The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 853 45. Send the Formula of Heartless Gu Poison to Nangong Jin

Chapter 853 45. Send the Formula of Heartless Gu Poison to Nangong Jin
Chu Liyou didn't return to the room so quickly, and didn't go out, after what happened in Youcheng.Chu Liyou didn't want to cause any trouble, but sat down in the yard of the inn where they were staying.

Now the moonlight is just right, and the sky is full of stars.And the moonlight tonight seems to be particularly bright.

She just sat in the yard like that, admiring the moonlight in the night sky by herself.At that moment, she felt very desolate and desolate.

After staying in Xiyue for so long, and staying by his side for so long, she never saw the moonlight with him once.There is no good memory between them.Thinking about it now, in Xiyue, all he left her were painful memories.

Thinking that he was still thinking about him at this moment, Chu Liyou patted his head.I cursed secretly in my heart: I must be crazy.At this moment, she was still thinking about him.She still can't forget him.

However, it seemed like she hadn't seen him for a long time.How long has it been since I saw him, half a month?a month?Or how long?

I don't know if his injury has healed?Is he okay?
Yun Qing's sword pierced his shoulder, with the uncle around, he will be fine, right?

His mind is full of images.

There are the appearances when he was hurt, the appearances when he said those unfeeling words, and the appearances when he hated himself torturing himself.What's more, it's what he said when he liked her.

But, he said, he never liked himself.He was just a pawn he used to take revenge on his brother.

But why?He hurt himself so much.Do you still miss him?

Will she really never forget him in this lifetime?

It seemed that the more I sat here alone looking at the moonlight, the more my mind was filled with his shadow, and I couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Annoyed, he got up, left the yard and went back to the room.

It just didn't seem to be a coincidence that Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan's room was passing by on the way back to the room.

Chu Liyou is not the kind of person who likes to listen to other people's corners, but she has lived in Lingyin Temple since she was a child, and her master taught her the Xuantian Scripture. Although she is not very good at practicing, people who have always practiced martial arts have better hearing than ordinary people. a little.

No, just after passing the door of the room, there were some discordant voices from inside.Although the sound was very small, she still heard it.

Hearing the sound, he knew what was going on.She has also experienced this kind of thing, Chu Liyou couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and left quickly.

Fortunately, the people inside did not notice the small episode outside.

But even if the people inside noticed it, no one could disturb them at this time.

It wasn't until I returned to the room that the discordant voice could no longer be heard.

Chu Liyou was lucky at this time, they didn't live in the next room, but a few houses away.Otherwise, she would really die of embarrassment hearing this sound all night.Tomorrow she will be even more embarrassed to face Feng Qingluan.

But after returning to the room, Chu Liyou was almost not scared to death.

The room was pitch black, and Chu Liyou didn't pay much attention to it.I just thought it was because I didn't turn on the lights when I went out.

But, just opened the door and went in.Before he could exclaim in surprise, his lips were covered.

The room was too dark, she couldn't see who was in the room at all?Moreover, she never thought that there would be someone in her room?

"Woooo..." He desperately wanted to struggle, but this person didn't give her a chance at all.Instead, she struggled, and the wound on her body opened and bled again.

In the dark room, there are strange people, and there is a strong smell of blood.

"Are you hurt?" The man's gloomy voice sounded.

He didn't know that Chu Liyou was injured by Su Baiyi's people in You City.She just smelled blood and guessed that she was injured.

Chu Liyou was startled for a moment.Hearing this voice, he even forgot to struggle.

Just, why is he here?

Shouldn't he be injured, should he still be in Beiyuan Capital at this time?

Seeing that Chu Liyou didn't speak, the man said gloomyly again: "Why, it's only been half a month since I haven't seen Ben Gong, so don't you remember me so soon?"

The person who came to Chu Liyou's room was none other than the prince of Xiyue, Murong Yuhen.Yuhen was injured and should be recuperating.

She was still thinking about him just now, when he suddenly appeared in front of her.

Chu Liyou felt that this moment must be a hallucination, or she was hallucinating.How could Yuhen appear here?

"It's only been half a month, and you've forgotten your man?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Yuhen's tone flashed with anger.

Miss him, come all the way from Beiyuan.It was because of her that she still had this indifferent face.

At this moment, Yuhen only cares about his own anger, and how can he remember that his hand is covering his mouth, asking Chu Liyou how to answer his words.

"Woooo..." Chu Liyou was only stunned for a while.When she knew that the man who covered her mouth and broke into her room was Yuhen.Thinking of the unfeeling words he said, Chu Liyou only felt that his heart was very painful.With difficulty, a word came out of his mouth, " let me go."

Only then did Yuhen realize to her surprise that he was still covering her.At the moment, let go of your hand.

Smelling the strong smell of blood in the room, Yuhen frowned and asked again, "Are you injured?"

In the darkness, Chu Liyou didn't see Yuhen's frown, and replied coldly: "It's none of your business. Please respect yourself and leave here."

"Self-respect?" Yuhen curled his lips, "So what if I don't respect myself?" That means, if you have the ability, you can bite me.

Chu Liyou couldn't accept Yuhen's words.For Yuhen, she has nothing to say now.

This person, this man will never belong to her.Talking too much to him is just adding to the sadness.

As for whether he wants to stay here, she doesn't care at all.Because she knew that even if she drove him away, if he didn't leave, there was nothing she could do.

Simply, Chu Liyou didn't go to light the lamp.After lighting the lamp, there was light in the room. Looking at him, she was afraid that he would see her current appearance.She didn't want Yuhen to see her current appearance at all.

I don't care if the wound on my body is open.Anyway, Qingluan gave her medicine in front of her and she couldn't die.He lay down on the bed in his blood-stained clothes.But the jade marks in the room were completely ignored.

Yuhen stared at her movements angrily, there was no light in the room.He couldn't see her face clearly, but he knew that she must be ignoring him coldly at this moment.

Seeing that she was still lying on the bed safe and sound, Yuhen thought, there would not be any major wounds on her body.Otherwise, this woman would have cried out in pain long ago.

It's just that Yuhen didn't know that Chu Liyou had already gotten used to the pain.I have long been used to enduring such pain without making a sound.

He walked forward vigorously, grabbed her arm with the open wound, and asked coldly, "Chu Liyou, did I allow you to leave? Without Bengong's permission, you can never go back to Chujing. "

He held her injured arm with his hand, and the wound that had already been opened was even more serious.Her blue dress was already stained red with blood, but the woman remained silent.

If it wasn't for Yuhen holding her arm, he would find that his hand was stained with blood.Yuhen would not know that this woman was still silent after suffering such a serious injury.

Yuhen's gloomy eyes were filled with anger, is this woman looking for death?Or do you want to piss him off?

The lights in the room were turned on, and Yuhen saw the tears on the face of this cold and silent woman.And her blue clothes were stained with blood, thick blood.

"What happened to these injuries?"

Chu Liyou was still silent, an endless silence.

If it weren't for the tear stains on her face, if it wasn't for her breathing.Yuhen would really feel that this woman is dead.Her current appearance is not much different from that of a dead person.

Yuhen didn't ask any more.She took off her bloody clothes directly.Chu Liyou neither dodged nor resisted, allowing him to move.

It's just that he didn't see it until Yuhen took off her clothes.Not only did this woman have several sword wounds on her hands, she also had several wounds on her back.What is even more eye-catching is the wound on her shoulder that has healed but still has a faint scar.

The wounds on her body have been split open, and the wounds on her back and arms look a bit hideous.

who is it?

Who hurt her like this?
At this moment, Yuhen wants to find out the person who hurt her and tear her corpse into pieces.

Only he can bully his jade-marked woman.No one can bully her or hurt her except him.

Immediately, Yuhen's anger disappeared, and she found the wound medicine from the bundle on the bed, and re-applied the medicine to her wound and bandaged it up.And carefully dressed her, every movement was extremely careful, just afraid of touching her wound.

However, Yuhen kept looking at her while applying the medicine.Look at this silent woman.She still kept silent, such a wound, such pain, she could keep silent.

"Chu Liyou, are you dumb? Bengong said that he doesn't like seeing you like this. You just want Bengong to worry about it, don't you?" Yuhen looked at her cold silence with anger that could not be vented .

Such Chu Liyou made him feel powerless.A feeling he couldn't grasp.

At this time, he would rather see her baring her teeth and twittering.However, this woman is like a cold machine, she doesn't speak or scream for pain.

Chu Liyou didn't speak, and didn't cry out for pain.That's because she was numb from the pain.She and he have nothing to say.

"Chu Liyou, follow me."

Regardless of the fact that his injuries were not fully healed, he chased him from Beiyuan.He just didn't intend to let her go, let her go back to Chujing.

When he was in Beiyuan, he said that he would not leave himself alone in hell.He will drag them down to hell together.How could he just watch them loving each other.There must always be someone who will sink with him.And this candidate is Chu Liyou.Next, he will pull them down one by one.

It's just that he never thought that after seeing this woman, she would become what she is now.

"I won't go with you." In the dark night, he uttered such a cold sentence coldly.

"What did you say?" Yuhen curled his lips.

"I won't go with you." Finally, wiping away the tears on his face, he said coolly: "I'm done with you. No, we never started. I won't go with you. Yu Hen, let's go. Tonight, I will pretend that you have never appeared, and I have never seen you."

"Do you think you have the right to refuse what this palace is going to do? This palace will not let you go, never will. You'd better give up this heart. Go obediently with this palace. Don't think that there will be Who will save you, at this time, no one will come to save you." After saying that, he directly touched Chu Liyou's Ya acupuncture point, and even picked him up and left the inn in the dark.

When he came to the inn, he saw that she lived in several rooms with Wang Ziqing and the others.And Wang Ziqing is not free at this time, it is the most appropriate time to take her away.

It doesn't matter if you say he is mean or cold.No matter what method he uses, he will take this woman away.


The Snow Mountain Underground Palace, Misty Palace.

After Yun Qing came back from the White Clothes Palace, she kept silent.Yun Qing was writing something seriously with a pen and paper.

Chu Limo didn't ask Yun Qing what Su Wudao said, but sat beside Yun Qing.

Not long after, Yun Qing put down the pen and handed what he just wrote to Chu Limo.Wen Sheng said: "This is the formula of heartless poison."

When Su Wudao showed her the handbook, she wrote down all the things recorded in the handbook.Especially the formula of Heartless Gu Poison.At that time, what she said to Su Wudao seemed to be irresistible.However, she never said that she would not find a way in other ways.

In the past, I didn't know what the formula of the unfeeling Gu poison was.Now that I know things are easier to handle, as long as I give this formula to her elder brother, her elder brother will definitely be able to develop an antidote.

Therefore, at that time, she would be very angry and destroy the manuscript.She believed that although this notebook was in Su Wudao's hands, he might not remember all the contents in it.

"Where did Qingqing come from?" Looking at the words on the piece of paper, Chu Limo narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

This is the thing that has tortured him for 22 years.

It has been a full 22 years.No, it should be said that he has been tortured for almost 23 years.It is now the middle of May, and the time flies by so fast.The master once criticized him that he would not live to be 21 years old.Now, he has not only passed 21, but also passed 22, and will soon be 23.The heartless Gu poison has been in his body for such a long time.

"Su Wudao gave it." After Yunqing told him what Baiyi Gongli and Su Wudao said to him, Yunqing said again, "Give this formula to big brother, I believe big brother will have a way."

"Qingqing." Chu Limo stepped forward, hugged Yun Qing tightly in his arms and murmured softly.

Yun Qing hugged him as well, and said softly, "Brother will find a way. If brother has no choice, there is also Daddy. We can go to Penglai Island to find Daddy. In short, where are you, I am. Where do you go, I will Where to follow."

"Okay." Nodding slightly.

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?

In this life, it was his luck to meet Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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