thought, anyway, it will be sent to the north after the day after tomorrow, so it will not be too late to tell grandpa tomorrow.

After finishing the food and putting down the chopsticks, Yun Qing saw that it was still early, and paused for a while, Yun Qing's tone became a little low and said: "Xiaoxiao, get ready, come with me to see Sister Su."

After leaving Chujing to go to the north, she didn't know when she would come back, maybe a month or two, maybe half a year, maybe longer.Before leaving, she wanted to see sister Su.

"Yes." Xiaoxiao knew that Yunqing was sad, so she stepped back gently and got ready.

Since Su Wanyan passed away, the princess has not smiled for more than a month.Sometimes even if she sees the princess laughing, there will be a trace of sadness in the princess's laughter.During these days, seeing the princess so sad, she was also sad and distressed.

Su Wanyan was buried under a willow tree in Moon Lake, which was Su Wanyan's last wish.She said that she hoped she could be buried under the Moon Lake willow tree after her death.That place has the best memories of her life.

It was here that Su Wanyan dated Wang Zixuan for the first time, and this willow tree witnessed their love.

Su Wanyan and Yun Qingfeng Qingluan's first outing was also here.This place holds so many wonderful memories.

It is now the end of February, and everything in Moon Lake looks like everything is recovering.

The warm breeze blows gently, the willow branches flutter, and the gentle breeze also gently blows on Yunqing's cheek.Yunqing stood in front of Su Wanyan's tomb and watched quietly, Xiaoxiao also stood aside and looked at Su Wanyan's tomb, her eyes slightly wet.

"Sister Su. I came to see you. Are you doing well there?" Yun Qing's voice was choked with sobs.

Looking at her tombstone, Yun Qing felt even more complicated.This woman has been deceiving them, but she has been protecting them in her own way.Seeing her lying on the ground alone now, she hoped that she could deceive her forever.Even if she lived in a lie forever, she didn't want her to die like this.

"Sister Su, I'm leaving Chujing soon, and I'm going to the north. That's the place where you were born, and it's also the place you don't want to go back to. I know that there are people you've hated all your life in that place. Sister Su, if you have a spirit in heaven, you must bless me and bless me to find Feng Tianlan as soon as possible to avenge you. I know that you hate him in your heart, so you must hope that I will kill him and replace you revenge."

I don't know if she heard Yun Qing's words over there, the wind blew even more violently.The violent wind seemed to be Su Wanyan's response to Yun Qing's words.

"Sister Su, do you know? I hate others to deceive me the most." Yun Qing said softly, "But Sister Su, I would rather you deceive me all the time. Whether you are Su Wanyan or Feng Youxue Well, you are just Sister Su in my heart. But you are so stupid, Sister Su, why are you so stupid? Why don't you keep lying?"

The wind just blew louder, and Su Wanyan wouldn't answer Yun Qing's words anymore.Yun Qing just stood in front of Su Wanyan's tomb, watching quietly.

That gentle and quiet woman will never come back.All her life, she just lay quietly in this icy cold land, waiting for the passage of time, and then turned into a pile of bones, then slowly turned into ashes, and finally completely disappeared in the world.

Before Yun Qing's eyes, flashed the picture of being with Su Wanyan once.But those, there is no going back.There won't be any more.The last scene with her was actually only frozen in the scene where she left forever at Sunset Cliff.

Sunset Shanxi.

"Princess, it's time to go back." Xiaoxiao reminded from the side.

Yun Qing looked at the tombstone and said softly, "Sister Su, I'm leaving. I'll come to see you when I come back from the north."

As soon as Yun Qing entered the city, he saw a figure at the gate of the city from a distance.He stood like this at the gate of the city, causing commotion at the gate of the city.But the people at the gate of the city were afraid of his noble and indifferent aura around him, they only dared to stand aside and watch from a distance, but they didn't dare to get close.Even the voice of discussion was kept low.

"Why are you here?" Yun Qing asked warmly after watching the scene at the gate of the city.

"I heard from Wuqing that Qingqing has left the city. I'm here to pick her up." Chu Limo walked over, and put the cloak in his hand on Yunqing carefully.This scene even made many women at the gate of the city envious, staring at this noble and noble man with bewilderment.In Chu Limo's eyes, Yun Qing was the only one who spoke softly, "Why has Qingqing been gone for so long? Although it is February, the temperature in the mountains is still very cold, and Qingqing doesn't wear more clothes. "

Looking at the cloak he put on for herself, Yun Qing smiled slightly, "Chat with Sister Su a little more. You know, I'm not afraid of the cold. It's you, standing here swaggeringly, who doesn't know what to do. How many peach blossoms have been lost, and how many girls' hearts have been broken."

"Although Qingqing is not afraid of the cold, I still feel distressed. Qingqing knows that, I only pretend to be Qingqing in my heart, and other people are sad and care about me." His tone was filled with endless doting, "Let's go .Let's go home."

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.


the next day.

We should tell Wang Qingshan about going to the northern border.Early in the morning, Yun Qing and Chu Limo arrived at the palace.

Wang Qingshan was not surprised when he heard that Yun Qing and Chu Limo were going to the north, but he just told them to have a safe journey and return soon.

"Grandpa, we're not here, you have to take good care of yourself."

Yun Qing never thought that she would leave Chu Jing again so soon. Think about it, it has been almost three years since she woke up from her rebirth.But the time she stayed in Chujing was only a short year, and the rest of the time was spent traveling around.Days like this, I don't know when they will stop.

"You can rest assured, girl Qing. Grandpa is not a child anymore, he knows how to do it." Wang Qingshan said with a smile, thinking that the place they are going to is the northern border, and the final destination is Beiyuan country, then He knows what kind of danger there is in a certain place.The Beiyuan Kingdom has been very ambitious in recent years, and has been bent on annexing several other countries. If there were no other countries with strong military strength to restrain each other, the world would have already been in chaos. "It's the two of you, you two are the only ones going on the road, the northern border is extremely dangerous, so you have to be careful along the way."

"We will." Yun Qing nodded.

"Grandpa, who said that only the two of them have gone." Wang Ziqing frowned aside.

"You mean... you're going too?" Wang Qingshan snorted.

"I haven't traveled far for a long time. I suddenly feel that the northern border is not bad, so I can go out for a walk."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, did her second cousin think that he was going to the northern border to visit mountains and rivers?Besides, the eldest cousin is not here, how can the second cousin leave Chujing at this time? "Second cousin, first cousin is not here, and you are traveling with me, who will take care of you in the palace?"

Wang Ziqing raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Wang Qingshan, "Grandpa is old and strong, and doesn't need to be taken care of. Right, Grandpa?" After a pause, Wang Ziqing said again, "I mean, doesn't Chu Jing still have Nangong Jin? ?”

"Of course I don't need you to take care of me." Wang Qingshan cursed with a smile.What that means is that there is no intention to stop it at all.

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched even more.So you mean, have you handed over everything about Chu Jing to Nangong Jin?
"What about Sister Feng?" Yun Qing asked.

The second cousin and Feng Qingluan have only been married for a few months, so Feng Qingluan can't be left alone in Chujing, right?Yun Qing couldn't do such a thing.

"Of course I went with you. Sister Qing also knows that my father guarded the northern border for decades. I was born in the northern border and grew up in the northern border. I am familiar with the northern border. I was poisoned, and then my father was suddenly transferred back to Chujing. I think I should have stayed in the north with my parents. And..." Feng Qingluan paused, "And sister Su is not Have you ever said that? The current general guarding the northern territory does not know who is from the Feng family. But I have known him since I was a child. I went with him, maybe I can help you find out who he is now .”

"Sister Feng." Yun Qing didn't want to involve Feng Qingluan and Wang Ziqing in this matter at all.

The place in the north is the territory of the Feng clan, and it is also the border of Beiyuan country. I don't know what will happen when they appear.Although Sister Su is the daughter of Feng Tianlan, the master of the Guiyou Sect, Feng Tianlan is the patriarch of the Feng clan.In the end, Sister Su died because of the affairs of the Feng clan, because she saved the life of her eldest cousin, and because of her.There are some constant entanglements between them and the Feng clan.She didn't want Feng Qingluan to be in danger anymore.

In the northern border business, she has a very strong feeling that people will die.Many, many people will die.

She was no longer willing to watch the people around her die one by one.

But Yunqing didn't know that this game of chess in the world was started by the Feng clan, and it should be ended by the Feng clan.And the person who can end this game of chess is anyone who has already stood on the chessboard.

"Sister Qing, I know what you are thinking. But we have already decided. Besides, my poisoning was related to Feng Tianlan of the Feng clan. I have already been involved. Going to the northern border is not just For you, and for myself. I think it would not be so easy for Feng Tianlan to poison me back then, since I have been involved, I can no longer stay out of it."

"Girl Qing. Qingluan is right. Let them go. With them around, grandpa can rest assured." Wang Qingshan said.

"Pack up your things and leave tomorrow morning."

"Li Mo, you..." Yun Qing glanced at the people around him.After he came, he didn't say a word, and just said this.

"Qingqing, it's a long way to the north, so it's good to have two more people to relieve boredom along the way." Someone said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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