The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 841 33. The identity of the woman in the painting, the construction map of the imperial maus

Chapter 841 33. The identity of the woman in the painting, the construction map of the imperial mausoleum
When Emperor Beiyuan and His Royal Highness Beiyuan First Prince An Zeran learned that Prince Xiyue was fighting with someone at the inn, by the time the First Prince arrived, there was no longer Prince Xiyue in the inn. The people who fought with the prince also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

On the road from Beiyuan Kingdom Capital to Beishan Imperial Mausoleum, an unremarkable carriage was driving slowly.The person sitting in the carriage was Chu Li Mo Yun and Qing Li You.

That day at the inn, after Yun Qing gave Yuhen a sword, Chu Limo did not intend to let Yuhen go.But I don't know where Wuchen suddenly appeared from, and when Wuchen got the news and took the injured Yuhen away.Murong Xiyan also left together.

And if they stayed in Huadu City, they would only expose their identities.What's more, Beiyuan Palace has already been visited, except for the painting that Yunqing took out, nothing else was found.But what is certain is that the Moon Spirit Flower is in the Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.The fact that they appeared in Beiyuan country can be found out as long as the emperor of Beiyuan investigates.So what they had to do was to get the Moon Spirit Flower from the imperial mausoleum as soon as possible.

Three days later, the group arrived at a small town near Beishan Imperial Mausoleum.

At this moment, Wang Ziqing, Wang Zixuan, Feng Qingluan and the other three are also waiting for them in this town.

Everyone met in the inn in the town.

After going through too much, along the way, Chu Liyou didn't give people a feeling of death and sorrow.

Yun Qing knows what happened to her in Xiyue, and Yun Qingqing only loves her when he loves her.Yun Qing agreed to Li You's request to keep Chu Limo a secret when he was at the inn.Don't tell Chu Limo about her in Xiyue, and don't let Chu Limo mention it.

But what they didn't know was that although Chu Limo had promised Yun Qing not to ask about what happened to his sister in Xiyue, Chu Limo sent someone to investigate secretly.When everything that happened to his sister in Xiyue was presented to him, Chu Limo had only one thought, to kill Yuhen.

Beishan Town Inn.

Wang Ziqing said, "We have been investigating quietly in the past few days. There are guards at the entrance of the imperial tomb. It is impossible to enter the imperial tomb directly from the entrance of the imperial tomb."

Yun Qing looked around the room, but did not see Wang Zixuan, and asked, "Where did big cousin go?"

"Your eldest cousin is in Beishan Imperial Tomb." Wang Ziqing said with a smile.

"Second cousin, you mean that the eldest cousin got mixed up with the crowd guarding the Imperial Tomb." She knew that there must be a way for the two cousins ​​to come to Beishan Imperial Tomb in advance.

"Yeah. Big brother is sneaking in, but it's not okay to really go inside the imperial tomb. Big brother can only inquire about the news outside. If we want to go inside the imperial tomb, we have to think of other ways." The guards of the tomb also said It's just guarding outside, the inside of the imperial mausoleum is full of traps.It's not that easy to get in.

At this time, Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo who had been silent all this time and smiled, "You must have found the way to enter the imperial mausoleum, right?"

"Qingqing, where is that painting?" Chu Limo answered the question.

"Here." Yun Qing put the painting that was taken out of the Beiyuan Palace on the table at that time, looked at the painting, and frowned tightly with the woman Yun Qing in the painting. "Is there something wrong with this painting?"

When Prince Qingfeng Qingluan and Chu Liyou saw the painting, they were also stunned.

"How come the woman in this painting looks exactly like Mr. Su?" Chu Liyou and Feng Qingluan opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

Nothing was more shocking than this.The woman in the painting is actually exactly the same as Su Baiyi.

"Cousin, where did this painting come from? Why is it so similar to Su Baiyi?" Wang Ziqing was also stunned.What does the painting in front of me represent? It represents that Su Baiyi and Yun Qing have no blood relationship at all.

Yun Qing frowned, "It was brought from the Beiyuan Palace." But Yun Qing also felt a little strange, why did Chu Limo mention this painting? "Li Mo, you mentioned this painting, does it have something to do with Beiyuan Imperial Tomb?"

"Qingqing. Do you still remember what Su Wudao said to us when we were in the Feng clan?" Chu Limo said: "Qingqing doesn't think that the woman in this painting has exactly the same pair of eyes as Qingqing Is it?"

Reminded by Chu Limo, Yun Qing took a serious look, and it was true.The woman in the painting has the same pair of eyes as hers.

It is said that every generation of spiritual girls in the Feng clan has exactly the same pair of eyes.

"She is..." Yun Qing was startled.

"Qingqing, do you still remember the 57 empty coffins we saw in the holy land of the Feng clan? Su Wudao said that there are 65 generations of spiritual girls from the Feng clan up to Qingqing's generation, but among them, there are two The spirit girl left the Feng clan and never went back. This painting is at least a hundred years old. This time coincides with the time when the spirit girl said by Su Wudao left."

"It is rumored that the emperor of Beiyuan was an infatuated species a hundred years ago, because a woman dismissed the concubine from the harem. But it is said that this woman swore not to enter the harem as a concubine. This Emperor Beiyuan still insisted on dismissing the concubine from the harem. It is said that this woman was imprisoned in the palace and loved this woman for many years, until she died of illness in the Beiyuan Palace. But it is said that the Beiyuan Emperor had done this A woman made a painting. After the woman died of illness, Emperor Beiyuan looked at the painting every night and felt sad. Until the Emperor Beiyuan died, the painting disappeared without a trace. At that time, someone said, This painting followed Emperor Beiyuan into the imperial mausoleum as a funeral object."

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo full of doubts, "How do you know about this?"

"Qingqing forgot, I have heard about this past event when I traveled to various countries all the year round. This past event has only passed 100 years. There is a record of this past event in Beiyuan. When we were in Treasure Pavilion that day, I accidentally Turned to this record."

"The woman you mentioned who dotes on Beiyuan's harem alone is the noble concubine Die a hundred years ago?" Wang Ziqing also took up the conversation, "I have also heard the rumor that the noble concubine Die died of illness back then. It is said In order to cure her illness, Emperor Beiyuan had been looking for the Moon Spirit Flower. However, this woman was still a beauty and died in the Beiyuan Palace. Later, someone said that an expert outside the world took the Moon Spirit Flower. The flower was given to Concubine Die. It seems that the rumors back then were true. This worldly expert gave this Moon Spirit Flower as a funeral object to Concubine Die."

"Then? If the woman in this painting is the noble concubine Die a hundred years ago, what's the relationship between her and Su Baiyi after a hundred years have passed? Why are they so similar?"

From this painting and the records seen from Beiyuan Palace, Yun Qing can confirm one thing.The woman in the painting is her ancestor.This noble concubine Die should be from her aunt's generation.

"I have to ask Su Baiyi himself about this matter." Chu Limo's eyes turned cold.

"Oh, after all you said so much, you just confirmed that the Moon Spirit Flower is really in the imperial tomb, and that the woman in this painting is the ancestor of sister Qing. But we still have no way to enter the imperial tomb." Feng Qingluan At this time, he opened his mouth straight to the point.For Yun Qing's complicated life experience, she also understands more or less from getting along with her.But aren't they here to look for Moon Spirit Flower now?
Wang Ziqing looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile, this time he was smart and finally found the problem.Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo and said with a smile: "I think, you asked your cousin to take out this painting to see that you want to go into the imperial tomb. This painting will tell us the answer?"

"Emperor Beiyuan was infatuated with Concubine Die Gui back then, he must have left some clues in the painting."

"There is a mezzanine." Yun Qing shouted in surprise.He took out a silk scarf that had been worn for a long time from the interlayer in the painting.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo in surprise and asked, "How do you know there must be something hidden in this painting?"

Chu Limo just smiled, and replied: "Because Emperor Beiyuan loves this woman deeply. He loves her deeply, so he will definitely leave something behind."

Open the silk scarf, a lifelike butterfly is embroidered on the left side of the silk scarf, and a butterfly is embroidered on the bottom.Next to the silk scarf is a structural map map.

"This should be the construction plan of Beishan Imperial Mausoleum. Look, there is a very hidden entrance here." Yun Qing pointed to a place and exclaimed.

Come to think of it, the Beiyuan Emperor was really infatuated with this Concubine Die Gui back then, maybe he even went to the imperial mausoleum to visit her from time to time?That's why the construction map of the imperial mausoleum was left behind.

It's just that she doesn't know if her ancestor loved the Beiyuan Emperor?

But look at the rumors back then and the butterflies flying high embroidered on this silk scarf, and the moon spirit flower painted in this painting.Yun Qing thought, she can be sure of one thing, her ancestor did not love this Emperor Beiyuan.Otherwise, she would not have died of illness in Beiyuan Palace.And the so-called person who gave her ancestor the moon spirit flower should be her ancestor's lover.

This moon spirit flower belongs to this expert, but her ancestors painted the moon spirit flower next to her portrait.Only when you love someone deeply, will you integrate his things with your own portrait.

I just don't know what happened back then, why didn't her ancestors stay with this expert?And why was he willing to be imprisoned by Emperor Beiyuan?
And back then, why did her ancestor leave the Feng clan?Is it because of this tall man?

Also, what is the relationship between her ancestors and Su Baiyi?Why do they look so alike?In other words, when her ancestor gave birth to the next generation of spiritual girls, she also gave birth to a child.And this child has been living outside.Su Baiyi looks so similar to her ancestor, could she be a descendant of her ancestor?
If it is said that Su Baiyi is really a descendant of this ancestor, then she and Su Baiyi are related by several generations?
All of these, one question after another lingered in Yun Qing's mind.

Now, she not only wants to find Yuelinghua, but also finds Su Baiyi to solve these puzzles.It seems that only by solving these puzzles, will she know whether Su Baiyi lied to her or not?Are Su Baiyi and Su Wudao planning something on her?
 The noble concubine Die a hundred years ago is just a reference, as for Su Baiyi, it has something to do with this noble concubine Die.

  Yun Duo planted the foreshadowing when he was in the front. This Concubine Die Gui had appeared in the front.

  What kind of plan is Su Wudao thinking? There will be an answer after this trip to the imperial mausoleum.

(End of this chapter)

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