The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 816 8. I want to stay away from you, and you should also stay away from me

Chapter 816 8. I want to stay away from you, and you should also stay away from me

some deserted village.

A certain girl who ran away madly came back after being drenched in the rain for a long time.After she came back, it seemed that she was out of order and she seemed to have forgotten it.He said excitedly to Yun Qing and the others: "I have found a way out, I have found a way out."

However, she ran back out of nowhere, and after everyone glanced at her, Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing looked away again.

"Where did you find the way out?" Looking at the woman who was still dripping wet, Yun Qing frowned.She was soaked in the rain for so long, her body was completely soaked, and her exquisite body was also displayed one by one, exuding infinite temptation.Fortunately, there are no perverts here, but there are still men there.Seeing her like that, how many men can resist not committing a crime?Yun Qing frowned, "Okay, you go and change your clothes first."

Xi Yan looked at her wet clothes, and frowned, if it wasn't for that cold man who severely injured her palm, she would have been able to dry her clothes by herself.But now she has a pain in her chest when she exercises.And she just accidentally discovered a way to go out, so she forgot about the fact that she was still drenched in the rain.Naturally, she also forgot that her chest hurts when she exercises, but it is still possible to dry her clothes.But what's even more sad for her now is that she has no change of clothes at all! "I have no change of clothes."

"If you don't mind, wear mine." Yun Qing said.She is about the same height as this Xiyan, and Xiyan should be able to wear her clothes.

"I don't mind, I don't mind." Xi Yan didn't mind, but smiled happily.Xiyan didn't think too much about why Yun Qing would be so kind as to change her clothes.

Of course, Yun Qing is not afraid that some people will think something wrong when they see this picture.But what should be guarded against is still to be guarded against.As the saying goes, prevent problems before they happen.This kind of thing should be completely killed in the cradle.

"Okay, I'll take you to change clothes." After Yun Qing finished speaking, he took another look at Chu Limo who was indifferent.

Upon receiving Yun Qing's gaze, the corner of Chu Limo's mouth twitched.He felt that he was inexplicably lying on the gun.It was Wang Ziqing who laughed at Chu Limo when Yun Qing and Xi Yan went back to the back room on the right to change their clothes.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Feng Qingluan on the side glared at Wang Ziqing.It's not that she didn't see Xiyan's appearance just now, let alone a man, even a woman would be seduced and commit a crime when she saw Xiyan's appearance just now.

Being stared at by his own wife, Wang Ziqing couldn't help but laugh.He was obviously making fun of Chu Limo, so why did he set fire to himself?

Chu Limo glanced at Wang Ziqing, and said lightly, "You deserve it!"

back room.Yun Qing saw that she was wearing a purple dress, and thought she must love purple very much.However, in the years since I was with Chu Limo, many of her clothes have been replaced by Chu Limo with dusty white. What that guy means is that they have to wear the same clothes, and others will know that they are the same. couple.So she has seldom worn clothes of other colors these years.

Passed a set of white clothes to Xiyan. "Put it on."

Xiyan took a look at the white clothes, but she didn't really mind what color clothes she wore.However, the suit Yun Qing gave her did not have a veil.This made her a little embarrassed.

"Don't you like this suit?" Seeing that she hadn't taken the clothes in her hand, Yun Qing asked.

"No. I don't dislike it, but can you give me a white veil. My face..." At this point, Xi Yan paused.

Xi Yan's words made Yun Qing feel a little doubt in his heart, could it be that she has been covering her face, or is it because of the injury on her face that others see it?If so, it would also explain her turning her back to them while eating this morning.

Come to think of it, no matter in that era, there is no woman who does not love beauty.There is no woman who can bear the scars on her face and let others see and talk about it.

Thinking about it this way, Yun Qing felt a little sympathetic to this Xiyan girl.

"You wait, I'll get it for you."

Soon, Yun Qing took out the same veil as the white suit from the bag and gave it to Xi Yan.Looking at her still wet clothes, through the wet veil, Yun Qing vaguely looked at her, and she looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere.Looking at her somewhat familiar appearance, and looking at her embarrassment at the moment, after all, Yun Qing, a woman, found that he had moved a little compassion for her.This is a deserted village, and it is difficult to take a hot bath.She was exposed to the heavy rain, just hoping that she would not be so unlucky and sick.

Yun Qing spoke, although his tone was still a bit cold, but at least he was not as indifferent as when he met her just now, "There is no hot water for you to take a bath, you'd better not get sick. We won't take care of you. Change your clothes quickly .”

Hearing Yun Qing's indifferent words with a hint of concern, Xiyan grinned, "I'm not that unlucky. Don't worry, if I really get sick, I will never cause you any trouble."

Yun Qing ignored her and left the room instead.

When he came to the living room, Yun Qing noticed that the expressions of several people were a little strange.Feng Qingluan turned her face away angrily, while Wang Ziqing put on a flattering look.As for Chu Limo, he sat aside and watched the two of them quietly.

"What's the situation with you guys?"

Chu Limo just pursed his lips and smiled lightly, as if I didn't know anything.

Seeing Yun Qing coming out, Feng Qingluan ignored Wang Ziqing's flattery, walked up to Yun Qing, pulled Yun Qing and said, "Sister Qing, why have you been in for so long? Did she tell you where the way out is? ?”

Yun Qing shook her head, "She didn't say anything."

"Is she cheating? She looks like she's cheating." Speaking, Feng Qingluan gave Wang Ziqing a hard look.Wang Ziqing felt that he was lying on the gun again for no reason.Maybe Feng Qingluan didn't realize that her tone was full of hostility towards this Xiyan girl.

"I never lie."

At this time, Xiyan, who had already changed her clothes, came out.Dressed in a white shirt, she has a fresh and refined demeanor.Compared with the full of charm and mystery when she was wearing purple.She wore the purple clothes with a charming, charming and glamorous look, and she wore the white clothes with a fresh and refined temperament.

At this moment, she put down her already wet hair. The hair fell down to her waist to match her white dress. Her face was still wearing a white veil. Under the candlelight, she looked so mysterious, as if she was not Be careful like a fairy that fell into the world, it is so beautiful.

I don't know what kind of beautiful face is hidden under the white veil?
This scene stunned Feng Qingluan.I saw Feng Qingluan opened her mouth wide, staring blankly at the woman who came out of it.

Even Yun Qing was surprised when she saw her attire.Although she admits that her face is stunning and beautiful enough.But she has long been used to seeing her own face.Seeing Xiyan's attire now, before seeing her face, was enough to surprise her.One can imagine, what kind of stunning face is hidden under that veil?

"I never lie. I found a small road on the edge of the cliff at the back of the village. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone to go and see if what I said is true." Xiyan said that she was very hurt. It's really not a lie.

Although she was instantly amazed by the beauty, Yun Qing was not unable to extricate herself.What's more, she has seen many beauties, and those around her are all beauties.

"I believe you won't lie." There was no need for her to tell a lie.As Xiyan said, as long as someone goes to see if there is a path on the cliff at the back of the mountain.

"Qingqing, I knew you believed me." Xiyan grinned, then touched her hungry, growling stomach, and sat down with no image at all, without any appearance that a lady should have.

Of course, the two girls present didn't look like mature women either.

Xiyan said with a wicked face again, "Qingqing, you don't know, I was hungry for a long time in the back mountain today, and I saw a snake, and almost didn't eat it. Qingqing, I'm so hungry, can you Give me the meatloaf from this morning." He swallowed as he spoke, looking very hungry.

"Ruthless." Yun Qing shouted. "Is there anything else to eat?"

They didn't know that they would be trapped in this deserted village, and they didn't have much dry food with them, and Yun Qing didn't know if there were any meatloaf left.

Ruthless looked at the injured Wang Zixuan in the room on the left and heard Wang Hao's words.Hastily came out and replied, "Return to madam, our dry food is gone."

"No way? Why am I so unlucky. Why don't you wait for me for dinner. At least you should leave some for me." Xiyan had a bitter face, a foodie-like expression.

"You ran out in the morning and came back at night. You won't be out in the rain all day, right? What do you eat at noon?" Looking at her is also very pitiful, it seems that she has been drenched in the rain all day, Feng Qingluan His tone was not as hostile as before.

"I didn't eat anything. Woohoo, why am I so unlucky? You didn't wait for me to eat."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched inexplicably.

Then, I saw Xiyan took out something from the purple bag hanging on her body, it was a snake.A little purple snake all over.I saw the thief who Xi Yan smiled was gloomy and gloomy, and he also showed a strange and evil smile.Then he said aggrievedly, "Little baby, I don't want to eat yours either. But, I'm really hungry. Just bear with me. Don't worry, I'll strike quickly, and you won't feel any pain."

Seeing the little purple snake she took out, the people present were a little surprised.But also not afraid.But Feng Qingluan, seeing the snake, shuddered inexplicably.She doesn't like cold-blooded animals like snakes.

Yun Qing swears that the Xi Yan who surprised her just now must be a hallucination.How could that refined woman just now have anything to do with the woman in front of her.This is obviously a cruel and weird woman.Fight with what she has.It can be said that it is almost exactly the same as her previous personality.

" don't want to eat it, do you?" Feng Qingluan felt goosebumps all over her body.He looked at the little purple snake in Xiyan's hand with trepidation in his heart.

"Too hungry." Xiyan stared at the little snake in her hand and swallowed.

How could she have thought at this moment that her appearance was really quite attractive.Feng Qingluan was really scared.

"Ouch..." Looking at the little purple snake, thinking about how Xiyan ate it bloody, Feng Qingluan's stomach churned. "I want to stay away from you, and you stay away from me."

"No way? Don't tell me that you are afraid of snakes."

It's not that Feng Qingluan is afraid of snakes. Speaking of which, she has killed many snakes.She even hates cold-blooded animals like snakes.It's just that seeing Xi Yan's weird and evil smile just now and saying that she was going to eat the snake just felt a little inexplicable.

"Qingluan." Wang Ziqing didn't expect his daughter-in-law to look like this, and hurriedly stepped forward to pat Feng Qingluan on the back.The cold gaze gave Xi Yan another cold glance as a warning, but Xi Yan consciously closed her mouth and stopped speaking.Wang Ziqing was also afraid that his daughter-in-law would not know what reaction she would have after seeing too much of the snake, so she said softly, "Let's go back to the room."

"You're very smart. If you use it to scare Sister Feng, won't you be afraid of your second cousin?" Yun Qing originally had a little compassion for her.But what she did just now made Yun Qing understand that this woman is not what she appears to be.She is smart, vicious, and innocent at the same time.

"Just kidding her. Who made her look full of hostility towards me... no, full of sour jealousy. And ah! This girl never lies, I really didn't lie. And this girl's eyes are so Don't be blind, that man is just like the man next to you, indifferent and ruthless. I dare not provoke you." Xi Yan looked at Chu Limo curling her lips, and quickly looked away.The man just now is the same as the man now.She will not provoke the two of them even if she is full.Seeing the little purple snake in her hand, Xiyan said bitterly, "And I'm really hungry. I really want to eat it. It's just that she is afraid of snakes."

"You don't know that the snake in your hand is poisonous, do you?" Yun Qing would not believe that this Xiyan would really eat a poisonous snake all over her body.Unless this Xiyan wants to die.

"It's embarrassing to me. If it's not poisonous, I should have eaten it when I saw it at noon." Saying that, Xi Yan felt like she was going to faint from hunger. "Qingqing, do you really have nothing to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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