The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 850 42. For the sake of Qingqing, I will not hesitate to slaughter this city

Chapter 850 42. For the sake of Qingqing, I will not hesitate to slaughter this city
Su Wudao wants to see Yun Qing, but Yun Qing is not free now.

Su Baiyi didn't know what he had said to Su Wudao, and the matter of Su Wudao wanting to see Yun Qing was temporarily put on hold.If not, Su Wudao went to find Yun Qing in person, and the matter would probably get out of hand with embarrassment.

When the room finally stopped, several hours had passed.

As for Yun Qing, she was really tired and passed out.

Chu Limo looked distressed, but he couldn't hide the fact that he did all this.If he wasn't like a beast, how could Yun Qing faint?
Chu Limo got up and went to find some food.

In Misty Palace, Chu Limo couldn't find anything to eat.

He is also familiar with the Snow Mountain Underground Palace, and easily avoided the people guarding outside the Misty Palace and came to the White Clothes Palace.The people who avoided the Baiyi Palace went directly to Su Baiyi's room in a swaggering manner.

For Chu Limo appearing in his room at this time, Su Baiyi was a little startled but soon regained his calm expression.If Chu Limo didn't appear in front of him, he would feel strange.

"You are now the master of the Feng clan. Is this how you treat guests?" Chu Limo raised his eyebrows, looking at Su Baiyi with indifferent eyes.As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked people what they wanted to eat.

"For uninvited guests, I don't think there is any need to entertain them?" Su Baiyi said lightly.

"Is it clear that this king is Mr. Su who came here uninvited?" Chu Limo's cold eyes glanced at Su Baiyi coldly, "If Mr. Su hadn't invited Mr. Su himself, this king would have appeared here Is it? I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you, go and prepare some liquid food.” After speaking, Chu Limo swaggered and quietly avoided the guards of the White Clothes Palace and left.

The corners of Su Baiyi's mouth also twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but wanted to laugh but held back.It was the first time he met such a natural and domineering person.

Su Baiyi moved quickly, and brought the food himself.

However, when Su Baiyi glanced at Yun Qing who was sleeping on the bed, he was still inexplicably embarrassed.This also confirmed one thing. When he came in the morning, the strange voice from the room proved that the two of them were indeed doing something.

"I don't want my eyes anymore, I don't mind digging them out for you." Chu Limo warned coldly.

"Don't bother you to do it. It's just..." Su Baiyi smiled lightly, "This is the Feng clan after all, you should avoid it a bit. If you meet someone who doesn't have long eyes, it would be bad if it spoils your good deeds .”

What Su Baiyi meant was, fortunately, it was me you met today.If it was someone else, they would definitely break in.

It's fine if Su Baiyi doesn't say anything, but when this matter is mentioned, Chu Limo stares at Su Baiyi with indifferent eyes and warns: That means, you are the one who doesn't have eyes.This king has shown mercy to you by not digging out your eyes.

"Leave what you eat, you can get out." Chu Limo chased him away very rudely.I didn't feel at all that this was still someone else's territory.

Su Baiyi didn't mind either, so he turned around and left after leaving some food.

It's just that Su Baiyi stopped after taking two steps, and said lightly, "There are still four more days, have you always planned to live here and not leave? If you want to leave, for the sake of our acquaintance, I will I can let you go down the mountain."

"Hmph, of course we will leave. But we don't need your help. Su Baiyi, if you don't want to die, then don't get involved in this matter. For Qing Qing's sake, I don't need to kill you. "Su Wudao kidnapped Qingqing, and wanted to revive Shangguan Ning with Qingqing's life, Chu Limo would not let it go.For this matter, he will definitely make Su Wudao pay the price.

If Su Baiyi wanted to get involved in this matter, and he wanted to help Su Wudao, he would definitely kill Su Baiyi, the scourge.

"It seems that we are destined to stand on opposite ends of the spectrum."

"Hmph, when that day comes, this king will not show mercy to you. You should do it yourself." This was Chu Limo's last warning to Su Baiyi.If it wasn't because of Qingqing, because Su Baiyi participated in the kidnapping of Qingqing, he would not let him go.And when that day really came, Su Baiyi and them were on opposite ends of the spectrum, Chu Limo would never be soft-hearted.

"When that day comes, I will not show mercy to you. You go now... there is still time."

"Let's go." Chu Limo sneered, "Since I'm here, I don't plan to leave empty-handed like this. What Su Wudao did back then, and now he wants to hurt Qingqing, I won't let him go. "

Su Baiyi turned around and looked at this indifferent man, he knew what he said was true.For Yun Qing, this man would do anything. "Your martial arts are strong, but it doesn't mean you can defeat a thousand with one. You can't get out of Xueyue City even if you get out of the Snow Mountain."

Xueyue City is all master's people, as long as the master gives an order, even if Chu Limo's martial arts is high, he will not be able to escape.And he didn't want to see them die so soon.

"Hmph." Chu Limo smiled coldly, and didn't mind at all whether Su Baiyi would tell Su Wudao what he said. "This king is not so stupid as to fight a thousand with one enemy. As for whether this king can bring Qingqing out of Xueyue City, don't worry about Mr. Su. But this Xueyue you think this king will let it go?" Does it exist?"

"You want to destroy Xueyue City." Su Baiyi always knew that Chu Limo had the ability to destroy Xueyue City, and even the entire Feng clan.

"For the sake of Qingqing, I don't mind slaughtering the thousand-year-old Feng clan, and I don't mind slaughtering this Xueyue City. For the sake of Qingqing, I can do whatever it takes, regardless of the consequences." Chu Limo said very clearly Calm, it seems to be as calm as saying how good the weather is today.

Su Baiyi didn't say anything and didn't show any expression on his face, he just stood there for a while and left Misty Palace.

Chu Limo picked up the liquid food prepared by Su Baiyi and fed the fainted woman mouthful by mouthful. Only when facing this woman, would Chu Limo have a gentle smile on his face.

He said this to Su Baiyi, just to tell him his determination.He must destroy the Feng clan, if the people in Xueyue City dare to stop them, he doesn't mind destroying them together.Among them, this person also includes him, Su Baiyi.

Of course, he was not afraid at all that Su Baiyi would tell Su Wudao about this matter, nor was he afraid of what he might do.Because, he just wanted to let Su Wudao know, let him know the consequences of offending him and daring to hurt his woman.


Yun Qing woke up at noon the next day, which was close to the time when Su Wudao asked Yun Qing to use the soul-stirring technique to revive Shangguan Ning.Seeing that there are still three days to come.And Chu Limo's troops will arrive in Xueyue City tonight.

After the conversation with Su Baiyi yesterday, Chu Limo was not in a hurry at all, nor did he deliberately avoid Su Wudao's people, but stayed with Yun Qing in Misty Palace all the time.

When Yun woke up, his whole body seemed to be falling apart.If it wasn't for the wrong place, Yun Qing really wanted to slap this rascal to death because she was falling apart.

"Qingqing, let me rub it for you."

"Rub a fart." As soon as she opened her eyes to see someone's courteous smile, Yun Qing gave him a hard look.She doesn't trust this stinky hooligan anymore.If you rub her, will she survive?Yun Qing said fiercely: "How long have I been asleep?"

"Qingqing slept all day. Qingqing, I miss you so much... I'll be gentle next time." Knowing that he was wrong, Chu Limo's voice was very low, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Seeing his appearance like a pissed off daughter-in-law, Yun Qing gave him a blank look, this person really knows how to pretend to be pitiful and innocent.But look at what he said, nowhere did he look like he knew he was wrong, but he looked like a hungry wolf.If it wasn't for the fact that she was still in pain, this guy would probably pounce on her and kill all the bones she gnawed.

"Does Qingqing still hurt?"

"Do you think it hurts?" Yun Qing asked angrily.But listening to the voice, the anger has subsided a lot.

It's not that Yun Qing is really angry with Chu Limo, it's just that he was a little angry that he didn't know that he felt sorry for her yesterday.Of course, she also understands that this man loves her, but sometimes he loves her too much.

It's not like an ordinary woman really can't bear his request.

At this moment Yun Qing is really glad that she is not an ordinary woman.We fought, we got guns, we went up to the hall and down to the kitchen.The most important thing is that Chu Limo, a hooligan, can be destroyed.

"Okay, you go get something to eat, I'm hungry." Half of the reason why Yun woke up was from starvation.

Although Chu Limo fed her some liquid food after she passed out yesterday, she was tortured by him night after morning, her physical strength was exhausted long ago, and her stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

"Okay. I'll go right now."

Before Chu Limo went out to get food, Su Baiyi brought the prepared lunch over at the right time.

After knocking on the door, Su Baiyi pushed the door open and entered.See the cloud sober.Smiling lightly, he said, "You're awake. I asked someone to prepare some food that you like to eat, and I'll bring it to you as soon as it's ready." During the period of getting along in Chujing, Su Baiyi had a question about what Yunqing liked to eat. The dishes were kept in mind.Not only what dishes Yun Qing likes to eat, but also what the people Su Baiyi knows in Chu Jing like to eat, he probably has all of them in mind.

Hearing the phrase 'you're awake' in front of Su Baiyi, a flush of embarrassment flashed across Yun Qing's face involuntarily.How many people in the Snow Mountain Underground Palace knew about her passing out?

"Eat it while it's hot." Seeing Yun Qing not moving, Su Baiyi reminded.

Chu Limo, on the other hand, saw Su Baiyi showing courteousness to Yun Qing, his face turned dark and ugly.Chu Limo took the food from Su Baiyi's hand and drove away, "Leave the food, you can go."

Su Baiyi looked at Chu Limo raising his eyebrows, and made a rare joke, "You drive me away, aren't you afraid that I will poison the food?"

Chu Limo raised his eyebrows, "Will Mr. Su use such low-level methods?"

"Of course my means are no match for yours. If you compare means, who can compare with you?" Su Baiyi pointed.

Chu Limo knew what he was referring to, smiled coldly, and said sarcastically: "If you talk about deceiving people's hearts, Mr. Su is the best."

Su Baiyi smiled lightly, maybe he was laughing at himself?
Because Chu Limo didn't say anything, he really lied to her.

"Yun Qing, I won't disturb your meal." Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing, but finally swallowed some words and did not say them out.He just paused when he reached the door, "Master wants to see you, go and see him after dinner."

Yun Qing agreed to see Su Wudao.Because Yun Qing wanted to know, what did Su Wudao want to see her for? "it is good."

Su Baiyi didn't stop, turned around and left.

"Su Baiyi..." Yun Qing shouted, Su Baiyi's footsteps paused, Yun Qing continued, "I don't want to lose the Su Baiyi I know. If possible, can you help me find him back?" ?”

After Yun Qing finished speaking, Su Baiyi didn't leave anything behind, the only thing left to Yun Qing was a cold and clear white back.

Chu Limo looked at Su Baiyi's back and had the idea of ​​chasing him with a knife and slashing him. "Qingqing, you are so kind to him, so good that I start to get jealous. I really want to give him a knife."

"Wait until the matter here is over. If you want to give him one knife, two or a few, I will not stop him, as long as you don't hack him to death."

As a result, after the matter here was over, Chu Limo, who held a grudge, really took his Shura sword and gave Su Baiyi a slash.Of course, he acted with discretion, Su Baiyi did not die, but Su Baiyi's heart was broken at that time.

So that later, Su Baiyi was also a vengeful one, which also added a lot of trouble to Chu Limo.


White Palace.

When Yun Qing came over, Su Wudao was a little more normal than when Yun Qing saw him two days ago.

Yun Qing glanced at the person lying in the crystal coffin, her grandmother was still lying in it peacefully.If she is not a cold corpse that has been dead for many years, Yun Qing will really think that her grandmother is not dead.She just fell asleep.

Yun Qing started to be very curious.What kind of existence was her ancestor?
Yun Qing was just curious in his heart, then looked at Su Wudao, raised his eyebrows and said, "I heard you want to see me?"

To be honest, there is one more thing that Yun Qing is very curious about. She really wants to know, what confidence does Su Wudao have to think that if she is tied here, she will definitely resurrect her grandmother with the soul-stirring technique?
Su Wudao is not afraid that when the time comes, she would rather die than follow?

At that time, he will still fall short of success.

It is also for this reason that Yun Qing has always been curious, so she wants to stay here to see where Su Wudao's self-confidence comes from.

(End of this chapter)

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