The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 844 36. Sending 3, 8 miles in a row to expedite reminder letters to Zhang Jing

Chapter 844 36. Sending three urgent reminder letters for [-] miles in succession to urge people to return to Beijing
How could Emperor Beiyuan hide such a big incident from the bombing of Beishan imperial mausoleum?This matter was quickly passed back.Moreover, Emperor Beiyuan suspected the destruction of the imperial mausoleum on the person who was fighting between Prince Xiyue and Prince Xiyue.

Therefore, it is very inexplicable that Yuhen took the blame.

But it's no wonder that Emperor Beiyuan wanted to be so suspicious, but Yuhen appeared in Beiyuan and fought with the mysterious man again.Finally, when they arrived, Yuhen and the mysterious man had disappeared.Only Yuhen and the mysterious man had the ability and courage to destroy the imperial mausoleum.

But doubt is doubt, Emperor Beiyuan was not a fool, nor would he be so stupid as to go to Xiyue to question him.But this matter, Emperor Beiyuan will not let it go.

While ordering to find out who blew up the imperial tomb, he secretly searched for news about Yuhen and the mysterious person.

Little did they know that a disaster of destroying the country would follow.


North Mountain Inn.

At that moment, Chu Limo and Yun Qing decided to return to Chujing.They didn't find the Moon Spirit Flower here, they wouldn't waste their time outside.Now there are less than three years left, Yun Qing put everything aside, now she doesn't want to care whether Su Wudao and Su Baiyi are lying to her, and she doesn't want to care whether Su Wudao is on her What's your idea.Now she only wants Chu Limo to live well.As long as he is alive and well.

They want to go back to Beijing to find Nangong Jin.Now, without the Moon Spirit Flower, Yun Qing could only put all her hopes on her elder brother.After all, Donghai Penglai is extremely mysterious, and her elder brother, as a genius doctor, might have a way to cure the unfeeling Gu poison.

And Nangong Jin's urgent letter reached Chu Limo.After reading the news from Nangong Jin, Chu Limo's face darkened even more.

"What happened to Chu Jing?" Seeing Chu Limo's face, Yun Qing knew that something bad must have happened to Chu Jing.Compared with Yun Qing's loss of control last night, Yun Qing has calmed down now.

Chu Limo's face was gloomy, and he was holding the urgent letter from Nangong Jin Babaili in his hand.Yun Qing took the letter from his hand and glanced at it, his face darkened, "Emperor Chu passed away, and he passed on the throne to you."

As for Bai Yue's fetal gas movement and premature delivery, Nangong Jin didn't mention it in the letter.

Hearing this news, everyone was also startled for a while, Wang Ziqing and Wang Zixuan couldn't help frowning.

"What?" Chu Liyou and Feng Qingluan exclaimed even more.This news is really shocking.Chu Liyou looked at her elder brother in a daze, "Brother, you..."

She has always known that her brother doesn't like being an emperor at all.Otherwise, he wouldn't just be an idle prince these years.And what happened when Emperor Chu passed the throne to his elder brother?

Chu Limo said coldly with a gloomy face, "Go back to Beijing."

It will take half a month to go back to Chujing from Beishan Town. In the past few days, the few people have not had much rest, and they just want to go back to Chujing as soon as possible.After driving for several days, everyone finally arrived at Youcheng, the border city between Dachu and Beiyuan.

It is now the beginning of May, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

After so many days of driving, everyone was tired along the way.Now in Youcheng, it is only a few days away from Chujing.It was getting late when passing through Youcheng, so everyone stopped and decided to rest here for the night.

Youcheng Inn.

It was still the guest room they stayed in when they were in Youcheng a month ago.Only this time, Murong Xiyan turned into Chu Liyou.And when they came here, they were full of expectations and thought they could find the Moon Spirit Flower, but now they were disappointed and almost turned into despair.

Yun Qing understands that she will be stronger at this time.She always believed in one thing, a millennium scourge like Chu Limo, he was so young and survived the unfeeling poison, so he would not die three years later.

What she has to do now is to go back to Beijing to find her elder brother to find a way to detoxify together.

I just arrived at Youcheng Inn, so I didn't have time to have a meal.Nangong Jin's urging letter came again.

Chu Limo took the letter, glanced at it, and immediately destroyed the letter with a frown, not even a scum left.

Seeing that his face was so gloomy that he was about to drop ice, Yun Qing had a bad intuition that something must have happened to Chu Jing with his appearance and his elder brother's urging urgency.But this time, Yun Qing guessed wrong.Yun Qing also frowned, and asked, "What did elder brother say? What happened to Chu Jing?"

"Nangong Jin, you bastard." Chu Limo cursed fiercely.

Seeing him cursing his elder brother so angrily, Yun Qing frowned even more.What did the eldest brother do to make this guy angry again? "what happened?"

"This bastard let the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty kneel in Li Wang's mansion and let the people of Chujing watch the fun and point fingers. But he hid in the mansion as if he had nothing to do with him, but he fired three hundred and eight hundred lijia An urgent letter urging us to go back and deal with this matter." Mentioning this Chu Limo made me angry.Doesn't he feel sorry for those civil and military officials who kneeled on their knees?But this bastard just let these old men kneel outside Li Wang's mansion, but he didn't care about anything, and even sent three urgent letters of [-] miles to urge him.

In fact, it's not that Nangong Jin doesn't care about these old men kneeling outside Li Wang's mansion, but these old men are really too stubborn.Even if you tell them that His Royal Highness Li Wang is not in the mansion at the moment, they will not believe it, but will think that His Royal Highness Li Wang is deliberately hiding from you and unwilling to take the throne.In addition, Bai Yue gave birth prematurely this time, Nangong Jin only wanted to be by her own wife's side, and she didn't want to take care of these old men's affairs.If they like to kneel, let them kneel.It's none of his business to break his knee anyway.

Anyway, because of the death of Emperor Chu, Chu Jing was already in chaos enough, as long as there was no chaos in heaven, he didn't mind a little more chaos.This mess should be left to Chu Limo to solve it himself when he comes back.

But if it wasn't for Chu Limo being the only candidate for the emperor among the great Chu royal family, the former emperor left an edict to pass the throne to King Li.These ministers would not stop kneeling outside Prince Li's mansion to implore the new emperor to ascend the throne.It's just pity that they don't know that His Royal Highness Li Wang is really not in the mansion at the moment.Even if they broke their knees, His Royal Highness Li Wang would not suddenly appear in front of them from the sky.

Hearing what Chu Limo said, Yun Qing frowned again.But I was thinking in my heart, what the hell is this big brother doing?Why let these ministers kneel outside Li Wang's mansion and ignore them.Don't you think Chu Jing's current situation is not chaotic enough?

Of course, Yun Qing didn't know about Bai Yue's premature birth.Nangong Jin didn't mention it in the letter, and Yun Qing didn't know that Nangong Jin was determined to stay with his wife now.

"Dong Dong." Yun Qing was about to say something when there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Yun Qing stood up and opened the door, Chu Liyou stood outside the door.

Chu Liyou glanced at the room, and called softly, "Brother Yun Qing."

"What's wrong?" Yun Qing asked.

During these days, Chu Liyou became more and more taciturn, and often did not even say a word.After Yun Qing came back from Beishan Imperial Tomb, he also ignored Chu Liyou because of the Yuelinghua matter.

Seeing Chu Liyou knocking on the door now, Yun Qing couldn't help but think of her experience in Xiyue.All this was also a torment in her heart, and it was ruthlessly pestering her.

"Yunqing, I have something to tell you, can you come out?" Chu Liyou glanced at the people in the room and his tone became a little cautious.She didn't dare to look into her brother's eyes, since what happened in Beiyuan country, every time she looked at her brother, she would feel guilty and uncomfortable.

"Okay." Yun Qing responded and walked out of the room.

The two walked in the yard, but Chu Liyou seemed unwilling to talk about it in the yard.It seemed that she was afraid of being heard by her brother.The diameter left the courtyard and the inn.Yun Qing just followed behind her and didn't ask.

The two walked out of the inn and came to a river not far from the inn.Chu Liyou stopped, and after hesitating for a long time, he finally spoke, "I'm sorry Yun Qing, it's because I was too self-willed that I caused my brother to lose his only Moon Spirit Flower. If it wasn't for me, at least there was still a trace of it. hope."

After hearing about the moonless spirit flower in the world that night, she has been blaming herself very much.She didn't know how to face her brother and Yun Qing.If it wasn't for her, how could Yuhen give her the only Moon Spirit Flower.

"How can you be blamed for this incident. This is something that none of us could have predicted. What's more, who would have thought that Yuhen had the Moon Spirit Flower in his hand. And you, there is nothing wrong. You were seriously injured at the time. If I If you are there, I will also use this Moon Spirit Flower to save your life."

Yun Qing would not blame Li You for this matter, nor would Chu Limo blame Li You.They will only feel sorry for this woman.I feel sorry for how helpless she must have been in Xiyue back then.I feel sorry for how much grievance and suffering she has suffered in Xiyue.

That sword almost killed Li You, if they had the Moon Spirit Flower in their hands at that time.They would not hesitate to use it to save her.

Now the only Yue Linghua has been convinced by Li You, it can only be said that they have no relationship with Yue Linghua, no wonder anyone.

"But Yunqing... what would he do without Brother Yue Linghua?" Chu Liyou cried in fear as he spoke, "Will brother die?"

"No. He won't die. For me, for you, he won't die either. Li You, we have to trust him, and you have to trust your brother. Don't blame yourself for this."

"But I'm still afraid. I'm really afraid of my brother... Yun Qing, if something happens to my brother, it must be my brother." In this matter, she has already blamed everything on herself.It was all because of her that the only Moon Spirit Flower was gone.As for my elder brother, he doesn't have Yuelinghua as medicine, so he doesn't know what will happen after three years.

Is it life or death?
She dare not think.I dare not accept it either.

"Liyou, you are not to blame for this matter. Don't blame yourself. If your brother knew what happened to you in Xiyue, he would definitely choose to save your life by Yue Linghua. Because you are his relatives, Family. You are his only sister. In this world, besides me who loves him the most, you are the only one who loves him the most. He loves you so much, how could he be willing to have trouble with his own sister? If he knew you If he keeps blaming himself for this matter, he will feel distressed. Li You, don’t you think so?” Yun Qing gently wiped the tears on her face for her, and joked with a light smile: “Don’t cry, wait He will feel distressed when he sees his sister's red eyes. Maybe he will think that I bullied you."

Being teased by Yun Qing, Chu Liyou sniffed and wiped away the tears on his face.

Yun Qing looked at her very seriously, "Li You, we are the people he loves the most in this world, we can't be sad now. If we are all sad, what should he do? Without the Moon Spirit Flower, we will Think of other ways, there must be other ways to detoxify. What we have to do now is to find other medicines."

"Yeah." Listening to Yun Qing's words, Chu Li nodded worriedly.

"Okay, let's go back. If we don't go back, your brother should be in a hurry to find us." Yun Qing said with a smile.

Just after taking two steps, Chu Liyou suddenly seemed to have thought of something and called out to Yun Qing, "Yun Qing, I suddenly remembered something, do you think there is another Moon Spirit Flower in Yuhen's hand?" ?”

Yun Qing stopped and looked at her, "Why do you say that?"

"When I knew that Yuhen was saved by the Moon Spirit Flower, I went to him in a hurry. At the beginning, I thought he still had the Moon Spirit Flower in his hand, so I begged him to give me another Moon Spirit Flower. But he He refused to give it to me. Later, Brother Qi Rong also went to him, and he told Brother Qi Rong that the other one was in Beiyuan. So I was thinking, maybe there are really two Moon Spirit Flowers in the world, and those two The Moon Spirit Flower was taken away by Yuhen. He hated his brother, so he refused to give me the other one."

"If he really has another plant in his hand, I will bring it to him no matter what the price is." Yun Qing frowned.A glimmer of hope suddenly seemed to be ignited in my heart, "Li You, whether this matter is true or not, I will send someone to investigate."

But now, they are not sure if there is another plant in Yuhen's hand?They were not sure if what Yuhen said at the time was lying.Now, they don't have so much time to spend, the only thing they can do is to go back to Beijing and discuss with Nangong Jin what medicine to use instead if there is no Moon Spirit Flower.

Taking a step back, if the other plant was really in Yuhen's hands, they would not have to bother to find the whereabouts of the Moon Spirit Flower.It's just that Yun Qing understands that Ruo Yuhen really has another Moon Spirit Flower in his hand, and it will cost a lot to get it from him.In other words, the price is something they can't afford.

Yuhen's words at that time are still vivid in his memory: No matter what you do, I am going to sink in hell. If you want to sink, then let's go to hell together.

Yuhen never told lies, since Yuhen wanted to drag them to hell to perish together.I'm afraid it won't be long before Yuhen should take action.

Yun Qing did not expect that things happened so fast that she was caught off guard.

But before Yuhen wanted to drag them to hell together, something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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