The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 851 43. I don't mind dragging you down to be buried with me

Chapter 851 43. I don't mind dragging you down to be buried with me

"I promised her back then that I would marry her when I grow up. However, she refused to marry me. What's wrong with me, she refused to marry me?" Su Wudao said to himself talking.

Yun Qing knew that Su Wudao was talking about what happened between him and her grandmother back then.Yun Qing did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

Yun Qing just looked at Su Wudao quietly and then at the person in the crystal coffin, it turned out that it was still a sister-brother relationship.However, it was unrequited love, an unrequited love with no results.The one with unrequited love is Su Wudao, and now he is too deeply attached to his unrequited love for his grandmother.

"Tell me, what's wrong with me? She doesn't want to marry, why doesn't she want to marry? But she wants to go down the mountain and find a man outside to marry?" Su Wudao looked at Yun Qing with his scarlet eyes, then at The person in the crystal coffin questioned.

"Because she doesn't like you at all."

"Who said, who said she doesn't like me? We grew up together. She watched me grow up. She treated me well since she was a child, how could she not like me?"

Yun Qing just looked at Su Wudao, he had already fallen into a kind of madness.A perverted madness.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay. It's okay if she didn't like me before. She will like me in the future. I still have a long time to make her like me. As long as she lives, we still have a long time Together." Su Wudao looked at the people in the crystal coffin with fascination.Today's him does not look like an old man in his fifties, but he is clearly a young man in his twenties.Seeing the girl I love, my heart is full of joy and tenderness.

To be honest, looking at such a tender Su Wudao, she felt a little sympathetic to Su Wudao at this moment.But it was just a moment of sympathy.

"Girl, you don't understand the relationship between me and her. Don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame, blame yourself. I have waited for her for so many years, and now I finally have her. I won't let her Been asleep."

When Wang Luoyan came to the Feng clan, he knew that the woman he liked was dying.However, Wang Luoyan had concealed her identity back then, and he had searched for many years but could not find where she was.After so many years, he knew that she could not escape life and death and left.However, when Yun Qing came, he knew that the woman he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

So, from the first time he saw Yun Qing, he made a decision.Won't make the mistakes of the past.Yun Qing will not be like her mother back then.Therefore, he lied to Yun Qing and told a lie to Yun Qing.In fact, there was no broken temple where Wang Luoyan gave birth.It's just that when Su Wudao was talking about this passage, he probably didn't expect one thing. Wang Luoyan's body that gave birth to Yun Qing was indeed born outside, and Wang Luoyan didn't tell the whole story to the young Yun. clear.Therefore, Yun Qing believed in Wu Dao's words.

After Wang Luoyan left the Feng clan, he had never met Wang Luoyan, and it was even more impossible for him to meet Wang Luoyan when she gave birth.Therefore, there will be no twins born by Wang Luoyan.He said this just to tell Yun Qing that she also has a twin brother.He just let Su Baiyi approach Yun Qing.Then he followed the news to find Shangguan Ning.

At that time, Su Wudao said many things that were both true and false, Chu Limo didn't understand the Feng clan, neither did Yun Qing.This seemingly innocuous lie was rounded up by Su Wudao.

Yun Qing was not without doubts at the beginning, but at that time, the identity of the spiritual girl of the Feng clan made it difficult for her to accept it for a while, and Yun Qing was also shocked when she knew her life experience at that time.At that time in the Feng clan, Su Wudao helped her a lot, helped her break the seal, helped her get rid of the fake Feng Tianlan and Su Wuxin, and gave her the important letter, He gave her the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma she wanted most.Therefore, she did not suspect that Su Baiyi was not her own brother.He didn't doubt Su Wudao's intentions either.At that time, she never thought that what Su Wudao did was actually just to get close to her and then to know the news about her grandmother.Then use her, use her to resurrect the grandmother using insanity.

Thinking about it now, if she could think about it carefully at that time, she would be able to find out from these flaws.It's just that at that time she wanted to save Chu Limo with the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma.She wanted revenge wholeheartedly, so all these things were ignored by her.

"I want to know, what confidence do you have that I will definitely use the soul-destroying technique to revive her?" The thing has already happened, and all the deceit at the beginning is no longer important to Yun Qing.Because, from now on, Su Wudao and Su Baiyi will not be able to fool her anymore.But now, she really wants to know, where did Su Wudao get his self-confidence?

"You will." Su Wudao said confidently.Looking at Yun Qing with a confident smile, "You will help me revive her. Because, to you, there is a person who is very important to you. You can't watch him die."

Yun Qing half-closed his eyes and looked at Su Wudao coldly.

Su Wudao suddenly laughed, "There is no moon spirit flower in the world now, so what if you have a thousand-year-old blood ganoderma and fire spirit fox? You can't cure the unfeeling Gu poison on Chu Limo, and he will also die from the poison But, the unfeeling poison is not without medicine. As long as you revive Ning'er, I will tell you the method to cure the unfeeling poison. Otherwise, I will destroy it."

Threats, stern threats.

Yun Qing was never afraid of threats, but this time, she was really threatened.

Su Wudao smiled, but the smile was cruel, "Girl, don't look at me like that. Don't say you don't want to detoxify Chu Limo. Can you just watch your favorite man die from poison? You have also experienced death, the feeling of the person you love dying in front of you, that feeling, you must never forget it in your life. Do you want to experience it again?"

"Su Wudao, do you think I will still trust you?"

"Believe it or not, but I think, you should know what this is?" Saying that, Su Wudao took out a notebook from his pocket and handed it directly to Yun Qing. "This is a letter written by other spiritual girls of the Feng family. The one in your hand is half of the book, and the remaining half of the manuscript has been in my hand. On it are dozens of spiritual girls. Various poisons and detoxification methods. Among them, the detoxification method of the heartless Gu poison is in it."

Yun Qing looked at the letter that Su Wudao handed over and sneered, "Would you be so kind to give it to me?"

"Don't you not believe it? I can show you. After you read it, you will know whether I have lied to you or not." Su Wudao smiled and gave the letter to Yun Qing.

Yun Qing also knew that Su Wudao would not be so kind as to tell himself the way to detoxify the unfeeling Gu poison.However, Yun Qing still took the notebook, opened it and read it.And what is recorded in it is not the words recorded in English that Lu Ling used, but the words at this time.Yun Qing could understand these words.It records not only the methods of making various poisons but also the methods of detoxification.More importantly, there are also records of the Song of the Soul and the Ode of Purity.

At the beginning, Su Wanyan told her that there are three kinds of her soul-snatching songs, and only she has practiced to the tenth level of the soul-snatching song, but she only has half of the other two.Yun Qing did not expect that now he would see the complete letter in this handbook.

However, when Yun Qing turned to the last page, he found that the last page recorded the refining method of the unfeeling poison, and the detoxification page was torn off.

"How? Believe it?" Seeing Yunqing read the last page, Su Wudao said with a smile: "The detoxification method is with me. In this world, except me, there is no other person who knows."

Yun Qing looked at the torn page, his pupils were cold, with a cold light shining, holding the handbook in his hand, in an instant, the handbook Su Wudao gave her was instantly reduced to ashes. "Su Wudao, I really regret that I didn't kill you when I saw you for the first time. Let me tell you, I have never been threatened by anyone. If you dare to threaten me, I will let you know that you offended me What's the end?"

Su Wudao didn't seem to mind that Yun Qing destroyed the remaining half of the manuscript.To him, that notebook is actually not important at all.He kept this letter until now, just to threaten Yun Qing.

"But you won't kill me now. Because I am the only person in this world who can save Chu Limo."

Yun Qing didn't want to stay in the same room with this pervert right now, if she stayed for a second longer, she was afraid that she would strangle him to death.

"Girl, I only give you three days. Think about it carefully. If you want to resurrect Ning'er, you still want Chu Limo to be buried with us."

"I don't mind taking you down to the funeral together." Yun Qing said coldly.

If it is destined to die, she really doesn't mind pulling her grandmother to die with them.

Su Wudao may not know that she really loves Chu Limo deeply, and really wants to get rid of the unfeeling Gu poison on him.But if the poison on Chu Limo's body is cured, Chu Limo will be left alone in this world.Chu Limo would not agree, and neither would she.Their love is very selfish, so selfish that they want to be together even if they die.

Because she will not leave Chu Limo to live in this world in pain after detoxification.Su Wudao's wishful thinking was wrong.

"Can you really watch Chu Limo die in front of you? Can you watch him die from poison in front of you?" Su Wudao sneered, "Or, are you afraid that after using the soul-stirring technique, you will die?" Will die. Are you afraid of death? Or do you not love Chu Limo at all. So, you can watch him die in front of you. "

Su Wudao is crazy, he kidnapped Yun Qing here, just to use her insanity to revive his favorite woman.But if Yun Qing is not willing to use soul-stirring to resurrect, then he will be even crazier.

Yun Qing also sneered, "In the final analysis, you are threatening me with the method of detoxifying the unfeeling poison. But you did not expect that I am not afraid of your threat at all. Now you are just a person in front of me. You're just a lunatic. Su Wudao, you don't understand love in the world. You don't understand what love is at all. If Chu Limo is really poisoned, I will go to hell with him. But I, never I will use my own life to save a person who has been dead for many years, and leave him alone in this world. If he is destined to die, I will spend the rest of his life with him, not in this world. time to abandon him."

"Yunqing, you... Do you really want to watch Chu Limo die in front of you? It's just that you revived Ning'er, and Chu Limo's unfeeling Gu poison can be cured immediately. Are you really not going to save him? ?”

"You are wrong. If I revive your Ning'er, I will die. Li Mo will live. Li Mo will still follow me to die. How can I bear to watch him die for me." Yun Qing sneered, "Su Wudao, your threat is useless to me. Just guard the corpse of my grandmother and suffer for the rest of your life."

After finishing speaking, Yun Qing left Su Wudao's room without looking back, and left the White Clothes Palace.

However, when Yun Qing stood outside the palace in white, the depression in her heart, the discomfort and pain burst out.

Yes, everything in the room just now was a kind of torture for her.Obviously there is an antidote, and it's very close at hand.However, she was given a dilemma.

Just like what she said to Su Wudao just now, Li Mo's poison has been detoxified, but if she dies, Li Mo will follow her.But if you don't agree to Su Wudao's request, Li Mo's poison will still not be cured, and he will still be poisoned.

She wanted to cure Li Mo of the poison, but she couldn't leave Li Mo alone and live a lonely life in the world.

Su Wudao really grasped her biggest weakness this time.

"This is the second time I've seen you cry." At some point, Su Baiyi came over, stood beside Yun Qing and spoke softly. "The first time, you also cried for him? Are you crying for him this time too?"

This him, Yun Qing knew that he was referring to Chu Limo.

And Yun Qing was indeed crying for Chu Limo.She shed tears because she couldn't leave him alone in this world, leaving him alone in pain.She was thinking, if she left that man alone, would that man go crazy, would he torture himself to death.So, she cried.For the man she loved so much, she cried.

"Let me ask you, do you know that there is another notebook in Su Wudao's hand?" Yun Qing wiped away the tears, put on an indifferent expression, and asked coldly, "Have you seen Su Wudao Is that the notebook in your hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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