The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 823 15. I didn't bite you, I was kissing you!

Chapter 823 15. I didn't bite you, I was kissing you!

When Wang Ziqing came back, Feng Qingluan told him about Murong Xiyan.

Among them, maybe except Wang Zixuan and Yun Qing.The one with the deepest relationship with Su Wanyan is Feng Qingluan.And these years, Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan can be said to be inseparable.So seeing Murong Xiyan, Feng Qingluan was the one who brought back the most memories among this group of people.

At the beginning, she still refused to believe that Su Wanyan would be a ghost.I don't believe that Su Wanyan poisoned her chronically.But when she saw her body, everything collapsed.

Seeing this Murong Xiyan today, Feng Qingluan hid in the room and cried.Crying very sad very sad.

"Qingluan." Seeing his daughter-in-law crying so sadly, Wang Ziqing could only hold her in his arms and comfort her softly. "Don't cry, if she knows about it under Jiuquan, she doesn't want to see you cry."

"I miss Sister Wanyan. I really miss her. We used to get into trouble together, eat together, sleep together, and go shopping together. No matter what I do, Sister Wanyan is always with me. But why, she wants to die? I really do I don't blame her for poisoning me. I know she didn't really want to harm me. I never blamed her. Wuwu... Wang Ziqing, I saw the same face as Wanyan's sister today. When I saw her, I'm really sad. How I think, she is my sister Wanyan. How I wish my sister Wanyan is still here."

"Fool. Your sister Wanyan is always there, she is always in your heart. Don't cry, she will blame herself if she knows you are crying so sadly. "


"Can you tell what school she is from?" Yun Qing asked in the room.

Although Yun Qing told Murong Xiyan about this matter, but she didn't get along with this Murong Xiyan for a long time, so she didn't know her well at all.It can even be said that she told her about this, but it doesn't mean that she will trust this Murong Xiyan wholeheartedly like she trusted Su Wanyan back then.

If you want her to trust her, I'm afraid it will take a long time.After all, trust is born in getting along.

"She is very smart, and she deliberately hides her own martial arts when she makes moves. Presumably she just doesn't want people to see who her master is from her martial arts." Chu Limo said, "However, her poison skills are Betrayed her. In today's Xiyue, who can have such a superb poison technique, and who dares to directly give the surname 'Murong' to his apprentice."

The more mysterious Chu Limo said, the more curious Yun Qing became.Who told her that she didn't know much about these weird Jianghu people in Xiyue. "Who is her master?"

"If I guess correctly, her master should be that damned old man. Don't Qingqing feel that there are many similarities in character and behavior between her and that old man?" Chu Limo gritted his teeth when he mentioned the old man.

Now, Yun Qing finally understood who that old man was.Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, and his tone seemed a little sour, "So, you are still brothers and sisters from the same school. Did you discover her identity when you were in the deserted village? Otherwise, why would you be merciless when you shot her?" .”

"Qingqing, when I was in the deserted village, I just doubted her identity. I was sure that she was the old man's apprentice or when she reported her own name today. Qingqing, don't you believe me?" How could Chu Limo do that? The sour tone in Yun Qing's tone could not be heard.It seems that his Qingqing is becoming more and more jealous now.

When he was in the deserted village, he only doubted the identity of this Murong Xiyan, but he never thought that she would be that old man's apprentice.Over the years, he has never heard that the old man has accepted a female apprentice.As for showing mercy to Murong Xiyan's so-called subordinates, he just wanted to save a life, and wanted to find out who she was and whether she was sent by the Ghost Youmen.

"Hmph, I hate those entangled seniors and juniors the most." Yun Qing snorted with her mouth curled.

"Qingqing, I didn't know her at all before. I never heard of when that old man accepted a female apprentice."

"I didn't say anything, why are you excited." Yun Qing gave a certain excited man a look. "Okay, as long as you know she is not a ghost or a member of the Feng family. I don't care if you know each other before. Now I should go out and prepare a room for you, a junior sister. At this time, she should also Back to the inn."

Murong Xiyan has no money on her, she ran away just now but will be back soon.

Sure enough, as Yun Qing expected, Murong Xiyan came back within an hour after running out.

And Yun Qing was already waiting for her in the lobby of the inn.

"I'm starving to death. Qingqing, don't care if I'm the real Su Wanyan or not, can you lend me some money to buy some food first?"

At this moment, Murong Xiyan no longer wore a purple veil on her face.Looking at her face, Yun Qing always seemed to feel that he was talking with the dead Su Wanyan.But the Murong Xiyan in front of her was a bit more lively and mischievous than the dead Su Wanyan.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Okay! As long as you do me a favor, let alone lending you money, I will treat you to the best food in Youcheng."

"You want me to detoxify the one named Wang Zixuan who is lying inside?" Murong Xiyan glanced at the room where Wang Zixuan lived, and said with a pout.

"Well, you promised to detoxify your eldest cousin, and I will give you the silver right now and treat you to a big meal." Yun Qing waved a stack of silver bills in front of Murong Xiyan's eyes.He also used food as a temptation, "I have asked the kitchen to prepare more than ten dishes of food, smell it, is the aroma of the food wafting out?"

"Qingqing, besides helping this favor, can I do something else?"

"I only have one request. If you don't want to, then go. Don't think about these silver tickets and these delicacies."

Food and detoxification are really a dilemma.If she was busy with anything else, she would definitely agree.But to detoxify, the poison in Wang Zixuan is not so easy to detoxify.To detoxify must use that method.She is a girl's family, doesn't this stump her?

"Then I'd better go." After saying that, Murong Xiyan walked outside.

Yun Qing just smiled slightly and did not stop her. "Okay, let's go then."

But just after taking two steps, the scent of delicious food wafted over again, making her salivate.She wanted to go, but her stomach started to grow up again.Thinking about what kind of shit and innocence can't make me hungry now.

"I promise you. But, I want to eat first." In the end, Murong Xiyan still couldn't overcome her stomach and agreed.

"Okay." Yun Qing replied, then looked at Murong Xiyan and said, "I know this matter may embarrass you, but he is my relative, I have to save him."

It's not that Yun Qing didn't notice Murong Xiyan's embarrassment.She obviously has a way, but she refuses to detoxify and looks very embarrassed.Yun Qing knew that this matter might not be that simple.

"You take this list to buy medicine, half a catty of each medicine. Then boil the medicine together in a cauldron for an hour. After an hour, take out the medicine residue and throw it away. Remember, what I want is a bucket of medicine Soup." Murong Xiyan took out a medicine list from her pocket and gave it to Yun Qing.

It seems that Murong Xiyan has already prepared a prescription to detoxify her eldest cousin.

Yun Qing took the medicine list and looked at it, and there were some common medicines on it.But the medicinal materials needed above have hundreds of flavors.It really takes a big pot to cook this together.

"Okay, I'm starving to death. You go buy your medicine, and I'll eat my meal."

Yun Qing didn't care about her, took the medicine list and went to the backyard of the inn to find Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing.Hundreds of medicines cost half a catty each, which is also tens of catties of medicinal materials.The hard work of carrying medicine like this should be left to the two big men.As for the ruthless bodyguard, after being punished, he is still lying on the bed.As for the purchase of medicines, you can ask the inn's second child to do it for you, but Yun Qing still feels that she should feel relieved to buy medicines by herself at this juncture.

Yun Qing was also fortunate that not every medicine cost one catty, otherwise the medicine would have cost a hundred catties.One hundred catties of medicine is boiled into medicinal soup, even if you want to drink it, you will die.

Yun Qing knocked on the door of Wang Ziqing's room, and it was Wang Ziqing who opened the door.

"Is something wrong with my cousin?" Wang Ziqing lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of waking up the people inside.

"Sister Feng is asleep?" Yun Qing was a little puzzled, it was still early, did Feng Qingluan fall asleep before it was dark?Yun Qing didn't continue to ask, but gave him the medicine list in his hand, nodded, "Yes. I need to trouble my second cousin to go to the pharmacy and buy these medicines."

"Okay." Wang Ziqing did not refuse to take the medicine list in Yun Qing's hand.She spoke again, "She is willing to detoxify the elder brother."

Yun Qing smiled slightly, "I am a foodie. If there is food, she will naturally agree."

"Cousin still has a way. I can do this little thing by myself, so I don't need to call your family. Cousin will take care of Qingluan for me. She was in a bad mood and cried after seeing Murong Xiyan today. I'm so sad, I'm asleep now."

Yun Qing nodded, "I will watch Sister Feng. No one will disturb her." In the latter sentence, Yun Qing said something else.But with Wang Ziqing's intelligence, he must have understood the meaning of these words.

Wang Ziqing went to buy medicine with the prescription.Yun Qing smiled, it seems that the second cousin still cares about this rival in love.Standing at the door of the room, Yun Qing didn't go in to disturb Feng Qingluan's sleep. Sister Feng probably felt sad when she saw Murong Xiyan today because she thought of Su Wanyan?

The woman who had already left left in that way, but she remained deeply in their hearts and could not be erased.


Akabane stood outside the door of the room, not sure whether to knock or not?There has been no movement in the room since the morning, and His Royal Highness has stayed inside since he had breakfast.Now it seems that he has not woken up yet, but should he knock on the door to wake His Highness?

But His Highness gave another order, not to disturb without his order.

But let His Highness stay inside without eating, should he do something as a subordinate?
Akabane still knocked on the door, stood outside and said, "Your Highness."

"Go down." Yuhen scolded in a low voice, as if afraid of waking up the woman in his arms.

Akabane's movement outside has already woken up the people inside.What's more, the woman sleeping in his arms was restless, she kept moving after falling asleep, and he was woken up a long time ago.

Being reprimanded by his Highness, Akabane had no choice but to go down and not bother her anymore.

He hadn't seen her sleeping like this for a long time.Seeing her sleeping face, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Now she is as obedient as a kitten obediently staying in his arms.This kind of her gave him an unbearable urge to kiss Fangze.

Maybe it was her sleeping face that was too sweet, maybe it was because he wanted to kiss her.

Without even thinking about it, I stuck my lips together.

Kissed her on the cheek.

After kissing her, she still didn't wake up.She seemed to find it very interesting, and then kissed her lips again, this time the lips fell on her lips.

Seeing that he was kissing her, she was still sleeping like a dead man, and she didn't look like she was going to wake up at all.I couldn't help but feel a little angry, she still had no defense at all.If it were someone else, she wouldn't know if she had done anything to her.

Thinking of this, he bit her lips with a sense of punishment.

In his sleep, Chu Liyou felt a burst of pain, as if he dreamed that someone bit him, "It hurts."

"You still know the pain. I thought you would sleep like this and don't know anything. I'm still wondering if I'm going to keep biting you awake?"

"You bit me?" Just after waking up, there was still a trace of laziness in Chu Liyou's voice, and even those eyes were shining with an innocent and wronged light.

A gentle smile flashed on Yuhen's warm and jade-like face, "I didn't bite you, I was kissing you."

She hadn't seen such a smile for a long time.

The first impression Yuhen gave her was a gentle and jade-like appearance.But later, after she had been in contact with him for a long time, she found that he was very cold, cold, and cruel.She thought she would never see that gentle and jade-like man again.

But now he seems to have returned to that gentle and jade-like appearance.

Is she dreaming?

If it's a dream, don't wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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