The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 842 34. Bai Yue gave birth prematurely, and Emperor Chu died

Chapter 842 34. Bai Yue gave birth prematurely, and Emperor Chu died

After getting the construction plan of the imperial mausoleum, it was a breeze for them to go in.But at the same time, in the dark, there is also a pair of eyes watching their every move.

After resting in the inn in Beishan Town for one night, Chu Limo and Yun Qing planned to go to Beiyuan Imperial Tomb to get the Moon Spirit Flower the next day.

As for the candidates to go to the imperial mausoleum, although there is a map.But the tomb is still very dangerous.Chu Liyou and Feng Qingluan must stay.After all, this place is still the territory of Beiyuan Kingdom. If the two women stay here, they must leave a man here to protect them, and this candidate falls on Wang Ziqing.

Those who went to the imperial mausoleum became Chu Limo Yunqing Wang Zixuan Wuqing and others.

The next day, the four of them packed up their things and set off.

That hidden entrance is in the most dangerous and also the most unexpected place in Beishan Imperial Mausoleum.No one would have thought that there would be a hidden entrance on the cliff behind Beishan, and this entrance would lead directly to the imperial mausoleum.

What they didn't expect was that something happened to Chu Jing when they went to Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.


It's late April, and there are still a few days until May.It's starting to get hot.

Chu Jing.Nangong Mansion.

Bai Yue's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she will give birth in about a month.At this time, the weather became hotter and hotter.Bai Yue was very uncomfortable being pregnant.At this time, Nangong Jin stayed by Bai Yue's side every day.However, Feng Tianlan has disappeared since Sunset Cliff.Now I don't know which corner of Chu Jing is hiding and scheming.

"My lord, there is news from the palace. Emperor Chu wants to see you." Wu Xin reported in a cold and frosty manner.Wuxin's appearance is exactly the same as that of the frosty Nonghua. I really don't know what kind of sparks can be created by arranging these two people together.However, there is a purpose now, the weather is too hot, standing next to the two of them can automatically cool down.

"Emperor Chu wants to see my son?" Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows. This Emperor Chu has been drugged by him since the end of last year, and he has been lying ill all the time. It has been half a year now.Emperor Chu wants to see him now?What's your idea? "Go back and tell him that I don't have time to see him."

No wonder Nangong Jin was too arrogant and didn't take Emperor Chu seriously.To put it bluntly, the current Emperor Chu is just a puppet emperor.Whether to kill or not is just a word from Chu Limo.What's more, his daughter-in-law is at a critical moment right now, and no one is free to see him.

"Young master, Emperor Chu said that there is news that you want to know, young master. If you want to know Feng Tianlan's whereabouts, young master will go to see him, and he will tell young master Feng Tianlan's whereabouts." Wu Xin said again.

Nangong Jin frowned, damn Emperor Chu.Is this to threaten him?

It has to be said that Nangong Jin, who has never been threatened, couldn't help frowning when she heard the name Feng Tianlan.If he was the only one, it would be useless for Emperor Chu to threaten him with Feng Tianlan's news.But not now, at this time his Yue'er is about to give birth.If Feng Tianlan, an old bastard, is doing something behind his back, he can't afford to bet.

"Nonghua, Wuxin, you stay and protect Yue'er. Anyone who dares to break in while I'm away will be killed directly." Nangong Jin gritted her teeth and said ruthlessly.



Two voices responded respectfully.

Nangong Jin rushed to the palace after finishing his orders.

Royal Palace Garden.

As soon as he walked to the imperial garden, Nangong Jin smelled a bloody smell.

And in the gazebo of the imperial garden, the man in charge of the great Chu Jiangshan was sitting there at the moment. Apart from him, there were two corpses lying on the ground in the gazebo, and there was no one else present.Thinking about it, Emperor Chu sent people away on purpose.

Nangong Jin walked over and looked at the corpses on the ground with indifferent eyes. The two dead corpses were the other two sons of Emperor Chu, Qi Wang Chu Feiyu and Shou Wang Chu Feihang. "His Majesty the Emperor really doesn't care about father-son love at all."

"You're here." The aloof man at the beginning is now tortured by illness like a dying person.

"Your Majesty the Emperor asked me to come here, isn't it just to let me see how the two princes died so tragically?" Nangong Jin sneered and sneered.

"They deserve to die." Emperor Chu couldn't see any trace of father-son affection in his eyes, but there was only a stern look in his eyes, "I'm going to die, and they have no way out in this world, let them go down early and wait for me. "

"Emperor Chu deserves to be Emperor Chu. He even killed his own son." Nangong Jin sneered.This man was a cruel and ruthless emperor back then, but if he hadn't met Chu Limo, the evil god, his road to emperor would have gone even further.

"I can kill everyone in this world, but I can't kill Chu Limo alone. Haha. All these years, I have been living in his fear. I have been living in his fear. Even if I am a high-ranking emperor So what, I'm just an ant that can be crushed to death in his hand at any time. He clearly knew that I was his mother-killing enemy, and clearly knew that it was I who killed his mother, but he didn't kill me. I hold this high position so high that I have a sense of fear that I will fall off at any time. But I am the emperor, and I am the ruler of this country, how can I be controlled by him. But I have to admit, I still I lost in his hands." At this moment, Emperor Chu was talking like crazy.

But all this is not real.He has been sitting on the throne all these years, he is afraid that he will not sit securely day and night, and he is afraid that he will be pulled down from the throne day and night, right?
Nangong Jin just sat there with a sneer and listened to him.

"But Zhen, the person I will never forget in this life is his mother. That beautiful and elegant woman who looks like a pear blossom. Now I finally know that I harmed her back then, and her son is now coming back to take revenge. Come back in this way to take revenge , he wanted Zhenyi to live in fear of the throne. He did it. Haha, he did it.” Emperor Chu looked at Nangong Jin with his dark eyes and sneered, “Nangong Jin, I’m going to die soon, right? ?”

"Before he lets you die, I won't let you die from poison."

"Nangong Jin deserves to be Nangong Jin. However, I don't want to give you such an opportunity. I live as if I were dead. Now I can go to see her. I can go to see her." Emperor Chu suddenly laughed madly After laughing, he said in a very calm tone: "I have already left an edict, and I have given the throne to Chu Limo. As soon as I die, this edict will be called out immediately. This is the last time I left for him. A big gift."

Nangong Jin looked at the mad Emperor Chu and frowned.He killed his own son, but left an edict to give the throne to Chu Limo, what did he want to do?
Nangong Jin didn't think that Emperor Chu would be so kind, and he didn't think that his conscience discovered it before he died.

"My lord, something happened to Madam." As soon as Emperor Chu finished speaking, Wuxin arrived.It also smelled of blood.

"What happened?" Nangong Jin had a bad premonition.

"The young master just left, when people from the ghost gate broke in. Madam was frightened and turned red, she was about to give birth prematurely." Wuxin reported.

Nangong Jin's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Emperor Chu, "It was you. You and Feng Tianlan did it. If anything happens to Yue'er, I will beat you to pieces." He lightly left the palace and headed straight for Nangong Mansion.

Behind him, Emperor Chu's frenzied laughter came, "Nangong Jin, your infatuation is your weakness. This is the last gift I will give you. Haha. Chu Limo, wait for you to do it!" Emperor, I would like to see if you will still favor your concubine alone, and I will watch under Jiuquan, whether your infatuation will also destroy you. The emperor, love is the most taboo."


Nangong Mansion.

"Ah... Pain... Ah..." Bai Yue screamed in the room.

"Ma'am, your amniotic fluid has broken, I'm afraid you're about to give birth. The child is full-term, don't be afraid, Ma'am." In the room, the palace arranged for experienced nuns to take care of it.

"Ah... It hurts... Nanny Wang, I hurt so much... My child, my child..." Bai Yue yelled while grabbing Wang Momo by her hand.

When people from the Ghost Pylori Gate came in, although Wuxin and Nonghua were there to protect them, there were many people from the Ghost Pylori Gate.It was inconvenient for her to have a big belly, but she was frightened and fell down and became popular. This fall, the child was about to be born early.


The screams resounded throughout the yard.

Wang Qingshan also rushed over after hearing the news.Nangong Jin also rushed back from the palace.

"Ma'am, use your strength. See the child's head..."

"Ah... Nangong Jin... I'm in so much pain..." Giving birth to a child is already a thrill, not to mention Bai Yue's fall, and the child mentioned premature birth.

Hearing the screaming people in the room, Nangong Jin didn't care too much, rushed in and grabbed Bai Yue's hand, and said repeatedly: "I'm here, I'm here."

"My lord, this is a place where women give birth. It's not convenient for you to stay here, so you should go out quickly."

"I'm the child's father, so there's nothing inconvenient." Nangong Jin held Bai Yue's hand tightly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here with you, I'm here."


There was another scream.Because of giving birth, Bai Yue's body was completely wet with sweat.

Nangong Jin insisted on staying in the room, and no one dared to say anything.


I don't know how many times it hurts.Every time Bai Yue feels that she has no strength to give birth.There were bursts of pain, but the man next to her kept holding her hand.After a long time, the cry of a baby resounded throughout the yard.

"It's born, it's born. Congratulations, Mrs. Young Master, you are a little Young Master." Mammy said with a smile while holding the newly born baby covered in blood.

Wang Qingshan outside laughed when he heard the loud cry of the baby, "Old man, I have a great-grandson. Haha."

"Thank you for your hard work." Nangong Jin didn't even look at her son, but kissed the forehead of the woman who gave birth to a child with all her strength and said softly: "I will never let you be in childbirth again in the future." Bitter."

Bai Yue didn't have the strength to speak, so she just smiled slightly.She finally gave birth to their baby.

A newborn baby looks wrinkled and ugly, but after a few days of raising it, the baby will be white and tender.But Nangong Jin detested this little guy, and it was all because of this little guy that his Yue'er suffered a lot.So, when Nangong Jin saw this little guy, he opened his mouth and threw him aside.

After the child was born, Nangong Jin didn't forget why Bai Yue gave birth suddenly.He wants to avenge this revenge with the ghost pylorus.

However, Emperor Chu did not tell him where Feng Tianlan was when he went to the palace.These people who broke through the ghost pylorus door also took poison and committed suicide after being caught.

Not long after Nangong Jin left the palace, another big news broke out.King Qi and King Shou assassinated their father, and were caught by the emperor and ordered to commit suicide. The emperor also died of an old illness because of a momentary anger in his heart.

The news of the death of the Great Chu Emperor spread throughout the entire Chu capital in an instant.

When Emperor Chu died, he left an imperial edict, passing the throne to His Royal Highness Li Wang.

For a time, the world was in an uproar.

And His Royal Highness King Li of Great Chu is currently in Beiyuan Imperial Mausoleum, so he doesn't know about this news.

So far, the disputes in the world have also begun.

(End of this chapter)

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