The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 838 30. Things are messed up!

Chapter 838 30. Things are messed up!
Chu Limo had just ordered to go down, before Wuqing had time to find someone, Yuhen came back with Chu Liyou in his arms.

Then, several people looked at each other in blank dismay in the yard.

Chu Liyou suddenly had the urge to hit the wall.

What is the situation now?

Who will tell her why her brother and Yun Qing are waiting for her in the yard?
Seeing his younger sister coming in from the outside in Yuhen's arms, and his sister was still wearing Yuhen's clothes, he had an urge to strangle Yuhen to death.

Seeing this, Yun Qing quickly grabbed Chu Limo.She could see that this man was so angry that he wanted to do something.It was so late, a normal man took his sister away, and when he came back, his sister was still wearing the man's clothes.If it was said that nothing happened, Yun Qing would not believe it either.Therefore, Yun Qing could understand why Chu Limo wanted to strangle Yuhen to death.

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen and Liyou again.Secretly thinking in his heart: Yuhen took Liyou away so late, and was still so ambiguous when he came back, did he really give Liyou to him?

Yun Qing can't guarantee that Yuhen will be a man who is not polluted by worldly dust and has a pure heart and desires, let alone that Yuhen will be a gentleman.

In her eyes, Yuhen is a normal man, a man who is so normal that he has physical needs.If we say that a woman is still a stunning beauty dangling in front of him all day long.Will Yuhen wipe away Liyou?
Or, in fact, as early as in Xiyue, Yuhen had already wiped away Li You.Did you take Li You away tonight because it was inconvenient here?

Yun Qing felt that this must be the case.Yuhen must have wiped away Li You, and probably took Li You to another place tonight.Who knew it was discovered when the result came back.

Yun Qing thought about it, if this is really the case, it must be very embarrassing to ask Li You now.

But at this moment, Chu Liyou spoke. "Brother Yunqing, I..." Having said this, Chu Liyou realized that he didn't know how to explain.

At this time, Murong Xiyan who was in the room heard the voice and also came out.Seeing Yuhen and Chu Liyou come back, she immediately shed a tear, but she couldn't see her shedding a tear after squeezing for a long time. "Second Senior Brother Liyou, you guys are finally back, if you don't come back, I will die unjustly."

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, this Murong Xiyan was really real.What's going on at this time, didn't you see that Chu Limo wanted to strangle someone to death?

Yuhen looked very calm, and walked over slowly holding Liyou.

"Let me down." Chu Liyou said in a low voice. Although her stomach still hurts, it is much better than before. "I can go now."

Yuhen didn't know if it was intentional, Xie Mei said with a ambiguous smile, "Are you sure you can walk on the ground now?"


Then the words were too ambiguous, and it was impossible not to be misunderstood.Yun Qing felt that this incident tonight was too scary for her.

Chu Limo stared at Yuhen with cold eyes, Yuhen was telling him provocatively: Has his sister been bullied by him?
There is a saying: You stole the woman I love the most, and in order to take revenge on you, I slept with your dearest sister.

This sentence is suddenly suitable for Chu Limo and Yuhen.

Chu Liyou also felt that there was something wrong with Yuhen's sudden words.But she couldn't understand why Yuhen deliberately said this to her brother and Yun Qing?Doesn't he love Yunqing?Since you love Yunqing, why do you still act like this?

The innocent and lively Murong Xiyan also sensed that something was wrong, and there seemed to be a faint bloodthirsty murderous smell in the air.After Murong Xiyan gave a dry laugh, she hurried back to her room.She wouldn't be so stupid as to watch the excitement, and she could tell that there was something weird in it just by looking at it.It's better to be wise and protect yourself.

"Yuhen, this king has already warned you not to provoke her."

"Bengong also said that. She, Bengong insisted on provoking her." Yuhen had a half-smile, "She, she voluntarily let Bengong provoke her."

The two god-like men looked at each other coldly.The same domineering, the same full of kingly spirit.

Chu Liyou was not stupid, at this moment he also understood that Yuhen did it on purpose, he deliberately used himself to provoke his brother.

"Put me down." Chu Liyou's voice was also full of warmth and anger.

Her elder brother is her dearest person in the world. She will never allow anyone to hurt her elder brother, let alone use herself to harm her elder brother, even if this person is Yuhen.

"Bengong said, you can't go to the ground. Do you think what I said was a joke?" Yuhen was very angry with this woman who defended her brother, but she never let go.After finishing speaking, he deliberately smiled gently at Chu Liyou, the smile was extremely ambiguous, "Look, the clothes are all dirty, let's go back to the room, Ben Gong will clean it for you."

Chu Li was stunned.

Yun Qing was also dumbfounded.Yun Qing stared at Yuhen in a daze. Is this still the Yuhen she knew?Why did she have an illusion?

After Yuhen and Chu Liyou finished talking, they looked at Chu Limo's provocative smile, "Although she is your own sister, it is best for me to do this kind of thing. After all, you are just her brother , and Ben Gong is her man."

After Yuhen's words fell, Chu Liyou was dumbfounded.I'm afraid that no matter how she explains it now, she won't be able to explain it.Yuhen said so, what exactly did he want to do?
Not only Chu Liyou was dumbfounded, but other people in the courtyard were also dumbfounded, Murong Xiyan who was eavesdropping in the room opened her mouth even more.

Chu Limo looked at Yuhen coldly, clenched his hands tightly, and felt a chill all over his body.

"Yuhen." Yun Qing stopped calling him.He has already admitted that Li You is his woman in front of so many people, so he must give Li You an explanation.Although Yun Qing is open-minded, he is not a pedantic person.However, Liyou is an ancient woman after all, in this era, how precious a woman's innocence is.Once a woman loses her innocence, how many people will look at the woman who has lost her innocence.What face does he have to face others after Liyou.At least, Liyou loves Yuhen.Since Yuhen took away Li You's innocence, shouldn't he give Li You a title?Although Yun Qing was a bit selfish in this matter.But she always wants everyone to be well.Looking at Yuhen, Yun Qing said lightly, "Should you give Li You an explanation?"

"Qingqing." Chu Limo shouted.In his heart, he didn't want his sister to have anything to do with Yuhen, and he didn't even bother to ask Yuhen to explain to his sister, but he also understood why Qingqing said that.It never occurred to him that Yuhen really gave his sister to... Now that I think about it, he shouldn't have promised Liyou to let her go to Xiyue.

"Confession?" Yuhen looked at Yun Qing with pursed lips, seeing this woman asked him to explain to another woman.After all, Yuhen felt a little unwilling in his heart.He was not reconciled to having loved her for so many years, but she had no feelings for him at all.Therefore, Yuhen, who was a little angry, uttered the words that he regretted most in his life. His words broke the heart of another woman who loved her deeply, and made her realize what it means to be heartbroken like ashes. , Let her know what it means to be as sad as water. "Yunqing, what do you want me to explain to her? Marry her as the crown princess? I never thought of giving her any explanation. I have said long ago that I will always reserve the position of crown princess for you."

"Yuhen, you're looking for death." If it wasn't for the fear of hurting his sister, Chu Limo's palm would definitely hit him.After Chu Limo's words fell, the big tree in the yard suddenly fell down.It can be seen that Chu Limo has just moved to kill.

"Put me down." She shouldn't have been so close to this cold man, because she must be the one who got hurt in the end.Struggling down from Yuhen's arms, she looked at him coldly with anger and hatred on her face at that time, raised her hand and slapped him hard.Yuhen didn't dodge this slap, Chu Liyou's slap hit him hard on the face.Chu Liyou smiled coldly, "Yuhen, who do you think you are? Do I, Chu Liyou, want your explanation? Let me tell you, even if you want to marry me, I will not marry you. Don't think that I Chu Liyou depends on you in this life. Without you, there are other men in this world that I allow Chu Liyou to choose. But you are just a man that I, Chu Liyou, used and didn’t want. No one in this world would I love you, because you don't deserve love at all. Yuhen, haven't you been asking me what's going on with Qi Rong? Let me tell you, I promise to marry Qi Rong. I will be Qi Rong's wife. See you in the future When it comes to me, you should call me sister-in-law. I really look forward to that day."

Chu Liyou's words stunned the people present.

What was even more startling was that she actually hit Yuhen.

That's jade marks!

His Royal Highness, the noble prince of Xiyue, Yuhen.But no one has ever dared to slap him in the face.

"What did you say? Are you going to marry Elder Brother?" Murong Xiyan was the most shocked and unbelievable.Murong Xiyan didn't care about eavesdropping or not, and ran out to question.

"Yes. I promised to marry Qi Rong." Chu Liyou replied, but looked at Yuhen and said coldly: "Yuhen, you can take everything you have to go to hell. I don't love Chu Liyou is you."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

"Stop." Yuhen yelled coldly and grabbed Chu Liyou's hand. At this moment, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were all gone to hell.Yuhen asked coldly: "Have you agreed to marry Qi Rong?"

"Yes. I promised to marry him. Apart from my brother, Brother Qi will be the one who loves me the most in this world. He loves me, loves me, and protects me. Why don't I marry?" Yuhen flung her coldly away. hand, Chu Liyou's tone became colder. "Yuhen, since you stabbed me with a sword, the relationship between us is over. From now on, you will no longer be in my life, and Qi Rong will be the one who will accompany me to the end."

"Who allowed you to marry Qi Rong. Who allowed you to marry him." Yuhen stared at Chu Limo with angry eyes, and asked coldly, "Is it him? So what if he agreed? If I don't agree, you don't want to marry anyone. I will destroy whoever you want to marry, and if you insist, I don't mind ruining you."

"Yuhen, how dare you." Chu Limo pulled his sister over to protect him, and the Shura Sword, which had never been used before, came out at once.Yun Qing supported the pale Li You and stood aside, feeling distressed in his heart.

"I don't dare. Chu Limo, I don't mind having more grievances between us." Yuhen didn't know when he took the Qingming sword in his hand.

Shura Sword and Qingming Sword are finally going to fight.

"Li You, I don't know what happened to you guys. But I won't let you marry Senior Brother." At this time, Murong Xiyan spoke without fear of death, but her tone was very firm.

So: Does Murong Xiyan like Qi Rong?

How do you feel like things are starting to go awry?
Chu Liyou stood aside and smiled coolly, "Really?"

When he was in Xiyue back then, in order to protect her, Brother Qi did say that he was willing to marry her and protect her forever.

She also asked why?But Qi Rong just smiled and told her: because she deserves it.Because she deserves him to use everything to protect her for the rest of his life.

At that time, she was also thinking, even if there is no love now.But marrying Qi Rong like this seems to be a good idea.For someone as good as Qi Rong, she should fall in love with him, right?

But she didn't want to, today she also used Qi Rong's words to take revenge on Yuhen.Now that Murong Xiyan appeared again, things really started to mess up.

(End of this chapter)

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