The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 839 31. He betrayed you, I will kill him for you

Chapter 839 31. He betrayed you, I will kill him for you
Shura Sword and Qing Mingjian finally met.

In an instant, the places Shura Sword and Qing Ming Sword went were horrible.

Yun Qing didn't try to persuade the fight, this battle, they will undoubtedly fight.And Yun Qing didn't intend to try to persuade him to fight, this matter should teach Yuhen a lesson, and he should seek justice for Li You.

In order to avoid hurting the innocent when the two fought, Yun Qing helped Li You back to the room.Murong Xiyan also followed.

"Liyou, I really like you as a friend, but I won't let you marry senior brother." If you want to use anything to describe Murong Xiyan's appearance at this moment, then Murong Xiyan at this moment is the kind of mother The appearance of a chicken guarding a chick.The hen wants to protect her offspring, but she wants to protect her favorite elder brother from being snatched away.

"You like Brother Qi." It's not a rhetorical question, but a very certain one.

Murong Xiyan nodded, "I have liked senior brother since I was a child. I swear, if I don't marry senior brother in this life, then I won't marry anyone."

Yun Qing and Chu Liyou looked at Murong Xiyan, and there was another infatuated woman in the world.

Chu Liyou said lightly: "Brother Qi deserves your liking. He deserves better. Don't worry, I won't rob Brother Qi from you."

The current her is not worthy of a man as good as Qi Rong.And she doesn't love Qi Rong at all, so of course she won't marry him.What I said just now was just to retaliate against Yuhen.

"Eldest brother, did he really say that he wants to marry you? Does elder brother really like you?" Murong Xiyan asked tentatively.

She has never seen a woman that senior brother likes, let alone a woman who appears beside senior senior brother.Now what Chu Liyou said was enough to shock her, and it was enough to make her feel a naked threat.She admitted that Chu Liyou was really beautiful, so beautiful that any man would fall in love with him.Then, it is not surprising that her elder brother fell in love with such a beautiful woman.

"Except for my brother, he is the best man I've ever seen. Xi Yan..." Chu Liyou looked at her seriously, but his tone was a little sad, "If you like Brother Qi, you should chase after him bravely, but Don't be like me. Of course, you are not me, brother Qi is not Yuhen, brother Qi will not be as cold and ruthless as Yuhen, what happened to me will not happen to you. Brother Qi is as gentle He will not hurt others. Xiyan, I will not be an obstacle to destroying you and Brother Qi. Well, I am going to rest, can you go out? Yun Qing, can you stay with me? "Finally, Chu Liyou looked at Yun Qing with a hint of pleading eyes.

Yun Qing looked at her and nodded.

Murong Xiyan got the answer she wanted, and she also believed in Chu Liyou's character. She could see that there was a constant relationship between Li You and the second senior brother. Li You loved the second senior brother deeply, and she would not It's easy to fall in love with the elder brother.Finally, he left the room without saying anything.

When Murong Xiyan left, Chu Liyou hugged Yun Qing and cried bitterly.

She seemed to cry out all the grievances she had suffered this year.

Outside, Chu Limo and Yuhen are still continuing, both of them are masters, even if Yuhen's current martial arts has not fully recovered, Yuhen's skills are still so unfathomable.

"Yuhen, I let you go at this king's wedding. This time, this king will never let you go."

Chu Limo stood on the roof and pointed at Yuhen with the Shura sword. Chu Limo flew up and stabbed at Yuhen with the sword energy of internal strength.Similarly, Yuhen's Qingming sword energy stabbed at Chu Limo.The two came back and forth, advanced and retreated, but they made fierce moves, killing people with their moves.

In an instant, the two of them had completed more than a hundred moves.

Both of them had minor wounds caused by sword qi, but they still couldn't decide the winner.

In the room, Chu Liyou finally stopped after crying bitterly.Yun Qing just silently accompanied her by the side.There are no extra words, but this is already the best comfort.

"Yunqing, I..." holding Yun Qingqing and saying sadly: "I have no chance of getting pregnant here. I will never have a child in my life. Yunqing, do you know? This matter has always been on my mind the most painful."

Yun Qing was startled by Chu Liyou's words.

What exactly did she go through?Why would she say that she has no chance of getting pregnant now?Why do you say that you will never have children in this lifetime?

What did Yuhen do to her?
Suddenly, she didn't dare to ask her what happened in Xiyue this year.She was afraid that if she asked, she would hurt her again.

Chu Liyou said slowly by himself, but it was filled with endless bitterness and sorrow: "In Xueyue City, he took the medicine. I became her antidote. I followed him from Fengcheng to Xiyue, I thought He will accept me. However, how cruel he is to me. He obviously doesn't love me, but he possesses me time and time again. If it wasn't for an accident, the doctor misdiagnosed me as pregnant, I would never know, Yuhen's whole life I am not allowed to have his children. Yun Qing, you know? I will never forget what he said to me at that time, he said to me, no matter how many times I have flirted with him, every time he made me take medicine. So I won't have his child. However, he actually thought that I was pregnant with someone else's child. No matter how I explained to him, he just didn't believe me, he thought I was pregnant with another man's child. "

"Later, an imperial doctor Zheng came from the palace and returned my innocence. But he also beat me to death. I was cold and cold, and I was not suitable for pregnancy. He gave me too many contraceptives, and I was even more Unable to conceive. Later, I no longer had any fantasies about him, but I never thought that he pushed me into the endless abyss time and time again, Qingming sword... His Qingming sword pierced my body , At that time, I thought it would be good to die. At least if I die, I won’t be in pain. He was so cruel to me, but I still can’t forget him. Yun Qing, what should I do?”

Chu Liyou cried and recounted all the things that happened in Xiyue this year, including the fact that she was so stupid to betray herself in Hongjiao Pavilion just to get revenge on Yuhen, and why they left the inn last night.Now coming together one by one, Chu Liyou felt that he was really stupid back then.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yun Qing with a little pleading, "Yun Qing, please don't tell my brother about these things, please? My brother is such a proud person. If my brother knows these things, he will destroy them at all costs. Him." She told Yun Qing the most embarrassing thing about herself, hoping that Yun Qing could help her hide what happened in Xiyue from her brother.It's just that she never thought that at this point, she still couldn't see her brother destroying Yuhen.

As soon as what happened today, my brother will definitely ask her about everything about Xiyue.She could only ask Yun Qing for help.

Now the only person in this world who can help her is Yun Qing.

It's just that Yun Qing never thought that she would experience so much in less than a year.

This is how Yuhen tortured her.Unable to conceive, the Qingming sword penetrated her body.How did she survive from that place in Xiyue?How did she survive from the hands of such a cold and ruthless man as Yuhen?

At that moment, no amount of words could comfort this devastated woman whose heart had changed.

The sky is slightly brighter.

The two people outside were still fighting, and the courtyard, which was said to be the best in Huadu Inn, had been destroyed by them.But at this moment, no one dared to come forward and say no, for fear of dying by the sword if they were unlucky.

After one night, her body was also covered with blood.Last night, her stomach hurt so much that she didn't have time to change the bloody clothes, and then Yuhen carried her to the doctor in the middle of the night.All this happened later.Now, she only felt that she was really dirty.

Yun Qing also found that the bloodstains on her body were all women, and Yun Qing also knew what it was.In addition, Li You also told her what happened last night.

Chu Liyou smiled wryly, she had already told Yun Qing the most embarrassing things about herself, and now she is not afraid of letting her see her embarrassed appearance.However, she still wants Yun Qing to do her a favor. "Yunqing, the smell on my body is too strong, I want to take a bath."

"I'll help you."

Yun Qing went out of the room and saw Chu Limo and Yuhen hitting from the roof to the tree, then from the tree to the roof.Thinking of all the torture that woman in the room has suffered this year, Yun Qing's eyes were tinged with chills.

Soon, the owner of Yunqingming Inn brought the hot water to Liyou's room.The innkeeper's heart trembled when he saw the two fighting in the yard.But neither of these two people can afford to offend.

Yun Qing prepared clean clothes for her, Chu Liyou had already taken off her dirty clothes and soaked herself in the bathtub.

She kept rubbing the skin on her body, as if she wanted to clean all the places he touched.

"Li You, don't hurt yourself for such a man. He is not worth you hurting your body for him." In Yun Qing's heart now, Yuhen is even more scumbag than Chu Feiyang was back then.Yun Qing even noticed a sword wound on Chu Liyou's shoulder.That is the trace left by Yuhen's Qingming sword.Yun Qing's eyes turned cold in an instant, "This is where he stabbed you?"

Chu Liyou's hand also gently placed on the scar.He smiled bitterly, "This scar reminds me all the time how ridiculous I was back then."

Yuhen's Qingming Sword is a treasured sword, even though she swallowed the Moon Spirit Flower to save her life, the scar still remained. The scar is very shallow, but if you look carefully, you can still see it very clearly. How deep is the wound of a sword.

She never thought that Yuhen would really hold the sword against herself, and finally stabbed herself.She must have been desperate at first, right?That's why she walked over by herself and let Qing Mingjian penetrate her shoulder again. At that time, she didn't feel any pain.

"He betrayed you, I will kill him for you." Yun Qing said coldly.

"Don't." Chu Liyou shouted in panic, took Yun Qing's hand, shook his head, and begged: "Yun Qing, don't."

"Li You, he's not worth it to you." Yun Qing really wanted to kill Yuhen to avenge this woman, but she couldn't refuse this woman's plea.

"Whether it's worth it or not is not important anymore. Yun Qing, I can't see him die. Even if he hurt me deeply. Yun Qing, help me, tell my brother not to beat him, Yuhen will die if he beats him. I will really die under my brother's Asura sword." At the beginning, Yuhen lost all his martial arts skills, and after a few months of training, his martial arts has only recovered half of them, and Yuhen will definitely die under his brother's Asura sword.This is what she doesn't want to see.

"Li You. Don't worry about it." Yun Qing didn't want to let Yuhen go this time, even if she and Yuhen had a relationship for many years, even if Yuhen once threatened to take her away at her wedding. After her wedding, she still didn't really want to kill him to relieve her hatred.But this time, she really wanted to kill Yuhen.

Yun Qing has always protected his weaknesses.Liyou is her friend and family member.How could she let Yuhen hurt her so much.

"Yun Qing. Help me." The sound of fighting outside was still heard.Every time the Shura sword and the Qingming sword collided, she was extremely frightened.

"Touch!" There was another violent sound, and the whole yard shook.

Murong Xiyan heard this violent noise in the room but it almost didn't scare her to death.In the entire courtyard, except for Li You's room which is intact, all the other rooms have been damaged by the two of them.Murong Xiyan was frightened and ran to Chu Liyou's room to take refuge. "Oh my God. Yun Qingliyou, who the two of you should hurry up to persuade. The two of them are going to demolish the house. The house is demolished, but the two of them have no scruples about the other people in the house." People. If I hadn't run fast, I would definitely have caught the fish in the pond."

Murong Xiyan felt scared after thinking about it now.These two fights are really scary.

But after finishing speaking, I found that Yun Qing was standing aside and talking to Chu Liyou, and Chu Liyou was taking a bath, and she just ran in like this.Immediately, realizing that she saw something she shouldn't have seen, Murong Xiyan quickly turned her face away and apologized: "Li You, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were taking a shower, I didn't mean to barge in. What am I Didn't see it either. If you mind I go out."

After finishing speaking, Murong Xiyan sneaked a glance at it, and immediately felt that it was really a picture of a beauty bathing.Look at that skin, it's as fragile as gelatin.Of course, at this moment Murong Xiyan completely forgot that she herself is also a great beauty, and her skin is also well maintained.It's just that when a beauty sees a beauty, of course it is more seductive to look at a beauty other than himself.

"Bump!" Just as Murong Xiyan finished speaking, there was a violent sound and it slammed down again.

This time, a big hole was directly smashed in the yard and came out.There was still steam in the big pit, so it could be seen that when the two of them fought their inner strength just now, they made a ruthless move to put people to death.

However, these two people have been able to fight for so long, and the winner has not yet been decided. Neither of them was seriously injured. These two people are really rare opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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