The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 846 38. I need your soul-hunting technique

Chapter 846 38. I need your soul-hunting technique
"What? Are you surprised? Or are you afraid to admit who you are? Or should I not call you Su Baiyi? Then I want to ask you, who are you?" Yun Qing continued to question with a sneer .

She has been suspicious ever since when that mysterious man appeared suddenly in Youcheng, no, it should be said in Beishan Imperial Mausoleum.

There is no body of Concubine Die in Beishan Imperial Mausoleum, but that mysterious person appears again.Yun Qing had to wonder what this matter had to do with Concubine Die's descendants.And because of the painting stolen from the Beiyuan Palace, Yun Qing even doubted whether Su Baiyi knew that there was a secret passage in the Beishan Imperial Tomb?

When that mysterious person appeared in the imperial mausoleum, although he deliberately covered up his original voice, Yun Qing was still skeptical.Until Youcheng, when the group of assassins appeared, she smelled a familiar smell.A cold taste of the top of a snow mountain.It was a taste that no one could hide.

"Su Baiyi, tell me that the mysterious person in Beishan Imperial Tomb is you? What is your relationship with Concubine Die Guifei from a hundred years ago? Why did you lie to me that he is my brother? And where is Huo Linghu? Killed?" Yun Qing asked calmly, but the sneer in her tone couldn't hide her current mood.She really regarded Su Baiyi as her elder brother and her family.The feeling of being cheated by family members is really uncomfortable. "Su Baiyi, tell me what exactly you want to do?"

The white figure stopped listening to her questioning.Then he walked over gently, untied the silver rope that bound her for Yun Qing, and removed the black cloth covering her eyes.

When Yun Qing saw Su Baiyi, she smiled.

She even thought for a moment that she had guessed wrong, and the person she saw when she opened her eyes was not Su Baiyi at all.This is not a snow mountain underground palace either.

Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing with indifferent eyes, "When did you find out?" He thought that his disguise was flawless.

"The smell on your body betrayed you." Yun Qing looked at him, "Don't you know? The smell on your body is unique, and only those who live on the top of the snow-capped mountains have this kind of smell."

"I see." He smiled, "You're very smart."

"You are not the only one who said that I am smart, Su Wudao also said that I am smart. But I am smart, but I was deceived by you. Isn't it?" Yun Qing laughed at himself, "I wish so much, open my eyes and see It wasn't you who arrived, how I hope you didn't lie to me. But, things are difficult."

Yun Qing was still unwilling to believe that they would lie to her.I don't even want to believe what they did.However, everything is in front of you.

She still didn't understand, since they had a purpose for her from the beginning, and approached her with a purpose, why did Su Wudao insist on breaking the seal on her body for her to have spiritual power when he was in the Holy Land?Why did you give her the handbook that contained countless secrets?And why did he give her the precious Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum?
"You haven't answered my question yet? Su Baiyi, is it really that difficult to answer?"

Su Baiyi said lightly: "I am the mysterious person in the Beishan Imperial Tomb. I am the one who has been following you. Huo Linghu is not dead. I am not your real brother, and we are indeed not related by blood. As for the butterfly you mentioned Concubine..." Mentioning this name, Su Baiyi's eyes dimmed, and he said slowly: "She is my ancestor, no, it should be said, she is our ancestor. Although I am not your real brother, we still have such a A little blood relationship."

"Hundred years ago, she left the Feng clan to search for her life, and later met the love of her life. It was just a trick of good fortune. When she went down the mountain, she attracted the obsession of countless men, and even made a man with high status pay for her. Dispersed the harem and imprisoned her for a lifetime. Later, she finally became ill for a long time and died in the palace. The man who imprisoned her was heartbroken, but had to bury her in the imperial tomb."

"What happened later?" Yun Qing asked.She thought, things will not be that simple, and things will not disappear after Concubine Die Gui is buried in the imperial tomb.

"Then one day after Bei Yuan died, a man took her away from the imperial tomb." Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing with a faint smile, "As you can see, her tomb is Empty. In fact, she did not die at all. As a spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, how could she die so easily. Later, she gave birth to a son and a daughter. She spent a period of time with the man she loved the most. A very happy day. But she is the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, how could the Feng clan let her go, and soon, the Feng clan found her. There was no other way, she could only bring her The daughter she gave birth returned to the Feng clan, and she, after raising her daughter, left the Feng clan once. After that, she never went back again. And the man she loved and the son she gave birth to My son, after being hunted down, fled back to Beiyuan and lived a life of incognito."

"After so many years, the Feng clan has been chasing and killing the man, the child and their offspring. And I am the descendant of the son she gave birth to. When I was born, my parents were hunted down by the Feng clan. The person who killed me was killed. It was Master who saved me back then and brought me back to the Feng clan."

Listening to his words, Yun Qing sneered, "The Feng clan is really disgusting."

"It's disgusting." Su Baiyi also sneered.

Isn't the fate of the beginning of this life doomed when her ancestor of the Feng clan left?Just like Yun Qing.

Although they are not the blood of direct relatives, they all have the same blood in their bodies.

"You have said so much, but you still haven't told me what is the purpose of your deception? You have been deceiving me since I joined the Feng clan, have you already made up your mind on me?" Although you know his background, you also know There is still a little bit of blood relationship between them, but it doesn't mean that she will forgive him for deceiving her.It doesn't mean that she can pretend that what happened now didn't happen.

"I need the soul-stirring technique on your body." Su Baiyi spit out such a sentence lightly.

"What did you say?" Yun Qing felt a little funny, and wondered if he heard it wrong just now?
What is it?
"I'll take you to meet someone, and you'll understand after the meeting." After finishing speaking, Su Baiyi untied the acupuncture points on Yun Qing's body and left the room.

Now that he has come here, Yun Qing is not afraid of what Su Baiyi will do.Besides, even now, she still feels a little bit in her heart that Su Baiyi won't really hurt her.At least for the sake of the same ancestor, Su Baiyi will not be so heartless.If Su Baiyi wanted to hurt her, he wouldn't have unlocked the acupuncture points for her just now.

She thought, she must be too longing for family affection, too longing for family members.That's why he has to choose Xinsu Baiyi once at this point.

However, just after taking two steps, Su Baiyi said again in a faint voice: "Don't let the master know about unlocking the acupoints. He is no longer the master you used to know."

Isn't Su Wudao the Su Wudao she knew before?
So, what does Su Wudao look like today?

Su Baiyi led her to the room where Baiyi Gong Su Wudao lived, and pushed open the door of the room.At that moment, Yun Qing finally understood what Su Baiyi said: Su Wudao is not the Su Wudao she knew before.

She had never seen Su Wudao looking at a woman with such gentle eyes.And that woman was still lying in the cold crystal coffin.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qing couldn't help thinking of the incident when she saw her mother was also put in the crystal coffin by Qi Mingyang when she was crossing the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion in the west.This scene is so familiar.Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao, and at this moment felt that he was as perverted as Qi Mingyang.

However, when she walked into the crystal coffin, she was stunned when she saw the woman in the crystal coffin.

How could this be?
Why is the woman lying in this crystal coffin... her grandmother?

Suspicious, complicated eyes climbed into Yun Qing's eyes.Yun Qing stared blankly at the woman lying in the crystal coffin. Her grandmother had been dead for many years, but the corpse did not rot, and even kept the same appearance as when she died.

This is how the same thing?

What happened to the way Su Wudao looked at his grandmother?Is the person he has always liked his grandmother?

But at this moment, Yun Qing is more angry, her grandmother is dead.Su Wudao actually dug her out. "Su Wudao."

"Hush..." Su Wudao raised his head and looked at Yun Qing, "Don't disturb her. Girl, check to see if she is still as young as she was back then, she hasn't changed at all."

It is undeniable that her grandmother is really the same as when she was young, and her appearance has not changed at all.This is the advantage of being a spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, their appearance will not change much with the passage of time.

Even her grandmother is now in her 50s.But looking at it now, it looks like 35.

"She's already dead. Su Wudao, if you really like her, how could you dig her out of the ground? Are you trying to make her soul restless?" Yun Qing now only thinks that Su Wudao is a lunatic, a A lunatic like Qi Mingyang.

"No, she's not dead. She's not dead." Su Wudao looked at Yun Qing and smiled sinisterly, "Girl, have you heard of soul-stirring? Every generation of spiritual girls possesses soul-stirring, using this If you use this technique, the dead can come back to life. Back then, didn’t your mother use this technique to send you to another time and space and make you reborn?”

"You want me to revive my grandmother using soul-stirring technique? Su Wudao, is this your idea? You approached me from the very beginning, for this reason, that's why you recklessly untied my body in the Holy Land The seal?" Now Yun Qing finally understood why Su Wudao wanted to break the seal on her body even if she wanted to die.It turned out that he wanted her to use secret techniques to resurrect his beloved woman, and this woman was her grandmother.

"Yes. From the first time I saw you, when I saw your eyes, I knew that you were the spiritual girl I had been waiting for for many years. I knew that there was hope for her resurrection."

"Su Wudao, let me ask you, were you also involved in my mother's accident in the Feng clan? Did you want to know the whereabouts of my grandmother, and followed Feng Tianlan and the others to kill my mother?"

"That's not important anymore. What's important now is that I've found Ning'er. I've found her. If you hadn't come to the Feng clan, how would I know that she was originally in Dachu, how would I know that she married Here comes Wang Qingshan. Girl, your mission now is to revive her with soul-stirring."

"What if I don't?" Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao coldly.

Not to mention that she knows soul-stirring technique, let alone she doesn't know what soul-stirring technique is at all now.

Although she also wanted her grandmother to be resurrected, how could it be possible for a person who had been dead for many years to say that she was resurrected.

She came to this world back then because her mother sent her to another time and space using insanity in advance, and she was not dead at that time, and the soul in another time and space returned to her place only after she died The main body, she was reborn.

Asking her to use insanity to revive her grandmother now is completely different from her situation back then.

And she doesn't know how to use soul-stirring techniques at all.

And when she glanced at the handbook, she saw that there was a record on it: Each generation of spiritual women has incredible power, if this power is used to revive a dead person, then the price is to exchange life for life.

At that time, she just glanced at it and didn't care, but she didn't think that she really had this ability.

 Su Wudao is a lunatic, a lunatic who is crazy about love.In fact, he is also quite poor.

  It's just that if one person is to be resurrected, another person must die.

(End of this chapter)

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