The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 812 4. In the deserted village, a pity fell!

Chapter 812 4. In the deserted village, a pity fell!
"If you want to kill, do it quickly." The woman in purple closed her eyes.

"Don't...don't leave me...don't go...don't leave me."

In the ruined temple, there was a sudden burst of whispering.The sound was very low, but the people present had excellent hearing, so they could still hear clearly.

There are still people in the ruined temple!

Hearing this sudden raving, the purple-clothed woman's expression tightened, and she suddenly entered the ruined temple while clutching her faintly aching chest.Seeing this, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan and Wuqing also got up from the ground and went into the ruined temple.

In the ruined temple, lay a man, but the man's face could not be seen.Because the woman in purple blocked her body in front of the man.But looking at it, this man should be injured.He has been in a coma.If not, they would have discovered that there were still people in the ruined temple just now.

"If you want to kill someone, just kill me. But please let him go. Otherwise, even if I risk my life, I will die with you." The purple-clothed woman guarded in front of the man and said.

"Don't go...don't..." The man was still raving.

But this voice seemed somewhat familiar.The man's figure was even more familiar.

"Don't go...don't leave...politely...politely..." the man yelled.

Familiar voice, familiar name.And that familiar figure.At this moment, there is still something unclear, Yun Qing and the people present dare to confirm who the injured man is.

"Big brother."

"Big cousin."

Wang Ziqing and Yun Qing spoke at the same time.

However, why did Wang Zixuan appear here and was seriously injured.Most importantly, why are you with this mysterious woman in purple?
"What did you say?" The woman in purple looked at Wang Ziqing and Yun Qing and said.She heard correctly just now, these two people were calling 'big brother and big cousin' just now, and they were calling the man behind her.

At this moment, how could Yun Qing have the heart to kill this mysterious purple-clothed woman. "Why are you with your big cousin?"

"You mean him?" The woman in purple turned around and pointed at the man lying on the ground.

When the woman in purple turned around, a familiar face was reflected in the eyes of those present.This is not Wang Zixuan, who else?
However, Wang Zixuan's body had knife wounds, sword wounds, and serious injuries from internal forces.The knife wound on his body, the sword wound is not serious, it is just some skin trauma, but the most serious thing is that he suffered from internal force.

"Brother." Wang Ziqing rushed forward.It's been a long time since I saw him, and his eldest brother has turned himself into this.Seeing that Wang Zixuan was injured like this, Feng Qingluan hurried forward and took out the wound medicine she brought with her.Wang Ziqing took the medicine and quickly healed the wounded Wang Zixuan.

"Big cousin." Yun Qing also called out.But Wang Zixuan couldn't hear their voices at all.

"Wang Zixuan." Chu Limo was also startled for a while when he saw Wang Zixuan's appearance at this moment.The youngest prime minister of Chu, Wang Zixuan who is both civil and military, was seriously injured like this?Was Wang Zixuan being chased and hacked?
" call him big brother. Who are you?" The woman in purple never thought that they would be relatives.

"How could my eldest cousin be hurt like this?" Yun Qing looked at the woman in purple and asked.

"He became what he is now to save me." The woman in purple answered truthfully.

At that time, when she was besieged by ghosts and ghosts, she thought she would be caught, but she didn't expect a person to rescue her at this time, but he himself was seriously injured and became what he is now.

She has always been a kind person.He saved herself once, she couldn't leave him alone, and she couldn't let others hurt him.So he came to this place to shelter from the rain with serious injuries.But I didn't want to meet this group of people in this place.

"Save you?" Yun Qing's tone was a little puzzled.This woman is very strong in martial arts and needs her cousin to save her?
She also knows the martial arts of big cousin.Big cousin's martial arts internal strength can be said to be higher than hers, if she has no spiritual power, she will definitely not be able to beat big cousin.However, the eldest cousin was injured like this.Just to save a strange woman?

"Yes. He saved me." The woman in purple said calmly.She doesn't need to lie about this.Indeed, this man saved her.

"Who hurt big cousin like this?" Seeing her calm face, she didn't seem to be lying.And just now she wanted to protect the big cousin with her own life, which showed one thing, she would not hurt the big cousin.

"Ghost pylorus." The woman in purple uttered three words softly.After finishing speaking, he supported the pillars in the ruined temple with his hands.

Although Chu Limo's palm only used three layers of internal energy, she had used internal energy to heal Wang Zixuan's injuries, so she could no longer hold on to Chu Limo's palm.

"Are you from the Guiyoumen?" Yun Qing had no choice but to doubt the woman in front of him.

Everything is really a coincidence.

The eldest cousin rescued the woman, and the eldest cousin was seriously injured by the ghost pylorus.The most important thing is that the place where they appear now is the northern border, and the northern border is the territory of the ghost gate.Yun Qing had to wonder whether their whereabouts had long been known by the people from the ghost pylorus.And this woman was sent by Gui Youmen to approach them on purpose?
"I'm not from the ghost pylorus." The woman in purple snorted coldly.How could she be a ghost?
It was just a coincidence that she met someone from the Ghost Pylori Sect on the road who killed her, and then made a move out of hand.Who knows, he was hated by the people from the Ghost Pylori Gate.Who knew that Guiyoumen would actually send a group of people to besiege her.She is no match for four hands.What's more, at that time, there were more than [-] people with high martial arts skills.Then, even more unlucky, she was surrounded.Then I met Wang Zixuan.Things just happened inexplicably.

"Gently...don't leave me." Wang Zixuan was still babbling and shouting.

The woman in purple turned around and glanced at Wang Zixuan, and said quietly, "He has been calling this name. Since he saved me from a serious injury, he has called this name eight hundred and three times." She didn't know what it was Such a woman, even after he was seriously injured, she still couldn't forget it.If he wasn't still shouting this name, he would have died long ago.

Those present were startled.

He looked at the woman in purple in a daze, and then at Wang Zixuan who kept talking.

The woman in purple didn't care about everyone's eyes at all, and explained lightly: "He shouted too many times, so I counted them when I felt bored." But I don't know, this inexplicable explanation has a feeling of trying to cover up.

"Wanyan..." Another raving.This name was the only thing left in Wang Zixuan's mouth.Hearing him call this name, the woman in purple clutched her chest, feeling a sudden pain.For some reason, every time she heard him call this name, her chest would always ache.Not only the chest hurts badly, but the head also hurts badly.Something seemed to be buzzing in her head.

"Shut up." The purple-clothed woman clutched her chest in severe pain. Hearing this name, she felt her head was about to explode.He angrily reprimanded Wang Zixuan who had been raving all the time.But Wang Zixuan fell into a coma, so how could he hear the angry voice of the woman in purple.

But why does her chest hurt so much?
Why does her chest hurt when she hears this name and hears him calling this name?Head hurts?
Why is it so painful?And it hurts more and more each time.

The abnormal performance of the woman in purple also confused the people present.

But judging by her abnormal behavior, could it be that in just a few days, Wang Zixuan came back from a debt of love outside?

"Young lady used her internal energy to heal elder brother and suppressed the poison in elder brother's body." Wang Ziqing withdrew his palm, just now when he used internal energy to heal Wang Zixuan, he found that there was an internal force suppressing him.And his eldest brother not only suffered internal injuries but was also poisoned.

"I just temporarily suppressed the poison in his body. His poison is incomprehensible. He will die sooner or later." The woman in purple said, "He is trying to save me. But I can't cure the poison in him."

"How is big cousin?" Yun Qing asked.

"Brother's poison has been temporarily suppressed. But... if you don't detoxify, brother won't last seven days."

"Wuqing, go find a way." Chu Limo, who had been silent all this time, ordered.At this time, I can only go out as soon as possible.If he didn't go to find the antidote, Wang Zixuan would definitely die.


Yun Qing said, "Take big cousin back first and change into clean clothes." This dilapidated temple is really dirty, and Wang Zixuan still has knife wounds on his body.

Wang Zi knew Li Mo and Li Mo helped the injured Wang Zixuan out of the ruined temple. Inside the ruined temple, the woman in purple was still clutching her aching chest.

"Sister Qing, what about her?" Feng Qingluan pointed to the woman in purple and asked.

Yun Qing stared at the woman in purple.Now she is not sure if this woman is a ghost or not.Not sure if she has any purpose.However, for the sake of her cousin saving her and she saving her cousin, she shouldn't kill her. "Girl, we are trapped here now. You have been seriously injured, we will not kill you. But I also want to warn you, I don't care who you are, no matter whether you have any purpose, you'd better not play tricks .”

The woman in purple laughed out loud.What kind of tricks can she play now.As for the woman in front of her who warned her, she might not be able to beat her.What's more, there are two men with unpredictable martial arts?She didn't want to die, so she wouldn't be so stupid?

The purple-clothed woman asked, "We're not acquainted with each other anymore. See if there's anything to eat for the sake of getting to know each other by fate in this ghost place. I haven't eaten since last night, and I'm very hungry now."

She wanted to hunt some wild game last night.Who knows, I saw them enter the village.At that time, she thought it was someone from the ghost pylorus chasing him.In desperation, he had to hide.In the morning, she came out to look for food, but their people treated her like a thief and shouted at her to kill her.Had another fight in the morning and was injured.But most of all she is hungry!Very hungry!
The corners of Yun Qing, Feng Qingluan's mouths twitched inexplicably, and they were really curious about what kind of person this purple-clothed woman was?Sometimes she is indifferent and can kill fiercely, and sometimes she looks like a weak woman pretending to be pitiful.Now it was even less than half an hour before they knew each other and asked them if they had anything to eat.

It's really interesting!

"Can I still go?" Yun Qing saw that she was seriously injured, so she asked.

"I can't. Please give me a hand." The woman in purple said.Through the veil, you can also see that she just grinned.

Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan really stepped forward to support her.The purple-clothed woman also let the two of them support her. Seeing the woman who was fighting with her just now and saying that she was going to tie herself up and beat her up, and the aggressive woman in red, the two of them came to support her again.The woman in purple still likes these two.I guess it's the eyesight?
"To be honest, the two of you have closed my eyes, let's make friends." This time, the purple-clothed woman spoke sincerely, and automatically said her name, "My name is Xiyan. Don't know what the two are called?"

"Xi Yan." Yun Qing murmured.

"Yeah. Cherish it, the color of it. The master gave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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