The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 832 24. For the sake of your disabled feet, I let you go!

Chapter 832 24. For the sake of your disabled feet, I let you go!
Huadu Inn.

After driving for half a month, everyone worked hard. We sat down and had dinner together. After eating, we went back to our rooms to rest.At this time, no one wanted to care if they encountered Yuhen in this place.Anyway, they have already encountered them, and at worst they just started fighting.

But there was no movement on Yuhen's side, and Yuhen didn't come out after returning to the room.It seems that they never met them at the inn.

Chu Limo saw Yuhen here, and asked someone to find out Yuhen's real purpose for coming here.

I believe that not only Chu Limo went to check, Yuhen also went to check Chu Limo's real purpose here.

Everyone knows that the war between these two men is imminent.

Now the weather in April is already a bit hot, and I have a lot of sweat on my body after a day of driving. This smell is very uncomfortable.

"Yunqing, can you let Xiao Er prepare warm water? I want to take a bath." Chu Liyou was very embarrassed to bother Yun Qing when she was such an adult, but now she was a disabled person and couldn't order it by herself.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.

Soon, the waiter in the inn prepared everything.

Yun Qing looked at her just taking the medicine, and said to her gauze-wrapped feet, "Do you need my help?"

"No need, no need." Chu Liyou quickly waved his hand.Not to mention that she doesn't have those marks on her body anymore, even if she really doesn't, she doesn't like to be helped.What's more, there are so many obvious marks on her body.

"You really don't need my help? You can't touch the water with your feet." Yun Qing asked again.But she also thought, doesn't she herself dislike others serving her to take a bath?She was just a little worried that it would be inconvenient for Chu Liyou to bathe alone.

"Yeah. I'll be careful, I won't touch the water. Yun Qing, go out with your brother. I'll call you if something happens." Chu Liyou glanced at the two people in the room.

"Let's go out." Seeing that Chu Liyou was determined, and she was a woman after all, it was really inconvenient for a big man like Chu Limo to be here.

The two returned to the room, but Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing fiercely in his arms and kissed him, Yun Qing didn't push him away at this time.She knew that this man had been holding back after seeing Yuhen. He could only feel at ease if he hugged her, kissed her, and truly felt her presence.

After a long time, Chu Limo finally let go. "Qingqing, I will never allow anyone to take you away from me. I will never allow it."

"No one can take me away from you, and I will not give them that chance." Yun Qing said softly: "Li Mo, we are here to find Yuelinghua, you promised me that I would accompany me Grow old together. So, for me, let's find Yuelinghua first, and after you get rid of the poison on your body, if you want to compete with Yuhen for the world, I will accompany you. If you don't want to fight for the world, we will live in seclusion in the mountains from now on. I just want to be with you in my life, no matter where you are, I just want to be with you."

"Qingqing...Qingqing..." There are no extra words, only this soft murmur and hugging her tightly.How could he not love such Qingqing, how could he not love?
"I'm here, I've always been here." Yes, she will always be by his side forever.


Suddenly a scream resounded through the entire inn.

"It came from Li You's room." Yun Qing said, "Something happened to Li You."

"What happened to Wang Ziqing?" Feng Qingluan, who lived in another room at the same time, also said: "This voice is Li You's voice, something happened to her."

After the exclamation, the people living in the east rooms, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan, Wang Zixuan, Murong Xiyan left the room and came to the room where Chu Liyou lived.

But at this moment, Chu Liyou was in the room.

Chu Liyou was in the bathtub with his mouth covered.Yuhen looked at the screaming woman with a gloomy face, "It's Bengong. Are you screaming so loudly to attract the whole inn to watch the excitement?"

But the scream just now woke up the people in the inn.

How did Chu Liyou know that Yuhen would suddenly appear in her room at this time.And how did he know that he would come in while he was taking a shower.Then when she was taking a shower and saw a dark shadow in the room, she would definitely scream. If she didn't scream, she would have a problem with her head.

But her exclamation just now will definitely attract her brother and the others. What should I do when my brother breaks in and sees this scene?
God!What should someone do to save her?

Seeing her panicked and anxious face, Yuhen let go of her hand.It is impossible to go out at this time. If you go out, you will definitely bump into them. It is better to stay here than go out and bump into them.What's more, he wants to know what she wants to say to him today?In the end, he left with Chu Limo without saying anything. "You said today that you still have a few words to say to Bengong. Now that Bengong is here, tell me, what do you want to say to Bengong?"

Chu Liyou was a little taken aback, and looked at Yuhen blankly, he just wanted to know what she was going to say, so he came in while she was taking a bath?

"I..." just said the word 'I', and there was a knock on the door outside.

"Liyou, what happened." Yun Qing's voice came from outside.

"Liyou..." Chu Limo also stood outside and shouted.

Yun Qing didn't directly hit the door and barge in.At this time, besides her women, there were also a few men standing outside.And at this time, Li You was taking a bath inside, so if he bumped into the door and went in, it would be bad if he saw something.Moreover, it is impossible for a thief to appear under their noses. If there is a thief, they should find out as soon as the thief comes in.

Yun Qing didn't knock on the door immediately, Chu Limo understood what it meant, so he didn't knock on the door right away.And indeed, there were no thieves in this inn.

"Liyou, what happened?" Feng Qingluan knocked on the door and shouted.

Hearing the voices outside, Chu Liyou was very nervous.What should I do?Everyone is outside.

There was no sound inside, and the intuition was that something must have happened inside.

"Liyou, answer you. If you don't answer, I'll come in through the door." Yun Qing can't really let Chu Liyou ignore him, in case something really happens to Liyou inside.But to be sure, Yun Qing called out first.Then he looked at the three big men standing aside and said, "Li Mo, you two cousins, don't come in."

Yun Qing was also worried that if Chu Liyou only screamed when he touched his injured foot while taking a shower, then the three big men must not see it inside.

"Tell them you're fine and let them go back." Yuhen lowered his voice.

Chu Liyou nodded, followed Yuhen's words and said, "Brother, Yun Qing, Qingluan, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"Liyou, what happened just now?" Hearing Chu Liyou's voice from inside, Yun Qing still asked.

"I..." Chu Liyou said in a low voice, paused and looked at Yuhen.

"Liyou, what's the matter with you?" The voice inside stopped again, and Yun Qing asked again.And the abnormality inside had to make Yun Qing a little suspicious.If she didn't even have this bit of vigilance, then she wouldn't be Yun Qing.

"Tell them, you're fine." Looking at the nervous woman, Yuhen lowered her voice and spoke once.

"Brother, Yunqing, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Chu Liyou's voice was a little nervous and urgent through the door of the room.

"Qingluan, let's go." Wang Ziqing was not a dull person, pulling Feng Qingluan and leaving.If he still can't find out what's weird in it at this time, his reputation all these years will be in vain.

Wang Ziqing is not a dull person, and Wang Zixuan is even more not.There is no danger inside, it would be bad for them to stay here.

Immediately, only Chu Limo and Yun Qing were left outside the room door, while Murong Xiyan was leaning against a tree in the yard watching all this.

No one here is stupid.Chu Limo and Yun Qing just went in without knocking on the door immediately, but they found something was wrong inside.

"Liyou, if you have something to do, call out, brother is here." Chu Limo's words meant something.

"I... I know brother." Chu Liyou's nervous and trembling voice could be heard across the door of the room.

After a while, there was silence outside the room.

When everyone outside had left, Chu Liyou took a breath and patted her chest fiercely, which really scared her to death.

Yuhen stared straight at her evil smile, "Do you think it's very exciting?"

Stimulate a ghost!

If it wasn't for the fear that he would call everyone back by speaking loudly, Chu Liyou really wanted to scold him.

Yuhen Xiemei smiled, stretched out his hand to hook her chin and moved towards her gently, "I think it's very exciting. If I did it with you just now, it should be even more exciting. Do you want to try it?" ?”

"You go out." Hearing him say these shameless words, Chu Liyou's face became hot instantly.Why is this person getting more and more shameless?He must have done it on purpose just now, to scare her to lure her brother and the others over.Thinking that he might have done it on purpose just now, Chu Liyou's face instantly cooled down, and he asked coldly, "Did you do it on purpose just now? You lured brother and the others here on purpose."

If he didn't do it on purpose, it would be impossible for her to find out if he wanted to enter her room with his skill, let alone scream.When he just came in, he deliberately let her see a black shadow, which made her scream out loud.

"It doesn't matter whether Bengong did it on purpose or not. These are not important anymore." He hooked her chin with his hand and said softly: "Tell Bengong, what do you want to say to Bengong today."

"That's why you came to me?" Chu Liyou felt a little funny.When did Yuhen become so boring?When did you care so much about what she said?
"Yes. I want to hear it."

"Then let me go first." He hooked his chin, leaning so close to her, she couldn't speak properly at all.Yuhen really let go of his hand.Chu Liyou looked at him, and suddenly asked seriously, "Do you still love Yun Qing in your heart?"


But why does this question suddenly feel difficult to answer?
Still don't love it?
If you don't love her anymore, why do you still feel a little stuck in your heart when you see her.Why is there still a feeling of wanting to hold her in his hand?
The answer, he thought, must be: love!

The feelings he had for her during the 15 years he had been with her in his previous life would not be fake, so he still loves that woman, right?

"Yuhen, do you still love Yunqing in your heart?" When this sentence was uttered, Chu Liyou really wanted to know the answer.She wants to know if Yuhen still loves Yunqing deeply.Could it be that no matter how long she stayed by his side, no matter how close they were, she would never reach his heart.He will never have a little bit of her in his heart, and will never leave a place for her.

"Is it so important to love or not to love?" Yuhen said lightly, but his tone suddenly turned cold, "Chu Liyou, didn't you already know the answer?"

yes!Didn't she already know the answer?Yuhen had already told her the answer.

She was too stupid to ask again.Now, she finally understood.No matter how long she stayed by his side, no matter how intimate they were, he never loved her from beginning to end.

"Yuhen, let's go." Chu Liyou's tone became very calm, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, his tone was indifferent, and his eyes became very empty. "Yuhen, don't come to me anymore, and I won't disturb your life anymore. I will stay away from you and go back to Chujing where you can't see me. Yuhen, I finally gave up completely, and I don't love you anymore."

"Are you sure?" A cold look flashed across Yuhen's gentle eyes.It's just that you think that if you want to leave and return to Chujing, Bengong will let you go?It was like a dream.

"I'm sure."

"Do women like duplicity?" It was obvious that Yuhen's tone was a little warm and angry.

"You should go."

"You smell very fragrant." Yuhen sniffed and stared at her.Hearing his words, seeing him staring straight at somewhere around him, Chu Liyou hurriedly covered his chest with his hands, but in his heart he cursed secretly: Shameless stinky hooligan.

Looking at her movements, Yuhen's gentle face smiled, "Don't cover it up, it's not like I haven't seen it before. It's just that the breasts are too small, and I don't feel the slightest touch. You should eat more." Fill it up."

Chu Liyou gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Get lost!"

She really wanted to bite him to death, why would she want to dislike her?
"The water is cold, don't wash it. I won't dislike your stinky body." As he spoke, he carried him out without waiting for Chu Liyou to refuse.Putting her clothes on again, looking at her injured feet, "I don't mind asking you again at this time, but I will let you go tonight because of your disabled feet. Chu Liyou, remember, you belong to me, and without me, you are not allowed to go anywhere. So what if Chu Limo is your brother? Remember, I am your man."

(End of this chapter)

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