The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 809 1. It really is fate!Ape dung!

Chapter 809 1. It really is fate!Ape dung!
mid March.

It has been half a month since I left Chujing.For the past half month, Yun Qing and his party have been acting low-key pretending to be Jiang Hu people.It's just that after leaving Chujing, on the way, they didn't meet Wang Zixuan who also came to the north.Wang Zixuan seemed to have disappeared, disappearing into the vast rivers and lakes.

"Master, it's getting late. We won't be able to enter the city tonight." Wuqing said.After leaving Chujing, in order to avoid trouble, he also changed his address to Wuqing.

Yun Qing looked at the dark clouds in the sky, she had a strong feeling that she couldn't find a place to rest, it was going to rain tonight. "Ruthless, how far is it from the next town?"

Among the people who came to the northern border this time, apart from Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wang Ziqing, and Feng Qingluan, they only brought one guard, Wu Qing.But this time, several people did not take a carriage, but rode a horse.This is more like a river and lake person.

"Go back to Madam, there are dozens of miles to the next town."

"There are still dozens of miles to go. It seems that we will not be able to enter the city tonight. Looking at the day, it is estimated that it will rain soon. Let's find a place to shelter from the rain. It's just... everyone in the wilderness today Be careful tonight." Yun Qing paused, but didn't finish the rest of the sentence.On the other hand, there was a weird smile on the corner of Yun Qing's mouth.As for what it was, Yun Qing felt that this scene was too similar to the rainy situation in a small village passing by in Penglai, East China Sea.

Sure enough, as soon as Yun Qing's voice fell, there were bursts of muffled thunder in the air, and a heavy rain was about to fall.

Feng Qingluan curled her lips, "Sister Qing, what you said is really accurate."

What Yun Qing said was accurate, but the spring rain in March is particularly heavy.

"Master and Madam, look, there is a light ahead." Wu Qing pointed to the small mountain not far away, where there was a faint light of fire.Yun Qing smiled even more strangely as he stared at the place emitting fire.

"Looks like I'm lucky, there should be a small village ahead." Wang Ziqing also smiled strangely, "Finally, I don't have to sleep in the wilderness tonight, but I don't know if it will be as interesting as before. "

"Then let's go there quickly. Otherwise, we will be drenched in water later." Feng Qingluan spoke while driving the horse, but she didn't understand what Yun Qing and Wang Ziqing said.After all, she wasn't there when I went to Donghai.

"Let's go." Chu Limo also said lightly.

Regardless of whether there is anything in front of them, they always want to find a place to shelter from the rain.You can't spend a night in the woods in the rain.

The small col is not far from them, only about 200 meters away.When I got closer, I realized that it was really a small village.Just because it is blocked by the mountain, it is difficult to find the existence of the village.If it weren't for the fire in the village just now, they really wouldn't be able to find it.

Yun Qing and the others sat on the horse and looked at the small village in the col that was completely blocked by the mountains. The village was very quiet, and the quietness was strangely depressing.

A gust of wind blew, making the branches on both sides whistling, and there was muffled thunder in the air.The atmosphere is even more eerie and weird.

"Sister Qing, why do I feel chilly all over my body? Isn't this village too quiet? The quietness is really weird." Feng Qingluan felt goosebumps all over her body.

The village is really too quiet, there is no sound at all.Except for the sound of the strong wind and the sound of muffled thunder, there is no sound of any other human beings.Feng Qingluan has always been very courageous, and she also thinks she is very courageous.However, this place gave her the feeling that she had entered a ghost village.

"It seems that our luck is really good." Yun Qing smiled with a hint of humor in his tone.

Isn't it good luck?It is really fate that they can meet such a spooky place!Ape dung!
"Qingluan, don't be afraid." Wang Ziqing gave his daughter-in-law a look that assured me that I was there.

"I'm not afraid." Feng Qingluan pouted.Although this place looked really eerie and weird, she wasn't afraid to die.Even if she was really scared, she would not show it in front of so many people.

"Li Mo, second cousin, do you also feel that this place is similar to what we encountered when we went to Penglai, East China Sea?" Yun Qing asked with a smile, "Do you think we will encounter the same situation that we encountered back then?" matter."

Yun Qing has not forgotten one thing until now, and that is that Qi Mingyang of Xiyue is not dead yet.When they went to the East China Sea, the money hidden by the Qimen people they met on the road, the act of destroying the village is still remembered.When Wang Ziqing was in Jicheng, although he and Qi Rong picked Qimen together, they also picked Qimen's den in Xiyue.As for whether there are Qimen in other places, it is still unknown.Moreover, the whereabouts of Qi Mingyang and Qi Lu were not found in Qimen.There has been no news about the two of them.

Qi Mingyang is a ruthless, scheming and trickster.It is impossible not to leave a way out for yourself.So Yun Qing is sure of one thing, Qi Mingyang is still hiding in a certain corner.What's more, there is still Qi Lu by his side.Qi Lu and she came from the same place. As a godly thief, besides stealing, the most powerful thing about Qi Lu is to avoid it.It is really a difficult problem for her to hide.

It is also because of this factor that there has been no news from the person Yun Qing sent out to look for Qi Mingyang.

When Yun Qing saw this strange village, he remembered the village he met back then, and Yun Qing even had some ideas without hesitation.She was thinking, is this place also used by Qimen to pretend to be ghosts and frighten people to make money?She was even thinking, could Qi Mingyang just hide in the northern border?

After all, this place is not far from the northern border town.This place can be said to be the territory of the Feng clan.It can also be said that this area is a mixed bag.

"Master, Madam, this subordinate should go and have a look first." Ruthlessly drove the horse towards the village.

The gust of wind became louder. At this time, the sky was no longer filled with muffled thunder, but a sudden gust of wind with continuous lightning.

"It's going to rain heavily. Let's go there." Wang Ziqing said.

Regardless of whether something will happen to this place tonight?Not to mention whether this place is the same as the one I encountered when I went to the East China Sea.After all, there is nothing wrong with them wanting to shelter from the rain.

At this time, Wuqing also came from the village on a horse.

Wuqing reported: "It is an empty village. There is no one in the village." Such a strangeness made Wuqing have to be vigilant.It was obviously an empty village, but they saw the flames just now.If not human, then what is it?
If you are ruthless, it seems to prove that all this is the same as the situation back then.The same is an empty village, the same is weird, the same is still raining heavily, and they both came to shelter from the rain.

"Let's go." Chu Limo said lightly.

There are only about twenty families in this village.But now, there is no one in the village.The entire village was in depression and dilapidated.

It's just that after they just entered the village, the flames they saw just now disappeared.It seemed that what he had just seen was just an illusion.

Five people led their horses and stood at the entrance of the village.Everything seemed even more eerie and weird.

At the entrance of the village, I randomly found a family to live in.The things in the house have been covered with layers of cobwebs, and no one has been here for a long time.This village must have been wiped out a long time ago.

Now they don't bring maids with them when they go out, so the work of tidying up the room is all done by Wu Qing alone.Just tidy up the room, there is a place to sit and rest, and now the sky is already clouded with heavy rain.

"It's raining really hard. Fortunately, we found a place to shelter from the rain. If we are still on the road tonight and sleep in the wilderness, we might be drenched. It's just strange, this village It seems that it should be regarded as a relatively prosperous place, why is there no one here now. Instead, you think this place is a bit eerie and terrifying?" Ever since entering the village, Feng Qingluan felt that the goosebumps all over her body were getting heavier and heavier. .

"Sister Feng, what you said is not wrong. This place is so gloomy that maybe this place is haunted." Yun Qing said with a smile.

"No...can't you?" They won't be so unlucky, right?
It's not bad luck. Yun Qing doesn't know, Yun Qing just thinks it's all too fateful!Such ape dung is rare in a hundred years!

"Cousin Qing'er, don't scare Qingluan." Wang Ziqing took Feng Qingluan's hand and said softly, "Don't listen to her nonsense, there are no ghosts in the world."

Yun Qing curled her lips and smiled slightly as she looked at her cousin protecting his wife.On the other hand, the man next to him, since he entered the village, has not spoken a word.

"Li Mo, did you find something?" If Chu Limo found something, Yun Qing would not be curious at all.Who made this man really sharp, so smart that he was maddening?

"No." Chu Limo said lightly: "Rest early tonight. Leave here early tomorrow morning."

That's all?The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched and looked at Chu Limo, is that all?Do you want to be so cold?

After a while, Chu Limo glanced at Wang Ziqing and spoke again, but Chu Limo's words were even more strange and shocking. "I think you should already know that something is wrong with this place. Come to think of it, we have encountered the place in the legend. No matter what you hear tonight, don't make a sound or go out out of curiosity. Don't turn off the lights in the house. "

Wang Ziqing's handsome face smiled, "So I said it! Our luck is really great. We can meet such things."

"What are you talking about? Why didn't I understand a word." Not to mention that Feng Qingluan didn't understand what the two men said, Yun Qing was also confused.

However, that weird feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Come to think of it, they were lucky enough to break into a place they shouldn't have come to.

"Qingluan, be good! Go to bed after dinner. Don't ask, don't look, don't be curious."

The gust of wind outside the house was whistling, and the lightning storm kept falling.

 What exactly is this place, and why is what Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing said so unpredictable and weird?

(End of this chapter)

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