The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 847 39. Biluo Huangquan is inseparable from life and death, I will follow

Chapter 847 39. Biluo Huangquan is inseparable from life and death, I will follow

Yun Qing sneered, "What if I don't?"

"Girl, for Ning'er, I can do anything." Su Wudao's eyes were gloomy, and now he no longer has the upright spirit that Yun Qing knew back then, what he has is only the boundless abyss.It was an abyss where everything could be destroyed for a woman.

He really has become another person as Su Baiyi said.It became a Su Wudao she didn't know.

"Yes. You really can do anything. Otherwise, how could you have followed Feng Tianlan and the others to harm my mother? Su Wudao, now you keep saying that you can do anything for your Ning'er. Since You love her deeply, why did you kill her daughter? Is this your love for her? Then, isn’t your love a little too disgusting? Su Wudao, let me tell you, my grandmother was going to leave the Feng clan It's because she doesn't want to stay in this ghost place, she chooses to be with my grandpa, it's because she only loves my grandpa. And you, no matter what you do, so what if you bring her back to life? She will never love You. She just hates you." Yun Qing sneered, "Haha. Su Wudao, then I want to see what else you can do. Su Wudao, back then you and Feng Tianlan and the others killed I, Nangong Yunqing, will not let go of my mother's affairs."

"Ning'er won't hate me. She won't hate me. After she wakes up, I will make her forget everything, forget everything. Ning'er will start over with me. Start a new life Life."

Yun Qing just looked at Su Wudao's crazy words coldly, to be honest, she is not afraid of Su Wudao at all now, he is just a lunatic in Yun Qing's eyes now.It's just that what she never thought was that Su Wudao, who used to be upright and mighty, would become so perverted and crazy because of a woman.Perhaps, his so-called righteousness is all pretending, and he is pretending to show her.Thinking about it now, if Su Wudao were to become an actor, he must be a qualified actor.

Now Yun Qing finally understands that what Su Wudao and himself said back then about meeting her mother in the ruined temple and taking Su Baiyi back were all used to lie to her, and that Feng Tianlan was How to harm her mother was simply to cover up his own crime.

Now think about what that fake Feng Tianlan said when he died: Be careful of the people around you.That person actually refers to Su Wudao.

He approached her just because of her insanity.

He wanted to resurrect his grandmother, and wanted her to forget everything about the past.Yun Qing really just sneered, maybe he has the ability to make grandma forget everything about the past.But why did he think she would use insanity to revive her grandmother?

Of course, she wouldn't use insanity to resurrect her grandmother.It doesn't matter whether she is afraid of death or heartless.Her grandmother has been dead for many years, and there is no need for people who have been dead for many years to come back to life.

And she wanted to live a good life and grow old with Chu Limo.

She thought that her grandmother would not blame her either.Grandmother would not be willing to be resurrected, nor would she be willing to use her life for her resurrection.

After listening to his crazy words, Yun Qing didn't want to stay with this pervert, even if her grandmother was there.Turned around and left the room.Su Wudao didn't stop her either. Thinking about it, Su Wudao was not afraid of her running away.

After leaving the room, Yun Qing did not go back to the room, but wandered around in the underground palace.Su Baiyi didn't stop him either, just like in Su Wudao's room just now, Su Baiyi looked on indifferently and didn't speak.

And Su Baiyi is not afraid that Yun Qing will leave at this time, because the way down the mountain has already been ruined.The original road has long since disappeared.

"Why did you do this for Su Wudao? Do you have anyone who wants to be resurrected?" Seeing that Su Baiyi had been following her silently, Yun Qing asked.

Su Baiyi remained silent and did not answer.

But his silence gave Yun Qing the best answer.

"Su Baiyi, how old are you? Is the person you want to resurrect your parents, or the woman you love the most?" Yun Qing once doubted that Su Baiyi was a woman, but now he knows that they are not twins.Then Su Baiyi must not be as old as her.He looks very small, but he is also a descendant of the spirit girl, and his appearance looks small, which can be explained now.

And he helped Su Wudao do these things, didn't he have relatives or lovers who wanted to be resurrected?

"22. She died four years ago." His voice was very sad, and when he mentioned her, there was even a hint of sadness. "She was my sister, she was only 16 when she died. Did you know? From the first time I saw you, I thought I saw my sister again. You really look alike. I used to hold a trace Fantasia hopes that she can come back to life, but I know that my sister will not be willing to exchange other people's lives for hers. She is such a kind person, let her come back to life, she knows that her life is exchanged for other people's lives She won't live long either."

I thought he wouldn't answer, but I didn't expect him to say it in the end.However, Yun Qing did not expect that Su Baiyi would say such a thing. "Su Baiyi, for someone as cold-tempered as you, you should hate the Feng clan for killing your parents. Why do you still stay in the Feng clan? Since you don't want to revive your sister, Why do you still help Su Wudao to do this? I think, you don’t know that the death of your parents is inseparable from Su Wudao, right? Even if Su Wudao didn’t kill your parents with his own hands, but their death, Su Wudao Did Wudao really not participate?"

Yun Qing did not believe that Su Wudao was not involved in the death of Su Baiyi's parents back then.As for why Su Wudao brought Su Baiyi back to the Feng clan, she thought, Su Wudao had Su Wudao's purpose.

"I know." Su Baiyi said lightly, without any major emotion in his tone, as if everything he said had nothing to do with him, if it wasn't for the fact that he was talking about his parents at this moment, Yun Qing really thought Su Baiyi Just talking about how other people died. "The death of my parents is directly related to the master. It can even be said that my parents were forced by the master to jump off the cliff to their death."

"Hehe." Yun Qing sneered, with sarcasm in his tone, "I admire your generosity of mind." You are so generous that you can recognize your father and mother as your master.Yun Qing thought that she could not be so magnanimous. If anyone harmed her family, no matter who it was, she would definitely demand his blood.

Su Baiyi also didn't explain what was going on behind his parents being forced to jump off a cliff by Su Wudao back then.Why doesn't he take revenge?Instead, he followed Su Wudao and did many things for him.This matter is over for him anyway.But Su Baiyi gave Yun Qing another explanation, explaining why he helped Su Wudao. "Master has been kind to me in nurturing me. Although he forced my parents to death, he saved me and my sister. If it weren't for him, my sister would have died back then. I help him now, but I just repay the kindness of the past. "

"Where is Huo Linghu?" Yun Qing smiled lightly, and didn't go into it further.Instead, change the subject.She didn't want to know about him and Su Wudao, nor did she want to know their past grievances.As the saying goes, one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.Isn't that the case with Su Wudao and Su Baiyi?

And the grievances and hatred between them can't be expressed clearly in one sentence.

However, all these tragic fates started from the Feng clan.It started with a woman from the Feng family.

He said that Huo Linghu is not dead, so Huo Linghu should be in the Snow Mountain Palace now, right?

"It's not here. It disappeared from the time Huo Linghu left Chujing to the north. I don't know where it went. But what is certain is that it is not dead. Master also has no ability to kill Huo Ling. Fox. I don’t have the ability to kill it. The only person in this world who has the ability to kill the Huolinghu should be the spirit girl of the Feng family. Except for the spirit girl, Huolinghu will not let anyone get close to it opportunity." Su Baiyi walked behind and finally explained and asked again: "Do you believe what I say?"

"I believe you." This Yun Qing believed him.

Su Baiyi smiled faintly when he heard her 'I believe in you'.He thought that this woman would never trust him, right?

Yun Qing believed that Huo Linghu could live for thousands of years, so how could he be killed by Su Wudao so easily.It's just that Huo Linghu disappeared suddenly. Could it be related to the person Huo Linghu has been looking for?

When she left the Feng clan with Huo Linghu, Huo Linghu disappeared from time to time for a few days.In her induction with it, she knew that it had been looking for someone.So it has disappeared for so long now, is it because it is close to finding that person?
As long as the fire spirit fox is not dead, the induction between her and it.The fire spirit fox will come back by itself.Yun Qing believed that the fox would not be so heartless and run away by itself.

Yun Qing stood on the edge of the cliff in the underground palace, from the edge of the cliff he could see the river under the snow-capped mountain.Just looking at the river with a slight smile and looking into the distance.

Su Baiyi said lightly: "Are you waiting for him?"

Yun Qing knew that Su Baiyi was referring to Chu Limo.

At the mention of this name, Yun Qing smiled softly, "He's coming soon."

"You were very clever and left him a clue. But... Yunqing, are you sure he can walk to the snow mountain? This place is no longer the original snow mountain. The original road has already been destroyed by the master. When he finds the road After you come, do you think it's still too late?" Su Baiyi immediately pointed out the matter of Yun Qing's tracking fans in Youcheng.

Yun Qing was not surprised, just pursed his lips and smiled slightly, "I believe him. Speaking of which, don't you also know that I left a clue? But you didn't stop it. You even let Li You go, if not, you You can kill Li You directly. Let the matter disappear without a trace." It was because of this incident that Yun Qing still had the last hope for him, she wanted to believe him.

However, she was also slightly startled for a while, Su Wudao actually destroyed Xueyue City and the road leading to the snow mountain?

But she knew that Chu Limo would definitely come to her, and he would not leave her alone and wait for him for too long.Because he couldn't bear it.

"So you know." Su Baiyi smiled.He thought that what he did didn't leave any traces, but he didn't expect that she already knew about it.

"Let's talk about it, Su Wudao kidnapped me from Youcheng at this time, and when is he going to let me revive his beloved woman for him. I think Su Wudao chose to do it at this time because there is only one day in the near future. Is it appropriate to use soul-stirring technique to resurrect the dead?" Su Wudao didn't show any purpose in front of her before, but at this moment he tied her up impatiently, which showed one thing, that he wanted to be resurrected To her maternal grandmother, time was of the essence.

"Yunqing, you're really smart." Su Baiyi smiled slightly, "After five days, it's the best time to use the Soul Conjuring Technique."

"I'd rather be stupid." Yun Qing laughed at herself.After finishing speaking, he turned around to look at Su Baiyi and said seriously: "I'm asking you the last question, is there really no Moon Spirit Flower in this world?"

Yun Qing still vividly remembered what he said in the imperial mausoleum at that time.She didn't know why Su Baiyi dared to say that there is no moon spirit flower in the world.She felt that she could only ask him in person.

"Yes. The only Moon Spirit Flower in the world has already been conquered by Chu Liyou. There is no second Moon Spirit Flower in the world." Su Baiyi replied lightly, but Yun Qing had no choice but to believe what he said later.Su Baiyi said again: "The Moon Spirit Flower was bred by our ancestor and her favorite man a hundred years ago, and there is only this one."

"Hehe." Yun Qing smiled.

It's just that laughing is uglier than crying.

She still holds such a sliver of hope, hoping that the other plant will be in Yuhen's hands, and that the other plant will be in Su Baiyi's hands.As a result, there is really no other Moon Spirit Flower in the world.

Yun Qing stood on the edge of the cliff of the snow-capped underground palace, looking at the river under the snow-capped mountain, seemed to be looking into the distance again, wondering what he was thinking.Su Baiyi just stood aside silently and stopped talking.

Perhaps, it is useless to talk about it at this time.

But he didn't want to, Yun Qing stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at it for a long time, then said lightly, "If there is no Moon Spirit Flower in this world, if I really can't cure the unfeeling Gu poison on Li Mo, he will die in three years, I will Will follow him. Maybe you will not believe that a woman who loves a man will love him so much that she is willing to stay with him for life and death. But if he dies, Bi Luo Huang Quan will never leave him. This is my promise to him. I will follow. I promise No matter where we are, we will be together."

"I believe it." Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing, looking at this cold figure at the moment, her words were so resolute.He believed, believed that if the man she loved so much died.This woman will go with her.

From the beginning, he has always believed.

Yun Qing turned around, only looked at Su Baiyi and smiled slightly.Then look at the setting sun that is about to fall on the edge of the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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