The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 820 12. I just thought it was pitiful last night, but not pitiful now

Chapter 820 12. I just thought it was pitiful last night, but not pitiful now
There is no happiness at all.Some only have endless pain and torment.

I fell into a coma several times and woke up several times.

By the time he finally finished, it was daylight.Her eyes were a little numb, and she said in a cool tone, "Have you brought any medicine? If you haven't brought medicine, please go and buy medicine."

Yuhen was angry.

How could he not hear her sarcasm.

But damn it, hearing her sarcasm would make his heart ache.It hurts because of her.

"Please go buy the medicine. I don't want to leave any trouble. I don't think you want to leave any trouble, do you?" She knew that she might not be able to conceive in her life.However, she still couldn't help but want to be sarcastic.I don't know if I am mocking myself or Yuhen.

"What if Bengong wants to leave this trouble behind?" Yuhen blurted out this sentence, not knowing whether to be angry or annoyed.When he said it, he didn't even feel disgusted. Instead, he looked forward to this trouble.

Chu Li smiled coldly, "That will remind me all the time, what kind of unbearable past I have had with you. It will make me feel extremely disgusted."

Yuhen's face was as cold as ice, and he said coldly: "Don't make me angry." Leaving this sentence, Yuhen got up and left.

Until he left, Chu Liyou finally closed his eyes.

That night, she was really exhausted physically and mentally.

It rained heavily all night and finally stopped in the morning.The sun full of vigor also came out.The weather in March really changed for the better.

"Your Highness, the rain has stopped. Yes..." Not now.Akabane hadn't spoken the last few words yet.

"No hurry, I'm on my way tomorrow." Yuhen looked back at the room and interrupted Akabane's words.He also ordered: "Go and prepare breakfast."

"Yes." Dede ordered Akabane to retreat respectfully.

Yuhen didn't go back to the room, but went to the next room.The room next door was already empty, and there was only ice in the room.Come to think of it, Qi Rong has been away for a long time.

Scanning the room, I saw only a piece of paper left on the table in the room with six words written on it: Li You, Cherish, Don't Read!

Seeing the note left by Qi Rong, Yuhen's cold lips sneered.Picking up the note, looking at the words on it, his eyes were filled with cold air, and he tore the note into pieces in an instant.

He did not allow Chu Liyou and Qi Rong to have any involvement.Never allowed.

Yuhen left the room and was about to open the door to enter, when Akabane went upstairs with the breakfast that had been prepared in the inn.

"Give me the food. You go down, don't bother me without my order." Yuhen took the breakfast from Akabane's hand and ordered.

"Yes." Akabane handed over the food and then retreated respectfully.As the guard next to Yuhen, he didn't ask why, let alone why Mr. Qi Rong left the inn in the heavy rain last night.

Push open the door and enter the room.She closed her eyes tightly and seemed to be in a deep sleep, but Yuhen knew that she was not asleep at the moment.Even though she fell into a coma several times last night and woke up several times last night, she was tired all night last night, but he just knew that she was very tired now, but she did not fall asleep.

I don't know since when, the relationship between them has become what it is now.She didn't know when she started to take precautions against herself.She even looked at him with indifferent and empty eyes.This made him feel a sense of powerlessness and paleness, and he wanted to grasp but couldn't grasp anything.

He hates her now.

"Sleeping after eating." Putting the breakfast on the table, Yuhen said.

The woman lying on the bed remained silent and kept her eyes closed.She was really tired and wanted to sleep.But she was afraid that if she fell asleep, Yuhen would do something to her that she couldn't predict.Therefore, she dared not really fall asleep.

"I know you are not asleep. You are sleeping after eating, don't let me say it a third time. You know the consequences." There was displeasure in the tone, even a hint of threat.

She didn't dare to resist, and she couldn't resist.After last night, she knew that Yuhen would not let her go easily.If Yuhen is offended, those innocent people will lose their lives.She can't let innocent people lose their lives for nothing because of herself.If she was the next to lose her life, she would have nothing to fear.

Since you can't resist, why don't you accept your fate for the time being?

hehe!Accept fate!What a ridiculous and sad thing, she fell into Yuhen's hands again, and she couldn't break free no matter what.If it is really as he said, will they be entangled forever?
I wanted to get up, but found that I really had no strength at all.It can be seen how rude and cruel he was last night without any pity.She was in pain all over now, and found that this body was not like her own.

After a while, she didn't get up and come to eat. Yuhen had a bad temper in front of her, and it was even worse now. "Are you really going to challenge my patience?"

"How dare I challenge your patience, Your Highness, but do you think I have the strength to get up and eat now, Your Highness?" Her tone was full of indifference and sadness.

If it was his beloved woman, no man would have the heart to hurt his beloved woman, right?After all, she is not Yuhen's favorite woman, so he has no pity and tenderness for him.Yes, it's just endless destruction.

Hearing the meaning of her words, Yuhen was stunned for a while, and then began to think about everything he did last night.

Last night in front of her, seeing her throwing herself into Qi Rong's arms and crying, there was something jealous in his heart screaming fiercely.Facing her, he lost his mind.So most of the time, I don't care about her feelings at all.He even didn't consider whether she could bear her roughness.

Come to think of it, I hurt her last night.

"I hurt you last night. As long as you don't make me angry in the future, I will be gentle." He still couldn't say the apology.

But I didn't want to, the woman lying on the bed smiled coolly, "Is your highness slapping a sweet date? Or is your highness showing kindness. It's a pity, I don't like such kindness at all." Disdain. We... will not have a future."

"Whether there will be a future or not is up to me. Now, let's eat." Yuhen's face was full of anger. Does this woman want to separate everything from herself now?But he doesn't allow it.

But seeing her current appearance, this anger was suppressed again.He took the breakfast himself and fed him mouthful like she did in Fengcheng.Chu Liyou didn't refuse either, she didn't want to starve to death yet, and even if she was going to die, she didn't want to die now.

After finishing a bowl, Yuhen asked, "Do you want more?"

"no need."

"You've lost a lot of weight. Ben Gong doesn't feel like holding it. I'm eating a little." In just three months, she really lost a lot of weight.Even thinner than when he was in the Prince's Mansion.

Raising his hand, he knocked down the bowl in Yuhen's hand.Chu Liyou looked at him with indifferent eyes and said coolly: "His Royal Highness's Crown Princess has a better handle than mine. Your Highness, you should hug her."

Yuhen looked at her, her tone was very indifferent, but there was still a trace of baring her teeth and claws in her words, as if she had returned to the way she was when she was in the Prince's Mansion.Junrong, who Yuhen hadn't smiled for a long time, suddenly smiled. "I've only hugged her once, but you feel better than her."

Hearing that he admitted that he had hugged and even intimately done what they did last night with the woman in the mansion, his justifiable princess, she still felt a tingling feeling in her heart.After all, this man is no longer completely his own.He may have had many women before, and he will have many more in the future.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that being in the same room with him would feel suffocating.

Suppressing the pain in her body, she wanted to leave this room, and she wanted to stay away from him now.

"what are you doing?"

"I feel disgusted when I see you." These are her sincere words.As long as she thought that he had been with other women, she felt extremely disgusted.

Yuhen held her hand tightly, and asked fiercely: "Do you think I am sick? So you want to leave this room to find Qi Rong? Don't you feel sick when you are with him? Tell Bengong, Are you still thinking of looking for him? Is this palace not satisfying you, and you still want to find Qi Rong? Chu Liyou, if you die, he has already left. Qi Rong has already left here, I will never let you see Qi Rong again."

Brother Qi left?Why did Brother Qi leave suddenly?Big brother Qi promised to go to Beiyuan country with him to look for Yuelinghua, big brother Qi will never break his promise.What does the words behind Yuhen mean?She will never be allowed to see Brother Qi again.Did Yuhen kill Brother Qi?
"What did you do to Big Brother Qi?" Chu Liyou looked at him with indifferent eyes and questioned.Yuhen, if something happens to Big Brother Qi, I will definitely kill you to avenge Big Brother Qi.

"Do you feel sorry for him? Are you afraid that Bengong will kill him?" How could Yuhen not see the indifferent hatred flashing in Chu Liyou's eyes.She cares about Qi Rong so much, has she really fallen in love with Qi Rong?Clutching her hand tightly, he questioned her with a trace of anxiety and uneasiness in his tone: "Tell me, are you in love with Qi Rong?"

If you answer him: She is in love with Qi Rong.Can he let go of himself?Are you no longer entangled with yourself?
If this is really the case, she will tell him without hesitation: That's right, I'm in love with Qi Rong.

"Say, are you in love with Qi Rong?"

The hand he squeezed was painful, as if he was going to break her hand.

"Yuhen, you asked me if I fell in love with Qi Rong. What about you? You keep saying that you love Yunqing the most in your heart, but what are you doing now? What are you pestering me for? Who do I love or not? What's the matter?" Chu Liyou sneered, "You said you love Yunqing, but you are entangled with me. Is this what you call loving Yunqing? Then, isn't your so-called love too cheap? Or are you I don't even know what... love is."

Her questioning was like a thorn in his heart.

He loves Yunqing.

He has fallen in love with that woman since his previous life.

But now, what is he doing?
He was entangled with the woman in front of him.He obviously hated the woman in front of him, but he would feel annoyed and bored seeing her with other men.He even just wanted to hide this woman forever.

He even misses her beauty very much.

When you see her, you can't help wanting to possess her.Let her be her own alone.

After all, he still didn't want to let go of her hand.

"You are not qualified to ask how Bengong and Yun Qing are. As for you, you belong to Bengong now, and I don't allow you to love Qi Rong in your heart. Whether you think Bengong is cool or cruel, you and Bengong I will not allow you to have other men in your heart." Holding her, she lazily took off her clothes, and the two slept on the same bed. "Now, sleep. Don't make me angry."

"Yuhen, why?" Feeling the temperature from his body, she really didn't understand why Yuhen did this.

If it was love, such love would be too cruel.

If it is not love, it is even more cruel to her.

"Be quiet, don't talk. I've been tired all night, and now I just want to hug you to sleep. Be good, don't move."

She really quieted down and stopped talking.In the ear, Yuhen's shallow breathing sound soon came.

She thought, on such a day, there won't be such Yuhen who wants to hug her to sleep in the future, right?
Closing his eyes, he let his tired body fall into a deep sleep.


In the deserted village in the early morning, after a night of heavy rain, the sun came out.

"The rain stopped and the sun came out. We can finally leave this poor place." Facing the morning sun, Xi Yan stretched her waist.

She had changed out of the white dress that was stained with mud last night, and now she was wearing her own purple dress.

It's just that she seems to be getting up a bit late.When she woke up, the others had already woken up.Now I am preparing to leave this deserted village.

According to the small road that Xiyan mentioned yesterday, Wu Qing had already gone to investigate early in the morning.There is indeed a very secret path that is covered by vegetation. It is really hard to find if you don't look carefully.

"Good morning, everyone." Xi Yan greeted everyone with a smile.

Everyone ignored her.Xiyan didn't care, and continued to speak in a very familiar manner, but the words she said were foodies. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

After Xiyan ate the snack Feng Qingluan brought her last night, she thought about it all night and felt that it was really a loss.That dim sum can't compare to fat rabbit meat.

At this time, Yun Qing came out of the kitchen and divided half of the roasted meat between Feng Qingluan and Wang Ziqing Limo, and gave Wuqing another piece.There are not many left in hand.Yun Qing tore off another piece of meat and handed it to someone who was drooling.Yun Qing said a little funny, "The saliva is almost dripping on the ground."

"It's delicious. I've never eaten such delicious meat. Qingqing, what kind of meat are you grilling?" Xiyan asked after looking at the golden-yellow, oily and fragrant meat. .Now she didn't even think that the barbecue in her hand was the rabbit she caught for a long time last night.

"The rabbit you caught last night." Yun Qing replied flatly.

Xiyan, who just took another bite of rabbit meat, paused for a moment, then looked at Feng Qingluan, who was eating roasted rabbit meat, and felt ten thousand points of hurt in her heart. "Qingluan, didn't you say that this rabbit is very pitiful last night?" Thinking about how hungry she was, she really couldn't bear it and wanted to eat this rabbit.In the end, the rabbit was given to her.

The corner of Feng Qingluan's mouth twitched, can she say that she just fell in love with the rabbit in her hand last night?Then think about it, as soon as she appeared, Wang Ziqing's heart was turbulent, and then she wanted to play tricks on her?But she also exchanged snacks with her later.She didn't starve her either! "I thought this rabbit was quite pitiful last night, but I don't feel pitiful for it now."

Then, Xi Yan once again felt that she had suffered ten thousand points of damage.This kind of damage can only be compensated with delicious food.

In the end, the rabbit was gnawed by everyone, leaving only bones.

Now the rain has stopped, and the only road in the village is blocked by landslides.Wang Zixuan was in danger again, and they could only venture out once by taking the path on the cliff behind the village.

Although the path was somewhat dangerous, everyone came out after an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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