The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 849 41. Only I Can Bully Qingqing

Chapter 849 41. Only I Can Bully Qingqing
After countless times, Chu Limo let her go.

It was rare for Yun Qing to cooperate with Chu Limo's request tonight.If it were the same as before, Yun Qing would definitely faint from his excessive demands.

Perhaps they hadn't seen each other for five days, and Yun Qing really missed him, not only in his heart, but also in his body.

"Qingqing, it's great to be able to hold you." She said softly while holding her in her arms, while the other hand was still touching Yun Qing's body intentionally.

For the past five days, he has been searching all the way, without much rest along the way.He should have been very tired, but when he saw her, he was filled with endless energy.Even though they've done it so many times just now, he's more energetic now.

"Stop making trouble." Yun Qing scoffed.

Although she was really cooperative just now, she really missed him.But after coming down a few times, she was really tired.In front of Chu Limo's physical strength, she didn't have any advantage at all. If he was teasing her, she would definitely faint after a while.

On someone else's territory, if they are made to pass out.That embarrassment was simply lost to grandma's house.

"I'll just touch it, not do it." He still knows how to measure it, and knows where it is.

Yun Qing said that it is unbelievable for a man to say this on the bed, if he says no to it now, if he can't bear it later, why don't he eat her up and wipe her clean without leaving any scum.

"Are you the only one here? What about cousin and the others? Is Li You's injury okay?" Yun Qing began to change the subject.But a certain man's hands were still groping around restlessly.

"They are still in Youcheng, and they will come within three days." Chu Limo continued to tease her up and down, with a domineering tone that left Yun Qing speechless. "Qingqing, I don't like you getting too close to Su Baiyi. I'm jealous."

At first, he thought Su Baiyi was Qingqing's biological brother.But not anymore.For a man who is not related by blood.And Qingqing seems to be very unusual to Su Baiyi, so when she saw them talking in the room and Su Baiyi purposely being so ambiguous and sitting so close to Qingqing.He was really jealous, and at that time he wanted to come in and slap this kid Su Baiyi away.

"He's just an older brother in my heart." To her, Su Baiyi was a very important person to her.But that only exists in the elder brother's seat.Yun Qing said again: "Su Baiyi and I are not biological siblings, but we are somewhat related by blood."

Chu Limo listened quietly and did not speak, while Yun Qing talked about Su Baiyi's matter, the grievances and resentments between him and Su Wudao, and why Su Wudao tied her here.

When Yun Qing finished speaking, Chu Limo asked, his tone still sour. "So Qingqing wants to forgive Su Baiyi?"

"He is a very special existence to me." Yun Qing said seriously.

Speaking of which, Yun Qing herself also finds it strange that Su Baiyi has become a very special existence in her heart for such a heartless and heartless person.Su Baiyi lied to her, she was still a little angry, but she had already chosen to forgive him.

When Chu Limo heard this, his jealousy became even stronger.The movement of the hand can't help but become a little heavier.

"It hurts..." Yun Qing glared at a man who didn't know what to do with his hands, "You rubbed my breasts, so there's no breasts for you to touch in the future."

"Qingqing." Someone's tone was extremely resentful and distressed. "Let me see."

How could Yun Qing let him watch it? He found an excuse to watch it, wouldn't he have an excuse to do bad things later?Isn't she so stupid?So he changed the topic and told him seriously, telling him about his relationship with Su Baiyi. "I know what you're thinking. He's just a special brother. And you, no one can take your place in my heart. I choose to forgive him because I want to give him another chance. I don't want to lose a brother But if he insists on turning against us, I will never be soft on him."

She wasn't stupid enough to risk her life.

Of course, she really hoped that they and Su Baiyi could become friends, even family members.

I just hope it's not too late.

"Qingqing, don't mention some irrelevant people. Let's do something that should be done, shall we?"

"No." Yun Qing sternly refused after glaring at him. "You just hurt me."

"Good boy. Qingqing, don't be so petty. Didn't we cooperate well just now? Wasn't Qingqing also very satisfied just now?"


It's just that refusing is useless.Resistance is also impossible.In the end, she will still be eaten and wiped clean without leaving any scum.


Youcheng Inn.

The news of Chu Limo from Xueyue City soon reached the hands of Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing.

When Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing saw the secret letter and the soldier talisman in the secret letter, they were stunned for a moment, but soon returned to their normal expressions.

"Brother, I will leave it to you to lead the troops to fight." Wang Ziqing disgustedly handed the soldier talisman to Wang Zixuan.

Wang Zixuan had a feeling of hesitation that he would not accept it, and that he would not accept it.Their royal family no longer needs too many people to get involved in military power.But seeing this soldier talisman today, Wang Zixuan had a feeling that the Wang family couldn't get rid of it.

"Brother, hurry up. Cousin is still waiting for you to bring someone to rescue." Wang Ziqing admitted that he didn't like leading troops to fight.All he needs to do is to earn money and spend time with his wife.And leading the army, his elder brother is better than him.

Chu Limo's letter stated that he must arrive at Xueyue City within three days.At that moment, Wang Zixuan didn't hesitate for long, and left with the soldier talisman.

And Wang Ziqing and the others did not intend to stay in Youcheng forever.Now that he has found Yun Qing, he can rest assured.

Wang Ziqing also didn't plan to go to Xueyue City together, Chu Limo was there, and his elder brother was enough.But now, Chu Jing is in chaos.What he has to do is to go back to Chu Jing and help them solve Chu Jing's mess.It's just because Nangong Jin sent more than a dozen reminder letters in the past few days.It is estimated that if he does not return to Beijing to deal with it, Nangong Jin will let Chu Jing go into chaos.

Wang Ziqing finally understood that Chu Limo would often get in the way of Nangong Jintian, and sometimes even beat Nangong Jin so hard that even his father didn't know him.This product is completely self-inflicted.

Of course, Wang Ziqing and the others didn't know that this time Nangong Jin didn't deliberately ignore Chu Jing's mess.In fact, his daughter-in-law is in confinement. At this time, Nangong Jin has to take care of her confinement, so there is no time to take care of Chu Jing's messy things.He will not care about those ministers who are still kneeling at the gate of Li Wangfu.

the next day.

Wang Ziqing took Feng Qingluan and the injured Chu Liyou back to Chujing.Wang Zixuan took Chu Limo's soldier talisman to find Zhao Qi, the guard of Youcheng, and then left Youcheng and went straight to Xueyue City.

The Snow Mountain Underground Palace, Misty Palace.

"Wake up." Just as Yun Qing opened his eyes, someone smiled.

Yun Qing glared at him fiercely, didn't he say it last night for the last time for the last time.In the end, he wanted it as crazy as if he hadn't heard it.It seemed that he would not give up until he tossed her to death.

"Why are you still here?"

"Qingqing, where should I be if I'm not here?" Chu Limo expressed aggrieved.

What happened last night can't be blamed on him, it's because she is too attractive.He was starved for several days and couldn't control himself for a while.

Yun Qing gave him a hard look, "I am also a hostage in Su Wudao's hands now, if he knows you are here, you are not afraid that he will go crazy and tear me up?"

"With me here, he dares." Chu Limo looked arrogant, "Qingqing, shall we go down the mountain first?"

Chu Limo is not afraid of Su Wudao, but he doesn't want to stay in this place at all.Just leave it to him to deal with the pervert Su Wudao.His woman, of course, needs to be protected by himself and hurt well.

Of course Yun Qing also knew that if she wanted to leave.It is easy for them to leave.But to leave, she must at least take her grandmother's body with her.And this matter always needs to be resolved. If Su Wudao's trouble is not solved once and for all, with Su Wudao's abnormality, he will still cause trouble for her.Still will continue to kidnap her.

She doesn't like trouble.

"Go down the mountain first." Yun Qing didn't think about leaving for the time being.If not, she would have left when Su Baiyi opened her acupuncture points yesterday.

"Qingqing won't leave. I won't leave either." How could he leave his woman in a wolf's lair.

Yun Qing curled her lips, "How can you save me here? This is Su Wudao's territory, the entire Feng clan and Xueyue City are all from Su Wudao. Even if we leave the Snow Mountain Palace, we will not be able to get out Snow Moon City."

Yun Qing was not so arrogant that the two of them could deal with hundreds or even thousands of people.I don't know how many people there are in the Snow Mountain Underground Palace, let alone in Xueyue City.She will not be so stupid as to strike a stone with an egg.

"Don't worry, Qingqing, our people will arrive in three days. I will stay here with Qingqing for these three days."

"I'm afraid that if you stay here, people will find out." Although Yun Qing believed in his strength, this was Su Wudao's place.There are so many people coming and going in and out of the underground palace, but the Misty Palace has been guarded since she moved in.Last night he was able to sneak in quietly because Su Baiyi led him the way.

Su Wudao is not stupid, he has kept her here and left her alone because he sent many people to watch.And there are several masters among them.

"Qingqing doesn't believe me?" Chu Limo felt a little sad that his daughter-in-law didn't believe in his ability.It's like my daughter-in-law doesn't believe that she is a man.

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched inexplicably watching him show a pitiful and wronged look. "You can stay if you like. With you by my side to protect me, I won't be bullied by Su Wudao. But don't be discovered by Su Wudao's people." Yun Qing also knew that she wanted him to leave It must be impossible.As long as he is not discovered by Su Wudao.As for Su Baiyi, she believed that Su Baiyi would not speak out.Otherwise, Su Wudao should have known that Chu Limo had come to the underground palace last night.

"I will protect Qingqing and not let anyone bully Qingqing." Regarding Yun Qing's words, Chu Limo said that he was very pleased.He whispered ambiguously in Yun Qing's ear on purpose: "In this world, only I can bully Qing Qing."


"Then I'll be a bit of a hooligan. Do you like Qingqing?" Someone bullied her after finishing speaking.

"Get up quickly." Yun Qing was really afraid that this shameless hooligan would come again.She really can't stand his hooliganism.

"Hey, Qingqing, don't move." Someone whispered in a wicked tone, as if on purpose, "Qingqing, I really want to bully you again. Can you please?"

If it wasn't for being afraid that she would move too much, Yun Qing really wanted to kick this stinky and shameless man down.

"Get up quickly. I won't let you touch me after you make a fuss." Yun Qing gritted his teeth and threatened.

It's just that her threat doesn't seem to work at all.Someone's hand started restlessly.

The two of them were fighting fiercely in the room, but at this moment there was a discordant knock on the door outside the room.

"Yunqing." It was Su Baiyi's voice.

Hearing Su Baiyi's voice, Chu Limo's face darkened for a moment. This blind bastard came to ruin his and Qingqing's good deeds at this time.

How dare Yun Qing speak out, at this moment she is being tortured to death by that bastard Chu Limo.As soon as I made a sound, didn't I tell Su Baiyi what was going on in the room?

The sound of knocking on the door continued, not because Su Baiyi insisted on knocking at this time, but because Su Wudao wanted to see Yun Qing.

He also knew that Chu Limo might be inside at this time, and he also knew that it was not good for him to break in.But Su Baiyi would not have imagined that some inappropriate things were still being done inside early in the morning.

"Yunqing, are you awake?" Su Baiyi called out in a faint voice, "Master wants to see you."

"Qingqing, tell him. You don't have time to see him right now." I don't know if it was intentional, Chu Limo lowered his voice, and his low, mellow and sexy voice fell gently on Yun Qing's ear.

"I..." Yun Qing was about to scold Chu Limo for being shameless.

As a result, as soon as he uttered a word, Chu Limo hugged her, and the two of them were tightly pressed together.

Yun Qing's words were also swallowed.

Su Baiyi also sensed that something was wrong inside, maybe because he thought of what happened inside, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face inexplicably, then he turned and left.

In the room, the two are still going on.

Because of Su Baiyi's appearance just now, Chu Limo did not intend to let Yun Qing go.There was even a trace of jealousy, and after a few times, there was less tenderness and pity, and more rudeness and fanaticism.

Yun Qing felt as if she wanted to cry but had no tears.

But what can she say now?

I can only accept his rudeness.

I can only secretly scold this hooligan in my heart.

She wanted to ask, why is he so energetic?
How long has it been since this energetic person has seen a woman?
Of course Yun Qing didn't know, they were separated for five days, and these five days were regarded as Xiao Bie Sheng's newly married.

Now that Chu Limo had seized the opportunity, how could he let Yun Qing go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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