The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 819 11. I have my pride, so I won't go here!

Chapter 819 11. I have my pride, and I can't go back now!

There was constant thunder and lightning outside, the strong wind made the trees outside rattling, and the rain kept falling.This heavy rain seems to wash away all the filth in people's hearts.

"Boom..." There was another burst of lightning.

"No...don't...don't..." the woman on the bed whimpered.

Her raving and the sound of lightning also woke up the man sleeping on the ground.

"No...don't..." In her sleep, she kept crying no.I don't know what kind of nightmare it was.

Thinking about it, her nightmare had nothing to do with Yuhen other than that.

"Li You." Qi Rong sat on the edge of the bed, and gently wiped away the tears and sweat from her face.

"Ah... don't..." I don't know what terrible thing she dreamed about. A scream resounded throughout the inn, and Chu Liyou also woke up from the nightmare.

"Li You, don't be afraid." Qi Rong comforted gently.

Seeing Qi Rong, he remembered the nightmare just now.Chu Liyou couldn't stop the tears of grief, she threw herself into Qi Rong's arms, and cried loudly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's just a nightmare, everything is over." Qi Rong gently patted Chu Liyou's shoulder to express his comfort.

The person in his arms cried even harder.

"Touch!" There was another muffled sound.The door of the room was kicked open.

Yuhen was standing at the door, seeing Chu Liyou crying in Qi Rong's arms, anger flashed in his eyes. "What did you do to her?"

The sound of kicking the door and questioning also startled Chu Liyou in the room.On the contrary, Qi Rong's face was calm and unruffled.

"What did you do to her?" asked another cold question.

In the next room, he could hear the woman crying 'no' all the time.At that time, there was only one thought in my mind, that they shared a room.Did Qi Rong use force on her?
After kicking the door open, seeing her crying in his arms, he even wondered if Qi Rong did something just now?
He doesn't believe Qi Rong.I don't believe that Qi Rong has no feelings for this woman.I don't believe that they are in the same room, Qi Rong will be able to control it.

The appearance of Yuhen made Chu Liyou dumbfounded.

There were lightning, gusts of wind, and heavy rain outside, but at this moment, nothing could compare to the cold, bone-chilling anger in Yuhen's eyes.

"Do you think I've disturbed the two of you?" Yuhen looked at the woman who had been crying in Qi Rong's arms, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth.

At that moment, there was a burning anger in his chest.There is only one thought in her mind, tearing her apart.Tear them apart violently.

"Brother Qi...I don't want to see him." Hiding in Qi Rong's arms, his body was still trembling, Chu Li spoke in a worried voice, but he didn't dare to look up at Yuhen.

She had just dreamed again.Dreaming of the exact same scene in Fengcheng, Yuhen pierced her body with a sword.Just like the Lantern Festival was at his house that night.Yuhen took his Qingming sword and stabbed her.

That dream was so real.It really hurt her so much.

"Don't be afraid. Brother Qi is here, Brother Qi will not let him hurt you. Li You, don't be afraid." Qi Rong comforted softly.

He could feel her trembling body, and her heart was full of fear at the moment, full of fear of Yuhen.

I don't know if it's because of the constant storm and lightning outside, or because Yuhen is here.Chu Liyou's trembling body became more and more violent, hiding in Qi Rong's arms seemed to be looking for someone to rely on.One that can give her support without fear.

"Junior Brother, it's getting late, and it's not convenient for Junior Brother to be here. I don't want to trouble Junior Brother here, and I ask Junior Brother to close the door when he goes out." Qi Rong said lightly.

He has never been able to refuse this woman's request.

To him, this woman is very important to him in this world, someone he can protect and cherish with all his might.He may not be able to give her the love she wants, but he can give her warmth and the best in the world.

Proud as a jade mark, noble as a jade mark.At this moment, he was defeated by this woman.

"There is nothing inconvenient between Bengong and her. After all...we were so close." Yuhen smiled evilly, but with bursts of chills, "It's you, senior brother, who live alone in the same room it's not good?"

"Brother Qi." Chu Liyou held Qi Rong's arm tightly.She was scared, really scared.Yuhen's words reminded her of the unbearable past, the past that made her feel sick.

"Yuhen." Qi Rong's eyes were stained with warmth and anger. "Don't hurt her anymore, otherwise, don't blame me for not thinking of fellowship."

"Hmph, Senior Brother has threatened Ben Gong with repeated warnings for a woman. Since when did Senior Brother feel affection for Ben Gong? Qi Rong, she is my woman, and this Palace does not allow her to cry in the arms of other men. "Yuhen stared indifferently at the woman in Qi Rong's arms, and said coldly, "Chu Liyou, I will give you a minute, pack yourself up immediately, and leave this room."

"I'm not." Hearing Yuhen's cold words, Chu Liyou retorted in shame and indignation. "I have nothing to do with you, and I won't leave."

Yuhen ignored Qi Rong's existence, looked at Chu Liyou and gritted his teeth, "It seems that in just three months, you have forgotten who your man is. It doesn't matter, I will tell you who He is your man, whether we have any relationship or not. You still have half a minute to clean yourself up, don't make me angry, don't let me do it myself."

Chu Liyou grabbed Qi Rong's arm, her body trembling non-stop.What should she do?She doesn't want to leave Yuhen, she doesn't want to.

"Yuhen, do you really think I'm air?" Qi Rong's usually gentle and handsome appearance was also angry.

Qi Rong was hurt by Chu Liyou's grasp, which shows how much Chu Liyou resisted seeing the jade marks.

"Chu Liyou, you still have 20 seconds." Yuhen completely ignored Qi Rong's angry eyes and continued, "When the time is up, if you refuse to leave, I will kill all the people in the inn. Chu Liyou , if you still cry in his arms, I will slaughter everyone in this village in front of you. Do you want to see that kind of scene?" Yuhen's voice sounded like a demon from hell. sound.

Chu Liyou trembled physically and mentally.

He wants to slaughter the whole village because of her?
Is Yuhen crazy?

"Ten seconds left." Yuhen said coldly.

Chu Liyou didn't dare to think whether Yuhen would really slaughter the entire village.

But in the next second, Yuhen spoke again, "Chiyu, starting from the inn, don't let anyone go. Let the incomparably noble Princess Chu see how these people died."

After hearing the order, Akabane suddenly appeared at the door of the room, and Akabane still held a cold sword in his hand.Chu Liyou looked at the sword in Chiyu's hand, and felt that the sword was pressing against her throat.

"Five, four, three, two," Yuhen's voice was light and light, but it carried a murderous sound.

She knew that when he counted to one, everyone in the inn would die, because of her.

How could Yuhen be so cruel?

He is really so cold and ruthless.But why is he so indifferent, yet he refuses to let himself go.She didn't want to be entangled with him any longer.Not at all.

"I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Don't kill them, they are all innocent." Just when Yuhen was about to shout 'one', Chu Liyouzai couldn't bear to yell out.She can't just watch these innocent people die because of her.

"Come here." Yuhen stood at the door, noble as a god, and said softly.That tone was like charity.

"Li You. Don't force yourself."

"Hehe. I just hate, hate myself for being entangled with him. If time could start over again, I would never meet him again." Chu Liyou sneered, got up slowly and walked to Yuhen's side .At that moment, her heart was already cold.

Qi Rong was also indifferent.But he thinks that he can't be so indifferent and ruthless like Yuhen to care about the lives of other innocent people.But Yuhen will, Yuhen will really slaughter the whole village because of Chu Liyou.

Looking at the woman who walked in front of him, her expression was as indifferent as a stranger.This made him very uncomfortable.He embraced her forcefully as if punishing her, put his big cold hands around her waist and said coolly, "Tell him, your body and mind belong to me, and no one else can touch you. Tell him , you left with Bengong voluntarily. Tell him who your man is. Tell him that from now on you don’t need him by your side, Qi Rong, and keep him away from you. "

Chu Liyou was so sad that she just wanted to sneer, but she didn't dare, she was afraid that if she laughed, this man would open his mouth and want to slaughter these innocent people.

She could only obey Yuhen's words.With a tear streaming down from the corner of his eyes, he said coolly, "Brother Qi, I... only belong to Yuhen. I love him so much that I only have him in my heart. I am willing to leave with him. From now on, Brother Qi, please stay away from me. "

"Li You, it's because I didn't protect you well." In this situation, he really couldn't stop Yuhen from hurting the innocent people here.He knows how ruthless Yuhen is.Otherwise, how could Yuhen become the most proud disciple of the master?

"Stay away from her in the future. Otherwise, I won't be as merciful as I am today. I can't think of losing a good brother like you." Looking at Qi Rong, Yuhen warned coldly.Then, she left the room with Chu Liyou in her arms.

Back in Yuhen's room, Yuhen pushed the woman in his arms onto the bed, and Chu Liyou fell on the bed like a kite with a broken string.She didn't know what was going to happen next.However, Yuhen will definitely not let her go easily.

"You didn't wear a chest wrap? Did you let him touch you?" What he said was a sentence that didn't fit the current atmosphere.But his voice was very cold, very cold.

From when he held her in his arms, he could feel that she was not wearing a chest wrap.It annoyed him.She was in the same room with Qi Rong, a lonely man and a widow, yet she didn't wear a chest wrap.Just now she threw herself into Qi Rong's arms, what does this mean?
Chu Liyou bit her lip and remained silent.

"Say, did you let him touch you just now?" Yuhen was furious like a lion, and his eyes wanted to eat people.

Yuhen's eyes were too scary, Chu Liyou was very scared.His body trembled uncontrollably and he explained, "I didn't. My clothes were all wet in the carriage, so I didn't wear them."

Listen to her explanation, see her so cautious appearance.Only then did Yuhen's expression soften a little. "I'll forgive you this time."

Chu Liyou really wanted to ask him why he was still entangled with himself.Is it because he still wants to torture her?Will he continue to torture him?

But she doesn't want to continue anymore.The only thing she wants to do now is to go to Beiyuan to find Yuelinghua for her brother.

But, before she could ask, the whole person was already under the pressure.

Numerous kisses followed.

Those fears and pains surged up again, she didn't want to be like this.

Chu Liyou struggled a bit, her voice was crying, "Yuhen, let me go."

The man who was acting beastly stopped his movements when he heard her crying, and looked at her with tears in his eyes coldly, "Are you going to guard Qi Rong? It seems that you really forgot who is you It's my man." Hua Luo continued his actions, without any intention of letting go of her.

With humiliation, with despair.She could only let him move.

After a long time, he lay on her body and panted heavily, looking at her eyes as cold as water, he was annoyed, "Chu Liyou, don't look at me like that. Don't worry! The you in the city, the you in the prince's mansion."

However, everything can't go back.Yuhen, I have my pride, but now I don't have any feelings for you.I have lost the ability to love you.

He closed his eyes coolly, and what fell from his eyes was the drop of sad tears.

In the wordless silence, I don't know whose heart it hurts.

Yuhen was even more angry like a lunatic, who didn't understand pity and tenderness.

Crazy again and again.It seems that she wants to make up for what she lost in those three months.

(End of this chapter)

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