The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 813 5. Are you a fugitive?

Chapter 813 5. Are you a fugitive?
"I told you my name. We are friends now, you won't be so stingy and refuse to say your name, right?" After walking a few steps, seeing Yun Qing and the two without telling her name, Xi Yan spoke again.

"I think you still have the strength to speak and you don't need our help." Yun Qing let go of Xi Yan, and sneered, "We are not friends, and I will not make you a friend."

To be honest, she is not bad at this Xiyan image.However, that doesn't mean she doesn't guard against her.It was such a coincidence that she was here.

But after Su Wanyan's incident happened, she dared not make any more friends.

Maybe it's because of the fear of being cheated and betrayed by a friend?
Xi Yan curled her lips, "It's just a name, why are you being so stingy? Also, how did you know that we wouldn't be friends? I think we will become very good friends." Xi Yan also saw that Yun Qing didn't help her , with her whole body on Feng Qingluan's body, with a very familiar look, "My girl, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Feng Qingluan was a little speechless, did this Xiyan girl really think they were very familiar?
Helping Xiyan go back to the house where they stayed at the entrance of the village last night.

"Sister Qing, look at her." Feng Qingluan glanced at Xiyan, "You wait here, I'll get you something to eat."

In the back room, Wang Ziqing and Li Mo put on clean clothes for Wang Zixuan, and applied medicine to all the wounds on his body, and bandaged them up again.The people in the back room heard the voice and came out.

"Qingqing, why is she here?" Chu Limo cast a cold glance at Xi Yan who was sitting in the living room.

Xiyan looked at this man with cold eyes who wanted to kill at any time and raised her eyebrows, "You just hurt me with a palm, you, a big man, can't bully me, a weak and injured woman." Then Xiyan looked at me again. Looking at Yunqing, he shouted happily as if a new world had happened: "So your name is Qingqing! Then I will call you Qingqing from now on. Qingqing."

When Yun Qing heard Xiyan call herself 'Qingqing' so kindly, she immediately got goosebumps all over her body.She is not yet familiar with this Xiyan, not yet familiar enough to make her call Zi Qingqing affectionately.

Chu Limo's eyes flashed coldly and gave Xiyan a warning look.

Xi Yan quickly shut her mouth when she received Chu Limo's cold, cannibalistic eyes.This man knew at a glance that he was not someone to mess with.Maybe if he said one more word, this man would kill him.

At this time, Feng Qingluan and Wang Ziqing inside also came out, Feng Qingluan was still holding some food in his hand.

Seeing the food, Xiyan ignored Chu Limo's face that looked at her indifferently and wanted to kill, and also ignored the people present looking at her.Before Feng Qingluan handed her the food.She couldn't wait to pick it up herself first.

"Meatloaf, beef jerky, I haven't eaten these delicious things for a long time. Thank you!"

The corners of the mouths of those present couldn't help twitching.It's just meatloaf and beef jerky, which they bought on the road yesterday.She was so excited when she saw it?

Xiyan couldn't wait to eat the food in her hand, and just wanted to take off the veil on her face.But suddenly remembered something, turned his face away to Yun Qing, Chu Limo, Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan and others.

Seeing Xi Yan's actions, everyone felt that she was mysterious and full of curiosity about her.

"Aren't you a fugitive?" Although she felt mysterious, she was curious.But she also covered her face when she ate something, and she was excited when she saw these things just now.Feng Qingluan wondered if she was absconded and committed a crime.

Xiyan was eating the meatloaf and beef jerky in her hand.You know, she hasn't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time.Speaking of it, she also blamed her master for running away without anything.She also ran out after the harm.As a result, when she came out, she found out that she had no money on her.But you need money to eat.Without money, she couldn't live in a hotel, and she couldn't even afford a steamed bun.

Along the way, she has been sleeping in the wilderness, eating game in the woods, or going to the river to catch fish and grill them. Fortunately, it is spring and everything is recovering. She has lived in Baihua since she was a child. In the valley, when she has nothing to do, she picks flower petals to eat, or when she sees bees, she picks bee jelly to eat.A few days ago, she didn't catch any wild game, and she didn't have any fish. She was so hungry that she wanted to run to the city, but in the woods, she met people from the ghost gate bullying others, so she did what she owed.As a result, he was targeted by the people from the Ghost Pylori Gate.As for her, she really didn't pay much attention to those twenty pyloric people. She kept flattering her that if she could beat them, she would hit them, and if she couldn't beat them, she would run away.But who would have thought that Wang Zixuan suddenly appeared, and then rescued her inexplicably, and suffered injuries all over the inexplicable Wang Zixuan.As a result, she had no choice but to bring him to this deserted village.

Think about it, she wanted to go to the city because she was so hungry.The result is that the city has not yet entered, and there is nothing to eat.Fortunately, she was lucky when she ran away with the injured Wang Zixuan. She ran into a swarm of bees when she hid in the woods. She followed the bees to find the bee jelly.Otherwise, she must have starved to death.

After eating, he turned his face away. "Meatloaf and beef jerky are delicious. I haven't eaten so much in a long time. Also, I'm not a fugitive."

"Since you're not a fugitive, why are you so secretive that you're afraid that others will see your face?" Feng Qingluan curled her lips.

"I... Anyway, I'm not a fugitive. Anyone who stipulates that wearing a veil is a fugitive. I mean, I'm not the only one who wears a veil when going out in Jianghu." Xiyan glanced at the few people in the room and stopped talking .Why was she explaining to them why she was wearing a veil.What's more, she is not the only one who wears a veil when going out.

"We're not interested in whether you're a fugitive or not. You just stay put and don't play tricks."

Xiyan Yingying smiled and said: "Qingqing, don't be so serious. We are friends now anyway. And you, don't make a face. There are so many of you, what can I do with a weak woman who is injured alone pattern."

"It's you who shouted Qingqing." Chu Limo's eyes turned cold.

Xiyan was almost scared to death.It's just a name. Is it necessary to be so scary?Xi Yan looked at Yun Qing, "I don't call you Qing... Then what should I call you? You won't tell me your names, so I can't call you "Hello" right? That's so rude! I don't mind telling you my name, you won't be so stingy, right? I'm talking, it's just a name, are you afraid that I will eat you if I know your name?"

The few people ignored Xiyan, and it started to rain again outside the house, but this rain was not as heavy as last night.

"I'm introducing myself, my name is Xiyan. Cherish Xi, the color of Yan. Seeing the fate of us being trapped here at the same time, let's make friends and get to know each other. Looking at this rain, it probably won't last for a few days It won't stop, we might be stuck here for a few days. We don't even know each other, so just tell me your names. You don't need to be so stingy with just a name, right?" Xi Yan stood aside Chicking and chirping, if it wasn't for the fight with her just now, who would have thought that this girl really talks a lot, and she looks like she won't give up until the Yellow River.

It was raining non-stop outside, and Wang Zixuan was still unconscious in the back room, and they were trapped here again and couldn't get out.This Xiyan who appeared here mysteriously was chattering on the sidelines again.Not to mention how annoying it is.

"You're chattering non-stop, believe it or not, I'll cut off your tongue." Yun Qing warned coldly.

"Then tell me your names, and I'll shut up right away." Seeing that these people haven't killed herself for so long, Xiyan also knows that they won't kill people now because they didn't do anything before.As for Yun Qing's threat and warning, Xi Yan showed no fear.So, some aggressive openings.

"It seems that Miss Xiyan hasn't had enough beatings just now. Do you still want to be beaten again?" Yun Qing smiled with her lips curled up, "Sister Feng, it seems that these Miss Xiyan haven't learned their lesson yet. They need to be beaten again." Borrow your whips and use them."

Feng Qingluan took out the whip cooperatively, "Sister Qing, I'll give you the whip."

Seeing that Feng Qingluan really took out the whip, Xi Yan curled her lips, "I don't need to ask. I don't need this whip." Then she shut her mouth in a sensible manner.She was sure that if she didn't close it, this guy would tie her up and beat her up.

Not long after, Wuqing, who was looking for the way, came back drenched in the rain.From the ruthless look, it was obvious that he hadn't found a way out.

"Master, I looked around. Behind the village is a cliff with high mountains on both sides. The only road has been blocked by landslides." They were trapped in this deserted village.

"It seems that our luck is really unlucky, and we are trapped here." The prince, who had not spoken all this time, spoke lightly.But there was a hint of worry in that tone.

"Go down and change your wet clothes first." Yun Qing looked at the rain-soaked girl and ordered ruthlessly.Now they're stuck here, there's nothing else to do.Yun Qing looked at the non-stop rain outside the house, I am afraid that it will really be like what Xiyan said just now, the rain will not stop for a while, and it will probably last for a few days. "It's raining now, and the only way is blocked. If we leave the mountain in the rain, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. This mountain is very vast, and we don't know what will be inside. And the body of the big cousin is not allowed to take risks." The rain is gone. Before the rain stops, we're afraid we'll have to stay here."

Feng Qingluan: "Sister Qing, then we will be trapped here."

Yun Qing nodded, "The only thing I'm worried about right now is my cousin's poison."

Wang Zixuan's poison can only be suppressed for seven days at most, but the rain doesn't know when it will stop.Even if the rain stops.The only way is blocked.They left from the mountain. They didn't know how vast the mountain was, and they didn't know how many days they would have to walk in the mountain.Wang Zixuan's body simply couldn't last for so many days.

And when they went out, Nangong Jin only prepared wound medicine for them, but did not prepare them such precious medicine as detoxification pills.After all, Jiedu Pills are very precious. Nangong Jin spent a lot of precious medicinal materials to refine several Jiedu Pills, and some medicinal materials are rare.Therefore, the Jiedu Pill is not something that can be refined just by refining it.

If Nangong Jin is okay here, the poison in Wang Zixuan will definitely be cured.But now that Nangong Jinyuan is in Chujing, none of them can detoxify.Even Yun Qing, she can only prepare a little bit of poison, but she has not dabbled in medical detoxification.

"Qingqing, don't worry, I'm here. Wang Zixuan can last another seven days. In seven days, we can definitely leave this place." Chu Limo held Yun Qing's hand tightly and said softly.

"Wanyan...Wanyan..." Wang Zixuan's raving came from the back room.

Hearing this name, Xiyan felt uncomfortable for a while, and her heart ached slightly, it was a very strange feeling.It seemed that as long as she heard this name, her heart would ache, and it was uncontrollable for her to ache.Holding her faintly aching chest, Xiyan looked a little cold, "Who is this Wanyan who makes him shout day and night. Tell him to shut up and stop shouting, or I will kill him. "

(End of this chapter)

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