The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 814 6. I Can't Refuse Her

Chapter 814 6. I Can't Refuse Her
"Wanyan...Wanyan..." Wang Zixuan's ravings could be heard intermittently in the room.

Xiyan clutched her chest, her face turned cold, "I hate this name. Hurry up and tell him to shut up and stop shouting."

Xiyan's abnormal behavior made the people in the room startled.

Seeing Xi Yan's sudden cold appearance, Yun Qing couldn't help but start to wonder, did the eldest cousin really come back from a debt of love outside?Otherwise, why is this Xiyan so abnormal when she hears the name Wanyan.

In the back room, Wang Zixuan's intermittent voice still kept calling Wanyan's name.

For some reason, this name stabbed her heart deeply. Every time she heard him call it, she felt pain, and that kind of painful pain would penetrate deeply into her heart.

In the short few days when he was in a coma, she had heard him yell hundreds of times.Every time she heard him yell, she was in severe pain.

There were so many times, when she heard him call this name, she even thought of killing him, but every time at the end, she didn't do it.

This time, if she is given a chance, will she do it again?What's more, there are so many people here now, does she still have that chance to do it?

But this name, like a thorn, stabbed fiercely in her heart, causing her severe pain.

Suddenly, Xiyan didn't know what she was thinking at that moment, but she only had one thought in her mind at the moment, and that was to escape from this room.Leaving this room, she wouldn't have to hear that name.Clutching his aching chest, he rushed into the rain like crazy, and escaped from the house where the woman's name had been haunting.

"It's raining so hard and she ran out to get in the rain, she's crazy!" Feng Qingluan expressed that she couldn't understand Xiyan's behavior at the moment.

"It seems that he is really crazy." Wang Ziqing said lightly with a smile on his lips, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at the person who was lying on the bed in the back room and still muttering politely.

"I don't know whether it's good or bad." Yun Qing also sighed softly.

"Whether it's good or bad is something that Wang Zixuan should worry about, and we don't care about it." Chu Limo looked like he had nothing to do with himself.

"What are you all talking about? What is good or bad? And what should Wang Zixuan care about? Why didn't I understand a word." Feng Qingluan said that their words were so profound that she couldn't understand a word of them.

Wang Ziqing smiled slightly, "We don't have to worry about this matter. Just leave me alone and be responsible for me alone."

Feng Qingluan opened her mouth and glared at Wang Ziqing, "You are such a big man, you still need me to take care of it, I am responsible?"

"Of course. You are not responsible, who is responsible." Wang Ziqing answered as a matter of course.It's a pity that Feng Qingluan's EQ slowed down by half a beat and didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while.

Looking at Feng Qingluan whose EQ was half a beat behind, Yun Qing just smiled slightly and did not speak.It's just that his eyes are staring at the place where Xiyan left in the heavy rain.

"Don't worry about Qingqing, Wang Zixuan is a big man and he knows how to deal with it." Chu Limo walked behind Yun Qing and said softly, "Besides, Wang Zixuan is still unconscious, what we should do now It’s time to get out of here and find an antidote for him.”

"I know. Just looking at this Xiyan, I am a little worried that she will hurt my cousin one day."

Yun Qing had a very strong feeling that there was something constantly involved between this Xiyan and her big cousin.I just don't know, what happened on the way after the eldest cousin left Chujing, and what happened with this Xiyan girl?

And at this moment, the border of Beiyuan Kingdom was crossed westward.From Xiyue to Beiyuan Kingdom, there are more than a dozen towns to go through, including Fengcheng, and then to the border Yucheng.

After driving for half a month, they have arrived at a small village very close to Fengcheng.

It's just that the weather was not beautiful, and before the carriage entered the village, there was lightning in the sky, strong winds, and heavy rain.Although the carriage was designed to be rainproof, the wind was too strong, and the heavy rain still drifted in and wet the clothes of the people in the carriage.

"Xia Jin, find a place to shelter from the rain." Qi Rong's faint voice came from the carriage.

The people sitting in the carriage were Qi Rong and Chu Liyou.Half a month ago, Chu Liyou begged Qi Rong to take her away from the capital of Xiyue, in order to avoid Yuhen's people.Let Nongyue pretend to be her and stay in the Qi Mansion.And they came out from Yuhen's place quietly.

"Brother Qi, I got you and me in the rain again." Chu Liyou felt sorry.Ever since he was with her, Qi Rong either met Yuhen with a sword or slept with her in the wilderness in order to protect her, and now he was caught in such a heavy rain.

"What nonsense are you talking about. You didn't want to rain this time."

"Young master, there is a village ahead."

Braving the wind and rain into the village.There is an inn not far from the entrance of the village.

The inn is not very good, but it is the only place passing through Fengcheng, and it is raining heavily now.Therefore, the only inn in this village is almost full.

"Boss, come to the third room. Prepare hot water." Xia Jin spoke as soon as he entered the inn.

"Guest officer." The boss in the inn looked at the three people who came in, a girl and two big men. The boss said awkwardly, "Guest officer, there are three of you. It's just that there is only one guest room left in the small shop." .you three?"

"No problem. Just one room." Qi Rong looked at Chu Liyou who was already drenched by rain. "Boss, prepare hot water."

"Okay. The room is on the second floor next to the seat. The guest officer goes up first, and the hot water will come right away."

The second floor of the inn.

On the second floor, there are only four guest rooms.Two on the left and two on the right.

However, Chu Liyou could never think of one thing, that he would meet him in this remote and remote place.How unlucky is this?

Standing at the stairs, the two looked at each other.At that moment, time seemed to stand still.

He looked at her with indifferent eyes.

She looked at him with blank eyes.

No one spoke first, no one moved first.

"Li You." After a while, Qi Rong reminded, "Your clothes are all wet, and you will get sick if you wear them for a long time. Let's go back to the room and change."

The word 'we' made the person standing at the top of the stairs feel unexplainably uncomfortable.

"Guest officer, the hot water is ready. Shall we bring it up now?" At this time, the waiter in the inn asked again.

"Send it up." Qi Rong pulled Chu Liyou, "Go up. You should be sick after a long time."

"En." After a while, Chu Liyou replied.

Then he walked up the stairs step by step, and walked past Yuhen silently.Not a word, not a look, they acted as if they didn't know each other.

Qi Rong pushed open the door of the room, and the two walked in.At this time, the mistress in the inn brought the hot water into the room, and after finishing everything, the mistress left.

"Liyou, don't think about anything. You take a shower first and change into clean clothes. I'll go down and tell the boss to prepare meals, you must be hungry too." Qi Rong's voice was very gentle, Chu Liyou looked up at him and nodded nodded.He looked at his body, which was still dripping wet, and asked, "Brother Qi, your clothes are also wet. Then you..."

"It's okay. You wash first."

"Brother Qi, you should change your clothes first." Chu Liyou hurriedly took the clothes Xia Jin had just brought up and handed them to Qi Rong, then turned his body to the side, "Brother Qi, Change it."

Qi Rong just looked at her and smiled slightly.Did not refuse.After all, he is really in a mess right now.

"Okay. After changing your clothes, take a shower, I'll go out first." After changing his clothes, Qi Rong didn't stay long, and left the room immediately.

Qi Rong left the room, Yuhen was still standing on the stairs and did not move.That way, it seems that he is waiting for Qi Rong.

Qi Rong walked over and smiled slightly, "What a coincidence. I didn't expect my younger brother to be here."

"Bengong thought that senior brother didn't know me anymore?" Yuhen's voice was full of sarcasm and gloomy anger, especially seeing Qi Rong's clean clothes.The anger in his eyes grew even stronger.

Qi Rong didn't care, and kept his gentle smile. "Are you free for a drink?"

The two sat in the hall, and Xiao Er served the wine.

Qi Rong poured a glass of wine for the two of them, picked up the wine, and drank it without saying a word.After one glass of wine, another glass arrived.Then Qi Rong looked at Yuhen and said, "Junior brother appears here, don't tell me, you are following us."

In fact, he knew that Yuhen was not following them at all, it was just a coincidence that they met.And when he saw him appearing here, he suddenly wanted to stimulate him.

"Senior brother appears here, could it be that the senior brother is following me?" Yuhen asked back.

"Of course not. We never thought that the younger brother would appear here." Qi Rong said lightly: "If we knew that the younger brother was here, we would not stay here. The younger brother should know that Li You took you out of her heart with great difficulty. She chooses to leave Jinling City, she doesn't want to see you, and I don't want you to have any contact anymore."

"I underestimated my brother. If I'm not in Jinling City for a day, I let you run out."

Qi Rong smiled gently, and said lightly: "Hehe. Junior brother should know. Jinling City can't trap me, and it can't trap her. It's a matter of time before I leave Jinling City. It's just a waste of what Junior Brother arranged in Qi Mansion. There are too many forbidden troops. They have really worked hard." Qi Rong took another sip from his wine glass, and after finishing drinking, he continued, "Junior Brother, we did not expect to meet you here. I don't want to bother about Junior Brother appearing here. What is the reason, as for us, Junior Brother, don’t ask. Maybe we will travel together along the way, or maybe we will meet again. Can Junior Brother meet each other in the future, just like today, as strangers to each other. "

"Brother, are you begging me, or are you threatening me?"

"It doesn't matter if you ask or threaten. Beiyuan is far away, and your purpose is to find the master. If the younger brother agrees, I will not interfere with your search for the master. I just want to take Liyou to travel in the mountains and rivers. Let her Stay away from those painful disputes. Our goals are different, but the destination is the same, so please don't bother her anymore."

Qi Rong really didn't expect to meet Yuhen here.He understands Yuhen's methods, if Yuhen forcibly takes Liyou away at this moment, he is not sure that he can stop him.Who would be so unlucky to meet Yuhen when he went out.

"Traveling in mountains and rivers...hehe. Senior brother is really interested!" Yuhen's eyes turned cold.

"Jinling City is too boring. It's time to go for a walk. Besides, this is Li You's request. I can't refuse her words."

(End of this chapter)

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