The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 840 32. Why am I alone in hell

Chapter 840 32. Why am I alone in hell

As the saying goes: It is impossible to make such a big noise on other people's territory without being discovered.

What's more, Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and Murong Xiyan just returned from being thieves in Beiyuan Palace last night.Emperor Beiyuan is ordering the whole city to hunt down the culprits.There are officers and soldiers everywhere on the street now, and the fight between these two is so fierce that it is impossible not to be discovered.

Therefore, such a big commotion in the inn also alarmed the officers and soldiers searching the street.It's just that when the officers and soldiers came in to see, they were dumbfounded. Isn't the one fighting here His Royal Highness Prince Xiyue?

Yuhen has traveled to various countries over the years.Quite a few people know him, and it's not surprising to be recognized.

It's just that it was the prince Xiyue who was fighting, and the officers and soldiers didn't have the guts to stop him.What's more, he could only stand in a corner and watch, without even the courage to step forward.

In other words, when did the Prince Xiyue come to Beiyuan? It has only been half a year since the war between Beiyuan and Xiyue ended.The eldest prince was defeated by the prince Xiyue miserably.Because of this incident, His Majesty the Emperor was very dissatisfied with the First Prince.

So what happened to Prince Xiyue appearing in Beiyuan at this time?This matter had to be taken seriously by the officers and soldiers who came in to check.

Also, why is Prince Xiyue fighting with others here?Who is this person who fought with Prince Xiyue?

It's no wonder that the officer and soldier didn't know Chu Limo. Chu Limo traveled in the rivers and lakes under the name of Yechen, and they wore masks very mysteriously.There are very few people who know Ye Chen, and even fewer people know Da Chu Li Wang.

The officers and soldiers who came in to check took a look and immediately went back to tell their emperor the news.And soon, someone also told the news of the fight between Prince Xiyue and others to Beiyuan First Prince An Zeran.

But here, the two of them are still immortal.It seems that he will not give up until he beats the other party.

Listening to the noises in the yard, Chu Liyou didn't want to soak in the bathtub.Yun Qing also refused to stop her, and she couldn't just watch Yuhen really die in her brother's hands.He didn't care about the pain in his stomach, and he didn't care about slapping Yuhen and saying so many cruel words just a moment ago.Now she has only one thought, to stop her brother.Don't let them fight anymore.At least, you can't watch Yuhen die in front of her.

So: women are really stupid creatures.It was obviously painful just a moment ago, but I still couldn't let it go.

And she is the one who is too stupid to be stupid.

"Li You, you can't go out." Yun Qing looked at Li You who was about to go out after getting dressed and stopped him.It's not that Yun Qing is ruthless in not helping Li You, but that the battle between these two men is inevitable.Whether it's because of Liyou, or because of other things.In short, the long-standing grievances between them must be resolved.

"I can't just watch him die here." After finishing speaking, the person has already walked out.

"Liyou, I'll go." Finally, Yun Qing spoke up.

The two men in the courtyard had already performed hundreds of moves back and forth in mid-air. If no one stopped this fight, it would have been three days and three nights without a winner.

Yun Qing left the room, Chu Liyou and Murong Xiyan also left the room together.I saw Yun Qing flying up, and the spiritual power in his palms gathered together and sent out towards the two, forcing them to stop.The three internal forces gathered in one place, and there was another loud sound.But at this time, the two who had been fighting for midnight finally stopped.

Three figures landed in the yard.

Chu Limo pointed at Yuhen with the Asura Sword, and Yuhen also pointed at Chu Limo with his Qingming Sword.

"Qingqing, why do you want to prevent me from killing him?" Chu Limo's eyes flashed coldly.

Yun Qing glanced at Li You who was standing at the side, then looked at the coldness exuding from Yuhen's body and said in a deep voice, "Even if he is going to die, he should die in Li You's hands."

Yuhen looked at Yunqing but suddenly sneered.He had known for a long time that this woman was cruel, and she really was so cruel to him.

"Liyou, kill him." Chu Limo suddenly gave the Asura Sword in his hand to his sister. "kill him."

Chu Liyou tremblingly took the Shura Sword from her brother, holding the sword as if it was pressed against her throat. "Brother, I..." She couldn't stab Yuhen with this sword.

"Hehe." Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou and sneered, he wanted to see if this woman would listen to her brother's words and really give him a sword, and then really marry another man.Looking at Chu Liyou, looking at Yun Qing, looking at Chu Limo.Looking at the man who dug his mother's grave, looking at the man who took away his favorite woman, the hatred and unwillingness in his heart burned like a raging fire one by one, and the deep hatred for Chu Limo came to this moment Still no reduction.The grievances and hatred between him and Chu Limo are endless.Yuhen sneered, "Chu Liyou, you are just a pawn used by Bengong to take revenge on Chu Limo, do you really think that Bengong will really like you?"

These words obviously did not want to be said to this woman.But at that moment, looking at Yun Qing who was standing next to Chu Limo, seeing their affection.Those cruel words came out suddenly.

Revenge on Chu Limo's pawn?Isn't that what he has always thought about Chu Liyou?Use her to take revenge on Chu Limo, and torture her to take revenge on Chu Limo.

But why?After saying this, he looked at the tears streaming down her face, why did his heart ache when he looked at her sad eyes?
Holding the Asura Sword in her hand, Chu Liyou looked at him with a sad smile. She really wanted to ask Yuhen if it was true that he had never liked her before. During those half a month of tenderness, he was in her ear. Is it a lie to say that you like her?
But she didn't dare to ask, because what Yuhen said was so clear that she was just a chess piece used by Yuhen to take revenge on her brother.How could Yuhen like a chess piece?How dare she expect that he will have a sincere liking for her?Just right, his words made her completely give up.

Everything is fake.Including the tenderness and lingering in the past half month, including his saying that he likes himself, it is all fake.

hehe!It's really ridiculous, very ridiculous!
"Brother, let him live." After a long time, Chu Liyou dropped the Shura Sword in his hand and said indifferently, but his eyes were so indifferent that nothing was left. "Don't let his blood stain this Shura sword. Because...he doesn't deserve it."

"Liyou. My brother killed him for you." Chu Limo felt sorry for his younger sister, who he had always loved and doted on.But now she was completely injured by a man.

"Brother, let him live, let him live. His blood is not worthy of dirtying the Shura sword. Don't let the Shura sword be stained with his disgusting blood and stain this famous sword." Chu Liyou sneered, only feeling endless sadness in his heart Feeling hit.

"His blood is indeed not worthy of dirtying the Shura sword." Yun Qing said coldly, suddenly his eyes flashed, and at some point there was an extra sword in his hand, and this sword in Yun Qing's hand was snatched from Wu Qing's hand. But this sword pierced towards Yuhen.This scene happened too suddenly and too fast, Yuhen had no time to hide.In other words, Yuhen looked at the sad Chu Liyou at that moment and didn't want to hide at all.And when Yun Qing made the move, no one saw when she made the move.That sword pierced Yuhen's shoulder fiercely like that, piercing his shoulder fiercely.Just like the sword that Yuhen pierced Liyou's shoulder back then, it pierced through his shoulder in the same position. "Yuhen, I returned this sword to you on Liyou's behalf. Liyou doesn't kill you, but it doesn't mean I will let you go. You owe Liyou, and I will return it for her one by one."

After the words fell, the sword was pulled out from the shoulder that Yuhen had penetrated.

At that moment, Yuhen didn't seem to feel any pain.He just never thought of it, Yun Qing.This woman whom he loved deeply for 15 years in his previous life will one day penetrate his body with a sword.Just like at her wedding back then, she gave him a sword without mercy.

My heart seemed to have fallen into an abyss of endless darkness.

This sword, no matter who she stabbed for.But at this moment, he understood one thing, all the friendship between him and this woman named Yun Qing in the past and present has come to an end at this moment today.

"Your Highness." Akabane exclaimed.

"Second Senior Brother." Murong Xiyan was also shocked.

It happened so suddenly that no one was prepared.

"Yu..." Chu Liyou was also stunned.I just yelled a word, but thinking of what he said, I can't yell the next words anymore.It's just that she looked at him like this with tears in her cool eyes, and kept looking at him.

"Yun Qing, if I die now, will your heart ache for me?" It seemed that the sword wound on his shoulder was not worth mentioning to Yu Hen, so he looked at Yun Qing like that and asked calmly. "Xiaoqi, we have been together for 15 years in the previous life, and in the 15 years of the previous life, have you ever thought about falling in love with me?"

"No." Yun Qing looked at Yuhen indifferently, and said decisively. "I said a long time ago that I would never fall in love with you, whether in the previous life or in this life. I never thought of falling in love with you."

However, if Yuhen is really dead now.Does he really not feel sad?
Can she really completely let go of the friend-like and family-like affection she had in the past 15 years?

Can she forget that Yuhen risked his life to save her life, and she almost died, this kindness that she can't repay?Can she forget the 15 years of her and Yuhen's previous life of supporting each other like a family?
She thought, what she owed Yuhen would never be cleared.

During those 15 years, they lived like family members, and she also regarded Yuhen as her family.However, what Yuhen wants is love, which she cannot give.

"Xiao Qi, you are still so ruthless, so ruthless. When it comes to being cruel and ruthless, Xiao Qi, you are really ruthless and ruthless than me. You never give me a glimmer of hope. Even if I accompany you I have been with you for 15 years. You still refuse to give me a glimmer of hope." Yuhen looked at Yun Qing and sneered, "Xiao Qi, I know I will never be able to get into your heart. I will never be able to get your heart. But I also said that I will always be the same to you as in my previous life. All I have left for you is this attachment. Since you refuse, I am the only one living in the boundless hell. Then I only have You are dragged to hell together. Why are you loving and happy, and I am the only one who sinks in hell. If you want to sink, let’s go together.”

As everyone knows, as soon as the words came out.The so-called hell of perdition has become purgatory on earth.Yuhen proved one thing with his actions, as long as he wants what he wants, there is nothing he cannot get.The only thing that can't be obtained in this world is Yun Qing's heart.

So far, the world is in chaos because of a woman.

After that, how many years have passed, but the world can still remember that there was such a woman in the world, who caused the emperors of the two countries to fight, and the war was endless, causing the world to be chaotic and bloody.

Later, the world called this woman the demon girl of misfortune.

And this woman has proved one thing to the world with her actions, whether it is a witch who is a disaster for the country, or a generation of poisonous queens.She has never regretted everything she has done, everything she has chosen.If life were to start over again, she would still do that.She will still choose to stand with a man named Chu Limo.

(End of this chapter)

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