The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 822 14. Murong Xiyan!Murong Xiyan, the flower of unlucky life!

Chapter 822 14. Murong Xiyan!Murong Xiyan, the flower of unlucky life!

"Oh my God! Master, I didn't mean to let others see my face. Master, what should I do? What should I do? Master, you can't blame me for this matter, you can't punish me." Xi Yan yelled up.

She has always kept in mind her master's words and never let others see her face.Over the years, even the master only saw her face once.That was when the master took her back.Later, the master kept letting her wear a veil to show people.In this world, she may be the only one who has really seen her face.

"Sister Wanyan, it's you, it's really you. You're not dead. You're not dead." The moment Feng Qingluan saw Xiyan, she was extremely shocked and screamed.

The sound from outside also carried into the room.Especially when I heard Feng Qingluan's polite sister.The people in the room were even more surprised.

Opening the door, when Yun Qing also saw Xi Yan's face.There is only one thought, Su Wanyan is still alive.She is alive and not dead.

The woman in front of her had the same face as Su Wanyan.

But if they hadn't witnessed Su Wanyan's death with their own eyes, they would have buried Su Wanyan themselves.Yun Qing would really think that she was Su Wanyan.They look exactly the same.No wonder she always felt that she looked familiar when she was in the deserted village, as if she had seen her somewhere.Now it seems that her demeanor and eyes are the same as Su Wanyan's.

"It's over, it's over, I'm over. You are not allowed to look at me anymore, I don't want to kill you, and I don't want to marry you either. Woohoo, master, I didn't mean to let others see my face." Xi Yan Picking up the veil that had been ruthlessly cut in half from the ground, he wanted to cover his face, but found that there was nothing to mend.Her face has been seen by them.

She was not only seen by her own face, but also by so many people.

She just wants to cry now, why is she so unlucky?
"Tell me, who are you?" Yun Qing stepped forward to hold Xiyan's hand tightly and asked.

But she already knew in her heart, is she the real Su Wanyan that Sister Su said?She is Lord Su Shaoyue's real daughter.Big cousin's real fiancee.But why do Su Wanyan and Feng Youxue look exactly the same?They are not related by blood, why do they look exactly the same?
In the middle, what else is they don't know.

Or to say: Feng Youxue and Su Wanyan are actually twins.It was Feng Tianlan who lied to Feng Youxue back then, saying that Feng Youxue was his daughter.But if they are really twins, why no one in Chu Jing knows.Mrs. Su gave birth to twins back then, and the whole Chu capital must have known about it.

But Mrs. Su only gave birth to one daughter back then.So now, what happened to them looking exactly the same?

Or could it be said that Feng Tianlan actually arranged for Xiyan to appear now?It's all a coincidence.Coincidentally, I don't know what to ask Yun Qing to say.

Xi Yan's hand was in pain from Yun Qing's grasp.However, the most important thing for her now is that her face was seen by so many people.This is how to do ah?

"Say, who are you? What is your relationship with the ghost pylorus?"

"You're hurting me. What do I have to do with Ghost Pylori. The most I can do is kill a few people from Ghost Pylori. You let me go first, it hurts."

"Sister Qing, let her go. Sister Wanyan... Miss Xiyan, she doesn't look like a ghost." Looking at that face, Feng Qingluan thought of the days when she and Su Wanyan were in Chujing all these years .She believed in Su Wanyan, so seeing this face, she also loved Wu Jiwu's letter.

"Sister Wanyan?" Xiyan said the name again, and it seemed that her heart didn't hurt so much when she said the name herself.

She just heard Feng Qingluan call her sister Wanyan.She could never forget the name.She has heard the name no less than a thousand times.They told her to be polite, what's the situation?
"You call me politely?" Xiyan pointed at herself, "I didn't hear wrong, did I? Did you recognize the wrong person? My name is Xiyan, no, my name is Murong Xiyan, from Xiyue. My name is Murong Xiyan, I'm not being polite."

"Murong Xiyan. You said your name is Murong Xiyan, from Xiyue. What is your relationship with the royal family of Xiyue?" Chu Limo asked this question.

Murong's surname is the surname of the emperor of Xiyue.In Xiyue, Dachu, Beiyuan, and Dongli, no one dared to take this surname.It's the same reason as his surname is Chu.

But the woman in front of her, whose surname is Murong, is still from Xiyue.This made Chu Limo have to wonder if this matter had something to do with Xiyue.

"I have nothing to do with the Xiyue royal family." Murong Xiyan shook her head.

"What's going on?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and asked.

In Yun Qing's ear, Chu Limo gently told Yun Qing that Murong was the surname of Xiyue.After Yun Qing finished listening, she looked at Murong Xiyan appreciatively.

Yun Qing looked at her, "Since you said you are from Xiyue, then you should know that Murong's surname is the surname of Xiyue. If you are not from the royal family of Xiyue, how dare you have this surname?"

"I don't know the surname of Xiyue. My name was chosen by the master. The surname was also given by the master."

When the master took her back, he asked her what her name was, but she was too young to remember anything.So the master named her Xiyan.But when the master took this name at that time, it was not a pity at all, but the sunset of the setting sun.The master said at the time that she was like Xiyan flower, so he named her Xiyan.

Later, by chance, she heard that flowers like Xiyan are unlucky flowers.Just like what the master said when he saw her for the first time: the first time the master saw her, he said that she was a person with a bad life after all.

She doesn't like the name, and she doesn't like the name "Unfortunate".Later, she begged the master to change it to Xiyan.

It means: cherish!Cherish your own life.She didn't believe that she would be such an unlucky person.

As for her surname, it was when she went out a few years ago and heard that other people had a first name, but she didn't.She ran to ask the master.The master told her that she was an orphan without father and mother, and she didn't need a surname.But she wanted a last name very much at the time.The master couldn't resist her, so he said casually, "Then you will be called Murong Xiyan from now on."

She didn't know that Murong's surname would be the surname of Xiyue.Even if she has lived in Xiyue for many years, she doesn't know.

But now, this group of people called her Wanyan.Is this euphemism related to her life experience?

Yun Qing: "Who is your master?"

"I... I can't tell. The master said, even if you kill him, you can't tell his name. The master said that he has many enemies in the world. What if you are the master's enemies and seek revenge from the master?" Murong Xi Yan shook his head, with a resolute expression on his face.

However, she was really curious about what she had to do with this euphemism!She was curious why these people called her politely when they saw her face.

"Can I ask a question? Why do you guys call me Wanyan so surprised after seeing my face? Do I look a lot like this Wanyan?"

"It doesn't look alike. It's exactly the same." Yun Qing looked at Murong Xiyan and said, "If this face is really yours, then I want to tell you that you are the real Su Wanyan, Minister of Rites of the Great Chu The daughter of Shaoyue. My eldest cousin's real fiancée. Because of some incidents, you switched identities with her. You became Murong Xiyan, and she became Su Wanyan."

"What?" Murong Xiyan opened her mouth.

Yun Qing believed what Sister Su said before she died, that what that woman pursued in her life was a stable life.She wants family affection, love, friendship.But for these three, she died, in Feng Tianlan's hands, and in the sunset cliff.She believed that her sister Su would not lie.Therefore, the woman in front of her is the real Su Wanyan.

It's just that she didn't know why the two looked exactly the same.However, when Feng Tianlan switched their identities back then, maybe he used some method to make them look exactly the same.After all, in this era, too many incredible things have happened.For example, her appearance in this world is the most incredible thing.Therefore, it is not impossible for two people who are not related by blood to have the same face.

Yun Qing told Murong Xiyan the whole story of this incident verbatim.After finishing speaking, he looked at her, "So, you are the real Su Wanyan, do you understand?"

"You mean that I was exchanged by Feng Tianlan, the master of the Ghost Pylori Sect?"

"Yes. This is what Sister Su said before she died."

The amount of information was really too much, Murong Xiyan said that she couldn't digest it all at once.

Murong Xiyan grinned, "Well, I need to digest it quietly. And the master often taught me not to trust strangers. Well, I'll go first." After finishing speaking, Murong Xiyan looked at that one again. The heartless look that split her veil in two, "I won't bother with you for destroying my veil. I won't kill you either. Of course, you don't want to marry me... Ah, no, you don't want to I marry you."

Then, Murong Xiyan didn't need Yun Qing and the others to chase her away this time, and disappeared into the inn faster than a rabbit.

For Murong Xiyan's words just now and the movement of running away, black lines seemed to be drawn in the inn.

Ruthless even lowered his face.He didn't defeat her in more than 100 moves, but he lost the prince's face.The prince will definitely not spare him easily.Now he just hopes that the prince will beat him up, and he will admit that he can't get out of bed, but don't drive him back to Rueqing Villa.

Sure enough, at this time the prince of his family said, "Go and receive the punishment yourself, next time you lose face, you don't need to see this prince."

"Yes." Hearing this result, Wuqing knew that his prince had spared him.

As for Murong Xiyan who said she was going to go quietly.Not to mention that Murong Xiyan couldn't digest it for a while.Even Yun Qing and the others couldn't digest this matter for a while.Who would have thought that it would be such a coincidence that Murong Xiyan met her eldest cousin on the road.Then I met them in a deserted village.In the end, she unexpectedly discovered that she was the person Su Wanyan told her to find before she died.

(End of this chapter)

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