The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 825 17. Murong Xiyan's Request

Chapter 825 17. Murong Xiyan's Request

"Go and see him quickly. I'm leaving." Holding her aching heart, Murong Xiyan came to the room where Yun Qing was.

Hearing her words, Wang Ziqing walked out of the room.

"Xiyan, you have to leave." It stands to reason that she has no money on her body, and now that her internal energy is exhausted, where is she going?
"Qingqing me..." She wanted to say that she didn't want to leave, and she would have food, drink and a place to sleep with them.But the name that Wang Zixuan yelled made her heart ache involuntarily.But before he finished speaking, he fainted at the door of Yun Qing's room.

"Pity Yan."

"Pity Yan."

Two voices shouted at the same time.

Feng Qingluan ran directly in front of Murong Xiyan. "Xiyan, wake up."

"She fainted from exhaustion of internal energy, she will be fine after a night of sleep." Chu Limo said lightly.Seeing Yun Qing's tone was very gentle, "Qingqing, don't worry, Wang Zixuan's poison has been cured, and now you also need to rest."

When Wang Ziqing came to the room, Wang Zixuan had just detoxified, and was too excited to pass out.But the poison on his body was finally cured.Now as long as he takes good care of him, the wound on his body will heal within a few days.

Wang Zixuan's poison was cured, and the matter was finally over.As for the ghost ghost gate that poisoned Wang Zixuan, Yun Qing will not let them go, Chu Limo will not let them go, and everyone here will not let ghost ghost gate go.

And Feng Tianlan, the sect master of Guiyoumen, is still in Chujing, and other forces of Guiyoumen have also transferred to Chujing.Chu Limo handed over this matter to Nangong Jin who was far away in Chujing.Now, what they should do is to go to Beiyuan Country to find the Moon Spirit Flower.

But before leaving Beiyuan country, they have to wait for two days.Chu Limo couldn't bear Yun Qing to go on the road now.And Yun Qing would not leave Wang Zixuan and Murong Xiyan to help her and go on the road at this time.She has always been a person who repays revenge and kindness.What I owed Murong Xiyan this time could not be repaid with a big meal.

What they owed her was a life.

Although the eldest cousin was seriously injured by the ghost ghost because of saving her, but in the end it wasn't Murong Xiyan's fault.At that time, the big cousin saved people not only because of the ghost pylorus bullying a girl, but more importantly because the group of people were ghost pylorists.The big cousin will not let off people who see ghosts and pylorus.

There is a blood feud between them and Gui Youmen.

Seeing that she helped them so much, they didn't even know each other, so this friend was considered a friendship.In the future, if Murong Xiyan has any difficulties, she will go through fire and water to help her without hesitation.

the next day.

After sleeping, Murong Xiyan finally looked much better than last night.But Chu Limo was also right, she could no longer use the Phoenix Mantra to detoxify and save people within three years, and she would have to practice the Phoenix Mantra again within three years.

The person who was clutching his heart last night and said he was going to leave after exhausting his internal energy changed his mind after a night of sleep.

Waking up early in the morning, Murong Xiyan dragged Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan to the street with a very familiar face.However, Murong Xiyan also put on a veil again on her face.

"What are you going to do so early in the morning?" Feng Qingluan didn't understand why this woman who fainted last night came alive this morning and dragged them into the street.

Yun Qing just looked at Murong Xiyan who was pulling her with a smile, for some reason, she didn't resist her contact.Maybe it's because she has the same face as Sister Su, maybe it's because of her innocent and lively temperament?
"Oh, I exhausted my skills last night, of course I have to make up for it. I heard that Youcheng has a lot of delicious food." Murong Xiyan grinned, "You also know that I have no money with me."

How dare she pull them out early in the morning as money bags?
"But you are right about one thing. There are indeed many, many delicious things in Youcheng. I am familiar with this place." Feng Qingluan patted her chest and smiled.

"Are you familiar? Qingluan, isn't your home in Dachu? How come you know this place well?" Murong Xiyan became a little curious.

"I grew up in Youcheng when I was young. Do you think I am familiar with this place?" When she was ten years old, she left Youcheng with her parents and returned to Chujing. very deep.What's more, it's only been eight years now. "Oh, time flies so fast, eight years have passed in a blink of an eye. It has been eight years since I left Youcheng. In eight years, Youcheng has changed a lot. Sigh, I didn't expect that I would die. "Finally, Feng Qingluan couldn't help but exclaimed, amazed that the time really passed in a blink of an eye.

Time flies so fast.In the blink of an eye, she has.Many things have also changed.

"Yes! Time flies so fast." Yun Qing sighed inexplicably.Three years have passed since she woke up from her rebirth.Time is really fast, almost to the point that she has known Chu Limo for three years and has been together for three years.Thinking of him, Yun Qing couldn't help but smile slightly.Then she looked at Feng Qingluan with a smile and said, "Don't you still have me with Sister Feng? Besides me, there is also Bai Yue in Chujing. We will spend 28, 38, 48, and even 88 together in the future."

Speaking of which, they are about the same age.The birthdays are only a few months away.

"The two of you should stop lamenting the time and your own age. The most important thing now is to eat all the delicacies in Youcheng." In the face of any problem, Murong Xiyan only has delicacies in her eyes now.

It really fulfilled that sentence: there are only beautiful men and delicious food in the world that cannot be let down.

But I am afraid that in the eyes of Murong Xiyan, the only thing that cannot be let down is food.

"Since you've come out, today I invite you to eat all the delicacies in Youcheng." Yun Qing said with a smile: "Don't be so full that you can't eat at the end."

"How can it be possible to be full. I'm a big eater." After saying that, Murong Xiyan smiled and ran to the front one selling sesame seed cakes.Looking at the biscuits in front of her, Murong Xiyan was probably drooling. "Boss, give me three biscuits."

After taking the biscuits, Yun Qing paid the money.

Murong Xiyan handed the other two pancakes to Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan. "Food tastes only when shared with good friends." After giving the biscuits to the two, Murong Xiyan ate the biscuits while looking at the delicacies on the street.It's just that she didn't take off the veil on her face while eating the biscuits.

Food is delicious when shared with good friends.

Food is delicious when shared with good friends.

The two of them took the biscuits that Murong Xiyan handed over and looked at them blankly, and at the same time looked at her, the woman in purple who was walking in front of her.Although her back was facing them, she must have a lively smile on her face.

The two even murmured in their hearts: Sister Su, did you come back in this way?I know, it must be.

Every time Murong Xiyan walked past a stall, she would always stop and buy three portions when she saw something delicious.Each time I bought three copies, at the back, Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan still had some of the food she bought, but Murong Xiyan had finished eating.

This really echoes what Murong Xiyan said, she is really a big eater.Even after eating so much, I didn't feel supported.

Feng Qingluan also had to admire her.She thinks that she is already a foodie, and she can't stop eating when she encounters delicious food, but she is not like her.

Just walking on the streets of Youcheng, eating and shopping all the way.It was noon in a flash.

The three of them stopped at the entrance of the best restaurant in Youcheng.

Murong Xiyan pointed to the restaurant and said: "I heard from the master that the food in this restaurant is the best. It is very famous in You City. If you go late, you won't even have a seat."

"Go in. It's time for lunch." Yun Qing said.Along the way, I bought a lot of snacks with her, but she didn't eat much, and kept them in her hand all the time.It's noon now, but I'm really hungry.

"Go in quickly. If we stand here, maybe there will be no seats inside." Feng Qingluan also spoke.

She knew this restaurant, and it was full when it was time to eat.

"Qingqing, Qingluan and you are indeed the best."

After entering the restaurant, I asked for a private room on the second floor, and ordered a table of dishes.Seeing these delicacies in front of her, Murong Xiyan took off the veil on her face.

Regarding her wearing a veil again, which was only taken off in the private room, Feng Qingluan asked curiously: "We have seen your... appearance, why do you still wear a veil?"

Mentioning the veil, Murong Xiyan put down her chopsticks, "It was an accident for you to see my face. The master once warned me not to let anyone see my face, otherwise I will be in great trouble. The master said, If anyone sees my face, they must either kill them or marry them. Of course, I can’t kill you, and I can’t marry you either. You can pretend that you haven’t seen my face, and I can pretend that you haven’t either. I've seen it." Paused, remembering that Wang Zixuan called herself as another woman last night, Murong Xiyan said again, "Qingqing, Qingluan, I have one more thing to ask you two, Wang Zixuan saw it last night My face. He must have mistook me for Su Wanyan. When he wakes up, I hope you don’t tell him that Su Wanyan and I have the same face. I am Murong Xiyan, no matter what I am The real Su Wanyan. But since I can remember, I have been Murong Xiyan for more than ten years. From now on, I only want to be my Murong Xiyan."

"I promise you." It was Yun Qing who spoke first.

Everyone has their own secrets to hide, and Murong Xiyan also has them.She was also right, she had been Murong Xiyan for more than ten years.It was impossible for her to become the real Su Wanyan all at once.Moreover, even if she becomes the real Su Wanyan, she is not the Su Wanyan that her cousin loves.

"You don't want people to know, I won't tell." Feng Qingluan also spoke.

"Thank you all." Murong Xiyan smiled. "Then those two from your family and that ruthless guard will trouble you to tell them to keep it a secret."


The two agreed.

"I know that you are the best. I toast you a glass." Having received the assurance from the two, Murong Xiyan happily poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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