The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 852 44. You Are My Medicine

Chapter 852 44. You Are My Medicine

"I saw it once."

"Have you read the contents inside?" Yun Qing asked.Although asking Su Baiyi may not be fruitful, but in the Feng clan, she would rather believe Su Baiyi than Su Wudao.

Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing, and said after a while, "Do you want that notebook?"

Yun Qing raised her eyebrows and sneered, "No, I don't need that notebook. Because I have already destroyed that notebook." She destroyed that notebook because there were too many things in it.She doesn't know how much Su Wudao has learned these things, but she doesn't want to keep these things for Su Wudao.So, she didn't even think about it at the time, and it was ruined directly.Looking at Su Baiyi, Yun Qing asked seriously, "I just want to ask you, have you read the content in the notebook?"

"I've seen it." Su Baiyi spit out two words lightly.

Hearing these two words, Yun Qing's heart also trembled, and then asked, "Then, have you seen the detoxification method of the unfeeling Gu poison?"

"No." It was another light word.

"Su Baiyi, have you read it, or haven't you? Or are you going to help Su Wudao and refuse to tell me?" Yun Qing asked fiercely.It's really important to her.

"I've seen it." Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing with a pair of cold eyes, and really didn't know how to tell her.Tell her that the so-called detoxification on the last page of the handbook that records the heartless Gu poison is blank.The master's so-called ability to detoxify Chu Limo is just deceiving her.He didn't know how to tell her about it.Because, now she had a glimmer of hope ignited, but what he was about to say destroyed her only hope.

"Su Baiyi. Tell me? Have you seen it or not? Or... everything is fake. I can accept any answer." Yun Qing suddenly grabbed Su Baiyi's sleeve and asked fiercely.

Seeing Su Baiyi's unusual expression, Yun Qing also knew that this matter might disappoint her.However, she always needs to know whether there is a way to cure the unfeeling Gu poison.

"Master lied to you. The last page of that notebook is blank. There is no detoxification method recorded on it." Su Baiyi never felt that the first time he spoke was so heavy, he didn't know how to speak.

After Su Baiyi finished speaking, Yun Qing laughed at himself and let go of Su Baiyi's sleeves.But suddenly laughed.

She was still holding on to that glimmer of hope, she was still holding on to that last glimmer of hope.But now, the real hope is dashed.

"Su Baiyi, can you help me once?" Yun Qing looked at him and said softly.

Seeing her like this, Su Baiyi couldn't bear her repressed pain in the end, and finally nodded, "Okay."


It would take about seven days to go from Youcheng to Chujing at a fast pace, and after three days of driving, Wang Ziqing and the others arrived in Ningcheng.Coincidentally, this Ningcheng is also the ancestral home of the late Great Chu Prime Minister Mu Yuanfeng.

After driving for three days in a row, Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan were doing well.But Chu Liyou is not good.The bumps along the way, the wound she suffered in Youcheng opened again.If it wasn't for the blood oozing from her wound, Chu Liyou still gritted her teeth and remained silent.

With Chu Liyou's state like this, it would be impossible for him to continue on his way.If the wound is not treated well, the weather is so hot now, the wound may become inflamed or even cause some other symptoms.

Ningcheng Inn.

Chu Liyou half took off his clothes, and several sword wounds were hideously exposed on his back and arms that were originally pure and flawless.Now, the wound is open and the blood stains the skin.

Every time Feng Qingluan applied medicine for Chu Liyou, seeing these hideous wounds, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her.In his heart, he scolded the person who hurt Chu Liyou countless times.

Seeing that she was more nervous than himself, Chu Liyou smiled slightly, "I'm fine, don't worry. I accidentally opened the wound, which made us unable to continue on our way."

"What are you talking about? Your wound needs to be taken care of. If I knew it earlier, I should have waited for your wound to heal before hurrying." As she spoke, she carefully applied the medicine.But Chu Liyou didn't talk, even when she touched the wound, she suppressed her voice.Her strength made Feng Qingluan feel sorry for her.It was half an hour after the medicine was finished, and Feng Qingluan helped her change into a clean dress.

"Qingluan, tell Second Young Master Wang that I'm fine. We'll continue on our way tomorrow." She didn't want to delay her journey because of her wound.What's more, I don't want Chu Jing to fall into chaos because of her, and no one cares about it.Now that her brother is going to rescue Yun Qing, she can't make trouble for him anymore.

"Li You, your wound is open, you just took the medicine and you have to wait until the wound heals before you go on your way. You can't continue on your way now, it will be very troublesome if it ruptures."

Among the wound medicines prepared by Nangong Jin, they were all used on Wang Zixuan when he was in the deserted village last time.Now, the medicines for the wounds on Chu Liyou's body were bought at Youcheng Pharmacy.If it wasn't like this, with Nangong Jin's medicine, the wound on Chu Liyou's body should have been healed long ago, why would it still be open?

"It's fine. As long as you're careful on the road, the wound won't open. I'm worried that if my brother is not in Chujing, things about Chujing will..." She didn't know what happened to Brother Jin in Chujing?But brother Jin sent several letters to urge him to return to Beijing, which shows that things are not easy.At this juncture, she really didn't want to hold her brother back. "Qingluan, I'm really fine. Don't worry about me. Besides, Brother Jin will heal the wounds on my body only after returning to Chujing. Look, these wounds on my body, if you don't use them Good medicine will definitely leave scars in the future.”

What Chu Liyou said was true.It seems that he really cares about the scars on his body.But only Chu Liyou knew that she didn't care whether these scars on her body would leave scars in the future.

As far as it is now, isn't there a scar on her shoulder that will never be erased?
"But..." Feng Qingluan was a little embarrassed.She also understands how important a woman is to her appearance.If these hideous wounds were left on Li You's body in the future, it would definitely be greatly affected.But if she continued on her way, her wound would open even more, and it would definitely not heal in a while.

"Don't worry about it. Do you also want my wounds to heal?" Chu Liyou said with a chuckle, "I'm hungry, let's go eat first."

Feng Qingluan didn't say much, but left the room with Chu Liyou and went to eat first.As for the rush, I will talk about it after dinner.

Originally, the meal should be in the inn lobby, but there are too many people in the inn lobby.Wang Ziqing asked Xiao Er to bring the vegetables and rice to the room.

When the two came to Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan's room, Wang Ziqing had already thoughtfully ordered the dishes.He ordered Feng Qingluan's favorite food, and also ordered what Chu Liyou, a patient, should eat.During the meal, Chu Liyou ate in silence without saying anything.

After eating, Chu Liyou found an excuse to leave.She could see that she disturbed the couple's sweetness here, and it was inconvenient for her to stay here. "Second Master Wang, Qingluan, I'll go back to my room first after eating."

"Liyou, I will sleep with you tonight." Feng Qingluan said softly, worried about Chu Liyou's wound.

"No need." Chu Liyou hastily refused.

"Qingluan, you sleep with Liyou, what if you touch her wound?" Wang Ziqing looked at his daughter-in-law and told the truth.Along the way, they either slept in a carriage or in the wild.Now that I have the opportunity to be alone, how can I let my daughter-in-law leave me to sleep with a girl?

"That's right. Second Young Master Wang is right. If you touch my wound, I won't be healed in a few days." Chu Liyou also nodded.

Feng Qingluan stuck out her tongue, thinking that her indecent sleeping position would easily touch her wound, so she gave up the idea of ​​sleeping in the same room with her. "Then if you need help, you can shout. I will definitely come."

Wang Ziqing was a little helpless. Throughout the journey, His Royal Highness Chu Liyou, the eldest princess, kept calling him Second Prince, and he was really embarrassed to hear that. "Liyou, don't call me the second son of the king. If you don't mind, you can call me Wang Ziqing or Ziqing." Speaking of which, he is as old as the eldest princess, but the eldest princess One month older than him, he should still call her sister.So he always felt embarrassed when he heard her calling him Second Young Master Wang, especially adding a 'two'.Suddenly there is a strange phenomenon that I am very second.He felt that his noble image instantly collapsed in the name of the second son of the king.

"Okay. Ziqing, Qingluan, I'll go back to my room first." After speaking, Chu Liyou left the room.

After Chu Liyou left, Feng Qingluan sighed softly, "I'm really worried about Liyou."

"Don't worry about her. She will be fine." Wang Ziqing said softly: "You should care about your husband and me."

The girls of the Chu family have always been strong, and he has seen the strength of this girl along the way.Even a big man can't bear the wound, but she can stay silent for a few days.He still admires this woman very much.

It's just that there is a deep emotional wound in this woman's heart.There was always a hint of sadness and sadness in her brows.

Feng Qingluan rolled Wang Ziqing's eyes, and hummed, "You're not injured."

"I'm hurt here." Wang Ziqing held Feng Qingluan's hand and put it on his chest, and said softly, "It has been thinking about you these days, very much. Thinking about it hurts."

"What's wrong." Feng Qingluan, who has always been arrogant and flamboyant, said coquettishly in a rare girlish posture.

Wang Ziqing smiled lightly and nodded, "Yes. It's a problem, and you are the medicine to cure me."

Feng Qingluan's face turned even redder. "You also learned to be glib at any time."

"I was serious."

"Why can't I see it." Feng Qingluan pouted.

In the next second, the whole person crashed into a warm embrace, and the warm lips pressed down.

"Well... Wang Ziqing..." The whole person softened by this sudden kiss.

"I said, I'm serious." Leaving her sweet lips, Wang Ziqing said softly: "It really misses you, misses you very much."

After the words fell, the domineering and hot kiss fell again.

"Don't... Wang Ziqing... Ziqing... the door is not closed, you will be seen."

It's just that as soon as Feng Qingluan finished speaking, the door that was opened just now closed instantly.Feng Qingluan just felt a gust of wind blowing by.Sure enough, deep internal strength is good.

"Now, no one can bother us."

"Don't..." Feng Qingluan shyly pushed Wang Ziqing away, "Don't do this."

"Qingluan, we are husband and wife. Do you want to keep rejecting me?"

Wang Ziqing felt that he could bear it enough. Since the night of the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, this girl has been saying that he lied to her.After that night, she kept refusing.Say nothing.Wang Ziqing felt that it must have given her a bad image that night and hurt her.So during this period of time she refused, he has been enduring, enduring not touching her.

He also knew that when this girl became stubborn, there was nothing he could do about her.It's just that he is a normal man, he can endure it for a day or two, but if he endures it for a long time, he will go crazy.

"Qingluan, it's been so long. If this continues, I'm really going crazy. Do you have the heart?"

"But I...I..." For the first time, her image was not good at all.It can be said that she was completely in pain that night.In addition to pain or pain.Because she was afraid of pain, she refused to give Wang Ziqing whatever she wanted.

To be honest, Wang Ziqing is really a good husband and can tolerate her waywardness for so long.If she refuses, he can really bear not to touch her.There were so many times that she couldn't help seeing him.But for her, he still endured it.

"I'll be gentle. Trust me." The soft voice whispered softly in her ear.

"But I haven't showered yet."

This sentence made the prince feel happy.Picking up the woman in her arms, she walked towards the bed and said softly, "I'll wash it for you later."

(End of this chapter)

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