The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 845 37. Su Baiyi, can you tell me why?

Chapter 845 37. Su Baiyi, can you tell me why?

Youcheng in May.

Nothing happened along the way, but I didn't expect that something would happen in Youcheng.

" Yunqing." Chu Liyou ran into the inn covered in blood, still shouting.Her body and arms had marks of varying degrees of sword cuts.

Her appearance also frightened Xiao Er, the owner of the inn, and other guests.

"You, Liyou." Feng Qingluan happened to be in the lobby of the inn. She was going to let the innkeeper prepare the meal, but when she saw Chu Liyou covered in blood, "Oh my god, what happened to you? What happened to you? Blood... Hurry up, the wound on your body needs to be bandaged with medicine." Feng Qingluan stopped talking later, and directly supported Chu Liyou, who was covered in blood, to the backyard of the inn.

"Qingluan, let my brother go and save Yun Qing." Chu Liyou didn't care about his injuries, and hurriedly shouted: "It's too late, go and save Yun Qing."

"Wang Ziqing, Chu Limo, come here, something happened to Liyou." Feng Qingluan yelled while helping Chu Liyou, who was covered in blood, to go inside. She didn't care about the name Chu Limo. shouted.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the room came out.

"Li worry."

"Brother." Chu Liyou held onto Chu Limo tightly with bloody hands, "Brother, we met an assassin by the river, go and rescue Yun Qing."

After the words fell, there was no shadow of Chu Limo.

"Qingluan, you stay and take care of Liyou." Wang Ziqing watched Chu Limo's leaving figure and followed him, and Wang Zixuan Wuqing and others also chased them out.

However, when Chu Limo and others rushed to the river, there were no traces of Yun Qing and the assassin.But judging from the traces at the scene, there has just been a fierce fight here.On the ground, bloodstains and white powder were left behind.

"What is this white powder? It doesn't look like something in a drug." Wang Zixuan grabbed a little white powder from the ground and smelled it. If it wasn't for the white powder mixed with these bloodstains, it would have been Hard to spot.Moreover, this white powder does not smell anything.

Wang Ziqing also grabbed some white powder and smelled it, but he didn't realize what these white things were.

"This is left by Qingqing." Looking at the blood on the ground and the white powder left behind, Chu Limo's face was terribly dark, and there was a cruel and bloodthirsty breath in his eyes.

"Do you know what these white powders are?" Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo and asked.

"This is a colorless and odorless tracking powder refined by Nangong Jin. This kind of thing will show up when it sees blood. These are left on purpose by Qingqing. She must be in the hands of those assassins now." Chu Li Mo Leng said coldly: "Wu Qing, order me down, immediately block all the exits of Youcheng, and not even a fly can fly out."

"Yes." Wuqing realized the seriousness of the matter, received the order and went down.

"Cousin, will they still be in Youcheng?" Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo, he believed that this man must have a way to find someone with the colorless and odorless tracking powder left by his cousin.It's just that he wants to know, this tracking powder is colorless and odorless, what will he use to track it? "Since my cousin has left a follower, she must have known that this group of people will not stay in Youcheng and wait for us to catch them. Now that my cousin is missing, how can you find her?"

This group of assassins blatantly dared to kidnap people under Chu Limo's nose, and they didn't take Chu Limo seriously.What's more, Youcheng is mixed with fish and dragons, and Yunqing is already in the hands of the assassin.Will this group of assassins stay in You City so stupidly, waiting for them to catch them?
"Go back to the inn." After leaving such a sentence, Chu Limo left the river directly.

When she returned to the inn, Feng Qingluan was helping Chu Liyou clean up the wounds on her body.Chu Limo didn't go into the room either. Although they are brothers and sisters, they are all grown up now.

Now Qingqing's whereabouts are unknown, although he knows that no one can hurt Qingqing.Looking at the followers who stayed behind, you can tell that Qingqing stayed there on purpose.That means that Qingqing may have gone with those assassins on purpose, and Qingqing may know who those assassins are.But he was still worried.

Chu Limo went back to the room to take something and left. If Yun Qing were here now, he would find that what Chu Limo was holding was Nangong Jin's precious ice butterfly.When he was in Xiyue back then, this ice butterfly even saved Yun Qing once.Later, Bingdie went dormant until Nangong Jin soaked it in medicine after returning to Penglai, East China Sea.This time when they came to Beiyuan, when Nangong Jin packed up the medicine for them, he also gave them this ice butterfly by the way.

If he wanted to find Yun Qing, he had to use this ice butterfly.

The tracking fans left behind by Yun Qing will only show up when they see blood, but it is impossible for Yun Qing to cut blood and sprinkle tracking powder all the way along the way.So, now he can only rely on the ice butterfly to find Yun Qing by smelling the tracking powder.

"You stay in Youcheng, I'll go after Qingqing." Chu Limo looked at Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing, "I'll ask you to take care of Liyou."

Wang Zixuan: "The cousin will be handed over to you. You have to find the cousin."

Wang Ziqing also looked at Chu Limo and nodded, "Don't worry. With us here, you city will be fine."

Soon, Chu Limo disappeared into the night.

In Chu Liyou's room.

"Hiss..." As soon as the medicine touched her skin, she let out a cry of pain.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Looking at the shocking wound on Chu Liyou's body, there were more than one or two wounds, at least five or six knife wounds and sword wounds of varying shades.Feng Qingluan felt distressed looking at it, tears were about to flow out.Is it the bastard who is so ruthless?If she knew who it was and saw them, she would definitely chop them into meat paste.

Chu Liyou gritted her teeth and shook her head, but it really hurts.But sometimes the pain is too much and numb.This kind of sword wound was not deep. Compared with the sword that Yuhen gave her back then, she only suffered a little bit of flesh and blood this time.

Those assassins didn't seem to want to really kill people with ruthless hands.Otherwise, how could she survive after suffering so many swords.As for those people, their goal seems to be Yun Qing.

"Is Yun Qing okay?" She still doesn't know if Yun Qing escaped.If she hadn't talked to Yun Qing, how could they have met the assassin, and how could they have given the assassin a chance.Yun Qing also let her go first in order to save her.

"With Chu Limo and the others around, sister Qing will be fine. But the wound on your body needs to be taken care of. During this period of time, you must not touch the water, and you must not touch the wound." Soon, Feng Qing Luan cleaned up the wound for her, applied the medicine and bandaged it up.As for what happened to Yun Qing, she didn't know.


After chasing from Youcheng, following Bingdie's guidance, they chased all the way to the north.The further north, the closer to a certain place, Chu Limo already understood in his heart.He is almost sure who took Qingqing away.

Five days later, Bingdie stopped here.Chu Limo looked at the town not far away, his eyes piercingly cold.

Sure enough it was him!

This place is not elsewhere, it is Xueyue City.

If there is anything she doesn't understand, Qingqing was brought to Xueyue City.It is very clear whose territory this is.

And at this moment, the Snow Mountain Palace.

It has been five days since she left Youcheng and here, these days, she has been blindfolded and her acupoints have been tapped.Maybe that person was afraid that she would see his true face?Or is it because she is afraid that she will know where this place is now?
It's just that it doesn't taste good at all to be acupunctured.Apart from being able to move around now, she can't exercise at all.In other words, if she wanted to run, she couldn't.However, she didn't even think about running.But she can't run now, because she is being tied up with a silver rope.

However, she had discovered them as early as when they appeared in Youcheng.She let them catch her on purpose, she just wanted to verify, is it what she guessed?
Really good, after coming to this place.She was already quite sure of her thoughts.She knows where she is.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but sneered, the feeling of being deceived was really too damn uncomfortable for her.

It's just weird that they tied her to this place and left her alone.left her here.If there were no people who would come to deliver her meals, would she really think that they wanted her to die?
To be honest, this was the first time Yun Qing was tied up.But of course, it was her own intention.If she doesn't agree, who can tie her up.It's just that it's been two days since I've been here, and she's really bored when no one comes out to talk to her.

Yun Qing was thinking, should I break free from the rope?Then go ask him, why do you want to do this?
Probably because she was afraid that she would be too boring.Just as she was considering whether to break free from the rope, footsteps came from outside the room.

With a creak, the door of the room opened and a person came in.

Hearing the sound, Yun Qing sneered, sitting on the chair without any fear. "I thought you were all dead and afraid to see me?"

The person who came in didn't speak, just stood quietly and looked at her.

Maybe, even he himself didn't know what to say?

Because he never thought that they would get to this point.He never thought about how to explain how he has been deceiving her until now.However, with her nature, no matter what he explained, she wouldn't believe him, would she?
Because he has been lying to her from the beginning, and has been lying to her.

Yun Qing sneered, "What? Don't you dare to speak? Are you afraid of being recognized by me? I think you are very responsible in doing things? But I didn't expect that you are also a group of idiots who dare to be or not to be." Several question marks in a row, standing The man on the side just didn't speak.

Perhaps as Yun Qing said, he dared not speak for fear of being recognized by Yun Qing.He doesn't know what to say at this time?Perhaps nothing can explain his behavior.

After standing in the room for a while, he paused, and the man finally turned around and left without saying anything.

But at this moment, Yun Qing's smile became colder. Although his face was covered by a black cloth and he was bound and unable to move, Yun Qing's eyes under the black cloth still looked at him coldly, and asked: "Su Baiyi, can you tell me?" Why am I doing this? I think you won't even be willing to give an explanation, will you?"

(End of this chapter)

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