The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 815 7. The Unspeakable Wound

Chapter 815 7. The Unspeakable Wound
"It seems that brother knows where the master is now?" Yuhen looked at Qi Rong with raised eyebrows.

Qi Rong smiled faintly, poured himself another glass of wine and drank it, then gently pulled his lips and said, "Master has always acted strangely, only caring about his own preferences. If Master doesn't want people to know his whereabouts, how can I You can find it. But junior brother should also know that master treats Liyou differently."

"I hope you can protect her for the rest of your life." She stood up and walked away indifferently.

Qi Rong pulled his lips lightly and smiled, "I hope I can."

Standing outside the room and knocking on the door, "Li You, are you alright?"

After a while, the door of the room opened.Chu Liyou's voice came out and spread to the next room. "Brother Qi."

"I thought you were tired from the journey, and it rained again today, so I asked the kitchen to prepare ginger soup and bring food. Eat while it's hot."

Looking at the things in Qi Rong's hand, Chu Liyou didn't have any appetite at the moment, so he said softly, "I'm not hungry."

"How can you not be hungry. You didn't eat much today. You are not hungry, but I am hungry. For the sake of brother Qi's hunger, come and eat with me." Qi Rong said: "Also, take this bowl of ginger Drink the soup."

Seeing Qi Rong's sincere smile, Chu Liyou couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded. "Ok."

The sound insulation in the hotel room is neither bad nor great.At this moment, the door next door was open again, and the voice of talking slowly spread into the next room.I don't know if it's a coincidence or bad luck, but their room is next door to Yuhen's room.If there is any movement in the next room, the people living in the next room can still hear it if they want to.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yuhen's eyes were slightly cold.After listening for a while, there was suddenly no sound in the room.Then, what Yuhen heard was the sound of closing the door.

Annoyed, Yuhen put the wine glass in his hand on the table.It's just for a meal, is it necessary to close the door?
And next door, Qi Rong showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong with you?"

"It's all right. Let's eat. After dinner, take a good rest tonight, and we will set off when the rain stops tomorrow." Qi Rong said.Chu Liyou lowered his head and did not speak.Seeing her appearance, Qi Rong said softly: "Don't worry, I will always accompany you to Beiyuan."

Afterwards, the two ate quietly.Qi Rong didn't open his mouth, but would pick up some food for her from time to time, and Chu Liyou just smiled, and then didn't say a word.For a meal, the two ate very slowly.By the time the meal was finished, it was already late.

At this time, Chu Liyou suddenly remembered something and exclaimed, "Brother Qi, you also got caught in the rain, and you changed out of your wet clothes, but if you don't take a hot bath, you will feel sick. I'll call Xiaoer to help you." Prepare hot water."

"no need."

"Why not. I'll ask Xiaoer to prepare hot water."

Before Qi Rong could speak, Chu Liyou had already opened the door and went out to give orders.Qi Rong smiled helplessly.By the time Chu Liyou came back, hot water had already been restocked in the room.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Chu Liyou lowered her eyes, "Brother Qi, I'll go out first."

It was really unlucky to say that there was only one guest room left.How will the three of them sleep peacefully tonight?
"Li You." Qi Rong called out.

"Yeah." After walking two steps, Chu Liyou turned around when he heard Qi Rong calling him, and asked, "Brother Qi, is there anything else?"

"Don't go far. I'll wash it soon."

Chu Liyou didn't understand the meaning of Qi Rong's words, but he always felt that there was something wrong with Qi Rong's words.But then I thought about it again, is it possible that I have already judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?Qi Rong treats herself like a younger sister, how could Qi Rong have any thoughts about herself?

"Brother Qi, it's okay, you wash it slowly." For some reason, Chu Liyou suddenly became nervous, and after saying that, he left the room.

These words didn't have much meaning at first, but it's not the same thing in the ears of some people.

It's just that I just left the room.Before going downstairs, she was pulled by someone, and she was pushed against the door and couldn't move.His warm and angry voice came from above his head, "Tell me, what kind of ecstasy did you give Qi Rong? It made him fascinated by you."

Smelling the faint smell coming from his body, she was very familiar with this smell, but it also made her realize what it means that life is worse than death to the point where there is nothing to think about.Now, she managed to stand up again and learn to forget him.But smelling this scent, those painful memories flooded up all at once.

"Don't talk. Why, do you have nothing to say with Bengong?" Yuhen hooked Chu Liyou's chin and raised an eyebrow, looking at her with warm and angry eyes, and she had nowhere to escape with those cold eyes.

Suddenly, Chu Liyou raised his eyes and looked at him, sneering coldly as if looking at a stranger, "What else can we talk about? His Royal Highness is not in your mansion to embrace your Crown Princess, now hug her Look at me, His Royal Highness, don't tell me, you never forget me. Your Royal Highness, you can't afford it like this, right?"

This person's embrace was still so familiar, yet it also made her feel deathly desperate and disgusted.

Yes, I saw him once.She just finds him disgusting.

She will never forget the gentle smile he once held in front of another woman in front of her.So, at this moment, he just felt disgusted in front of her.

"Can you let me go?" she asked coldly.

"Why don't you stay in Jinling City obediently? Why do you go to the mountains and rivers with Qi Rong? I allow you to live in Qi Mansion, but I don't allow you to leave Jinling City." He hooked her chin and his eyes were full of tears. Anger and desire.For him, this is really a bad and terrible thing. Seeing her, he will be full of desire.Full of desire to crush her under him. "You're really not good at all."

"Can you let me go?" Chu Liyou asked once.She just wants to escape from him now, from this place that makes her feel sick.

"I can't wait to leave because Qi Rong has washed up and is waiting for you? He told you not to go far, and will wash up soon. Tell me, how many times have you and him..." just now He heard everything the neighbor said.

Chu Liyou wanted to cry, but at the moment she couldn't shed a single tear.He sneered, "It's none of your business, Your Highness, right? Your Highness should be concerned about your Crown Princess. Excuse me, how long will you hold me, Your Highness?"

"Just wanting to leave so impatiently?" In her eyes, he no longer saw the eyes full of love that he used to have, and now there is only a void of indifference in these eyes for him.Is she really with Qi Rong already?
"Yes." She wanted to leave.Because seeing you makes me sick.

"I wish you and Qi Rong a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a precious son soon."

At the Prince's Mansion that day, Chu Liyou also said a sarcastic remark.Now, this sentence Yuhen returned to her.

Have a baby early?What an ironic sentence!
Does she still have a chance to have a child in this life?
Her whole life has been ruined in Yuhen's hands.Does she still have a chance to conceive and have children?Zheng Yuyi said that her constitution is so cold that it is not easy to conceive, and Yuhen has given her a lot of contraceptive pills, so she may not be able to conceive in her life.

But that's fine, that's fine.

"I also wish His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a precious son soon." Leaving this sentence behind, he pushed him away and left the room.Yuhen really didn't stop her.

Until he went out, the tears in his eyes could not be stopped from streaming down.

At this time, the door of Qi Rong's room also opened.When Qi Rong came out, he saw Chu Liyou's tearful eyes.This woman, seeing the jade mark, still feels heartache and pain.

Without any extra words of consolation, he just walked forward gently.Wiping away the tears on her face, he gently hugged her into his arms and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

"Brother Qi, can we go to another inn?" She was afraid that she would go crazy after staying here.

"Okay." He couldn't bear to refuse her request. "Xiajin, find another inn."

Xia Jin appeared out of nowhere, glanced at his son, and said a little embarrassedly, "Master, there is only this inn in this place." And it was already night and it was still raining.It must be impossible to hurry.

"Then find a family to live in."

"This..." Xia Jin hesitated for a moment.It's raining heavily this night, and now the young man will definitely get wet when he goes out.

The door of Yuhen's room also opened, and Yuhen, who was dressed in black clothes, also came out when he heard the sound.Looking at the woman in Qi Rong's arms with cold eyes, the voice was as cold as a cone, "Why, senior brother hurriedly left in the heavy rain, isn't it because he is afraid that I will disturb the senior brother's interest? In fact, senior brother doesn't have to be so taboo, the taste of the eldest princess of Chu, This palace will never forget it. Presumably, after you have tasted it, senior brother, you will also never forget it."

There was a crisp sound of 'pop'.A slap hit Yuhen's handsome face fiercely.A clear finger print was clearly printed on his face.It can be seen how hard Chu Liyou hit with this palm.

This slap was so unexpected.

Everyone present was stunned.But only Yuhen kept smiling coldly.His voice is even more like the magic voice of hell.He walked over gently and leaned over to Chu Liyou's ear, and said softly, "What? Turned into anger? Is what I said wrong? Your taste makes me not want to leave, and I still seduce me even now. Seeing you, Bengong still has the urge to push you under him. You said, isn't your taste unforgettable for a lifetime?"

Listening to him mocking himself every word, it was like a thorn.He stabbed every part of her body fiercely.Enduring the embarrassing pain, he didn't say anything after all.Just looked at him with a sarcastic and empty smile.

Finally, turn around and leave.

When he came to another man, he said lightly, "Brother Qi, let's go." After speaking, he pulled Qi Rong around and returned to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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