The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 826 18. His Highness the Crown Prince in a Bad Mood

Chapter 826 18. His Highness the Crown Prince in a Bad Mood

"Hiss..." In the carriage, the woman moaned and moved her body.But he found that his whole body was in pain, as if he had been severely beaten.

She just fell asleep, that man wouldn't beat her up abnormally, right?

But this feeling seems to be like doing that kind of thing again.

Could it be that dream she had.

Do you feel real pain when you have such a dream?
She can still clearly remember how crazy she and Yuhen were in the dream.

She has never seen such a crazy Yuhen.He even deliberately said some obscene words in her ear to seduce her.It made her do many things she had never done before.

In the dream, he was also very gentle.He had never been so gentle with himself.

She still remembered that in the dream he said he liked her.That was the first time she heard him say that he liked herself.


How precious his love is to her.But it made her feel happy again.

But she also knew that this was just a dream after all.

How could Yuhen in reality like herself?How could he tell her so gently that he liked her?
After all, the dream still has to wake up.

How could Yuhen, a cold person who treats her so cruelly, like her?
It's just that this dream was so real that she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

"It hurts. It hurts so much." When she opened her eyes, what came into view was Yuhen's warm and jade-like face, which was exactly the same as the face in the dream.

At the moment she is being held in his arms.

Is it a hallucination?

"Does it hurt?" He asked softly in a soft voice.

Chu Liyou was a little startled, as if he couldn't adapt to his gentle tone at the moment.She was very afraid, afraid that this was just an illusion, afraid that it was just another illusory dream.When she woke up from the dream, she was the only one who was sad alone.

"Where am I?" She asked, but her tone was a little alienated and indifferent.

Her tone at this moment was indifferent, in stark contrast to her fiery enthusiasm last night.

This made him a little annoyed, what's going on now?

"In the carriage." Yuhen's tone also cooled down.

Chu Liyou moved his body, but found that his whole body was in severe pain.This made her start to wonder, did Yuhen do something to her while she was asleep?
After all, Yuhen used to come to her room in the middle of the night to force her too much.

Could it be that he really made her look like this?

How could he be so perverted? He had already asked for it the night before yesterday, and he didn't let her go last night.

"Don't move, just lie down." Yuhen said in a deep voice with an unhappy face: "I'm rude to you if you move around."

"Let go of me. I'll sit and go." His embrace was very warm, but she didn't dare to be infatuated.

Yuhen was very annoyed by her sudden alienation. "Chu Liyou, what kind of tricks are you playing? Are you playing hard to get? Now you look indifferent to Ben Gong, but last night you were very enthusiastic towards Ben Gong. Have you forgotten everything about last night?"

It seemed that something exploded in his head.

What did he just say?
She was so enthusiastic last night?to him?

"What nonsense are you talking about, I don't have one." Chu Liyou categorically denied it.

How could she be so passionate about him?Now she only has a kind of sad despair for him.

"No." Yuhen pursed her lips, "Have you forgotten what you did with Bengong last night? You were very enthusiastic last night, have you forgotten all of this?"

"I...not." Chu Liyou denied it once, but her tone was insufficient.

The pain in her body reminded her that something must have happened last night.Moreover, in the dream she had last night, she was really passionate.

Could it be that what happened last night was not a dream, but actually happened.

"No. It seems that you need Ben Gong to remind you? Who was calling Ben Gong's name passionately under Ben Gong last night? Who was passionately saying that he loves Ben Gong, and who took the initiative to talk to you?" Bengong is happy. Have you forgotten these things?" Yuhen was very annoyed, when it happened last night, she now categorically denies it.

"I..." Chu Liyou bit her lip and looked at Yuhen's face for a while.So, it was not a dream, it really happened.Thinking of what happened last night, Chu Liyou now wished he could find a hole in the ground and get into it.Angrily roared: "How can you come to my dream casually."

"Dream. Hehe." Yuhen sneered, and his face sank in an instant. "Chu Liyou, you actually said that you were dreaming. You still have such a dream. Tell me, besides Bengong, who else have you had this dream with? Did Qi Rong also appear in your dream? ?”

"I do not have."

Hearing that he brought the matter to Qi Rong again, her heart ached a little when she thought that she had that kind of relationship with Qi Rong.

He clearly knew that he would never accept any man other than him.But he decided to use this matter to question her.

"It's best not to. If you dare to have sex with Qi Rong, I will strangle you to death."

Chu Liyou looked at him indifferently, why should he be so fierce to her.They don't have any relationship at all, so why does he care who she has anything to do with?
"Don't look at Ben Gong with such cold eyes, Ben Gong will be heartbroken." Seeing her cold look, he felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Chu Liyou turned his face aside, not looking at him.

"Don't pretend to be unfamiliar with Bengong, Bengong looks even more troublesome." Yuhen said: "Bengong likes the way you looked last night."


This is the second time she heard him say that he likes herself.But he liked the way she looked last night.

Do you like the girl who thought she was dreaming last night?
So, the liking he said last night was also a dream?
She couldn't see that he liked her a little bit now.

Or what he said about liking is actually a lie.

Or: he was lying to her, he wanted to take revenge on her, and he wanted to see himself sinking for him once.

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, she felt that if she continued to think about it, she would definitely go crazy.

Just as if I had a dream last night, an unusually happy and happy dream.Now, it's time to wake up from the dream.It's time for her to wake up too.

"Where are we going?"

She didn't expect to meet him at the inn, nor did she ask him where he was going when he appeared in this place.But she has only one destination, and that is to go to Beiyuan Country.But now, Brother Qi left alone.She fell into Yuhen's hands again, and she didn't know when she would reach Beiyuan Country.

"Beiyuan Capital."

"Are you going to Beiyuan Country?" Chu Liyou was taken aback for a moment.

He actually wanted to go to Beiyuan Country.Did he know that he was going to Beiyuan Country to find Yue Linghua to stop her?

"Very surprised." Yuhen raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you leave Jinling City with Qi Rong to go to Beiyuan Capital? Why, now you don't want to go with Bengong?"

"Can I ask you, why are you going to Beiyuan Country?" Now that it has fallen into Yuhen's hands, Chu Liyou also understands that he cannot escape.Moreover, she was also going to Beiyuan Country, so she had to ask clearly before acting.

"I'm in a bad mood right now, so I don't want to answer your question."

Your uncle!When did you feel better?
He said that he was in a bad mood and didn't want to answer, Chu Liyou also lowered his head and stopped asking.

Anyway, I want to go to Beiyuan country, so I should make plans after I arrive in Beiyuan country.

There was a moment of silence in the carriage.

Chu Liyou had another indifferent face.

Looking at her face, Yuhen felt even worse.

"Akabane, stop the car." Yuhen ordered coldly.

Akabane, who was driving the carriage outside, immediately stopped the carriage steadily, and asked, "Your Highness, Fengcheng is ahead."

Akabane didn't understand, Fengcheng was not far ahead, now he was on his way, he could find an inn in Fengcheng to rest for the night.But at this moment, His Highness stopped in this innocuous forest. Could it be that His Highness wants to sleep in the woods tonight?

"I won't go into the city anymore. Just rest at the same place tonight."

Akabane felt like looking at the sky speechlessly. Now that he was on his way, he could reach Fengcheng before dark, but His Highness wanted to stop at this time.OK?

But no matter what His Highness said, Akabane still had to obey the order.

"Go down." Looking at Chu Liyou, Yuhen said indifferently.

He didn't want to see her cold face at all right now, and seeing it made him feel depressed.

Go down and go down.She also didn't want to stay in a carriage with him, and she felt her heart ached when she was together, so she might as well go down to get some air.

He got out of the carriage without looking back.But it was only when I got out of the carriage that I realized that my whole body was still in severe pain.

Chu Liyou could only scold Yuhen severely in his heart.

This man is a beast.In addition to bullying her, or bullying her.He is not afraid that one day he will not lift.

"Miss Chu, the forest is dense and it's going to be dark soon, Miss Chu should not go far." Chu Liyou had just walked away from the carriage when Chi Yu's voice came over.

"If you don't go far, I'm afraid your highness will feel worse when he sees me. Maybe we will stay in this forest for two or three days." Chu Liyou said sarcastically.The footsteps kept walking towards the woods.

Akabane suddenly had a situation where his highness and the woman in front of him seemed to be arguing like a couple.His Royal Highness, because Miss Chu was in a bad mood, Miss Chu lost her temper and ran away.

"Let her come here. She dared to stay five steps away from the carriage, and cut off her legs directly." In the carriage, Yuhen's voice ordered coldly.From this tone, one could tell that he was in a bad mood, a prelude to hurting someone at any time.

Chu Liyou, who had just walked not far away, was 'invited' back by Akabane.

But now that she fell into his hands, she had to bow her head.

Seeing that the sky was getting later and later, even though it was mid-March, it was still very cold at night, His Highness had to stop in the woods for some reason.

Akabane opened his mouth and said: "Your Highness, my subordinates go down to gather some firewood and fetch some water."

"Hmm." A cold voice came from inside the carriage.

After Akabane left, apart from the carriage and the horse, only Yuhen in the carriage and Chu Liyou leaning against a tree were left in the woods.Neither of the two spoke first, and there was no sound in the carriage, as if the people inside had fallen asleep.Chu Liyou also looked drowsy while leaning against the tree.She was so tired these two days that she was able to fall asleep standing up.

But, not long after, the sound of someone talking came from the woods.Listening to the sound, there are quite a lot of people.And it's getting closer and closer to them.

Chu Liyou suddenly had a bad feeling, they wouldn't be so unlucky to meet bandits, right?

Last year, Fengcheng fought a battle with Beiyuan Kingdom. Although Yuhen led the troops to win, Fengcheng also suffered heavy casualties.There are quite a few people nearby who became bandits and bandits who robbed passers-by in the woods.

Thinking of such unlucky encounters with bandits, Chu Liyou really didn't know if he was lucky or not?

The person listening to the sound is getting closer.Whether it was bandits or what, Chu Liyou didn't want to get involved at all.After thinking about it, the flying man had already sat firmly on the branch.

Chu Liyou is very fortunate at the moment, she has learned kung fu with her master for more than ten years, and her martial arts internal strength is not as good as her brother, brother Jin, Yun Qing and others, but she still has some kung fu.As for lightness kung fu or something, it's even more out of the question.

Now, she just sits on the tree and takes a good look at the excitement.

When the people in the carriage heard the movement, their lips curved into a smile.

A group of people came from the woods, Chu Liyou could see clearly from the branch, there were about twenty big men.One by one, they looked ferocious, and one could tell they were not good people at a glance.

They were really unlucky to meet bandits who lived nearby.

Twenty-odd men also spotted the carriage in the woods and walked towards it.

"Brother, why is there a carriage here? Why is there no one around?" A tall, dark man was respectful to a burly man beside him.It seems that the burly man should be the bandit boss.

A certain second bandit said: "Brother, just looking at this carriage, you can tell that it belongs to a rich man. They must be nearby and left the carriage here. I think there must be a lot of valuable things in this carriage."

A certain third bandit also said: "Brother, we have made a fortune."

Then a group of bandits said happily: "Brother, our luck today is really good, we got rich."

In the carriage, the incomparably noble Prince Yuhen of Xiyue remained silent.Chu Liyou sat on the branch and watched the bustle without making a sound.

"Brother, let's quickly take away the valuables in the carriage." The bandit who had just spoken said again.

The bandit boss who hadn't spoken all this time glanced at the carriage, "Brother, what do I usually teach you? Do you think there will be any valuables in the carriage? Who would be so stupid to put valuables in the carriage and leave by himself. The carriage The owner must have something of value with him."

"Brother, what should we do?" the bandit asked again.

"Stupid. Do you want me to teach you this?" The bandit boss knocked on the head of the bandit who had just questioned him and said, "Let's hide first. The owner of the carriage should be back soon. At that time, we will rob them together." gone."

"Brother is still smart."

"Hide first."

A group of bandits hid themselves.Chu Liyou, who was sitting on the branch, saw all of this before her eyes.There was no movement in the carriage either.

Not long after, Akabane came back.

How could the unusual things in the woods be hidden from Akabane's eyes.But there were no traces of fighting in the woods, so it seemed that nothing happened to His Highness.

As soon as he got to the carriage, a group of bandits rushed up and surrounded Akabane.

A certain bandit said, "Brother, why is he the only one?"

A certain second bandit said: "Whether he is alone or not, arrest him first and talk about it. Take out all the valuable things on him."

"Catch it." The bandit boss waved his hand.

Akabane looked cold, with a murderous air. "I don't know what's good or bad."

Who would have thought that there would be a group of bandits robbing outside the woods near Fengcheng.

Twenty or so people were not martial arts practitioners, and Akabane knocked them down with a few moves.Only then did everyone realize that they had offended Sha Shen.

They knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. "Forgive us. We offended the hero because we didn't know Taishan. We knew we were wrong."

Akabane didn't say a word, and looked coldly at the group of bandits kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Chu Liyou flew down from the branch and landed steadily on the ground.The bandits were stunned. No one thought that there was someone in the woods, and she was a stunning beauty.

"You have great martial arts skills, isn't it too much to bully a group of ordinary people who are powerless?" Chu Liyou said indifferently, with a face that didn't recognize Chiyu.

Akabane looked at Chu Liyou in a daze, but didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

At this time, there was also a cold voice from inside the carriage, which was full of anger. "The girl wants to save them?"

Akabane was even more confused in the wind in an instant.What is His Highness and Miss Chu going on about?
Hearing the sound in the carriage, a group of bandits were even more shocked.There was actually someone in the carriage, but they never noticed it.

But now, more than twenty of them have all fallen into the hands of this man, who cares who is in the carriage.Life-saving is the most important thing.

"Girl, help us."

"Girl help us."

Everyone seemed to regard Chu Liyou as a straw.They were originally a group of ordinary people, and the world was too chaotic, so they became bandits in desperation.

"Don't worry, what this girl likes most is to draw a sword to help when the road is uneven." Chu Liyou glanced at the carriage and then said to Chi Yu: "Let them go. Otherwise, don't blame me for taking action."

She hasn't had a fight in a long time.I don't know if the swordsmanship is rusty.But at this moment, she suddenly had the idea of ​​fighting.

"If you beat him, I can consider releasing these people." Another indifferent voice came from the carriage.

Akabane was having a hard time, and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the two of them at all.

"Okay. Try it then."

Chu Liyou made a sudden move, picked up a sword used by a bandit from the ground, and made a move at Akabane.

What her master taught her was the Xuantian Scripture, but she hadn't mastered the internal strength of the Xuantian Scripture, but she had practiced the Xuantian swordsmanship quite well.Xuantian swordsmanship is ruthless, accurate and fast, so fast that the enemy can't even see how to make a move, so accurate that one sword can stab the enemy's heart, and so ruthless that one sword can kill the enemy.

However, her Xuantian swordsmanship has only been practiced to the fifth level, and she hasn't practiced swordsmanship for a long time, so her swordsmanship is already a little rusty.Against a person like Akabane who has experienced fighting, she couldn't hurt Akabane for a while.

And Akabane didn't dare to really hurt Chu Liyou, so he could only dodge his moves.

This angered Chu Liyou even more, "You are humiliating this girl's sword. You are as disgusting as your master. This girl doesn't need you to let me go." After the words fell, the sword came out a little faster .

There's something else I don't understand.Akabane also understood even when he was dull.His Highness and Miss Chu were really having a temper tantrum, and it turned out to be bad luck for him.

Chu Liyou's sword move suddenly changed, as if countless swords were stabbing towards him. The sound of "Hua Hua Hua Hua" also sounded suddenly, and when he looked at it, the clothes on Akabane's body were torn into disgrace.

"You lost." Chu Liyou pointed the sword in his hand at Chiyu and said indifferently.He glanced at the group of bandits kneeling on the ground again, and said in a colder tone, "If you dare to rob your house from now on, it will be your fate." As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Liyou swiped the sword in his hand, and a small tree next to him instantly It was cut into two parts.

Those bandits had never seen such a ferocious woman before, and they dared to rob houses.Repeatedly assured, "Don't dare. I don't dare anymore."

"Get lost." Chu Liyou gave them a cold look.

Everyone rolled and crawled, and hurriedly left this place desperately.I'm afraid that if I walk a step slower, I will end up with the same fate as that tree.

When everyone left the forest, Chu Liyou dropped the sword in his hand.Then he gave Akabane a white look.

It is estimated that Akabane has not recovered yet, why did he lose.How could Chu Liyou cut the clothes like this with a sword.

"Wuying Sword Art." The person in the carriage snorted, "Nangong Jin is really kind to you, and taught you Wuying Sword."

There was no sourness in this tone.First, Qi Rong was kind to her in every possible way, and now Nangong Jinlai suddenly appeared.He almost forgot one thing, she seems to have a good relationship with Nangong Jin.

Chu Liyou didn't answer Yuhen's words, it was indeed Brother Jin who taught her this set of Shadowless Sword.When she wanted to go out of Lingyin Temple and go down the mountain to play, Brother Jin taught her this set of sword skills in order to coax her.Said that if she practiced this set of swordsmanship, she would take her down the mountain to play.As a result, she had been practicing Wuying Sword seriously that year, but after she had practiced for a while, Brother Jin stopped talking.Later, she never practiced or used this sword technique.

The curtain of the car was opened, Yuhen gave Chiyu a cold look, and then looked back without saying a word.Akabane was almost scared to death by his Highness's eyes.Thinking of his current appearance, he hurriedly took a set of clothes from his bag and hid in the woods to change.

Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou again and said, "Have you had enough fun? Do you find it interesting?"

Thinking about how she just jumped on the branch to watch the fun, she suddenly felt so angry that she couldn't express it.

"Of course. It's rare to see such excitement." A fight with Akabane really exhausted her.Just now, she just had a whim, and wanted to hit someone to vent her anger.But who knows, it doesn't seem to go very smoothly, and she is even more tired after venting.

"Do you like fighting very much? But I don't like you using Wuying sword technique." Thinking of her using Wuying sword technique, one would think that this sword technique has something to do with Nangong Jin, and think of her relationship with Nangong Jin.If it wasn't for someone close, how could Nangong Jin have taught her the sword skills passed down in his family.

"I don't like fighting. But I also won't show mercy to those who hate me." Chu Liyou looked at him with indifferent eyes, "Don't bother His Royal Highness to enjoy the scenery."

"Where are you going?" Seeing that she was about to leave, Yuhen grabbed her hand.

"Convenience." Gritting his teeth, he spat out those two words, "I'm going to facilitate, so does His Royal Highness want to follow?"

"It's just right, I also want to make it convenient. Let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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