The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 837 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 837

"Li Mo, he is really lying to me. He is really lying to me. Why? I trust him so much." Looking at this painting, Yun Qing, the woman in the painting, felt that she was going to collapse.She regarded him as a relative, as a family member.She thought he was really her family.But suddenly found that they are not family.He has been lying to her.

First of all, Su Wanyan is not Su Wanyan.Now, Su Baiyi is also lying to her, from beginning to end.

The woman in the painting looks exactly the same as Su Baiyi.At this moment, Yun Qing would not believe it if it was said that they had nothing to do with each other.

Who is Su Baiyi?Who is it?

There are countless doubts in Yun Qing's heart, what is the relationship between Su Baiyi and the woman in the painting?
Is it a mother-child relationship?

Or a sibling relationship?But looking at this painting, it has been painted for many years, and this painting has been treasured for at least a long, long time.Therefore, Su Baiyi and the woman in the painting cannot be siblings.

If Su Baiyi is the son of the woman in the painting, are she and Su Baiyi brother and sister?
But if they are not brother and sister, and have no blood relationship, why did Su Wudao tell them that they are brother and sister, and let them recognize their relatives with blood?
What is the purpose of Su Wudao doing this?Does Su Baiyi know about this matter?
One question after another lingered in Yun Qing's mind.But everything tells her one thing, since she joined the Feng clan, she seems to have broken into a scam.Su Wanyan's words before she died were still lingering in her ears at this time.Don't trust anyone in the Feng family, they all have a purpose for her.

Purpose?What is their purpose?
What exactly is hidden on her body?It was worth Su Wudao's approaching her from the very beginning and deceiving her.Use family affection to deceive her.

She trusted Su Baiyi so much.Even though she had doubted him all along, she still believed that they were related by blood and that they were relatives.Su Baiyi may have some reason for disappearing for so long.But seeing this painting, she couldn't believe that she and Su Baiyi were related by blood.

"Why do they lie to me? They lie to me from the beginning to the end?" She valued relatives, family and friends most in her life.But suddenly it was discovered that all of this was a scam, just a scam.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you?" Murong Xiyan didn't expect Yun Qing to be so excited when she saw this painting.

"Hurry up, hurry up and catch the assassin..." In the end, the change in the Treasure Pavilion was discovered.

"Let's go." Chu Limo took Yun Qing's hand and left, "Qingqing, let's go out and talk."

"Oops, I was discovered." Murong Xiyan also yelled when she heard the voice outside, but she didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Let's go." Yun Qing took the painting and left the Treasure Pavilion.

The outside of the Treasure Pavilion has been surrounded by water.The imperial guards and the imperial guards were holding swords, and the archers were already in ambush.It seemed impossible for them to escape.

However, it is simply a dream that the imperial forest army and the forbidden army want to stop them.

The three jumped lightly, and they had already reached the top of the Treasure Pavilion.

"Let the arrows..." With an order, countless arrows shot out.

The three stood on the roof, facing the wind.

Those arrows that were shot had changed direction and fell towards the roof before they approached them.In an instant, there were screams in the palace.

And the three of them stood on the roof well, unscathed.

Yun Qing's cold eyes stared at the people under the roof, standing on a high place, he could have a panoramic view of the entire Beiyuan Palace.Here is a painting exactly like him.So will he be here?

"Catch them. Shoot the arrows, shoot the arrows." The men below continued to issue orders.

Countless arrows shot towards them, and the three of them avoided them one by one.

"Qingqing, let's go." Chu Limo gathered all his internal energy in his palm, and suddenly sent out to the person who shot the arrow below, and there were screams from below.Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing's waist, tapped his foot, and disappeared into the night in an instant.Murong Xiyan also performed lightness kung fu and left together.Afterwards, when everyone was reacting, there were still three figures on the roof.

The Royal Forest Army and the Forbidden Army were killed and injured, but none of the thief's clothes were injured, and he didn't see what the thief looked like, let alone caught a living person.

When Emperor Beiyuan heard the news, he knew that this rampant thief broke into the Treasure Pavilion of the palace again at night to steal, but his men even grabbed a piece of hair. He was furious on the spot, and chopped off all the guards guarding the Treasure Pavilion that night.He ordered that within three days one of these rampant thieves should be caught.


Chu Li, Mo Yunqing, Murong Xiyan and the others who had left the palace returned directly to the inn.

Huadu Inn.

Wuqing and Akabane were still fighting with swords.

Fortunately, this courtyard is independent from other guest rooms, otherwise the sound of the two of them fighting would definitely wake up the entire inn.But, how did the two fight?

"The two of you fought in the middle of the night. It's so fun. Haha." Murong Xiyan said that she couldn't understand these two people, she glanced at them and went back to her room.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou's room at the same time, only to see the door was open.Chu Liyou was not in the room, and Chu Limo's eyes swept to Yuhen's room again, but no one was there either.

His deep and cold eyes shot at the two people who were fighting, and as soon as the fierce palm came out, they were instantly pulled away, Wuqing and Akabane received the harsh half of the palm each.Fortunately, Chu Limo only used two parts of his strength, otherwise, these two people would be seriously injured if they did not die.Chu Limo said angrily, "Where is Liyou?"

"Going back to the prince, the young lady was taken away by the prince Xiyue. His subordinates did not stop him." Wu Qing knew that he was unable to protect the good young lady from Yuhen's hands and respectfully admitted his mistake.

"Yuhen." Chu Limo gritted his teeth, if Yuhen was here, he would definitely kill him.

It's really a wave of unrest and another wave.

Ever since Yun Qing saw the painting from the palace, he had been holding back a burst of anger, all in his heart was that Su Baiyi had lied to him.But now, the jade marks in the middle of the night disappeared together with Li You.How can Yun Qing still think about Su Baiyi deceiving himself.

Yun Qing walked in front of Chi Yu, and asked in a deep voice: "Where did your master go? Where did he take Li You?"

Akabane doesn't know where his highness has gone.He even didn't know why His Highness appeared in Miss Chu's room at night, and why he suddenly left the inn with Miss Chu in his arms.

In the middle of the night, where can His Highness take Miss Chu?

"This subordinate doesn't know where His Highness has gone." Chi Yu had to answer truthfully in front of Yun Qing and Chu Limo.

He really didn't know where his Highness was going, His Highness just ordered him to stop Wu Qing, and then the two started fighting.In the end, he just wanted to compete with him, so he kept blocking him on purpose.Who knew they would come back suddenly at this time.

Yun Qing also thought in her heart that Yuhen should not hurt Liyou.However, where did Yuhen take Li You this late at night?
Also, why did Yuhen take Liyou away at night?

Yun Qing didn't want to understand this question.Chu Limo didn't even want to understand.And Chu Limo didn't allow Yuhen to have anything to do with her sister.In his heart, Yuhen was purely kidnapped.

In just the next second, Murong Xiyan suffered disaster.Chu Limo kicked the door of Murong Xiyan's room open.With cold eyes, he looked like he was about to kill someone and said coldly: "Where did Yuhen go?"

As for Murong Xiyan's appearance in the palace tonight and his sister being taken away by Yuhen, this woman Murong Xiyan must have known about it and perhaps directly participated in this matter.Yun Qing also looked at Murong Xiyan suspiciously.She is Yuhen's junior sister, it is normal to help Yuhen, otherwise, why would Yuhen give her 1000 taels of silver.

It has to be said that Murong Xiyan took the blame this time, and she didn't know that Yuhen took Liyou away.Before them, she had left the inn to steal from the palace.And she came back from the palace with both of them.How would she know where the second senior brother took Li You to go?
But there is nothing wrong with Chu Limo and Yun Qing being skeptical.Who is Yuhen, how could he give a woman 1000 taels of silver?

So, the one thousand silver note was really suspicious!

Seeing the menacing two men, Chu Limo's face was cold and ready to kill, Murong Xiyan's little heart was frightened.

"Qingqing." Murong Xiyan blinked at Yun Qing, her heart was pounding, feeling like she would die at any moment. "Qingqing, why do I feel that you want to kill people to silence your words? I didn't offend you."

"Say, where did Yuhen go?" Chu Limo asked coldly.

"Second Senior Brother?" Murong Xiyan looked confused, "I don't know. Are you looking for Second Senior Brother? Second Senior Brother should be in the room."

"He took Li You away." Yun Qing looked at her and said in a deep voice.

"The second senior brother took Li You away? Then I don't know. The second senior brother was still there when I left the inn. We came back from the palace together. How do I know where the second senior brother went." After a pause, Murong Xiyan looked at Yun Qing, of course, she didn't dare to look directly at Chu Limo's face, even though Chu Limo had a face that captivated thousands of young girls, Murong Xiyan just didn't dare Looking directly at him, I was afraid that he would freeze to death with just one look.Murong Xiyan looked at Yun Qing, then completely ignored Chu Limo's gloomy face, and blurted out without thinking, "Did Second Senior Brother take Li You out to watch the night scene? I told you this morning The relationship between Guo Liyou and the second senior brother is unusual."

Sure enough, after Murong Xiyan finished speaking.Chu Limo's face sank even more.

Damn Yuhen.

Yun Qing also couldn't help feeling that Yuhen shouldn't be having a seizure at this time and kidnapping Liyou.Because there is no need for this at all.Did Yuhen really take Liyou to see the night scene as Murong Xiyan said?
But now it's midnight, where will they go to watch the night scene?
"Um... let me ask, are you Li You and Second Senior Brother?" Murong Xiyan asked halfway, but Chu Limo glanced over with a cold look, and Murong Xiyan faltered.He quickly shut his mouth and didn't dare to ask any more.She estimated that Chu Limo would slap her to death if she continued to ask.

Chu Limo looked at Murong Xiyan with cold eyes and warned: "I am warning you for the last time, don't bring up the matter of Liyou and Yuhen in the future. Also, Qingqing is not called by you. Next time When I heard you yelling, I pulled out your tongue and fed it to the dog." After the warning, Chu Limo coldly ordered: "Wuqing, order to let our people find Liyou. If you can't find anyone, you There is no need to come back."

"Yes, my subordinate will do it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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