The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 824 16. Like it!detoxification

Chapter 824 16. Like it!detoxification

Maybe only in the dream would Yuhen smile at himself so gently?

See, no matter what Yuhen did to her, she was still thinking about her.Dreaming about him too.

I really have reached the point of no cure.

That being the case, then cherish this dream.Let this dream last a little longer, so long that you will never wake up.

"You're clearly biting me." She thought she was just in a dream, and she didn't want to wake up from such a dream.There is also a coquettish look in his tone. "Yuhen, how could you bite me while I was sleeping?"

"Then I will let you bite me too." It seems that it has been a long time since I saw her acting like a baby, and Yuhen's tone was also full of tenderness and indulgence.

Such a gentle tone with traces of pampering made Chu Liyou feel that this was just a dream.A happy dream.

"Then I must bite you hard." Then I really took a bite on Yuhen's lips, and after the bite, I smiled.

But Yuhen didn't let her go, stretched out his hand to wrap her waist, whispered softly in her ear, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Being held in his arms, she also lay on his body.There was a coquettish smile on the innocent and beautiful face, "Of course I know. I'm just biting you."

"You're trying to seduce Bengong, do you know?" Looking at her coquettish tone, something seemed to flow by.

"I don't have it." Chu Liyou pouted, "You were the one who bit me first, and you told me to bite you. You can't play tricks."

"I don't cheat." Yuhen said with a smile, "But you bit me, now it's time for me to bite you."

He didn't know why she suddenly acted like a baby to him, but he seemed very satisfied and liked her like this.He didn't want to destroy this atmosphere at all, he even wanted to pamper her like this and keep acting like a baby.No one or anyone bothered them.

"No, it hurts to bite." Chu Liyou pouted.

"It doesn't hurt, I will bite you lightly."

"No." There was an endless coquettish tone in her voice.

"Bengong wants to...bite you." He leaned over and whispered in her ear, speaking very slowly, as if on purpose.

Chu Liyou's face turned red involuntarily, "You bullied me."

During the conversation, the postures of the two have changed.Yuhen pressed Chu Liyou under his body and looked at her with gentle eyes.

"Hey, I won't bite you."

"Yuhen, do you like me? You like me, right?" Seeing him smiling gently at himself, Chu Liyou asked softly.

Doesn't it mean that in dreams, everything will come true?

Then when she asked him if he liked him, he should answer yes, right?
But she was afraid that he would answer that he didn't like her in the dream, so she said immediately after asking the question for a second, "It's okay, if you don't want to answer, then don't answer, I like you. As long as you Being gentle with me is enough."

"I like it." He said in a low and mellow voice, "I think... I like you."

"Really?" She looked at him, shedding a tear of happiness.


"I like you too. No, Yuhen, I love you. Really love you."

After finishing speaking, she put her arms around his waist and gave her a superficial kiss.After kissing, she looked at him shyly.

It turns out that in the dream, everything will really come true.

"Li You." Looking at her shy face, he gently called out her name.

Everything was so natural, and I kissed him naturally.

He has done it with her many times, many times she is not willing at all.Even several times, he gave her a very bad image.

But never like this time, she would cater to his actions.

He brings her joy.

She also gave him joy.

Time passed silently like this.

He didn't want to stop like this, hugging her again and again.

Until she passed out, he held her tightly.But I found that I don't want to let go now.

Looking at this shy and beautiful face, maybe he really fell in love with her.

He didn't know when he began to fall in love with her slowly.

Gently left a light kiss on her cheek, and said lightly, "Li You, Ben Gong thinks, Ben Gong really likes you."


Youcheng Inn.

After buying the needed medicine, I borrowed a huge pot from the inn and started cooking in the small kitchen in the courtyard where they lived.

An hour is not long, nor is it short.

Murong Xiyan was full after eating and drinking, and stood in the small kitchen with her arms folded, looking at the medicine that was boiling in the cauldron.He gave a ruthless look at the burning fire, "The fire is too big, and it won't be long until the soup is cooked after you burn such a big fire. If you burn such a big fire, you want to kill that person."

Originally, the matter of lighting the fire could have been done by the waiter in the inn.But it seemed that Murong Xiyan was still angry in her heart, and she ruthlessly cut her veil in half.Therefore, in order to vent her anger, Murong Xiyan has one more request, that is, Wu Qing, who was punished just now, should set the fire on fire, otherwise, she will not detoxify Wang Zixuan.

Ruthlessly burning the fire, he ignored Murong Xiyan's words.But when he heard that the fire he was burning was too big, he moved a little slower.

"It will be ready in half an hour. Remember, don't overheat the fire. After boiling, put the soup in the bathtub in Wang Zixuan's room to cool for half an hour." Murong Xiyan didn't wait In the kitchen where the smell of smoke is too strong.

Before detoxifying Wang Zixuan, she had one more thing to do, and that was to get someone to heal her internal injuries first.If it wasn't for her, something would definitely happen if she tried to detoxify Wang Zixuan with her internally injured body.At that time, it must be that Wang Zixuan's poison has not been cured, but she herself will die first.

"Which of you will heal my wound?" Murong Xiyan swept a few people in the room.

Of course, she didn't dare to ask Chu Limo or Wang Ziqing to heal her wounds by name, neither would they.As for Feng Qingluan, this girl is good at whipping and swordsmanship, but her internal strength is not high, and the only thing left is Yun Qing.

"You go out and wait, I will heal Miss Xiyan." Yun Qing said.

Time was running out, and the others didn't say anything.Chu Limo just glanced at Yun Qing, and then left the room.

Yun Qing said, "Let's start."

"Wait." Just as it was about to start, Murong Xiyan interrupted Yun Qing and said seriously: "I want to declare one thing first, my detoxification of Wang Zixuan is purely a transaction. Detoxification, you invited me to a big meal and lent me money. Therefore, no matter what happens during the detoxification process, you have to promise one thing, and you must not tell this matter. Not to mention this matter to my master and others People. Of course, I am at a disadvantage in this kind of thing, but no matter what Wang Zixuan sees after waking up, you have to warn him and not allow him to speak out. Otherwise, I can't detoxify him."

"I promise you that you won't say anything." Yun Qing could almost guess what would happen during the detoxification process. Thinking about it, detoxification would involve the innocence of the woman's family, right?Otherwise, why would she be so embarrassed and reminded again and again.Watching Murong Xiyan speak, "Shall we start?"

"Let's get started." Now that she agreed, Murong Xiyan didn't hesitate anymore.Who made her owe Wang Zixuan her life?
Yun Qing injected his own spiritual power into Murong Xiyan's body, and the gentle spiritual power slowly flowed through every inch of Xiyan's blood.The chest that was injured internally did not hurt so much.

By the time the inside was over, Murong Xiyan's internal injuries had already healed.Yun Qing's face was a little pale.And the medicine had been kept cold in Wang Zixuan's room for half an hour.

"Qingqing, are you alright?" Murong Xiyan asked with concern.

"It's okay. It's just too much wear and tear." Chu Limo's palm that hurt Xiyan seemed to have only used three points of force, but the internal force was deep and the injury was quite serious.If Yun Qing wanted to completely heal Xi Yan's internal injuries, his spiritual power would inevitably be exhausted. "Go and detoxify big cousin."

"Don't worry, I promise to return you a lively Wang Zixuan." Opening the door, Murong Xiyan walked towards Wang Zixuan's room.

"Qingqing, how are you?" Chu Limo felt distressed, and stretched out his hand to give Yun Qing his inner strength.

"I'm fine. My spiritual power was exhausted too much, I recovered after two days of rest." Yun Qing stopped Chu Limo's movement.If he used his inner strength for himself, it would definitely hurt his vitality.At that time, if he triggers the unfeeling Gu in her body, she won't cry to death.

"Hey, whoever of you come here, do me a favor and put him in the medicine barrel." Murong Xiyan called out in Wang Zixuan's room.

Chu Limo only cares about Yun Qing now, and he doesn't care about Wang Zixuan's affairs.This matter was handed over to Wang Ziqing.

"Take off his clothes." Murong Xiyan said again.

Wang Ziqing was stunned immediately, and was stunned for a while.

"Take off his clothes quickly, don't delay this girl's detoxification." She was not happy to detoxify in this way, but this man was still slow.

Wang Ziqing didn't hesitate, took off Wang Zixuan's clothes, Murong Xiyan stood at the door and turned her face away.It was only after Wang Ziqing put Wang Zixuan into the medicine barrel that he turned his face away.

"Okay, you go out. Remember, no matter what you hear or what happens during the detoxification period, don't disturb me, otherwise something big will happen." After finishing speaking, Murong Xiyan locked the door closed.

Looking at the man sitting in the medicine bucket, Murong Xiyan sighed, "For the sake of you saving this girl, and this poison was for this girl, I will try my best to save your life. But listen carefully, this girl just doesn't want to owe you anything, so no matter what you see later, don't make a fuss about it."

To get rid of the poison on his body, she must use the method taught by her master.This method of detoxification requires the use of the unique skill "Phoenix Scripture" taught by her master.During the detoxification period, the two of them sat in the medicine barrel at the same time, and she used her kung fu to inject the internal force of the Phoenix Scripture into his body and cooperate with the medicine in this barrel.However, the only downside is that heat will be generated during exercise, and you must take off your clothes if you cannot be affected by the heat.It would be fine if he was a girl, but he was a man, and both of them took off their clothes. During the final period of detoxification, he would wake up and see everything.So, she was in trouble.

She sighed again, and finally, Murong Xiyan sat down in the medicine bucket.

Using the Phoenix Mantra taught to her by her master, she slowly injected this internal force into Wang Zixuan's body.After a while, bursts of heat began to emerge from the medicine barrel.

Time passed by minute by minute.

People outside also waited anxiously.

"Why haven't you come out for so long, can something happen?" Feng Qingluan asked worriedly.After all, Wang Zixuan's poison was very powerful, none of them recognized what kind of poison it was.

"It's the Phoenix Scripture." Looking into the room, Chu Limo spit out slowly, "She is indeed the old man's apprentice."

When Murong Xiyan used the Phoenix Mantra, he already felt the aura of the Phoenix Mantra.

"What did you say? What Phoenix Scripture?"

"What she is using now is the Phoenix Mantra. The Phoenix Mantra and the Xuantian Mantra have the same purpose. The Phoenix Mantra and the Xuantian Mantra can cure strange poisons, and they can also suppress strange poisons. Powerful skills." Chu Limo explained to Yunqing: "But I didn't expect that old man to teach her the Phoenix Scripture, no wonder her martial arts are not under Qingqing."

"The old man Lingyin used the Xuantian Scripture to suppress the Heartless Gu in your body. Since he can cure the strange poison, why can't he cure the Heartless Gu on you." Yun Qing still held such a glimmer of hope.

"Qingqing forgot. Unfeeling Gu is the most strange poison in the world. How can Phoenix Mantra and Xuantian Mantra can be detoxified. What's more, using this skill to detoxify requires internal energy. After she detoxified Wang Zixuan, three You can no longer use the Phoenix Mantra to detoxify people within a year, and you will have to practice the Phoenix Mantra again within three years."

"So that's how it is." Yun Qing said calmly.

So, things in the world have two sides.There is also a price.

If some strange poisons are really so easy to cure, I am afraid that everyone will be vying to learn the exercises like Phoenix Scripture and Xuantian Scripture.

Another long time has passed, and the detoxification in the room has reached the final step.Injecting the last trace of the inner strength of the Phoenix Scripture into Wang Zixuan's body, Wang Zixuan spat out a mouthful of blood and then slowly opened his eyes.Murong Xiyan also withdrew her palm.

"Wanyan...Wanyan..." Looking at this face, Wang Zixuan murmured.

"Pfft..." This name was like a thorn, and her heart ached when he called it out. She had exhausted the Phoenix scriptures, and when she heard him call this name again, her heart ached and she spit out a mouthful of blood. .

"Be polite."

Excited, joyful, unspeakable mood.But at the moment there is only one thought, to hold her tightly in his arms.His politeness is not dead, his politeness is back.

"I'm not your polite words. Wang Zixuan, look clearly, I'm not." No matter who it is, it won't be a good mood to hear a man treat himself as another woman. "Your poison has been cured, and I don't owe you anything."

Before Wang Zixuan could react, he pushed him away fiercely, quickly took his clothes and put them on his body, then opened the door and left the room.


In the room, there was a tearing cry from Wang Zixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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