The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 843 35. There is no moon spirit flower in the world, and the imperial mausoleum is destroyed

Chapter 843 35. There is no moon spirit flower in the world, and the imperial mausoleum is destroyed

Nangong Jin obviously didn't believe the statement that Emperor Chu's death was caused by the old disease.

Emperor Chu deliberately led him to the palace that day, and then something happened in Nangong Mansion.This shows that everything is premeditated.And when he went to the palace, he saw that King Qi and Shou died tragically in the Imperial Garden, and it was not that they wanted to assassinate, but that Emperor Chu deliberately wanted to kill people to silence them.The purpose is to let Chu Limo ascend the throne.

It has to be said that Emperor Chu used this move ruthlessly.

Just to let Chu Limo ascend the throne, he killed his only two sons.If Emperor Chu's Xingui hadn't given birth to a princess half a month ago, I'm afraid that Emperor Chu would not have committed suicide like that?
It's just to get revenge on Chu Limo, and let Chu Limo also sit on this high throne to experience the feeling of being an emperor at a high place.Once you become an emperor, many things are beyond your control.

The last words that Emperor Chu said before he died: Emperors are most afraid of love.

Emperor Chu knew that Chu Limo, like his mother, only loved one person in his life.He knew that Chu Limo had only loved his princess infatuatedly in his life, and he would never marry again in this life.But once he becomes an emperor, which emperor is not three thousand beauties in the harem.Once he became an emperor, these things were beyond his control.

The so-called emperor's most taboo love refers to this.

But Emperor Chu would never have imagined that what would happen if Chu Limo became the emperor, he only loved one woman all his life.If anyone dares to stop him, he will destroy the world and he will not hesitate.

So it is said: Even if Emperor Chu committed suicide, he would still be the loser in the last game left.Because he doesn't understand love at all.I don't understand the infatuation between men and women in this world.I don't understand that when a man falls in love with a woman deeply, he will do anything for her.

He has never understood Chu Limo, so he is doomed to lose until death.

The so-called throne.Chu Limo simply dismissed it.

However, at this moment, Emperor Chu passed away, and when Emperor Chu passed away, he left an edict to pass on the throne, and Great Chu must have a new emperor to ascend the throne.However, our new emperor has disappeared.

Only a few people knew that Chu Limo was not in Chu Jing.People who didn't know thought that the new emperor was staying in Li Wang's mansion.Therefore, the scene was spectacular, a long queue formed from the palace, and all civil and military officials knelt down to ask the new emperor to ascend the throne.But the gate of Li Wangfu was still closed, no one came out to respond.And this kneeling, kneeling directly until Chu Limo came back from Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.

And Nangong Jin also sent [-] miles to urgently pass the news of Chu Jing to Chu Limo who was far away in Beiyuan Imperial Mausoleum.


Beishan imperial mausoleum.

After they entered the imperial mausoleum from that cliff mouth, they followed the seat indicated by the construction plan to the mausoleum of the noble concubine Die.

"Wait." After walking a few steps, Yun Qing suddenly stopped and looked behind.But found nothing.But she always felt something was wrong. "Have you noticed that there seem to be people following us along the way?"

"No. Cousin, did you read it wrong?" Wang Zixuan didn't notice anything wrong. If someone followed them, it's impossible for them not to notice.

She could find someone following, Chu Limo was more perceptive than her.Yun Qing felt that he must have discovered it too.Yun Qing looked at him, "Did you find something?"

Chu Limo just smiled and didn't answer Yun Qing's question.

As for Yun Qing's claim that someone was following behind his back, Chu Limo did not deny it.

Seeing that Chu Limo didn't answer him but just smiled with ulterior motives, Yun Qing stopped talking.He just scanned everything around him vigilantly.

The further you go inside, the darker it becomes.

There is a construction plan in his hand, and Emperor Beiyuan once came to the imperial mausoleum to see Concubine Die, and the silk scarf clearly marked it.This saves them a lot of wasted time.After walking for about two hours in the imperial mausoleum, they came to the mausoleum where Concubine Die was buried.

"This is the tomb of Concubine Die Gui." Yun Qing walked over gently.Those lying there were her ancestors, and there was the Moon Spirit Flower that they had been looking for for a long time.

However, when several people walked over, there was nothing in the mausoleum, including Concubine Die, who had been dead for many years.Not to mention the Moon Spirit Flower that they have been looking for so hard.Here is a completely empty mausoleum.

Looking at the empty mausoleum, everyone was stunned.Everything here tells them one thing, they came for nothing this trip to Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.

At that moment, Yun Qing felt a broken heart.She wants to destroy this mausoleum, she wants to destroy everything. "How did this happen? How did this happen? Isn't the Moon Spirit Flower here? Why is there nothing, why is there nothing." If the Moon Spirit Flower is not found, what will Li Mo do after three years?What should she do?
"Because there is no moon spirit flower in the world." A hoarse voice suddenly came from the gloomy mausoleum.

It was a man's voice, but no one was seen next to the mausoleum.And the voice sounds like they are nearby, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the speaker is actually far away from them.

"Who are you? Come out. What do you want to do when you're hiding behind?" Sure enough, she was right, someone did follow them in along the way.It's just that the voice was very strange, and it seemed that the speaker did it on purpose, he just didn't want them to recognize him.

"We will meet soon. Soon, soon...we will meet." The faint and hoarse voice came slowly again, and then, until the voice disappeared.It seems that everything just now has never happened, it seems that everything just now is an illusion.

When the few people chased after them, they didn't even see a single hair.

It's just that not far from Concubine Die's mausoleum, footsteps came from the imperial mausoleum.Listen to the voice, more than one person.

"It's the mausoleum guards who came in. We were discovered." Wang Zixuan frowned and said.

"It was the mysterious man who deliberately lured the tomb guards here." Chu Limo's eyes were also a little colder, he did not find the Moon Spirit Flower, and now he has been found again.No one is in a good mood at this time. "We're going out the way we came in."

At this time, inside the imperial mausoleum, many people came outside, and they would not be so stupid as to confront these mausoleum guards head-on.After all, this is in Beiyuan's imperial tomb. Even if he is not afraid of Beiyuan Emperor, offending Beiyuan Emperor at this time is still a big trouble. He is not stupid enough to provoke Beiyuan Emperor.

However, when they walked to the original road, they found that the original road had been blocked.Obviously, there is a mechanism in the imperial tomb, and the person who activated the mechanism is the mysterious person just now.That mysterious man is very familiar with Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.

"Damn it." Chu Limo cursed softly.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, so close that they seemed to be in front of them.

"Since there is no way out, then rush out, and even destroy this imperial mausoleum." When Yun Qing said this, a strong chill flashed in his eyes.Not for anything else, but because the Moon Spirit Flower she wanted was not found in the Imperial Mausoleum, which was a fatal blow to her.In her heart, if there is no Yue Linghua, if Chu Limo is going to die, she doesn't mind destroying everything together.

There were four of them, and the officers and soldiers guarding the imperial mausoleum may not all have good martial arts.For the four of them, dealing with these officers and soldiers guarding the tomb is simply a piece of cake.It's just that once the matter is done, they can't hide the fact that they entered the imperial tomb.

But now, things have gone in a different direction.It was discovered that they came to the Imperial Mausoleum, and there was no bones of Concubine Die in the Imperial Mausoleum, let alone Moon Spirit Flower.And that mysterious person also said that there is no moon spirit flower in the world.

All of this is like a flashpoint, suddenly ignited.

Yun Qing's rationality also disappeared without a trace at this moment, leaving her only destruction.

"Bump!" The sound of an explosion resounded throughout Beishan Town and even the vicinity of Beishan Town was heard.

Brilliant flames bloomed in the sky, turning the sky red.In addition, it is still daytime and the weather is getting hotter. The imperial tomb exploded, causing the entire mountain of Beishan Imperial Tomb to burn.

It seems that everything has been completely wiped out with the explosion and fire.

The woman in white stood not far from the explosion and watched indifferently, watching the imperial tomb being burned like this.Looking at the screams of the people in the imperial tomb.

The ones who were most shocked were Wang Zixuan and Wuqing.No one thought that this woman suddenly started killing in the imperial tomb like crazy, and finally blew up the entire imperial tomb.

Chu Limo is the only one who understands why Yun Qing suddenly went crazy.

He understood why Qingqing suddenly went on a killing spree.He has always understood, so as long as it is what Qingqing wants to do, he will not stop it.

It was already night when the four of them returned to the inn in Beishan Town.

Seeing them coming back, the few people who were waiting for them at the inn couldn't help being worried.Such a big thing happened in the imperial mausoleum, and they could hear the explosions in the inn.

Wang Ziqing asked: "What happened in the imperial tomb? What happened to the fire all over the sky?" Up to now, standing in the inn in Beishan Town, they can still see the raging fire still burning in the imperial tomb.

"We were discovered in the imperial tomb, and my cousin blew up the imperial tomb." Wang Zixuan explained briefly.


This explanation startled the two women, Feng Qingluan and Chu Liyou.

Even Wang Ziqing couldn't help frowning slightly.What happened in the imperial mausoleum to let the cousin blow up the imperial mausoleum?
"Brother, did you get the Moon Spirit Flower?" Chu Liyou asked very concerned.

Chu Limo didn't speak, neither did Yun Qing.Wu Qing on the side didn't know how to speak, and the room fell into silence.Wang Zixuan shook his head with suggestive eyes, but the meaning was obvious, he didn't get the Moon Spirit Flower.

"I'm going back to my room." After returning from the imperial mausoleum, Yun Qing never spoke.Now when the Moon Spirit Flower was mentioned, a chill flashed across Yun Qing's eyes, and the last faint opening soon disappeared, and without waiting for everyone to reply, Yun Qing left.

Chu Limo chased after him at this moment.

The people who stayed behind looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Until the end, Wang Zixuan reported everything that happened in the imperial tomb, including the matter of the absence of the Moon Spirit Flower, and why Yun Qing went crazy and blew up the imperial tomb.

"Qingqing." Just as Yunqing returned to the room, Chu Limo also followed her and hugged her from behind, whispering softly.

In the imperial mausoleum, when he heard that there is no moon spirit flower in the world, Yun Qing has always been very strong and never shed tears.But when the man she loved so much hugged her, Yun Qing's heart suddenly softened.

"What should I do? Limo, what should I do? Without the Moon Spirit Flower, what would you do?" For Yun Qing and Chu Limo, the Moon Spirit Flower was their life.Without it, she doesn't know what will happen in three years?Without it to detoxify, if Chu Limo died three years later, would she go crazy?She thought she would go crazy then.

"Qingqing, you believe me. I have come here for so many years. Without the Moon Spirit Flower, I can still survive. For Qingqing, I will survive. Not three years, but 30 years, 300 years can survive. I will not abandon Qingqing, I will never abandon Qingqing." I don't know whether he said this to Yun Qing or himself, but he said it seriously and firmly.

"However, the unfeeling poison on your body... will explode in three years. I used to think that there were two Moon Spirit Flowers in the world, but the only one has been subdued by Li You. I thought it could be found in the imperial tomb. Another plant. However, there is nothing in the imperial mausoleum, and that person said that there is no Moon Spirit Flower in the world. You and your eldest brother have searched for so many years, and you also know that there is only one Moon Spirit Flower in the world. There is no other one, you What about the poison?"

Ever since I met Li You in Beiyuan, Li You told them about the matter of taking the Moon Spirit Flower.She had been holding on to hope, the last glimmer of hope.I hope that another Moon Spirit Flower will be in Beiyuan Imperial Mausoleum.That's why she couldn't wait to go to the imperial tomb, but when she got there, she found that there was nothing inside.She knew that the rumor in the world that there was only one Moon Spirit Flower was true.

As for Qi Rong telling Li You that there are two Moon Spirit Flowers in the world, presumably Qi Rong wanted to comfort Li You at the beginning, right?

"Qingqing, let's go back to Beijing, and we'll go back to Beijing right away. It doesn't matter if we can't find Yuelinghua, we still have Nangong Jin here, and with him here, I'll be fine. Qingqing, you trust me, trust Nangong Jin. Nangong Jin has no choice, so we will go back to Penglai Island, and we will go to find the father-in-law, and he will definitely find a way. I promise you, I will live, and I will live to accompany Qingqing until I grow old." Mingming couldn't find the Yuelinghua The person who should be comforted should be Chu Limo, but at this moment, it was Chu Limo who comforted Yun Qing.

He knew that this woman loved him deeply, that's why he lost his mind so much.That's why there was a sudden massacre in the imperial tomb and the imperial tomb was blown up.At that time, Qingqing only had despair in her heart.She pretends to be strong, but she's always scared.

And he also loves this woman deeply.Therefore, he will never let this unfeeling poison hinder his and Qingqing's happiness.He wants to live, to live with Qingqing until he grows old.

Outside, Chu Liyou stood outside listening to the voice in the room, crying silently.

is her!

It was all her fault, if it wasn't for her willfulness, how could Yuhen give her the only Moon Spirit Flower.How could elder brother and Yun Qing become like this now.Everything is her fault.

She is so damned.

What should we do now?
What should she do?What should my brother do?What should Yun Qing do?
Why is God so cruel?
(End of this chapter)

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