The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 811 3. The mysterious woman in purple

Chapter 811 3. The mysterious woman in purple

The village is so big, but there are only about twenty families.What's more, this is just a deserted village.They are the only living creatures in this village.It will be a matter of time before the mysterious woman is found.

But, unexpectedly, that mysterious woman came out by herself.

"There's no need to look for it, I'm here." In the only temple in the village that had been destroyed, the mysterious woman came out by herself.And just right, Ruthless chased here.At this moment, Yun Qing and the others are still standing here.

The woman was wearing a lavender dress, with a purple veil covering her entire face.But those eyes are full of coquettish charm and deserted look.Under the veil, I don't know what kind of stunning and alluring face is hidden.

The woman in purple looked at the few people in front of her and raised her eyebrows: "There are so many of you who bully a woman and you are not afraid of being laughed at."

"Who are you? What do you want to do by sneaking up here?" Wuqing held a sword in his hand, staring at the woman in purple vigilantly as if the sword in his hand would never be soft as long as this woman dared to act rashly. .

"Hehe." The woman in purple sneered.The pupils also became cold in an instant, and suddenly, a few silver needles shot at Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan, Wuqing and others.

The woman in purple shot her silver needles quickly, but the silver needles she fired were avoided by Chu Limo and the others one by one.

"It's just to ask the girl a word, and the girl uses a poisonous needle to kill people, isn't it too vicious?" Yun Qing looked at the purple-clothed woman coldly.She had to admit that this woman in purple was really a vicious person, and the silver needles she issued were deadly.If she was not mistaken, the silver needle has a poison that can evade life in an instant.

Seeing that his silver needle didn't hurt a few people, the purple-clothed woman's eyes, which were hiding killing intent just now, changed instantly.The woman in purple opened her mouth with a smile, completely gone from her appearance just now. "It's just a joke with a few of you. Don't be angry with the little girl."

Just kidding?What a joke.The woman in purple changed her face too quickly, right?

Yun Qing was still holding the silver needle that the purple-clothed woman shot at her, Yun Qing walked over with the silver needle, and said lightly, "Then I will stab the girl with this silver needle, Then I told the girl that it was a joke. Please don't get angry, please?"

The woman in purple choked when she saw the silver needle that was about to stab herself.Now, if she wanted to fight, she would definitely not be able to defeat them. With so many of them, each of them would be chopped into pieces with a sword.The master once taught her that when encountering an enemy, she should be ruthless and preemptive.But if you encounter an enemy stronger than yourself, run away if you can't beat it, and beg for mercy if you can't run.Anyway, it's important to keep your life alive at any time.

"Girl, be careful with slippery hands!" Seeing Yun Qing holding a silver needle and about to stab herself, she felt extremely nervous!She knows exactly what kind of poison is on the silver needle, and it was used by the master to save her life.Who knew that when I met these evil gods today, I couldn't deal with them, but I was about to die under this silver needle.If she died under his silver needle, wouldn't it be Tai Nima's injustice?

This sentence undoubtedly made the corners of the mouths of the other people present twitch inexplicably.Even Chu Limo's eyes moved slightly.

"Miss, we have no grievances or enmities. You are so beautiful, you must be kind-hearted. Is such a kind-hearted person willing to take the life of the little girl?" The purple-clothed woman who was thinking of killing them just now is now The painting style changed, and he opened his mouth pitifully.

Yun Qing smiled and looked at the woman in purple, but she covered her face with a veil, so she couldn't see her real appearance clearly.But under the veil, there must be a beautiful face. "Miss is wrong. I am not a kind-hearted person. Also, a beautiful woman is not necessarily kind-hearted, just like you, Miss. You also have a beautiful face, but your heart is really not good. How kind."

Seeing her unmoved at all, the woman in purple closed her eyes.With a look of death, "Okay. If you want to kill me, kill me." Who made her so unlucky that she came to this place and met such a group of people.

Yun Qing chuckled.This woman is somewhat interesting.She has no intention of killing her now.However, scaring and scaring is still okay. "If you want to live, then tell me honestly, what are you doing here alone? What is the purpose of you, a girl, appearing here?"

"I'm not sneaky anymore." The purple-clothed woman curled her lips unhappily, and took a ruthless look, "Obviously he looks like he's going to kill me when he sees me, can I not run away? Also, I want to make a statement, I don't have any purpose. I am here just to avoid the rain."

"You said you had no purpose, so why did you see us running? Also, if you were sheltering from the rain, why did you hide yesterday. You are clearly lying." Feng Qingluan said: "Sister Qing, I see It’s okay to interrogate her if you don’t arrest her, but she still has to keep her mouth shut.”

"That's right." Regarding the words of the purple-clothed woman, Yun Qing believed [-]% and disbelieved [-]%.She appeared here alone, and it so happened that she appeared here at the same time as them.More importantly, this woman possesses martial arts and is good at using poisonous needles.She also deliberately avoided them. This woman is very suspicious of everything.Yun Qing laughed, "Sister Feng, did you bring your whip?"

"I brought it." She always carried things like whips with her.

"What are you going to do?" The woman in purple looked at Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan warily.

And Chu Limo, Wang Ziqing and Wu Qing watched the excitement from the sidelines.

"Of course I tie you up and beat you. If you survive this beating, I have other tricks to deal with you. Girl, you should look pretty good. Tell me, if I take a silver needle and beat you How does it feel to have a scratched face?" Yun Qing smiled harmlessly, but there was an inexplicable chill in those words.

" can't bully people just because of the number of people." She wanted to cry.Master!help!If you don't come to rescue your apprentice, she will be beaten to death.

"If you don't want to be beaten, just tell the truth. What is your purpose for appearing here?"

"I said, I really came to take shelter from the rain."

"Wuqing, go find the rope." Chu Limo ordered lightly.

When the woman in purple heard this, she became anxious.But Wuqing had already gone to find the rope.The woman in purple yelled again: "I really have no purpose. I really just came to shelter from the rain. I have no grievances with you, and I don't know you at all. What purpose can I have?" Now in this deserted village, There were so many of them that she couldn't run even if she wanted to.If they really tied themselves up and beat them, they wouldn't be able to resist at all.

Soon, Ruthless found the rope.Seeing Wuqing find the rope at such a fast speed, Yunqing said at once, "I'm giving you a chance, if you don't want to suffer from flesh and blood, just tell me honestly, who are you? Who sent you here, What is your purpose here?"

"Why don't you believe what I said? I really have no purpose. I just came to shelter from the rain." The woman in purple still said those two words.

There is only one thought in her mind now, it's too bad for Nima.

Master, come and save her!But no matter how she shouted in her heart, she also understood that the master didn't have time to talk to her now.Her master, he still has a lot of messy things, so he has no time to control her life and death.

"Tie her up." Yun Qing said.

"Wait!" The woman in purple opened her mouth and stretched out her hand to stop her: "If you want to kill me, kill me quickly. Why are you tied up and beaten?" She didn't want to suffer any flesh and blood at all, and she didn't want to be hurt by this The ruthless woman poked her face with a silver needle.

Yun Qing looked at the woman in purple and said coldly, "Do it."

How could the woman in purple be caught without a fight and let Wu Qing tie herself up and be beaten.As soon as the figure moved, the person had already retreated a few minutes, and suddenly, a few purple ribbons came out and attacked them. "I said, I have no purpose. If you don't believe me, then don't blame me for being rude." Even if they are crowded at the moment, she is not easy to bully.If you try your best, you won't necessarily lose.

With a movement of Wang Ziqing's figure, he picked up Feng Qingluan in the air and carried him to a safe place. He will not participate in this battle.

"Wang Ziqing, what are you doing?" Landing on the ground, Feng Qingluan glared at Wang Ziqing unhappily.

Wang Ziqing smiled, "I only care about your safety, and nothing else. Besides, she can't beat them. At most ten moves, she will definitely lose."

"I think you are fascinated by her and reluctant to do anything?" Feng Qingluan snorted, "If you don't help, I will."

Wang Ziqing held Feng Qingluan back, "Am I that kind of person? Be good, you're only going to cause trouble for Cousin Qing'er. Let's just watch here." Besides, he can tell at a glance that Qingluan He couldn't beat this purple-clothed woman at all.The martial arts of this purple-clothed woman is comparable to that of Qing'er's cousin.

Once the purple ribbon came out, it turned into a powerful weapon.And she has excellent lightness skills, with the purple ribbons all over the sky, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wuqing unexpectedly failed to please her for a while.Wuqing was hit by the ribbon and flew out.It can be seen that the woman in purple is among the three of them, and the woman in purple can still hit Ruthless. This woman's martial arts are by no means inferior to Yun Qing.

Even Yun Qing admired the woman in purple.Martial arts is really good.

However, Chu Limo and Yun Qing are not ordinary people.The woman in purple really did ten tricks in the hands of the two of them as Wang Ziqing said, and was finally hit by Chu Limo's palm.Chu Limo only used three levels of skill in this palm, and he didn't want to kill the woman in purple.

"Do you still want to fight?" If she is not an enemy, Yun Qing really wants to be friends with her.After all, this was the first time she had encountered a woman with such high martial arts in this era.Even Feng Qingluan, Bai Yue, Chu Liyou, and the deceased Su Wanyan did not have as high martial arts skills as the woman in front of them.

"There are so many of you, am I going to kill myself if I fight with you? If you want to kill me, kill me. Anyway, I'm in your hands." The woman in purple stood up from the ground, clutching her chest.This man was really ruthless in his strikes, and he almost killed her with his strikes.

(End of this chapter)

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