The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 830 22. Gathering in Beiyuan

Chapter 830 22. Gathering in Beiyuan
There is no so-called unlucky in the world, only unlucky ones that are unexpected to you.

The so-called fate is really a very strange thing, people who shouldn't be met, people who shouldn't be here all appear together at this moment.

When these people who shouldn't appear appeared, everyone's face was full of confusion.

Beiyuan Kingdom also seemed to be a little more colorful because of the arrival of these people.

So far, the chaos in the world has begun.


Huadu Inn.

"You let me down, I can walk by myself." Chu Liyou could only feel the burning eyes on his face from everyone looking at him.

"Are you sure you can walk down the ground now?" Yuhen looked at her and joked.

Who is to blame for her being unable to walk now?
Speaking of which, she was unlucky enough that she accidentally fell and twisted her foot.

But the matter of her wrestling has to start from that night in Fengcheng. After Yuhen said that night, he couldn't believe it because of all the Chu Liyou that Yuhen had done before.Now that he knew that he could not escape from his palm, Chu Liyou did not escape either.Anyway, she has been eaten to death by Yuhen, and she has never been pleased with him.Without being hypocritical, she went to the innkeeper to open another room.

Only since then, in the next half month.Yuhen seemed to be a different person, he suddenly seemed to be very kind to her, he would not sarcasm her like he did in Xiyue, he would not show a cold face to her, and he would not use that disgusting look in his eyes look at her.She could even feel a trace of tenderness in him, just for her alone.

Such a him gave her a sense of illusion. She didn't know whether Yuhen was sincere or pretending.But she was willing to immerse herself in his tenderness.Life is alive, it is better to be confused once.

She thought, even if he pretended it on purpose, at least they were together at the moment.

She was thinking that she must love him to the bone marrow.It was obvious that he had hurt her body badly, but with one gentle look or one sentence from him, she sank.

For half a month, she felt the happiest day in her life.Along the way, they would bicker over the slightest disagreement.In the evening, he even tossed about in different ways, and even said that he wanted to make up for everything she hadn't done during the three months since she left him.

Regarding Yuhen's sudden change, she didn't want to know whether it was because he had feelings for her?Or is it just an inextricable desire for her body?But no matter what the reason is, she gave it to him, and she gave it to him without reservation.

But it's also because he really doesn't know that temperance is too harsh, and he doesn't know whether she can take pity on her.In those few days, seeing the way he looked at her directly, she would feel a little nervous.Every time she cried sadly and begged him to let him go, but he blocked her with one word.Yuhen said, "You owe this to Ben Gong. You are too bad. Only Ben Gong can let you know who your man is, so that you won't take those messy men to heart."

The so-called messy men in Yuhen's mouth are Qi Rong and Nangong Jin.

Seeing her using Wuying sword technique in the woods that day, he felt very uncomfortable.

And he would always think of the scene when Chu Liyou cried in Qi Rong's arms that night in the inn, why did she cry in Qi Rong's arms that night?He never knew why?Chu Liyou didn't say anything, even because of Qi Rong's matter that night, Chu Liyou's tone was not good at all, and he defended Qi Rong everywhere.

Ever since Chu Liyou left the Prince's Mansion and went to live in the Qi Mansion, they met again at the inn that day.From that time on, he could always see that Chu Liyou's eyes were sad and empty.She always looked at herself with a very empty and sad eyes.Whenever he thinks of these things, and thinks of her sad and empty eyes, he will feel a panic pain in his heart, a pain that he has never felt before.

He wanted to grab her, hold her tightly.Let her stay by my side forever, and only belong to me forever.He didn't know how to express this feeling of wanting to hold her firmly, so he could only tell her with his own words.

Tell her she belongs to him.

And only when she merges with her, can he feel that he is the only one in her heart, without those messy men.So many times, no matter how sad she was crying, he was unwilling to let her go.Unwilling to let go.

Maybe Yuhen himself didn't think about one thing, he fell on Chu Liyou.Since this woman broke into his life, she has become a part of his life, a very important part.

The result was very sad, last night she really couldn't stand being tortured by him, she was really afraid that she would be tortured to death by him.So she refused to go to the city to live in an inn last night, insisting on staying in the wilderness.

Later, it was estimated that Yuhen really couldn't resist her smugness, so she stayed overnight in the woods.

Of course, her original intention of doing this was to avoid Yuhen playing hooligans at night. She left the carriage to Yuhen and fell asleep, and jumped onto a tree to fall asleep.Fortunately, she grew up in Lingyin Temple since she was a child, and she was a playful child, and she did things like climbing trees to sleep.

Seeing her running to sleep on the tree that night, Yuhen was just a little funny, helpless and a little annoyed, she was avoiding herself like a snake, was he that scary?

I slept well that night, nothing happened.But towards the wee hours of the morning, she dreamed again.Dreaming that Yuhen pounced on her, no matter how much she cried, he would not let her go.Then, the scene in the dream suddenly changed to another scene, the familiar mansion, familiar people, everything that happened in Jinling City, all the cruel words that Yuhen had said to her appeared one by one in the dream , and that familiar but heart-wrenching sword.When the sword stabbed at her fiercely, she also woke up from the nightmare.

Then, even more tragically, she fell directly from the tree.Fortunately, there was no serious injury, but the foot was twisted very sadly.

Then, they appeared at the entrance of Huadu Inn, the capital of Beiyuan Kingdom.

Due to her twisted foot, Yuhen was inconvenient to move, and thoughtfully carried her out of the carriage, but at this scene at the door of the inn where people were coming and going, she became the object of everyone's scrutiny.

After entering the inn, Yuhen asked for two rooms, and the waiter of the inn led them to the best room in the backyard of the inn.

However, no one expected that after entering the backyard of the inn, everyone would look like petrified when they saw the scene in front of them.

After a long time, Chu Liyou stared blankly at the people standing in the yard and murmured, "Brother, Yun Qing."

No one expected that the guest room where Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and the others lived was in the same courtyard as Yuhen's guest room.And it's so unfortunate that they came in one after the other, and then just ran into each other.

Chu Limo looked at Yuhen with cold eyes.

Yun Qing also looked at Yuhen, her eyes were calm without any waves.The heart is shocked.She never thought that since Chu Jing's day, she would meet Yuhen in Beiyuan country so soon.

Wang Zixuan, Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan looked at Yuhen in shock.Yuhen had made a big fuss about Chu Limo and Yun Qing's wedding, and they had known each other for a long time.It's just that I never thought that I would meet here.

Yuhen hugged Chu Liyou without letting go, and looked at Chu Limo with deep and indifferent eyes, and Chu Liyou could also notice that Yuhen's eyes suddenly became cold, and his body seemed to change at that moment. As cold as ice.

Afterwards, Yuhen turned his gaze to Yunqing.That glance was extremely complicated.

When Yuhen looked at Yun Qing, Chu Liyou's body trembled inexplicably, she felt very cold.It turned out that all the affectionate lingering in the past half month was nothing but an illusory dream.In Yuhen's heart, she will never be able to match Yunqing.

Don't you already know?
But why does her heart still hurt so much when he looks at Yun Qing?
It was Murong Xiyan who broke this weird scene.Looking at this weird scene, Murong Xiyan had a strong intuition, there must be something between them?Murong Xiyan walked towards Yuhen, thinking that if he was here, then would the elder brother be here too?Murong Xiyan asked: "Second Senior Brother, why are you here? Did Senior Brother come with you?"

Second senior brother!
Wang Zixuan, Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan, Wuqing and Chu Liyou who were standing aside were startled.Her name is Yuhen Second Senior Brother, but she is actually the junior sister of Xiyue Prince Yuhen?

Chu Limo and Yun Qingzao already knew who Murong Xiyan's master was, so they were not surprised at all that she called Yuhen Second Senior Brother.

"Second Senior Brother. Has Senior Senior Brother come to Beiyuan?" Seeing that Yuhen didn't answer her, Murong Xiyan spoke again.

"He's in Jinling City." Yuhen said coolly after retracting his gaze.

Hearing Yuhen's words, Murong Xiyan's look of anticipation dimmed just now, she thought that senior brother had also come.The result was nothing, it felt like being poured a basin of cold water.There is a feeling of coldness in my heart.

But soon, Murong Xiyan looked at Chu Liyou who was held in Yuhen's arms again, the senior brother and the second senior brother had never been close to women, what did she see now?He actually saw the second senior brother hugging a woman, who was still a stunning beauty.

"Second senior brother, who is this beauty in your arms?" Murong Xiyan looked at Chu Liyou and asked slyly.She finally thought in her heart that her family's second senior brother had finally enlightened.The second senior brother has enlightened, and the day when the senior senior brother is enlightened is not far away.

At this moment, Yuhen was not in the mood to answer any of Murong Xiyan's questions at all.All of Chu Liyou's eyes also stayed on Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

One is her brother and sister-in-law, and the other is her favorite man.

How will things develop, and what will Yuhen do when he sees Yun Qing?
Yuhen hated his brother, hated his brother for taking Yunqing away, hated his brother for digging his mother's grave, what will happen to the grievances and resentments between him and his brother, will there be an inevitable battle between Dachu and Xiyue?
How will the fate between them develop?

(End of this chapter)

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