The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 835 27. Small breasts are not allowed to be touched, you have reason!

Chapter 835 27. Small breasts are not allowed to be touched, you have reason!
The capital of Beiyuan.

There is a beautiful peach blossom forest on the back hill of the city, and many flowers are planted on the back hill.At this time, the flowers on the back mountain are in full bloom.

I don't know what the wind is, aren't Chu Limo and Yuhen the kind of enemies who are jealous when they meet each other?The grudge between these two people is not as simple as Yun Qing.Except for the fact that Chu Limo had dug Yuhen's mother's grave back then, the two had fought big and small over the years.At this moment, the two of them stood in the same place in such a mood to enjoy the scenery?
Yun Qingqing and Liyou stood aside quietly looking at the man standing facing the wind, while Murong Xiyan was picking flowers and laughing beside him.

A few people stood quietly, but there seemed to be a strong chill in the wind. It seemed that with just a look or a word, the two men with peerless faces and noble faces would fight, and in the air, Exuding a cold murderous aura.

In fact, if these two people can shake hands and be friends, then the scene at this moment must be the most beautiful scenery in the world.

It's just a pity that such a thing can only be imagined.These two people can't be friends, Yuhen will never shake hands with a man who dug his mother's grave, and this man also snatched away the woman he likes.It is also impossible for Chu Limo to shake hands and be friends with a man who misses his wife and hurts his sister every day.The contest between men is imminent.

Chu Limo and Yuhen stood there, neither of them spoke.However, the look in the eyes between the two already said everything.

"Yunqing, what are brother and Yuhen doing?" Originally, Yunqing wanted to take her out to enjoy the scenery and enjoy the flowers to relax, but Chu Liyou didn't want to enjoy the scenery and enjoy the flowers.

Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled softly, "A contest between men."

"..." Chu Liyou's heart became even more nervous.

Seeing that Chu Liyou had been staring at Chu Limo and Yuhen, but his eyes were more on Yuhen's body, Yun Qing said softly: "Don't worry. They won't fight here, at least at this time they I won’t do it.” But it’s not necessarily the case after leaving the capital of Beiyuan.

"Aren't you worried, Yunqing?"

"I believe in Li Mo, I believe in your brother." Yun Qing had a confident smile on his face.The man she's looking at won't be that weak.

At that moment, Chu Liyou cast all his eyes on Yun Qing, watching her smile so confidently.She thought: She understands why Yuhen has been reading to this woman for many years.

Knowing that Chu Liyou was watching him in a daze, Yun Qing said calmly: "You should trust him. Li You, the fate is in our own hands, and there will always be a day when things will be resolved. No matter what the future holds, now is the time." The most important thing." Yun Qing suddenly looked at her seriously and said, "Li You, have you really decided to go back to Chujing with us? Have you really let him go? Ask yourself, are you Not really letting go."

Although this 'he' Yun Qing didn't know who it was, but Chu Liyou understood what she meant.

Chu Liyou nodded and looked at Yun Qing, "Well. I want to learn to forget him, I will forget him, erase him from my life. From now on, there will be no 'him' in my life. 'The man exists."

She can't forget it now, but time will heal all the scars for her.

She decided not to love Yuhen anymore.

But, is time really a good medicine to heal scars?Given her time, can she really forget Yuhen?

"No matter what you decide, your brother and I will always support you."

"Listen, the flowers I picked are not fragrant." The two finished their chat, and Murong Xiyan came over after picking the flowers.

Yun Qing couldn't help but smile, Murong Xiyan really has a child's heart.

"Smell it and see if it smells good." Murong Xiyan brought the flower closer to the two of them and asked them to smell it.

"Fragrant." Chu Liyou said, but pinched his nose with a look of disgust, "It is very fragrant, but the smell is too strong."

Yun Qing also nodded.

Among the flowers that Murong Xiyan picked, all kinds of flowers had a strong and pungent scent after being put together.

Yun Qing also didn't like such a strong fragrance.She likes the faint floral fragrance, just like the faint pear blossom fragrance on Chu Limo's body.After being with him for a long time, she also has a faint pear blossom scent on her body.

Yun Qing curled her lips, "You picked so many flowers, you don't want to put them in your room for viewing, do you?"

"No. I just picked them for fun." Seeing that both of them were a bit disgusted with the strong floral fragrance, Murong Xiyan wanted to throw away the flowers she picked in her hand.Then he stared at Chu Liyou with a treacherous smile and said: "I wanted to ask yesterday, you and the second senior brother seem to have a good relationship? I have never seen the second senior brother hug a girl before, tell me, are you two?" Not that kind of relationship?"

Chu Liyou's expression darkened for a moment, thinking that she was about to sever all ties with Yuhen.From now on they will not have any relationship. "We have nothing to do."

"No way?" Murong Xiyan obviously didn't believe it.She curled her lips, "Second senior brother brought you here yesterday."

"That's because my foot was injured." Chu Liyou explained.Looking at this mysterious purple-clothed woman, I was also a little curious. She had a veil on her face, so she couldn't see what she looked like.However, her name is Yuhen Second Senior Brother, and they are brothers and sisters, so her relationship with Yuhen should be very good, right?

Not wanting to think about this question, Chu Liyou changed the subject, they came out to play, she still doesn't know her name? "Girl, who are you?"

"My name is Murong Xiyan. You can call me Xiyan, I can clearly hear you calling you Liyou, then I will call you Liyou in the future." Murong Xiyan always looks very familiar no matter what .

Yun Qing is no longer surprised by the strangeness. As for her calling herself Qingqing, she probably can't change it.

"Murong Xiyan." After saying the name once, Chu Liyou felt a little doubt in his heart.

She still knows, isn't the surname Murong the surname of the Xiyue royal family?Could it be that Murong Xiyan and Yuhen are siblings?
But impossible!
If they were brothers and sisters, why did Murong Xiyan call Yuhen Second Senior Brother?

Regarding this doubt, Murong Xiyanhe and Chu Liyou quickly explained it clearly.

"Liyou, you haven't told me that you really have nothing to do with the second senior brother?" But if it really doesn't matter, why did the second senior brother run into the girl's room last night?It made me think it was a thief last night.

Regarding this Murong Xiyan who was too curious, Yun Qing could only use his eyes to warn her not to ask any more questions.

Realizing that something was wrong, Murong Xiyan closed her mouth and stopped asking.Grinning, he took Yun Qing and Chu Liyou's hands with an apologetic look, "It's really boring here, let's go back. The second brother gave me 1000 taels of silver ticket last night, I invite you eat."

"Okay." Chu Liyou agreed.I don't know if I heard him give another woman 1000 taels of silver bills, so a wave of anger surged in my heart, but this anger can only be endured.

She still remembered that when she borrowed money from Yuhen at the inn, he was stingy and refused to borrow it.He also said that his Yuhen's silver was not borrowed by anyone casually, nor was it used by anyone casually.Now, he actually gave another woman 1000 taels of silver, which is really generous.

After leaving the mountain, it was time to have lunch.Murong Xiyan said she wanted to treat guests, but Chu Liyou chose the best and most expensive restaurant in the city.

The picture is also very strange, Chu Limo and Yuhen actually sat at the same table at the same time.

"Boss, serve the best and most expensive dishes here. Also, remember to put chili, put more chili." There was a fire in her heart and she didn't know how to vent it. She also knew that this matter had nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter to Murong Xiyan, but after hearing her say that Yuhen gave her money, she felt very sad and uncomfortable.After finishing speaking, Chu Liyou looked at Murong Xiyan and said, "You should eat spicy food, right?"

The corners of Murong Xiyan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling as if she had accidentally offended this girl.But she herself didn't know what offended her.Can she say that she doesn't eat spicy food?But obviously can't say.Grinning, "I can do it. Qingqing, can you eat spicy food?"

"Yes." Yun Qing replied.The faint gaze turned to Yuhen. She remembered that Yuhen didn't eat spicy food in her previous life.So it is said: Liyou ordered so many spicy dishes on purpose.She still couldn't let go of Yuhen.

The food came out quickly.

During this period, the Chu brothers and sisters and Yun Qing probably had the most fun eating.Yuhen and Murong Xiyan also ate, but more often they watched the three of them eat.

"Qingqing, eat fish. It's your favorite." After carefully picking out the fishbone, he put it into Yunqing's bowl, obviously looking like he was always showing affection.

Yuhen just watched quietly.Her gaze swept over Yun Qing from time to time, and the woman never looked at herself from the beginning to the end.It seemed that he didn't exist at all in her eyes.The corner of Yuhen's mouth was lightly pursed, and he couldn't help smiling.He thought, he could finally understand what bitter taste is.Then, his eyes swept to Chu Liyou's body, looking at these two women, his heart suddenly became very complicated.

For a meal, some people eat it with complicated thoughts, some people are still sweet, some people don’t like it, and some people eat up the 1000 taels of silver bills they got in one meal.

After returning to the inn.

"What did you say to Yuhen today?" Yun Qing asked.

At that time, the two didn't seem to speak, but Yun Qing knew that the two had reached some kind of agreement.

"We will not interfere with each other during our stay in Beiyuan." Chu Limo said indifferently: "He is looking for his master, and we are looking for our Moon Spirit Flower. Qingqing, let's go to Beiyuan Palace at night."

Chu Limo didn't want to take Yun Qing to Beiyuan Palace to take risks, but let Qing Qing and Yu Hen stay in the inn, he didn't believe Yu Hen's character at all.

"Okay. Let's find out if the whereabouts of Yue Linghua is in Beishan Imperial Tomb as soon as possible, and we will meet up with my cousin immediately after we get the construction plan of the imperial tomb." Yun Qing didn't want to stay in Beiyuan Capital at all.The place gave her a very uncomfortable feeling.

Yun Qing didn't know that this place had a constant relationship with her.

The things she wants to know, the person she wants to find, and the answers she wants will all be answered here.


That night, the night was like ink.

The two figures quietly avoided the heavy guards and came to Beiyuan Palace.

But at this moment, the scene in the inn is different.

It is estimated that she is really unlucky. I don't know if it is because she ate too much chili. At night, her stomach starts to feel a little uncomfortable.

But what was even more unlucky was that when the stomach was uncomfortable, there was a shameless person who came in.

The room was very dark, and Chu Liyou didn't turn on the lamp.

"Did you do it on purpose today?" A low alcoholic voice sounded slowly in the blackness.

Knowing it was him, Chu Liyou seemed to be used to it and didn't yell.Lying on the bed with his back to him, but covering his stomach with his hand, he didn't answer.

Yuhen approached her, and whispered in her ear with a hint of warmth and anger, but because Chu Liyou turned his back to him, Yuhen didn't notice that something was wrong with Chu Liyou. "Answer Bengong, did you do it on purpose today?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Chu Liyou also suppressed the pain in his stomach and sneered, "Also, please go out."

"Bengong said, don't face me like this, I will be upset." Yuhen was very annoyed that she turned her back to him.Just because the room was very dark, he didn't see Chu Liyou's appearance at the moment.

"Get out." She didn't want him to see her uncomfortable appearance at all.

"If you don't go out... so what?" In the darkness, Yuhen raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly, and even lay down on the bed and hugged her.

Being embraced by this familiar embrace, Chu Liyou's body suddenly froze.

"Look, you actually miss Bengong very much, don't you?" In the darkness, he smiled even more evilly.

His hands touched her body even more irregularly.

Yuhen would never admit that it was because Chu Liyou had neglected him for two nights, and he now looks dissatisfied with desire.

"What are you doing? Let go." Chu Liyou was a little annoyed, but she didn't dare to shout out, for fear that her voice would wake up her elder brother and Yun Qing in the yard.But Chu Liyou didn't know that at this moment her brother and Yun Qing were in Beiyuan Palace.

"I haven't touched your whole body before. Why are you so shy?" Yuhen raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly: "You are not allowed to touch your breasts. You have reason. I am helping you."

(End of this chapter)

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