The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 821 13. The master said: I can't let anyone see my face

Chapter 821 13. The master said: I can't let anyone see my face

secluded city.

The border capital of Dachu and Beiyuan.This is what was commonly known as a 'ghost town' many years ago.The general guarding the city now is Zhao Qi.Zhao Qi used to be a lieutenant in the hands of General Fengtian, Feng Qingluan's father.Later, when General Fengtian returned to Beijing, Zhao Qi became the general who defended Youcheng.

And this General Zhao Qi Zhao is considered number one at such a young age.Since General Fengtian returned to Beijing, this Zhao Qi has guarded Youcheng for nearly ten years.In the past ten years, Bei Yuan dared not cross the border half a step.It can be seen that this Zhao Qi is famous in the army.

The largest inn in You City.

When Chu Limo and others came to Youcheng, they did not intend to reveal their identities now.I also don't want to be recognized by other caring people in You City at this time.

What they have to do now is to detoxify Wang Zixuan.When she was in the deserted village, Xiyan obviously had a way to detoxify but refused to detoxify.Yun Qing didn't force her either.After all, this woman's origin is unknown, and she already had doubts about her in her heart.What they have to do now is to find the ghost pylorus and find the antidote.

At that time, when Su Wanyan left, she gave a blueprint of all the places in the ghost gate.Later, Chu Limo sent people to wipe out all the forces of ghosts and ghosts in these places.But what was cleared was not all the forces of the ghost pylorus.In the secluded city, there must still be some people from the ghost gate hidden in the secluded city.It's just that these people are not on the drawing that Su Wanyan left behind.

The poison on Wang Zixuan's body can still last for five days, and it is unknown what unexpected things will happen in this short five days.

And they had to detoxify Wang Zixuan before that.

just now...

Looking at this woman who was so stubborn and refused to leave, Yun Qing raised her forehead and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, wanting to hit her.

Because of a rabbit, she depends on them.

"Qingqing, Qingluan, you can't drive me away. I have no money on me. If you drive me away, I will sleep in the wild and eat dirt. You have the heart to watch a cute girl like me sleep in the wild Do you eat dirt?" Someone winked vigorously at Yunqing and Feng Qingluan to be cute.

It's just a pity that Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan ignored her cute and pitiful appearance.Yun Qing even put on a cold face, "We have nothing to do with each other. Whether you sleep in the wild or eat dirt is none of our business. If you don't want me to tie you up and beat you, then leave quickly."

"Qingqing, you won't be so cruel, right? We have been in trouble together for a day and a night, and we even ate a rabbit together. Seeing that there is such a fate outside, don't drive me away, okay?" She now If I leave, I will definitely sleep on the street tonight, and I will sleep on the street hungry.One look at them and she knew they were rich, so she wanted to hold them tightly.

"Ruqing, throw her out." Chu Limo ordered with a gloomy face in the inn room.

In the next moment, swords and swords appeared in the backyard of the inn.Fortunately, they live in a separate yard, which is also the best and largest yard in this inn.Otherwise, such a big commotion would definitely affect other people in the inn.

"Let me tell you, you can't bully me, I'm internally injured now." Xi Yan warned ruthlessly looking at the merciless attack.

It's a pity that the warning was useless, and the ruthless sword moved fiercely, which seemed to be avenging the deserted village.At that time, Xiyan hurt Wuqing, now that Wuqing has the opportunity, she will definitely not show mercy.

But Xi Yan is not a vegetarian either.Although she suffered internal injuries, her martial arts were considered to be above ruthlessness.She is already very good at light work, and she is also good at using poison and concealed weapons.After a few moves, the ruthless moves were fierce but did not hurt Xiyan.

"I'm warning you. Don't force me to make a move. If I make a move, you will die." Xi Yan stared and cursed mercilessly.

But no matter how much Xi Yan warned, the ruthless attack was still fierce.In the courtyard, two figures, one black and one purple, flashed past.

It was no fun watching them fight, Yun Qing went back to the room directly, while Feng Qingluan stood aside to watch the fun.

But I have to admit one thing, that is, this Xiyan's martial arts is really powerful.But Yun Qing also knew one thing, that Xiyan suffered internal injuries at this moment.Wuqing is the best bodyguard around Chu Limo, and he will definitely defeat Xiyan within fifty moves.However, after defeating Xiyan within fifty moves, Chu Limo will definitely punish this unprogressive guard severely.He couldn't even beat a woman who was internally injured.

"Any news?" Yun Qing asked.

In addition to looking for Yue Linghua, she came to the north to find Su Wudao, Su Baiyi and Huo Linghu.She wanted to figure out one thing, whether Su Wudao and Su Baiyi were also deceiving herself.Do they have some ulterior secrets when they get close to themselves?

But now after coming to Youcheng, she still can't feel where Huo Linghu is now.

This situation is not good at all.There was even a bad idea flashed in Yun Qing's mind: Was Huo Linghu killed by Su Wudao?

If this is the case, there is no cure for the poison on Li Mo's body.

"Our people in You City have not found their whereabouts. It seems that they are no longer in You City. Maybe they already know that we have come to You City and are deliberately avoiding us. Su Baiyi has a weird mind, even I can see Can't see through him." Chu Limo had to admit that until now, he still couldn't see through Su Baiyi.He is like a fan.However, Su Baiyi is like a puzzle in front of him, and Su Baiyi may not see him clearly.In this world, besides Yuhen, Su Baiyi was the second invisible opponent he encountered.

Yun Qing blamed herself very much, "Li Mo, I shouldn't have let Su Wudao take Huo Linghu away. If something happened to Huo Linghu, what would you do?" Any trace of Huo Linghu made Yun Qing feel more uneasy.

"Qingqing. I promised that I would accompany you to the old age, and I will not break my promise. Without the blood of Huo Linghu, I can also accompany you to the old age." He understands why Qingqing blames himself.He also knew clearly that this was because of fear.After all, he had already taken the life extension pill on Penglai Island.Three years is really too short for them. "Don't worry Qingqing, that nasty fox doesn't seem like a short-lived guy, and neither do I. We will always find out where it is."

"En." Yun Qing nodded.He said again: "Have you found the hiding place of Ghost Youmen in other places in Youcheng?"

The most urgent thing now is to get rid of the poison on the big cousin.It's dragging on, and I don't know what else will happen.

"According to the news just passed, there are no ghost ghosts in Youcheng anymore. Nangong Jin also sent news that he found Feng Tianlan's whereabouts suspected to be Feng Tianlan near Chujing. Presumably, there are ghost ghosts in Youcheng. All the people rushed to Chujing. The people from Guiyoumen and Feng Tianlan let Nangong Jin deal with it." After a pause, Chu Limo glanced outside, "It seems that he wants to cure the poison on Wang Zixuan's body. , I still want her to make a move."

Yun Qing followed her gaze and glanced outside, Wuqing and Xiyan were still fighting.Fifty strokes have passed, Wuqing has not defeated Xiyan yet.This made Yun Qing's eyes light up a little.This Xiyan is really a powerful character.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and said: "Li Mo, it seems that you, the most powerful bodyguard, will be defeated by this internally injured woman today. Isn't Wuqing the most powerful bodyguard around you? Even a woman with internal injuries can't beat her. Back then, it was better to let Wuqing look after the house in Chujing, and Wuxin followed her."

Yun Qing's voice was not loud but not low either. In short, the ruthlessness outside could be heard clearly.

Chu Limo's eyes darkened a bit, and he said coldly across the room: "Shame."

Hearing this ruthlessly, his whole body trembled.The prince was angry.Didn't he lose the prince's face?He couldn't even beat a woman who suffered internal injuries, no wonder the prince was angry.Right now, his moves are also a bit sharper.

The sound of fighting outside was still there.

"By the way, what did the second cousin do?" Since entering the Youcheng Inn, her second cousin has disappeared.And when he left, Wang Ziqing didn't say anything.At that time, she saw the two of them saying something mysteriously.

"He went to meet someone." Chu Limo's tone was very mysterious.

Yun Qing curled her lips, "Who did you meet so mysteriously? Also, when did the two of you get along so well? I remember that when you were in Chujing, you two didn't like the other. You two The two didn't like either of them, and finally they fought. Tell me, when did the relationship become so good? Could you two be behind the scenes..." Yun Qing smiled deliberately. "Say, you two won't have any bad ideas behind your back, will you?"

The corner of Chu Limo's mouth twitched, and he nodded fondly on Yunqing's nose, "Silly Qingqing, what are you thinking about in your head? Wang Ziqing has gone to see his rival in love."

"Pfft..." Yun Qing burst out laughing, and looked at him in shock, "Second Cousin is going to meet his love rival? Is there Second Cousin's love rival in Youcheng?"

"Well. There is a rival in love. His rival in love has always wanted to marry Feng Qingluan as his wife, and has been waiting for Feng Qingluan to grow up for more than ten years. If General Feng hadn't returned to Beijing suddenly, maybe he would have embraced Feng Qingluan. The beauty has returned."

Now Yun Qing was even more curious.In my mind, I started to imagine the image of the second cousin meeting this love rival.Could it be that the rival in love is extremely jealous when they meet each other, and then they fight? "Who is this rival in love?"

Chu Limo whispered a name, "Zhao Qi."

"You mean... Zhao Qi, the guard of Youcheng?" Yun Qing was almost scorched by the thunder.

This Zhao Qi, she has read his profile.This person is 30 years old, has no wife and children, and has no bad habits.This person is a general who defends the city at a young age.Moreover, this person's martial arts strategy is very high, brave and resourceful.Zhao Qi guarded Youcheng for nearly ten years, but Beiyuan Kingdom did not dare to invade.Youcheng also maintained peace and tranquility under his jurisdiction.

Being able to maintain peace in a place like Youcheng, which can be said to be a mixed bag, shows that this person is not a mediocre person.Moreover, the data also showed that in the Youcheng area, Zhao Qi was very famous.Ghost Youmen and the sects around Youcheng must respect this Zhao Qi three points.

Tell her now that Zhao Qi is actually the second cousin's rival in love, wouldn't she be stunned?
Zhao Qi is 30 years old, and only sister Feng.And Zhao Qi has been waiting for Sister Feng to grow up, that is to say, Zhao Qi has liked Sister Feng since she was 12 years old.Sister Feng and Zhao Qi were both in Youcheng back then, so it can be said that they grew up together.

I go!What kind of situation is this?
The second cousin knew about this, so that's why he went to find Zhao Qi?
etc.Yun Qing quickly remembered something again.Looking at Chu Limo, he said, "Didn't Sister Su say that the guard of Youcheng might be a hidden person from the Feng clan? Is the guard that Sister Su said is Zhao Qi?"

"not him."

"How dare you be so sure it's not him." Yun Qing pouted.I don't know where Chu Limo's confidence comes from.

"If it were him, some people would not spare him. He is already a pile of bones."

Yun Qing quickly understood, looked at Chu Limo, "He is..."

Chu Limo interrupted Yun Qing: "Qingqing doesn't need to worry about him anymore. As for the one Su Wanyan mentioned, he will show his fox tail soon."

"So it's not true that the second cousin is looking for Zhao Qi, and the second cousin is not actually going to meet some rival in love, he is looking for this old fox hidden in the secluded city, right?"

"It's true to see a rival in love. It's also true to find the old fox. Qingqing can just watch. Youcheng has a good show."

"Hey, can you stop? You can't beat me after such a long time. You're chasing me, so I'm really being rude." Outside, the two continued.

Ruthless will definitely be punished this time.More than 100 moves have passed, but Xiyan still hasn't been defeated.

And ruthless, he will never give up until he defeats this woman.If you don't defeat her, the prince will definitely not spare himself.It is very likely that he will be sent back to Ruoqing Villa from now on.If this matter was reported back to the Unfeeling Villa, what face would he have in front of others.

"Oh, I'm tired of being chased by you too. I'm starving to death, I won't fight with you anymore." Xi Yan was really tired.He sat down directly, without avoiding it.

But at this time, Wuqing never thought that Xiyan would stop suddenly, and the sword in her hand had already stabbed towards her.It is impossible to take back the sword now.With this sword, this Xiyan will definitely be stabbed to death by him.The prince just ordered her to be thrown out, but he didn't say that he wanted to kill her.

For a while, even Feng Qingluan, who was watching the excitement, opened her eyes wide and shouted: "Ruqing, don't hurt people."

Xiyan didn't expect that she would be so unlucky if she stopped.Seeing that the sword stabbed over, he couldn't stop it.

Xiyan took a step back, and the sword in Wuqing's hand was also deflected.The sword directly slashed across Xiyan's face.The purple veil on Xiyan's face was instantly slipped off.

"Miss Su."

"Sister Wanyan."

Two shocked voices sounded at the same time.

Xiyan didn't care about the names they were shouting, just touched the veil that had fallen off her face, and suddenly yelled, "Ah, it's over, it's over. The master said that no one can see my face. The master said, whoever looks at my face will either kill you or marry you. I don’t want to kill you, but I don’t want to marry you either! God! Master, I didn’t mean to let others see of my face."

(End of this chapter)

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