808. Chapter 113

In March, Jinling City.

In the courtyard of Qi Mansion, a woman with a sick face on her face was sitting alone under a crabapple tree, quietly lost in thought.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, she thought she would die from such a serious injury, but she didn't expect that God would not let her die.After that night, she was in a coma for more than half a month before waking up, and the injury on her shoulder took more than a month to heal.

The wounds on the body are healed, but the wounds in the heart will never heal.

She still remembers that when she woke up, Qi Rong was beside her. Qi Rong told her: She was really hurt that night, and she survived under Yuhen's Qingming sword thanks to Yuhen's cutting that plant The precious 'Moon Spirit Flower' was given to her.Without the Moon Spirit Flower, she would not be able to survive just because she received Yuhen's Qingming Sword, not to mention that her health was really bad at that time.

'Moon Spirit Flower'!
The Yue Linghua that my brother had been looking for for many years was actually in Yuhen's hands.At that moment, regardless of the fact that her injuries were not fully healed, she had only one thought, to find Yuhen.Find Yuhen and ask for Moon Spirit Flower.Even if she had to kneel down and beg him, even if he wanted her own life, she would give it to him.

Qi Rong couldn't help her pleading, and brought her to the Prince's Mansion.

When I came to this place again, I felt that everything had changed.

Isn't everything right and man wrong?In just half a month, there were already other women in Yuhen Mansion.Other women who can justly stay by Yuhen's side.

She will never forget Yuhen hugging that woman in front of her, and he will never forget his gentle smile at another woman.

Back to the day when she woke up, Qi Rong brought her to the Prince's Mansion after her repeated pleas.

The guards of the Prince's Mansion already knew her, and with Qi Rong beside her, the guards did not stop them from letting them in.

As soon as she arrived at Meiyuan, she heard a woman's voice coming from inside.After living in the Prince's Mansion for so long, she clearly understood one thing, that she was the only woman in the Prince's Mansion besides Mother Qiu.Now that there are other women's voices in the plum garden, it is self-evident.At that moment, something suddenly tingled in my heart.

But when he thought of the Moon Spirit Flower in Yuhen's hand, no matter how much pain he felt at the moment.She also had to endure it.For the sake of her brother, she also had to endure.

"Li You." Qi Rong called out.How painful this woman must be.

"Brother Qi, I'm fine. For my brother's sake, I'll be fine." Chu Liyou smiled bitterly, "Brother Qi, if I know that he has the Moon Spirit Flower in his hand, so what if I'm tortured by him?" .I really regret it now, regretting why I chose to die to end everything that night. If I wasn't self-willed, the Moon Spirit Flower wouldn't have to be used on me."

"Li You, no one can predict the matter of the Moon Spirit Flower. No one knows that Yuhen has a Moon Spirit Flower in his hand."

"However, how important the Moon Spirit Flower is to my brother. Without that Moon Spirit Flower, my brother will die. You told me that there are only two Moon Spirit Flowers in the world. I will use one. If I can't find the other Plant, what do you do, brother? Brother Qi, will there be a moon spirit flower left in his hand?"

Qi Rong was silent.

He didn't know if there was a moon spirit flower left in Yuhen's hand.He didn't even know that Yuhen had the Moon Spirit Flower in his hand, if it wasn't for the fact that Liyou was about to die that night.Yuhen took out the Moon Spirit Flower. He never knew that what Chu Limo had been looking for was actually in Yuhen's hands.

The door of the plum garden opened, and a beautiful woman came out surrounded by jade marks in a black robe.The woman nestled happily beside Yuhen.That scene hurt her deeply.

"Your Highness, who are they?" the woman asked in a delicate voice.Chu Liyou could even see a trace of inexplicable hostility in the woman's eyes.

Yuhen smiled at the woman beside him with gentle eyes and said, "An irrelevant person."

Irrelevant people!Ha ha, irrelevant people!

Isn't she irrelevant to Yuhen?
"Senior brother, why are you here at this time?" Yuhen looked at Qi Rong and asked, but he didn't look at her alone.It seems that in Yuhen's eyes, she is already a piece of air.

Qi Rong said indifferently: "Of course I came to congratulate my junior brother. The person next to my junior brother must be the crown princess chosen by the emperor for my junior brother, right? I heard that half a month ago, the emperor sent many of you to my junior brother." The young ladies came into the Prince's Mansion and heard that all the younger brothers have stayed. Over the years, the emperor has spent a lot of thought on the major events in the younger brother's life. Now the younger brother should also be registered as the crown princess."

Princess!Is he going to marry the princess?
"When did senior gossip like this?" Yuhen said coldly, but he didn't even look at Chu Liyou, "If senior is fine, please go back."

"Junior brother is now surrounded by a beautiful woman, gentle and soft jade. But don't be so anxious to drive us away. This time, I really need my junior brother when I come here." Qi Rong looked at Chu Liyou again and said, "Liyou, tell me." .Don't be afraid, I'm here."

At this moment, seeing his beauty beside him, she dared not look at him.It seems that if you look at it more, your heart will hurt more.Resisting the tears in his eyes, he said lightly, "I came here this time to thank His Royal Highness for the life-saving grace of the Moon Spirit Flower. In addition, I..." After a pause, Chu Liyou changed his words, "The girl knows This matter is embarrassing for His Royal Highness, but could His Highness please give another Moon Spirit Flower to Minnv as well."

"What if I don't give it?" Yuhen's tone was indifferent, as if he didn't know Chu Liyou.

"His Royal Highness." Chu Liyou suddenly knelt down and begged: "It is very important to the girls. I implore Your Highness to give me the medicine. The girls are very grateful."

"Liyou, you are not in good health yet, get up quickly." Qi Rong shouted.But Chu Liyou was unmoved.

"I am so grateful. I simply disdain your gratitude. Why do you ask me to give you the incomparably precious Moon Spirit Flower?" Yuhen sneered, "Aren't you very capable? Even Qi Rong I bow to you, why don't you ask him. I believe that finding another Moon Spirit Flower is a trivial matter for Qi Rong, right?"

"Yuhen, you know her..." Qi Rongwen said angrily.

Yuhen interrupted Qi Rong's words, and looked at Qi Rong with a sneer, "What? Brother, is your heart hurt?"

"His Royal Highness, please give Minnv another Moon Spirit Flower. Minnv knows that this request is too much, but it is really important to Minnv. Minnv is willing to give everything in exchange." When she woke up , Qi Rong told her that it was the Moon Spirit Flower that Yuhen gave her, and Qi Rong also told her that there were only two Moon Spirit Flowers, and Yuhen gave her one.Then the other one should also be in Yuhen's hands.Now for her brother, she can only beg him.

"Hehe!" Yuhen sneered, "What do you think you can exchange with the Moon Spirit Flower? Your body? Or..."

"Yuhen. It's fine if you don't give it, why bother to bully people too much."

"So what if I'm bullying too much. Senior brother will take her out of here since he feels sorry for you." After finishing speaking, Yuhen looked at the woman kneeling on the ground with deep anger and hatred in her eyes, "Chu Liyou, put you away." Those disgusting tears. I already hate you to the extreme. As for your body, I have no interest at all. If you want the Moon Spirit Flower, you should give up on it."

After all, she was too naive.He thought that if he begged him, he would give him the Moon Spirit Flower.

Slowly standing up from the ground, the eyes that were full of pleading just now are now extremely cold.She looked at him as if she was looking at a stranger, "Yuhen, I have loved you deeply from the beginning to the end, and now I finally understand. I have understood since the night of the Lantern Festival. I have never owed you What are you, but you wounded me to pieces. I don’t blame you, I don’t hate you, and I don’t love you anymore. The sword you gave me almost killed me and everything we had Cut off all of them, and you gave me the Moon Spirit Flower to save my life. From then on, the two of us will not owe each other. I will not beg you for the Moon Spirit Flower. I won't show mercy. I interrupted you today." After speaking, Chu Liyou stopped looking at Yuhen, turned around and left.After walking two steps, Chu Liyou stopped again and said indifferently, "I wish you and the princess a happy marriage for a hundred years, Your Highness, and have a son soon."

Yuhen watched the woman leave with Qi Rong once.Until her figure disappeared from his sight.

"Your Highness." The woman called out delicately.

She could tell that His Highness treated the woman just now differently.Think about it, they have been in the Prince's Mansion for half a month, but His Royal Highness has not seen them.Today she specially dressed up and came to Meiyuan to say hello, and she just went to Meiyuan to say a word.Here they are.I thought His Highness the Crown Prince would drive her away, but I didn't expect His Highness to walk out with her in his arms.She was so happy at that time.After seeing the woman outside, she realized that His Highness was using her on purpose.Use her to do all this for that woman to see.But even if she is used by His Highness, she is willing to do so.

I am afraid that there is no woman in Jinling City who does not admire His Highness, right?All women will be crazy about His Royal Highness.

"Get out! Don't appear in front of Ben Gong in the future."

The woman's body trembled in fright, and she didn't dare to refute a word.

Yuhen said coldly, "Who dares to appear in the plum garden in the future, throw it directly into the lake to feed the fish."

Just after leaving the Prince's Mansion, Chu Liyou spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood, and her whole body fell limply on the ground.Although she took the Moon Spirit Flower, after all, the sword wound was too deep, and she was already in bad health.Yuhen's Qingming sword is also a famous sword, once it is injured by Qingming sword, it will be seriously injured even if it is not dead.

"Li worry."

"Brother Qi, I'm still too naive. But now I can really give up. Brother Qi, the only person who can help me is you, help me, Yueling..." Hua.Before the last word was uttered, the whole person had passed out.

That time she fainted, she lay on the bed for almost a month.Until today, the sword wound on his body was healed.

Sitting under the crabapple tree, thinking about what happened that day, her heart still hurts.

"Miss, you have been sitting here for an hour. Your body is just recovering, go in and rest." Nongyue came over and advised.

"Where's Brother Qi?"

"Mr. Qi went out early in the morning."

"Nongyue, is there any news about the Yuelinghua?"

"There's news." At this moment, Qi Rong came over, "Li You, your injury is just healed, it's not good to sit here and have a wind."

"Brother Qi, did you get the Moon Spirit Flower?" What she wants to know most now is the whereabouts of the Moon Spirit Flower, so why care about her own body.

"No. The remaining Moon Spirit Flower is not in Yuhen's hands either."

"Where is that?" She thought that the other one was also in Yuhen's hands, but now that the other one is not there, where is that Moon Spirit Flower?
"Yuhen said that the Moon Spirit Flower in his hand was obtained by accident when he was traveling in Beiyuan country three years ago. So I wonder if the other one is still in Beiyuan country."

"Brother Qi, Brother Jin and Brother Jin have been looking for the Moon Spirit Flower for many years. Brother Jin once said that there is only one Moon Spirit Flower in the world, but you told me there are two in the world. There is really another Moon Spirit Flower in the world Is it? I am really afraid, I am afraid that the only Moon Spirit flower has already been taken by me. I am afraid that there is no Moon Spirit flower in the world. Brother Qi, you did not lie to me, did you?" Chu Liyou There was mist in his eyes.

She just woke up that day and found out about the existence of the Moon Spirit Flower, she was really excited.So when Qi Rong told her that there are two plants in the world, she didn't doubt it at all.But now, a month has passed, and now she calms down and thinks about it, she is really afraid that there is only one Moon Spirit Flower in the world.

"Li You, I also overheard the matter of the Moon Spirit Flower from the master. The master once said that there are still two Moon Spirit Flowers left in the world, and the master will not talk nonsense."


"Really. Li You, stop blaming yourself."

"Brother Qi. I know I'm selfish, but can you please do me a favor. I want to leave Jinling City. I don't want him to know about it."

"You want to go to Beiyuan Country to find that Moon Spirit Flower?"

"Yes. My only thought now is to help my brother find the Moon Spirit Flower. But now I'm trapped in Jinling City and can't get out." She didn't know what Yuhen was thinking, since she was going to marry the Crown Princess up.Yuhen also said that he hated her extremely.But he trapped her in Jinling City and didn't allow her to go out a step.Even if Nongyue wanted to spread the news, Yuhen would stop her.Instead, Yuhen sent someone to monitor Qi Rong's mansion day and night.

Now in Jinling City, the only one who can help her is Qi Rong.

"Okay. I'll take you to Beiyuan Country."

"Thank you."

"I just want to trouble Miss Nongyue to stay." Speaking of which, Qi Rong was a little helpless.He didn't expect that Yuhen would send someone to monitor his mansion.And the people they sent were the imperial guards in the palace.This kind of thing is really only done by Yuhen.

He really didn't understand, Yuhen clearly had this woman in his heart, but he still insisted on denying the hurt.I don't know when Yuhen will really understand his own mind.

Prince's Mansion, Plum Garden.

"Your Highness, we have found Senior Wuchen."

"Where is he?"

"Beiyuan Kingdom. Senior Wuchen stole a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum from the Beiyuan Palace, and was discovered by the Beiyuan Emperor. Now the Beiyuan Emperor is chasing Senior Wuchen."

Speaking of this matter, Akabane also felt a little ashamed.They have been searching for several months since Senior Wuchen left with the Ice Profound Grass, but they have never found a trace of Senior Wuchen.If it wasn't for him stealing a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in Beiyuan Palace and being discovered.It is estimated that he still can't find out where Senior Wuchen is.

"Go down and prepare, go to Beiyuan."

"Your Highness wants to go in person?"

"If I don't go, can you find him? Can you get the Ice Profound Grass?" Yuhen's dark eyes darkened a bit. "Go down and get ready, and leave tomorrow. Also, during the period when I am not in Jinling City, the manpower in the Qi Mansion will be doubled. You must monitor every move of the Qi Mansion day and night, and everything about the Qi Mansion must be reported to me every day. The palace does not allow her to leave Jinling City."

"Yes, Your Highness."

 Haha, everyone is going to gather in Beiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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