The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 817 9. Stop being jealous, I only have you in my heart

Chapter 817 9. Stop being jealous, I only have you in my heart

"It's still early, if you are really hungry, go out and see if you can catch a prey." Yun Qing reminded, then glanced at the little purple snake in her hand to remind, "If you don't want your precious snake that you have raised for many years to die unexpectedly, then don't take it out and shake it. I can't guarantee that I will peel its skin for you next time."

Xiyan choked suddenly.Looking at Yun Qing curiously about the baby's appearance, "How do you know that this snake is raised by me?"

Yun Qing glanced at her and said coldly: "I'm not an idiot, I have eyes and can see."

From the moment she took out the little snake, she saw that the little snake was very docile in Xiyan's hands.You know, it is a poisonous snake, but it is so docile in Xi Yan's hands.Xiyan also called it a baby and kept saying that she wanted to eat it, but she didn't do it for a long time.Then there is only one explanation, she has kept this snake for many years.

"Aren't you afraid of it at all? It's very fierce." After being told, Xi Yan didn't hide it anymore.On the contrary, she was surprised that Yun Qing was not afraid of her snake at all.You know, the snake in her hand is very poisonous and fierce.It was the snake that contained the venom in the silver needles she had shot at them that morning.

Yun Qing gave her a white look, and just now praised her for being smart.Why does she feel that she is quite an idiot now?Her snake master is here, and this snake will not bite people without her order.

Besides, if the snake was really about to bite, how could she be afraid of a snake?

"Miss Xiyan, I know you are skilled in poisoning. You must also be skilled in medicine. Is there really nothing you can do about your cousin's poisoning?" This is why Yun Qing didn't do anything to her.From the time she shot them at Pomiao Xiyan, she knew that this woman had superb poison skills.Now among their group of people, she is the only one who can save big cousin.

"I don't know what kind of poison the ghost ghost gave him. Now I can't find the antidote in this deserted village. I have a way to detoxify, but the risk is relatively high. Moreover, I have internal injuries on my body now, and I can't move at all. Detoxify him."

"You mean to fight poison with poison." Yun Qing looked at Xi Yan with raised eyebrows.

"Well. It's to fight poison with poison. But this method is risky. I can't guarantee that he will be poisoned to death by another poison without removing the poison. Moreover, this method needs to cooperate with the unique kung fu taught by my master. I can't do anything right now."

"You want us to heal your internal injuries with luck." Chu Limo, who had been silent all this time, sneered.

Xiyan curled her lips, and took a look at Chu Limo, "I dare not ask you, my uncle, to heal my wounds." The internal injuries on her body were injured by this old man.How dare she let him heal her wounds.Her head was not squeezed by the door again.

"I healed your wounds. You cured the poison on your eldest cousin. I know that you don't have to use poison to fight poison. You also have other methods." Yun Qing stared at Xi Yan.

Xi Yan felt a little numb when she was stared at by Yun Qing.This woman is really smart.How could she be so sure that besides fighting poison with poison, she had other ways to detoxify?

"Qingqing." Chu Limo shouted.

"I have to save big cousin. Big cousin is poisoned now and will be in danger at any time." Yun Qing looked at Xi Yan again, "How about it, I will heal your wounds and you detoxify, are you willing?"

"Although I really want my internal injury to heal quickly. However, my internal injury is not serious, and it will heal itself after a few days of cultivation. I really don't need to trouble you to heal my injury. As for the one lying inside He will not be in danger for the time being. When I leave this deserted village tomorrow, I believe that with your great powers, you will be able to detoxify him." Xi Yan put the little purple snake back into her pocket, and looked outside again God, grinned, "The rain has stopped, I will go out to see if there is anything to eat so I won't bother you."

"Qingqing, you believe her." Chu Limo looked at the direction Xiyan left with a chill in his eyes.This woman's origin was unknown, and he had to guard against her strange thoughts.

"Except for her, no one here can detoxify the poison on Big Cousin. I can only gamble." She is only half sure of this bet, but Big Cousin can't procrastinate any longer.Even if there is a path that can go out, who can guarantee that nothing will happen on the road?Who can guarantee that there is no danger on this path that can go out?

Chu Limo just quietly looked at the sky outside and remained silent.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qing immediately felt inexplicable jealousy, "Everyone has gone far away. You haven't seen enough. Did this girl take away your soul? Do you think she is very My shadow back then? Even more attractive to you than me back then?"

The corners of Chu Limo's mouth twitched slightly, was he clearly jealous?I don't know if he was so happy to see Yun Qing jealous, so he pulled his lips and smiled softly.

It was just Chu Limo's smile that made Yun Qing even more annoyed. "You men are not good things. When you see a beautiful woman, you have a turbulent look and can't control your face. She is more poisonous than me, so you are not afraid that she will feed you poison and kill you."

"Qingqing, how could I?"

"Who knows if you will. Didn't you almost drop your eyeballs when you looked at the girl just now? Chu Limo, have you fallen in love with the girl? Are you thinking of taking the girl?"


"Don't call me by my name. I don't think you men have any good things." Yun Qing didn't want to be angry, and he didn't want to be jealous of this kind of inexplicable.However, when Xiyan came out just now, both Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing looked straight.At that time, she kept holding back and said nothing.But just now, Chu Limo was still staring at the direction Xiyan left.This inexplicable jealousy was elicited and exploded.

Hearing Yun Qing swearing in the back room, as a subordinate, Wu Qing wanted to cover his ears so that he could not hear or see anything.The prince has angered the princess again!
With a 'snap', Yun Qing pushed open the door of the room on the right, and said to the person inside who was still angry, "Go out and watch the night with him tonight, Sister Feng and I will sleep here."

Wang Ziqing felt that his cousin must not be messed with now, otherwise he would have to lie down again later.

Since my cousin is now a tigress that cannot be messed with, his daughter-in-law is another tigress.Now these two tigresses can't be messed with.Wang Ziqing gave up the room consciously.

"Sister Feng, is your stomach still uncomfortable?"

"It's much better. Sister Qing, you just..." Feng Qingluan couldn't even ignore the voice outside just now.

"Their men just eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. How can there be such a good thing in the world. Since their men can't resist a little bit of temptation, it's worth noting such a man." Yun Qing deliberately said towards the door Loudly, "Sister Feng, if Second Cousin dares to bully you, we don't want these stinky men anymore. They think they are something special."

The corners of Feng Qingluan's mouth twitched slightly and looked at Yun Qing.Could it be that sister Qing was stimulated just now?But sister Qing is right, if their men already have a wife and still think about other women outside, such a man is fine. "Sister Qing, what you said is so true, I support you."

The two in the living room were not calm anymore.

Especially Chu Limo, whose face was almost too dark to be dark anymore.Qingqing was really angry this time.

He and Qingqing need to have a good chat.

The door was kicked open.Chu Limo stood at the door with a dark face, "Qingqing, we need to talk."

"Qingluan, I also have something to tell you."

"I have nothing to say to you." The two said in unison.

Ruthless in the next room can't wait to cover his ears.With this posture, you guys shouldn't fight, right?

"Wang Ziqing, take your wife and leave." Chu Limo was very unhappy.A face is already too heavy to sink anymore.

"I have nothing to say to you. Sister Feng and I are going to bed, you go out." Yun Qing doesn't want to discuss with Chu Limo now, she is afraid that she will lose control and beat him later.Who made Chu Limo, a bastard, stare at Xiyan so intently, it's as if his soul has been taken away.Just thinking about it makes her angry.

"It's a coincidence that I want to sleep too. We sleep together, and it's good to lie down and talk." Then, not only Yun Qing hadn't reacted yet, but Feng Qingluan hadn't reacted either.He had already been kicked out of the room, but unfortunately, he fell on Wang Ziqing's body.And the door of the room was closed.

"Chu Limo, if Qingluan falls and hurts, I will never end with you." Wang Ziqing stood at the door and cursed loudly, and even hugged Feng Qingluan tightly. Fortunately, his Qingluan did not fall down.

"Okay, let me go." After Feng Qingluan finished speaking, she ignored Wang Ziqing and went to sit in the living room.That means, obviously he doesn't want to deal with Wang Ziqing.

"Qingluan, we also need to have a good chat. This place is not convenient, let's go out and talk." The room has been occupied by Chu Limo and Yun Qing.Qingluan obviously didn't want to talk to herself.But my daughter-in-law must be coaxed and explained clearly.

"I don't want it." Feng Qingluan refused.

"Hey, don't lose your temper." Wang Ziqing coaxed softly.Seeing that the rain had stopped outside, she took Feng Qingluan and left.

In the room, there was no sound.Chu Limo ignored even Wang Ziqing's scolding.And Yun Qing was pushed against the door by Chu Limo.Someone gave a domineering kiss.That appearance seemed to swallow Yun Qing into his stomach.

"Well... let me go."

"Don't bark. They're still outside, and Qingqing doesn't want them to know what we're doing." After someone finished speaking, they continued to kiss.

This man is simply a rogue.

After a long time, Yun Qing was so kissed by him that she almost couldn't breathe.Someone reluctantly let her go.

"Qingqing, don't be jealous. You know, I only have you in my heart. Apart from you, no matter how many women there are in the world, I can't get into my eyes. In my heart, I only have you in my eyes."

"Since I'm the only one in my heart, why did you stare at other girls just now. You couldn't take your eyes off it. Do you think I'm blind?" Yun Qing pursed her lips unhappily.

"I did not see."

"I've seen you watch it. How dare you say you didn't watch it."

"Qingqing, I really didn't watch it."

"I'm not blind. I can see clearly. You just stared at her for a long time." Thinking of this, Yun Qing became angry.This was the first time that Chu Limo watched a woman other than her for so long.

"Then I know I was wrong. I swear I won't watch it again. Can Qingqing forgive me?" Chu Limo felt wronged, but thinking that Qingqing was really angry now.Thinking that before they came to the north, the two had quarreled about some things.Qingqing also made a scene about running away from home.Regardless of whether I was wrong or not, I apologize first.

"Then are you really interested in Xi Yan?" Hearing his apology, Yun Qing was instantly confused.He admitted that he was wrong, and that he had watched Xi Yan for a long time.Did he also admit that he has a good impression of his Xiyan?

This phenomenon made Yun Qing feel an inexplicable fire in his heart.The man who thought about himself was actually interested in another woman.I was so annoyed that I wanted to kill someone.


Chu Limo found himself feeling powerless to explain.I found that the more I explained, the more I got into a dead end.

Since Qingqing doesn't believe in herself, then don't explain it at all.It's better to be direct with actions.

"Qingqing, I want you. I only want you. No matter when, I only want you."

"What are you doing? Chu Limo, where do you dare to mess around here now?" Yun Qing didn't dare to shout, and lowered his voice.

But Chu Limo didn't pay attention to Yun Qing's words, and his movements didn't stop.

This man is a pervert, a pervert who can be in heat at any time.

"Qingqing, don't scream so loudly. I can only hear your voice." Someone said shamelessly.


Yun Qing had never felt so bold before.There were still people outside, so he actually asked for it like this.Isn't he afraid of people from outside suddenly breaking in and doing bad things?
"Qingqing, I only have you in my heart."

Yun Qing turned away her face, lowered her voice to prevent herself from screaming, and said softly, "If I believed you when I did this kind of thing, I would be a fool."

It's said that a man can't be trusted in bed.If she believed it at this time, her head would be squeezed by the door.

"Are you alright, can you let me go? They should break in later." Yun Qing glared at the man who was pressing down on her displeasedly.

"They won't be so blind. Let's go on."

(End of this chapter)

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