The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 818 10. Pit a Rabbit

Chapter 818 10. Pit a Rabbit

By the time it was over, about an hour had passed.If it wasn't for the fact that there were still people in the room, Yun Qing was sure that this bastard would not let her go so easily.

It's just that during this period, no one came over to disturb them without understanding.

Yun Qing was curious, how could this guy be so sure that no one from outside would break in.Having said that, even if he knew that Prince Qingfeng and Qingluan would not barge in, what about Xiyan?That's an unknown.The behavior of that woman can be said to be crazy.If someone breaks in, do you still want her face?

It's just strange to say that Xiyan went out to find something to eat.It has been more than an hour since I went out.He hasn't come back yet.Where did she go to find food this late at night?

After finishing, someone carefully dressed Yun Qing and held him in his arms. "Qingqing, you always make me want you uncontrollably."

"Because you are a beast. A beast that can go into heat at any time." Yun Qing pouted unhappily.

But she was married to a beast that was ready to heat at any time.

Chu Limo frowned, and then asked gently: "Qingqing means that I haven't fed you enough? If Qingqing hasn't fed you enough, we can do it a few more times until Qingqing is satisfied. "

Yun Qing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.What did he think, he turned black and white and said it was true, yes, he is the one who is obviously not fed, okay?
"Get out of here quickly. Get out as far as you can." Yun Qing held back a smoldering sigh.

"I don't want to fuck. But I'm willing to have sex with Qingqing." Someone continued shamelessly.

In the end, Yun Qing couldn't hold back, and directly kicked Chu Limo off the bed.After kicking, he gave someone a hard look.

"Qingqing, you are so cruel." A certain person accuses Yunqing with a peerless face.This girl is really cruel, isn't she afraid of hurting him?Really kicked him down.

"I'm showing mercy by not kicking you somewhere." Yun Qing had a dark face, annoyed and funny.

"Qingqing, what will happen to your future happiness after kicking?" Chu Limo said quietly, "Qingqing, my butt hurts."

Yun Qing watched him touch her butt angrily and amusedly.Know your ass hurts now? "Do you know what's wrong? Will you still look at other women in the future?"

"Well. I know I'm wrong. But Qingqing, I definitely didn't look at other women too much. Qingqing, you believe me."

"I believe in my own eyes, so I don't believe in you. I don't have such bad eyesight. If you were really a scumbag, I would have killed you long ago."

Yun Qing's anger and jealousy have long since subsided by half.In fact, Yun Qing is not worried that Chu Limo will really fall in love with Xi Yan or any other woman.If it was true that Chu Limo would fall in love with other women so easily, she would not have married him and chose to be with him back then.It's just that women love to be jealous.Like to eat some inexplicable vinegar.She admitted that the moment Xiyan appeared stunningly in white clothes, even she was fascinated.But Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing just took a look and then looked away.

Then, Xi Yan's actions to eat snakes caused Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing to look at her again, but they just felt that this woman was different from ordinary people, and they must have thought that this woman was a lunatic at the time.Of course she could tell the difference. At that time, there was no obsession or admiration in the eyes of the two of them.If Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing had shown other expressions at that time, she would have turned her back on the spot and killed Xiyan, the scourge.Whether you say she is cruel or jealous, no woman wants to see her man look at other women.


"I admit that I'm jealous. Because Xiyan has a shadow of me back then, and her every move resembles me back then. And you took another look at her, so I'm jealous."

"Silly Qingqing, you are unique in my heart. No matter whether she resembles you back then, she is not you. There is only one Qingqing. The one I love is the Qingqing in front of me." Chu Limo Getting up from the ground, regardless of the pain in his butt, he hugged a jealous woman tightly in his arms.

"It's only natural for that woman to be jealous. Don't you often like to be jealous for no reason." Yun Qing's overbearing and natural answer.Leaning into his arms, he asked softly, "Does your butt still hurt?"

"It hurts. But Qingqing is right. If I look at other women more and dare to make Qingqing jealous, you can just kick me or beat me. I swear, such things will never happen in the future." Alright." Although he would feel a sense of happiness seeing Qingqing being jealous, but Qingqing's jealousy is simply terrific.It's better not to have such a thing happen.

"It deserves it. Who told you to bully me."

"Are you still angry?"

"You really want me to be angry. Do you hope that you will be happy when I piss myself off?" Yun Qing replied angrily.

"How? How can I be willing."

"I think you are willing to do so." Pouted, looking at him, Yun Qing said again, "Okay, you go out and see how big cousin is doing."

"Look Wuqing, Wang Ziqing is still outside, Wang Zixuan will be fine. I'll sleep with Qingqing for a while." Knowing that she was tired, Chu Limo just hugged her and didn't think about staying with her. Why are you making a fuss.

"Go out and take a look first, otherwise I won't worry." Seeing that Chu Limo was unmoved, Yun Qing made an angry look again, "If you don't go, you won't be able to sleep in my bed anymore."

If she didn't feel that her waist was about to break and her legs were about to break, she wouldn't have told him to go out and see.Moreover, now that I go out in this appearance, don't everyone know what she has just experienced?She is not stupid, going out at this time is completely a joke to some people outside.

Sure enough, this sentence is more effective than any other words.

After Chu Limo left the room, Yun Qing lay down.She was really exhausted.

It was getting late, and the wind began to continue outside again, thunder and lightning started, and not long after, another heavy rain poured down.

When they came to the living room, Prince Qingfeng and Qingluan were there.Compared with Feng Qingluan who was still angry before, Wang Ziqing seemed to have coaxed his daughter-in-law well. As for the method used, only they knew.Chu Limo glanced at the two of them, then looked away, and then went to the room to look at Wang Zixuan.Wang Zixuan was still the same, unconscious.

"It's raining heavily." Braving the wind and rain, Xi Yan suddenly appeared from nowhere.Not only did the person appear, but he also carried a rabbit in his hand.And her dusty white clothes are no longer white at this moment, they are completely dirty and ugly, as if she came out of the mud.

At this moment when Xi Yan appeared, Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing didn't even give her a look, nor did they even look at her.Completely ignored her as a breath of air.Chu Limo even went back to the room directly, as if he felt disgusted to be in the same room with this Xiyan.And Wang Ziqing went to the room where Wang Zixuan slept.

Xiyan didn't care about the ignoring gazes of these two cold men.If the two of them really care too much about themselves.Only then did Xiyan feel that she was not far from death.

"I caught a rabbit, Qingluan, do you want a roasted rabbit or a stir-fried rabbit?" Xiyan drooled while holding the rabbit in her hand, then looked at Feng Qingluan and asked.Scanning the room, she found that Yun Qing was not there, so Xiyan said again, "Why isn't Qingqing here? You can't go to bed so early, right?"

"You can eat by yourself." Feng Qingluan replied, but did not answer her question whether Yun Qing is sleeping now.Xi Yan didn't ask Yun Qing about sleeping.Feng Qingluan was even more puzzled, how did she know her name?She didn't tell her her name. "How do you know my name?"

At that time, Wang Ziqing called Qingluan's name in the room, although Wang Ziqing's voice was very low at that time, but Xiyan was there and heard it.

Xiyan saw the doubt in Feng Qingluan's eyes, saw her asking herself, and explained: "I heard him call your name. Your name is really nice. Qingluan, Qingluan." Xiyan took the rabbit in her hand, She has always had good food and doesn't mind everyone enjoying it together. "Qingluan, how do you want to eat it?"

"You can eat what you want. I won't eat it."

Seeing that she was determined not to eat, Xiyan didn't force her anymore.Holding the rabbit in his hand, he walked towards the back kitchen. While walking, he looked at the resisting rabbit in his hand and drooled, "Be good, let this girl roast you."

However, Xi Yan just took two steps.Feng Qingluan's faint voice came from behind, "Such a cute little rabbit, it's too pitiful to be roasted and eaten."

Xiyan's footsteps stopped immediately.Turning around, she looked at Feng Qingluan swallowing her saliva hungry, with a very pitiful look, "It's very cute, but if I don't eat it, I'm going to faint from hunger."

Feng Qingluan raised her eyebrows and glanced at Xiyan, "I didn't say I wouldn't let you eat it."

Xiyan's footsteps did not move, because what Feng Qingluan said just now made her feel a little bit reluctant to eat this rabbit.Although she is really hungry now, she really wants to eat this rabbit.But now she can't say it anymore.In fact, the main reason is because of Feng Qingluan's words.Because she really wanted to make two friends, Yunqing and Feng Qingluan.

Seeing that she didn't make any further moves, Feng Qingluan put her arms around her and looked at Xiyan and raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Aren't you blind from hunger? Why don't you roast your rabbit and eat it?"

"Qingluan, you like this rabbit very much, don't you? Then I'll give her to you."

"Are you not hungry?" Feng Qingluan never thought that Xiyan would want to give this rabbit to herself.

Xiyan patted her chest, and grinned, "I think it's worth it to take a rabbit to make friends with you, Qingluan. I'm talking about it, this girl is strong in martial arts, and it doesn't matter if she has internal strength to protect her body and eat hungry." .”

Then, with suspicious saliva on the corner of Xiyan's mouth, she reluctantly gave the rabbit to Feng Qingluan.Not to mention how funny she looked.

Seeing her like that, Feng Qingluan couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth slightly.

Obviously she was so hungry that she wanted to eat this rabbit, but because of her words, she wanted to give the rabbit to her.

This Xi Yan is really a wonderful thing.

The so-called reciprocity.

She gave herself a rabbit, and she couldn't take it for nothing.Naturally, I have to give her something in return. "I still have some snacks in my luggage, so I'll exchange these snacks with you for this rabbit."

"What?" Hearing food.Xiyan stared at her eyes, and suddenly said with aggrieved mouth, "You still have snacks in your bag, why didn't you just say that, I went out to catch rabbits, look at the dirt on my body, this dress is clean Qing gave it to me, and now I'm getting it dirty."

When Yun Qing gave her this set of clothes, Yun Qing gave Xi Yan this set of clothes that she had never worn before.Xi Yan was so happy when she heard Yun Qing say that she had given it to her.This is the first time she has received a gift.

The corners of Feng Qingluan's mouth twitched even more, she frowned and said, "You didn't ask me if I had anything to eat."

Forehead!Xiyan choked suddenly.After thinking about it, it seemed that she only asked Yun Qing if he had anything to eat.

Looking at her with an incomparably deep expression, Xiyan touched her hungry stomach, "Qingluan, go and get some snacks."

Feng Qingluan came to the room with the rabbit in her arms, and threw the rabbit to Wang Ziqing, "Look at it carefully, don't let it run away." After finishing speaking, she took some snacks from her bag and went out again.

The corner of Wang Ziqing's mouth twitched inexplicably, looking at the rabbit in his arms.His family's Qingluan actually wanted to roast this rabbit, right?That's why this rabbit was pitted.

(End of this chapter)

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