The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 836 28. The woman in the painting, he really lied to me!

Chapter 836 28. The woman in the painting, he really lied to me!
"Get lost!" Chu Liyou yelled, suppressing the pain in his stomach.

He was obviously taking advantage of her and still said that he was helping her as a matter of course!

Help her sister!

An anger that was about to erupt in Chu Liyou's heart was already burning ragingly.His sister, if you dislike her small breasts, why should you touch her?

At this moment, Chu Liyou wanted to slap herself to wake herself up, when she was still thinking about the fact that he disliked her small breasts.Isn't what she has to do now to drive this shameless rascal out?

At this moment, someone is still teasing, if there is light in the room, he will definitely be able to see that Chu Liyou's face is very bad.However, Yuhen didn't find that something was wrong with Chu Liyou, because she still turned her back to him, and hearing her tone, Yuhen thought she was just angry, but she didn't think that she was feeling unwell.

"Get out!" Another roar came.

After yelling, my stomach hurts even more, and it seems that something is gushing out from under me.Chu Liyou was not stupid, at this moment he finally knew why he had a stomach ache.After being drenched in the rain in Fengcheng, every time she came here, it would hurt her to death.

Now, Yuhen finally realized something was wrong. "what happened to you?"

"You go out." She didn't want him to find out how embarrassed she was now.

Yuhen got up and lit the lamp in the room.As soon as the light came on, she could only see her petite body curled up on the bed.

"What's wrong with you? I'll take you to see a doctor." At this moment, Yuhen's face was full of worry, so worried that even Ben Gong couldn't call her.

"No." In desperation, Chu Liyou quickly grabbed Yuhen's hand and shook his head repeatedly, "Don't go to see the doctor, I'm fine."

"Chu Liyou, you are still stubborn at this time. Can I eat you?" Yuhen was very angry, but he couldn't really ignore her when he was angry.If it was another woman, he would not even look at whether she was alive or dead, but for this woman, he might have really fallen into her hands.

But Chu Liyou held his hand tightly and kept shaking his head, refusing to see the doctor.

She didn't need to see a doctor at all.Besides, how can I go to see a doctor in this situation?

"Yuhen, I won't go." Her voice was a little weaker in pain.She grabbed his hand, with crystal tears shining in her eyes, at this moment she had a pitiful and heart-wrenching appearance. "Please, don't take me to the doctor. I'm really fine."

"Chu Liyou, tell me what's wrong with you? Why don't you want to see the doctor?" She couldn't even speak out the pain, but she insisted on refusing to see the doctor.

"I..." Biting her lips, how should she tell him that she is in so much pain now because of that coming.

"Tell me. If you don't say anything, I will take you to see a doctor now."

"I... my stomach hurts." Chu Liyou's face was ashamed and she wanted to find a hole to get in. It was really embarrassing for her to tell a man about this kind of thing.Her voice is very small, as small as a mosquito, if you don't listen carefully, you won't know what she said.

"Your menstruation is coming?" Yuhen is also a person who has experienced two lives, so he said this kind of thing calmly.

Chu Liyou blushed and nodded, "Yes."

Yuhen frowned, the first time he saw her suffering from menstrual pain was that time in Fengcheng, that time she was so uncomfortable, he also thought it was because she was drenched in the rain.The next few times, he didn't care at all.But this time, she wasn't exposed to the rain, so how could she be in so much pain? "Does it hurt that much every time?"

Chu Liyou fell silent.

Indeed, after the rain in Fengcheng, it hurts every time after that.She used to be in pain, but not as severe as this.Come to think of it, it must have been caused by the rain.

Her silence also gave Yuhen the answer.

Yuhen was really angry and wanted to strangle her. "Chu Liyou, are you an idiot? Why haven't you said anything for so long? If Ben Gong didn't find out today, are you still planning to keep it a secret?"

"I..." Being scolded by Yuhen, Chu Liyou felt extremely wronged.Her stomach hurts at first, but now it hurts even more and she shed tears.

Also, when did she hide it?
What if she kept it a secret?What does it have to do with him?
She has stayed by his side in Xiyue for so long, if he really cared about her, even if he just cared about her a little bit, he would find that she was in pain so many times.But he never really cared about her at all.Of course he wouldn't know.

"Stupid. Bengong has never seen a woman as stupid as you." She couldn't help but cursed.Seeing her tears flashing, those aggrieved eyes finally picked her up, took a coat casually, and walked outside.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't move, I'll take you to see a doctor." Yuhen scolded with a serious face.

God knows why he ran into her room tonight.But at that time, he just couldn't help wanting to come and see her.As a result, seeing this woman in pain, she refused to go to the doctor.

He couldn't help thinking of what Zheng Yuyi said at the time, that she was too cold to conceive at all, and the medicine he gave her at that time also did her great harm.If you want to get pregnant, you can't take that kind of contraceptive pill, and you must take good care of it.But this woman vomited all the medicine she had taken, and then left with Qi Rong.As a result, she didn't take any of the conditioning medicine prescribed by Zheng Yu.

Thinking about it now, is it because of her cold constitution that she is dying from dysmenorrhea?

"I'll just lie down and I won't go to the doctor."

"Shut up." Yuhen roared in displeasure, "If it wasn't for your discomfort, I would have done you right now."

Chu Liyou was extremely wronged, she was already like this when she was hugged in his arms and looked at his unearthly handsome face, yet he was still thinking about that matter.

"I'm going to clean you up when you get better." Finally, Yuhen said that again.It's just that there seems to be some kind of flirting in the tone.

Hallucinations, must be hallucinations.

Opening the door, Yuhen came out of the room holding Chu Liyou in his arms.

Then, both Wuqing and Akabane were dumbfounded.

Especially ruthless and direct stupid.

The prince and concubine went to the Beiyuan Palace, and ordered him to guard the door of the lady's room to protect the lady's safety, but when did Prince Xiyue go into the lady's room?

The moment Chu Liyou saw Wuqing outside the room door, she felt that her innocence could not be preserved.Although she had already lost her innocence, she didn't want her brother to know about it.

Yuhen didn't care about their eyes at all, and left the room with Chu Liyou in his arms.

After being stunned for a while, Wuqing finally came back to his senses and stopped Yuhen's way, "Put it down, Miss." Facing this Prince Xiyue who was comparable to his prince, Wuqing felt the same threat from him. pressure.With a faint look in his eyes, he was already so oppressed that he didn't dare to look directly.

"I don't want to die, get out of here." Yuhen glanced at Wuqing indifferently, and the woman in her arms closed her eyes in pain and didn't even speak.Yuhen didn't delay anymore, and ordered coldly: "Chiyu."

Ignoring the two people drawing swords in the yard, Yuhen left the inn with Chu Liyou in his arms.


Beiyuan Imperial Palace.

Two black figures flashed past quickly, and finally stopped on the top of the Treasure Pavilion.

"Have you ever been to Beiyuan Palace? Are you sure what we are looking for is in the Treasure Pavilion?" Yun Qing lowered his voice and asked.He has traveled to several countries as Yechen these years, so he must have been to Beiyuan Palace, right?

"I don't like people from the Beiyuan imperial family." Chu Limo said domineeringly.But the meaning is also very obvious, because he doesn't like people from Beiyuan imperial family, so he will not come to Beiyuan imperial palace.

This place is the most guarded place in the palace.If the Moon Spirit Flower was really used as a funeral object, then there must be a record inside.So they only need to go in quietly and check the information left behind.

Murong Xiyan visited this place last night, and set a fire that almost burned it down.Fortunately, there was no harm.The fire was put out immediately.But at this time, there are still many people guarding the outside of the Treasure Pavilion.But the two of them quietly entered the Treasure Pavilion easily.

It's just a coincidence that Chu Limo and Yun Qing didn't expect that Murong Xiyan, a fearless girl, was also there.

"Hush..." Yun Qing hurriedly covered Murong Xiyan, took off the black veil on her face, and looked at Murong Xiyan with a slightly twitched corner of her mouth, "Didn't you play enough last night?"

I really don't know what to say about this girl.If you come to someone's palace to steal something, you should at least dress up, right?

Wearing a purple dress like this with a veil on his face, if someone in the palace sees it, and they are not fools, they will know if they don't check it.

"Qingqing, why are you? Why did you come to the palace too?" She was really startled just now, and she almost screamed.

Yun Qing took a look at Murong Xiyan, "Why are you here again?" Could it be that she didn't know that the members of the Beiyuan royal family were not fools, and that the Zangbao Pavilion was attacked by thieves last night, so they would definitely take strict precautions.

Of course, Yun Qing and the others also knew that the Beiyuan royal family would take strict precautions, but they had to come.To Yun Qing, these guards standing outside were nothing more than a dispensable air.

"It's not my master. If I didn't want to find him, I wouldn't use this method to lure him out." Speaking of this, Murong Xiyan felt a sense of frustration.Could it be that the master really can't bear other people's framing?
But what Murong Xiyan and Yuhen didn't know was that the old man Wuchen was drunk in a certain wine cellar and couldn't bear to come out.How did he know that someone went to the palace to steal something and framed the crime on him.If he knew, he would have killed the person who framed him right away.

"Qingqing, why are you here? Are you here to steal things like me? I'll help you with what you want to steal."

Knowing that it was her, Chu Limo and Yun Qing ignored her.They came here to find the whereabouts recorded by Yue Linghua and the construction plan of Beishan Imperial Tomb.They didn't hold much hope for the construction plan of Beishan Imperial Mausoleum, but since they came here, they still wanted to look for it.

"Qingqing, what are you looking for? Do you need help?" Murong Xiyan didn't look like a thief at all, watching Chu Limo and Yun Qing looking for something and chattering aside.

"Shut up." Chu Limo shot over with a cold look.

Yun Qing also glared at her, wouldn't she be afraid to draw the guards over if she was so noisy?Did she forget that they were all thieves in the palace at the moment.

Frightened by Chu Limo's cold eyes, Murong Xiyan really shut up and sat aside and watched silently.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing searched separately in the huge Treasure Pavilion. There are too many things recorded in the Treasure Pavilion. It almost records some important events from the founding history of Beiyuan Kingdom to the present. It's not that easy to find either.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two still got nothing.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Murong Xiyan sat there alone and asked a little bored.

Regarding Murong Xiyan's words, the two automatically ignored them.Murong Xiyan felt that it was really boring, so she also started to search, but she didn't know what she was looking for.

After such a long time, they still haven't found what they were looking for, so Yun Qing also became anxious.After a long time, they will definitely be found here.If you want to come here next time, it won't be as simple as it is now.

Suddenly, Chu Limo stared at a certain place in a daze. "Qingqing, I think I found it."

Hearing the sound, Yun Qing walked over, and Murong Xiyan also walked over curiously.

Yun Qing followed the wall that Chu Limo was looking at, and the wall was blocked by a cabinet.Yun Qing frowned, "You mean there is a dark room behind this cabinet?"

"Is there a dark room? Where is the mechanism?" Murong Xiyan was very curious now, not afraid of Chu Limo's cold eyes at all.

Yun Qing inspected the furnishings near the cabinet, stared at the things on the cabinet, and finally stopped at a Buddha statue.Yun Qing walked over gently and moved the small Buddha statue.Suddenly, the cabinet slowly opened from both sides.

"There really is a mechanism. Qingqing, you are too powerful." Murong Xiyan really admires Yun Qing too much.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing looked at it, and when it was fully opened, they only saw that it was not a dark room, at most it was just a small dark room.But there is a portrait hanging in the dark compartment, a portrait of a woman.

The woman in the painting is smiling slightly, with affectionate eyebrows.And there is a blue flower painted beside the woman.The blue flowers have a faint light, which seems to have aura.At that moment, Chu Limo recognized that the flower was the Moon Spirit Flower they were looking for.

But at the moment, they were not shocked by the Moon Spirit Flower in that painting.The only thing that shocked me was the woman in the painting.

"What a beautiful girl." With just one glance, Murong Xiyan couldn't help admiring.This woman is really beautiful.

Yun Qing took down the painting, and suddenly felt uncomfortable when looking at the woman in the painting.

Who is the woman in this painting?

Why do they look exactly the same?
Looking at this painting, what else does Yun Qing not understand about the woman in the painting?The answer she was looking for seemed to be given to her at this moment.

Yun Qing suddenly became extremely cold, staring at the painting and sneering: "He really lied to me. I believed in him so much, but he still lied to me. Su Baiyi, you really lied to me. Are you Who? Who are you?"

 Who is the woman in the painting?
  What does it have to do with Su Baiyi?What does it have to do with Yunqing?
  How many secrets are still hidden?
(End of this chapter)

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