The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 833 25. The Moon Spirit Flower Is In Beiyuan Imperial Tomb

Chapter 833 25. The Moon Spirit Flower Is In Beiyuan Imperial Tomb

Yuhen stopped at the door, looked at the lights in the room and sneered.

Pushing open the door, Yuhen was not surprised to see the person inside.If he didn't appear here, he would feel strange.

"His Royal Highness Li Wang is not so poor that he wants to share a guest room with me, right?" After a pause, Yuhen smiled, and said again: "It is said that His Royal Highness Li Wang has some special hobbies, but it's a pity, Ben Gong I don't have those hobbies, if His Royal Highness Li Wang needs it, go out and turn right, there is a clean room there."

"Prince Xiyue knows so well, it seems that he is a regular visitor of this Qingguan?" Chu Limo said coldly, sitting in Yuhen's room, sipping tea indifferently, with a leisurely and indifferent look as if in his own room Same.

"His Royal Highness Li appeared in my room at such a late hour, but it would cause others to misunderstand. I just kindly offered an idea for His Royal Highness. It's just that His Royal Highness doesn't want to appreciate it." Yuhen said indifferently. .That means, if you're looking for a man, don't come to me, because I don't like masculinity.Seeing that you like masculinity, Ben Gong is just giving you an idea, if you don't like it, don't pour this pot of dirty water on Ben Gong.

"Is Prince Xiyue still afraid of being misunderstood by others?" Chu Limo sneered, "If Prince Xiyue is not a regular visitor in Qingguan, how can he know so clearly? Don't worry, this king will never laugh at Prince Xiyue. "

How can Chu Limo be the one who suffers, and he just turned back with a casual sentence.

If Yun Qing was here, he would definitely say at this moment: You two big men, one is a prince and the other is a prince, is it fun to quarrel and talk about brothels?Very tasty, isn't it?

"Hehe." Yuhen just looked at him and smiled, sat down and poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip, "It's so late from His Royal Highness, don't you just come here to chat with me?"

"Stay away from her."

"Stay away from her?" Yuhen pursed her lips, and said with a plausible smile: "I don't know who she is referring to, His Royal Highness Li Wang?"

"Yuhen, this king is warning you once, stay away from her, she is not something you can provoke. If you dare to bully her, this king will not let you go."

How smart these two people are, Yuhen naturally understands who is the woman Chu Limo is talking about at this moment?What happened just now, he came over so soon to warn.It seems that he really loves this only sister very much.But what to do?He didn't want to provoke that woman either, it was the woman who provoked him first.Now, he no longer wanted to let that woman go.

"What if I want to provoke her? Your Highness Li Wang, what do you want to do?" Yuhen said lightly, and her tone cooled down, "It just so happens that I also want to tell His Royal Highness Li one thing, there is no one from this palace. Allowed, you don't even think about taking her away. She, I'm going to be settled."

"Yuhen, you are courting death."

"Do you want to fight?" Yuhen said: "It's true that we haven't fought for a long time, and we don't know who will win. But, are you sure you want to fight here? I'm not afraid that there will be too much noise and people from the Beiyuan royal family will be attracted here , can you still get the Moon Spirit Flower by then?"

"You want to prevent this king from taking the Moon Spirit Flower?" Chu Limo was not at all surprised that Yuhen knew that he had come to Beiyuan to look for the Moon Spirit Flower. It would be strange if Yuhen couldn't find him.

"I'm not interested right now, but it doesn't mean I won't be interested tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Yuhen smiled and said, "I'm telling you a piece of news. The last plant of the Moon Spirit Flower is in Beiyuan Imperial Tomb as the funeral object of Concubine Die. Li. I don’t think I need to remind me where the Beiyuan Imperial Mausoleum is, right? I want to see how, His Highness Li Wang, you can get this Moon Spirit Flower.”

"Are you so kind? What's your purpose?" Chu Limo explained.How could Yuhen tell him where the Moon Spirit Flower is so kindly? If there is no purpose, who would believe it?

"I want the string of blessing beads that Lingyin gave you."

"So simple?" Chu Limo was a little surprised.

"It's that simple. Of course, there are some things and people that I won't ask you for, because I will take them with my own hands.",

"The Buddha beads can be given to you." Chu Limo looked at Yuhen and sneered, "But there are some things and some people that you can never take away. Because this king will not give you such a chance."

"Oh! Really? I don't think so."

"You can try to see if this king will give you such a chance." Chu Limo got up, stopped after taking two steps, and warned: "Yuhen, this king will warn you one last time, Li Liyou Stay away, otherwise, the king will personally destroy the things you want, including Wuchen. You really want to find Wuchen, right? Really want to find what Wuchen holds? It’s best not to provoke Liyou. Qingqing It's not what you can imagine."

After Chu Limo left, Yuhen's gentle face instantly became gloomy, and he said coldly, "Chiyu."

Akabane soon appeared in the room, stood aside and respectfully said: "Your Highness."

"Have you found him?" This him refers to Wuchen.He came here to look for Wuchen because he wanted the Xuan Bingcao in his hand, without the Xuan Bingcao his martial arts would not be able to fully recover.

Last year in the battle of Fengcheng, the masked man gave him an arrow, the arrow was still smeared with poison, and later Yun Qing stabbed him with a dagger, causing him to lose all his martial arts internal strength due to various reasons after being seriously injured.It has been half a year since the incident, and his current martial arts internal strength has only recovered half. If he wants to recover the other half as soon as possible, he has to find Bingxuancao.This is also the reason why he came to Beiyuan to look for Wuchen himself.

Thinking of this damned old man Wuchen, Yuhen gritted his teeth, why did he worship such an unreliable master?
"Your Highness, Senior Wuchen seems to be hiding from us on purpose. Since we entered the city, Senior Wuchen has disappeared." Speaking of which, Akabane also felt that Wuchen was a bit too much.His Highness came all the way to look for him, but he preferred it, so he hid on purpose and disappeared.

"Wuchen." Yuhen gritted his teeth angrily.

"Second senior brother, have you found the master?" After Yuhen finished speaking, Murong Xiyan came in.

Seeing Murong Xiyan appear, Yuhen almost forgot that there was another junior sister here.To this little junior sister, his attitude has always been lukewarm.Over the years, this little junior sister has not often appeared in front of him. If she hadn't called him, he would probably have forgotten that Wu Chen had accepted a female disciple.

"Why did you appear here?" He did remember that this junior sister had been staying in Xiyue.Although she stayed in Xiyue, she didn't stay in Xiyue Jinling City, but lived in Xiyue to the west.

"I'm here to look for the master. You don't know, second brother, I've been looking for the master for a whole year. Since the master left, I have been looking for him, and I have looked for him in many places. Recently I heard that the master appeared in Beiyuan. Just come over." Murong Xiyan said with a smile, "Second senior brother, can you lend me some money. I spent all the money after I went out. If I didn't meet Yun Qing and the others on the way, I would definitely starve to death. "

Murong Xiyan felt very embarrassed, and asked her senior brother for money as soon as they met.Counting it, she hadn't seen this second senior brother for two or three years.

Akabane beside him suppressed a smile.I think this little junior sister of His Highness is also a wonderful flower.As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked His Highness for money.

Yuhen gave Chiyu a suggestive look, and Chiyu took out a bank note from his pocket and handed it to Murong Xiyan.Murong Xiyan took the banknote with a smile on her face, this is 1000 taels of silver, the second senior brother is really generous. "Thank you, Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother is the best. Unlike Master, he ran away without knowing to leave some money for me when he went out."

"There are requirements for giving you silver." Yuhen said lightly: "My silver is not so easy to get."

Murong Xiyan suddenly felt that the 1000 taels of silver in her hand was very heavy.

"What does Second Senior Brother want me to do?" Murong Xiyan pouted.She took the bank note, and she took care of things.

Yuhen looked at this little junior sister, this little junior sister was also very mysterious, with a veil on her face all the time, except for the master, no one had ever seen her true face, right?And this little junior sister's martial arts and poison skills are good. It can be said that there are not many people in this world who want to kill her.And the master also loves this one very much. If she wants to find the old man, the old man will never be able to hide.

"Find that damned old man. If he still hides from me, tell him that he doesn't have to appear in front of me in the future. Just let him commit suicide with a knife. Bengong won't recognize him as a master anymore. "Yuhen was really angry and wanted to strangle this master who made trouble for him.Although he has obtained his true biography, the old man's hiding skills are second to none. If he wants to hide, he will have to dig three feet to find him.

Seeing the cold look on Yuhen's face, Murong Xiyan felt terrible.The second senior brother is getting more and more scary.Eldest brother is better, she misses him so much.

"Second brother, what if I can't find the master? What if the master also deliberately hides and refuses to see me?"

"Then you will never see your elder brother again." Yuhen threatened coldly.The only weakness of this junior sister is probably her senior brother.

I don't know what is different about Qi Rong, he provokes women one by one.It's okay to provoke Murong Xiyan who is pestering him.He didn't care or care about Qi Rong provoking Murong Xiyan.But Qi Rong still wanted to provoke Chu Liyou, a woman, which really added to his troubles.

"I will definitely help Second Senior Brother find Master and his old man." Murong Xiyan promised quickly.

Just kidding, if you don't let her see senior brother, wouldn't that kill her?
Among the men in this world, apart from the master, only the elder brother is worthy of her heart and soul.Of course, the feelings between the master and the big brother are also different.


East room.

"came back."

"Qingqing don't ask me where I went?"

"Apart from him, who else can let you meet in person." Yun Qing smiled and said, "What did Yuhen tell you? You look very bad."

Chu Limo recounted the content of the conversation with Yuhen just now, and finally said: "The Moon Spirit Flower is in the Imperial Tomb of Beiyuan."

"Is this news reliable?" It wasn't that Yun Qing didn't believe Yu Hen's words, but that there was no room for error in their search for Yue Linghua.In case Yue Linghua is not in the Beiyuan Imperial Tomb and they break in, this matter will definitely be discovered by the Beiyuan royal family.After that, it will be even more difficult to find the Moon Spirit Flower in Beiyuan.

"Is it reliable to go to Beiyuan Imperial Tomb to check this news?" Wang Ziqing's words came in lightly, the door of the room was pushed open, and Wang Ziqing stood outside the door with a gentle smile, "I didn't disturb you two. Speak?"

Regarding the fact that Wang Ziqing listened to the corner, Chu Limo directly rolled his eyes at him.Yun Qing also curled her lips, since when did the second cousin like to listen to the corner?

Wang Ziqing didn't care about Chu Limo's rolling eyes, he was probably suffering.Wang Ziqing continued: "Beiyuan Imperial Mausoleum is in Beishan Mausoleum, which is far from Huadu City. Beishan Mausoleum is three days away from here. Brother Qingluan and I will go to Beishan Mausoleum to check the reality first. You stay and come to Beiyuan Imperial Palace. Check to see if that Moon Spirit Flower was really taken into the imperial mausoleum as Concubine Die's burial object. We will meet up at Beishan Mausoleum then."

Originally, Chu Limo also wanted to ask Wang Ziqing to talk about this matter, but he didn't expect Wang Ziqing to talk about it first.

"Be careful not to be found and thrown into the imperial mausoleum to be buried with those bones. At that time, I will not have Young Master Wang, and Second Young Master Wang will compensate General Wang." Chu Limo raised his eyebrows.This caring word is really too special.

Wang Ziqing just smiled.

Wang Zixuan's voice came from behind, "It seems that I am late. You have already discussed it."

"Big cousin." Yun Qing called out.Looking at the elegant man in Tsing Yi who was also standing outside the door, the men of the Wang family became smarter and more powerful than the other.She wasn't worried about what would happen to the two cousins.

"Ziqing, pack up your things and let's go." Wang Zixuan said lightly.

"Big cousin, it's getting late now, so don't worry about it. Besides, your injuries are just recovering."

Wang Zixuan smiled faintly, "Cousin, don't worry, my injuries are already healed. When I came here, I heard a news by accident. If we don't leave now, we probably won't be able to leave tomorrow if we want to."

"What happened?" Yun Qing asked.

Wang Zixuan said: "When I just came here, I heard the words of the Prince Xiyue and Miss Murong who were traveling with us all the way. Yuhen asked Miss Murong to find their master. Miss Murong has already gone to Beiyuan Palace. Come to think of it, Beiyuan Palace is here tonight. It's lively. Once the incident of the Beiyuan Palace happened tonight, I'm afraid that the Beiyuan Kingdom will put the city under martial law tomorrow to find someone."

"It seems that Yuhen is really anxious to find Wuchen." Chu Limo snorted coldly.

"Oh, I still want to take a good rest tonight, it seems that I have to go on my way again tonight." After hearing this, Wang Ziqing smiled helplessly, "I won't chat with you, I packed my things and went on my way. "

This Murong Xiyan doesn't have a sense of propriety in doing things, looking for a master?I don't know what troubles will arise in Beiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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