The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 831 23. Gathering in Beiyuan

Chapter 831 23. Gathering in Beiyuan ([-])

Why are you here?
Yun Qing looked at Yuhen calmly, this man gave her a lot of warmth in his previous life.The previous life gave her the most precious friendship and affection.She really regards him as her best friend and dearest family member.I also hope that they can be friends and family forever.

But in this life, they are destined to stand at opposite ends of the spectrum.Maybe in the not-too-distant future, they'll be holding swords against each other.

But in this battle of gunpowder, the most innocent person involved is probably that woman, right?
Following his gaze, Yun Qing also looked at Chu Liyou who was in Yuhen's arms, who had not been seen for a year.In a year, she lost a lot of weight.Staying by Yuhen's side, she has suffered a lot, right?

Now that she can let Yuhen hold her, does it mean that Yuhen has accepted Chu Liyou, and maybe they can be friendly friends now?But the answer is no, the grievances between Yuhen and Chu Limo will not be changed because of Chu Liyou.If you want to shake hands and be friends, I'm afraid it will be more difficult than going to heaven.

If we don't meet here today, give Yuhen some time, he will definitely deal with the matter between himself and Chu Liyou.However, everything was finally broken because of the appearance of Chu Limo and Yun Qing here.

The appearance of Chu Limo and Yun Qing made Yuhen have to face a cruel problem once again. He once loved Yun Qing deeply, and until now he saw that the attachment to her in her heart has not changed. Change.But at the same time, the woman in his arms is Chu Limo's own sister. He hates Chu Limo, and he should also hate the woman in his arms. But now, he doesn't want to let go, but just holds her tightly release.

"Second Senior Brother." The atmosphere was so weird that Murong Xiyan had no choice but to shout again.

From the moment they entered the door, the people in the courtyard were silent, and no one spoke first.

With this sound, the people in the yard were pulled back.

From the moment Yuhen appeared, Chu Limo held Yun Qing's hand tightly, and his cold eyes kept looking at Yuhen and the woman in his arms.

"What about Wang Ziqing?" Feng Qingluan, who was standing aside, lowered her voice and asked.

They did not expect Yuhen and Chu Liyou to appear here.Yuhen's incident of robbing the bride back then is still vivid, which made Feng Qingluan nervous and vigilant.

Wang Ziqing didn't know what to do in such a situation?Not to mention Wang Ziqing, even these few parties probably don't know about it, do they?

Because they can't predict what will happen next at all now.

After a while, Chu Liyou broke free from Yuhen's embrace, at this moment it seemed that the sprained foot didn't hurt so much anymore.Step by step, he walked towards Chu Limo and Yun Qing.Yuhen watched Chu Liyou walk towards that man, towards her own brother.He suddenly had a feeling that all the tender lingering with her during the past half month would vanish at this moment.Chu Liyou stopped in front of the two and murmured: "Brother, Yun Qing."

Except for the elder brother and Yun Qing, she didn't seem to know what to say.She had a lot to say, but when she saw them, those words were blocked by her throat.

In the past year, she has had too many grievances and shed too many tears.Looking at her dearest brother and best friend, she could only keep crying.

"Li You." There was no need to say anything, just tightly hugging this silly girl who was crying all the time, "Li You, I miss you very much. Your brother also misses you very much."

"Yunqing, I..." She really wanted to say a lot to Yunqing, and she saw only tears when she saw her familiar friends and family.

It stands to reason that Yun Qing should be her rival in love.But in this matter, no one is a rival in love between them.She couldn't even resent Yun Qing, because Yun Qing had never loved Yuhen.She has always loved her elder brother, and she has always supported herself in pursuing her own happiness, and it was she who gave her the courage to come to Yuhen's side regardless of everything.

"Stop talking. We will always be your family and your strongest support." Yun Qing said softly.

Chu Liyou didn't say a word, but Yun Qing knew that she had a hard time this year, and she felt a lot of grievances in her heart.

Thinking of the current scene, Chu Liyou raised his head and turned to look at Yuhen and then at his brother, what should they do?
Seeing the pain in his sister's eyes, Chu Limo looked at Yuhen even colder.This is his own sister, the only relative he has blood relationship in this world.Back then, he shouldn't have let her go to this man's side, and shouldn't have let her pursue the happiness she wanted. This man couldn't give Li You what he wanted at all.

"Yuhen." After a long time, Chu Limo looked at Yuhen and sneered.

Yuhen also replied with a sneer, "Chu Limo."

The sky in April seems to be a little bit colder than the cold winter, and a chill is blowing, piercing the heart.

Yuhen walked over slowly, stopped in front of Yun Qing and Chu Liyou, looked at Yun Qing's gentle and jade-like face with a faint smile.He still has feelings for this woman after all.No matter how cruel her heart is, no matter whether she drew a sword and stabbed herself at her wedding, he still has a deep attachment to her after all. "Yun Qing, long time no see, I really didn't expect to see you here."

This sound of Yun Qing caused Chu Liyou's eyes to shoot at Yuhen even more coldly.

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen with extremely complicated eyes, yes!Really long time no see.So long that she thought she would never see him again in this life.If possible, she really doesn't want to see him anymore, so let them each live in peace and security in their own place and don't see him again.

Does she hate the man in front of her?
She thought, she hated Yuhen.She hated Yuhen for making a fuss about her wedding.

Does she love him?

The answer is no, she has never loved Yuhen, and she has never loved him from previous lives to this life.But she has affection for him, which is a kind of family affection and friendship that cannot be parted. After all, she is not a cold person, she longs for friendship and family affection.So, for Yuhen, she is really complicated.It was so complicated that the killer who was once the proudest master of his master couldn't bear to kill Yuhen.

The master once told them that the most taboo thing for a killer is to be emotional.Once you have love, you can't kill people anymore.

However, love is something that people are born with, and no one can give it up.Even for the most ruthless and ruthless person, once they fall in love, they cannot give up.

"Yeah, long time no see." Yun Qing looked at Yu Hen and gave a complicated smile.

After all, she couldn't bear to kill this man.But I can no longer become close friends and relatives with him.In fact, I was very sad. She lost her friends and relatives at the same time and turned them into enemies.Between them, they can only become enemies.It's so ridiculous that after going through life and death, he became the cruelest enemy in the end.

It was so cruel that they had nothing to say even when they met now.

The atmosphere is really weird to the extreme.

"Li Mo, go back to your room." This weird atmosphere needs to be broken, Yun Qing doesn't know why Yuhen and Li You suddenly appeared here, but she clearly knows why they appear here.Regardless of the grievances between Yuhen and Yuhen, they are now in Beiyuan, and Yuhen will not be stupid enough to fight in Beiyuan country.And what they have to do now is to quickly find Yue Linghua and leave Beiyuan Kingdom.Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou again, and said calmly: "Your foot is injured, I will give you medicine." Judging from Chu Liyou's walk just now, it can be seen that her foot is injured.

"That's right. Let's all go back to the room and rest. I'm exhausted after driving for half a month." Hearing that she was going back to the room, Murong Xiyan also hurriedly opened her mouth to ease the weird atmosphere.From the moment her second senior brother entered the door, she felt that something was wrong, and she could even feel a strong murderous look in the eyes of the second senior brother and Chu Limo. These two people really wanted to kill each other.But at this time, they can't let them fight.

"I still have a few words to say to him, I..." Chu Liyou glanced at his brother and then turned his gaze to Yuhen.She thought, after meeting today, her brother would definitely not allow her to meet Yuhen again, or even allow her to stay by Yuhen's side.I'm afraid that after today, she and Yuhen will disappear.

"Liyou, I have indulged you too much. From now on, stay by my side well. Now go back to the room and get the medicine." Chu Limo said coldly.

He would never allow his own sister to go back to Yuhen's side.This battle with Yuhen is just a matter of time.

"Go back to the room and apply the medicine first, I'll take a look at your feet." Yun Qing said: "Ruqing, go to the innkeeper to open a guest room."

"Yes." Wuqing replied and left the yard.

"Yunqing, my feet are not serious." After she fell, Yuhen took medicine and smeared them, and her feet would be fine within two days.She just wanted to say a few words to Yuhen now, but suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say.After a pause, he finally nodded, "Yes. I'll listen to my brother."

In this way, everyone went back to their rooms.

Although they lived in the same courtyard, Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and the others came first and lived in the guest room on the east side, while Yuhen lived in the guest room on the west side.

"How did you hurt your foot?" Yun Qing was applying medicine for Chu Liyou, while Chu Limo sat aside and asked, "Did he bully you?"

" was because I climbed a tree for fun and accidentally fell down and sprained my foot." She couldn't tell the reason for her foot injury.As for climbing the tree for fun, that's the only reason my brother would believe.

"Fall from a tree?" Yun Qing didn't expect this result, but with Li You's playful nature, it's not impossible. "Is there any other injury other than the sprained ankle? Li Mo, go out and I will check for Li You whether there is any other injury."

"No more. I just sprained my foot, everything else is fine, really." How could she ask Yun Qing to check her body.Now as long as she takes off her clothes, the dense hickey marks on her body that have not dissipated will be seen.Now at this time, she doesn't want her brother to worry about herself at all.Chu Liyou had no choice but to change the subject, and said, "Brother, Yun Qing, why did you come to Beiyuan?"

"What about you? Why isn't Nongyue by your side? Are you sure that the injury on your foot was caused by you climbing a tree?" Chu Limo's tone became even colder.

"Brother." Chu Liyou didn't know how to tell her brother what happened to her in Jinling City this year, if her brother knew what happened to her in Jinling City, he would kill Yuhen now.


"Brother, I..." Chu Liyou bit her lip, not knowing how to speak, she looked at Yun Qing for help.

"Don't want Qingqing to speak for you, explain the matter clearly, what happened to your foot injury? Why didn't Nongyue follow you?" Chu Limo looked at his sister angrily.At this time, she still wants to hide it for that man. How did she live this year?How did Nongyue protect her?

Seeing how thin she is now, with injuries on her feet, Chu Limo is so distressed that she wants to kill someone.

"Nongyue, I asked her to stay in Jinling City. I heard from Big Brother Qi that Yue Linghua was in Beiyuan Country, so I came here. The injury on my foot was really caused by accidentally falling down when I was climbing a tree. Brother ,What I said is real."

"Qi Rong told you that the Moon Spirit Flower is in Beiyuan?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou, since it was Qi Rong who told her that the Moon Spirit Flower was in Beiyuan, why did Yuhen appear with her in Beiyuan? .Could it be that Yuhen knew that they were looking for the Moon Spirit Flower and wanted to get a foot in it?

"Yeah." Chu Liyou nodded and explained: "Originally, I went on the road with Big Brother Qi. But then I met... Yuhen on the way. Later, Big Brother Qi went back to Jinling City for something, so I went with Yuhen Come together."

On the way, Yuhen told her that Qi Rong went back to Jinling City directly from the inn that night.As for the reason why he left in such a hurry, it was because Yuhen said that he didn't like seeing her and Qi Rong on the road together, so he made Qi Rong a little trouble, so Qi Rong went back to Jinling City to solve the trouble.

"Why did he come to Beiyuan?" Yun Qing asked.A cold look flashed quickly in his eyes.I thought coldly in my heart, Yuhen, you'd better not have the idea of ​​playing with Yue Linghua, otherwise, don't blame her for making the move.Anyone who tried to stop her from finding the Moon Spirit Flower, she would kill directly.

"He seems to be looking for my uncle. I heard that my uncle stole a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum from Beiyuan Palace, and was chased and killed by people from Beiyuan Palace." When I reported it, Akabane said last night that he found Wuchen still in the capital of Beiyuan, so they rushed over quickly.

"Hmph." Chu Limo snorted coldly.He didn't care at all about that old man Wu Chen being hunted down.As for whether Yuhen came to Beiyuan Country to find Wuchen or for other purposes, he will find out.Now, he will not allow Yuhen to make up his mind, nor will he allow his own sister to stay with Yuhen. "From now on, stay away from Yuhen. After we finish our business, we will go back to Chujing together."

"Brother, I really can't be here in the future..." Have you taken a step closer to Yuhen?Come to think of it, Yuhen wouldn't let her take a step closer to him, would he?
Yuhen didn't love her in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't have hurt her like that.She was too stupid to take the gentle lingering with him for the past half month seriously.

Don't you know that there is another woman hidden in Yuhen's heart.A woman she could never hate and was not qualified to hate.

Everything between her and Yuhen should be over, completely over.

"Liyou, I swore in front of my mother's tombstone that I will protect you forever. I will not stand by and watch my sister get hurt, do you understand?" In this world, apart from Yun Qing, Chu Liyou She was the second woman who allowed Chu Limo to speak softly.She is also the second woman to protect.

"I know brother. I promise brother... go back to Chujing."

It's true that you shouldn't be willful anymore, and there is no possibility between her and Yuhen.

It started from Yuhen torturing and hurting her, from Yuhen giving her medicine, from the sword Yuhen gave her.From the time when Yuhen never loved her from the beginning to the end, they were doomed not to be together, and she and Yuhen had no ending.

Maybe the best ending between them is to go to the end of the world and see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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