The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 854 46. Yuhen, our beams are getting bigger

Chapter 854 46. Yuhen, we are getting bigger ([-])

At that moment, Chu Limo sent the unfeeling Gu poison formula written by Yun Qing to Nangong Jin in Chu Jing in the fastest way.

That night, the people led by Wang Zixuan also went to the woods not far from Xueyue City.As long as there is an order, this Xueyue City can be besieged at any time.

However, Chu Limo and Yun Qing did not intend to act immediately.Yun Qing was waiting, waiting for Zi Shi two days later.To settle the matter of the Feng clan, she also had to take away her grandmother's body.

And Chu Limo still has some doubts about the formula of the unfeeling poison that Yun Qing wrote down. "Qingqing, are you sure that the handbook you saw is real?"

He believes in Qingqing.But he didn't believe Su Wudao.

Su Wudao dared to use the contents of the notebook to threaten Qingqing, which means that he can also use a fake notebook to deceive Qingqing.

Yun Qing knew what Chu Limo was wondering about, and she was not stupid.When Su Wudao gave her the letter, she also had some doubts, wondering whether the letter was fake.That's why she took the letter in her hand and read it.But after reading it, I can be sure that the Codex is real.Some of the things recorded on it are hundreds of years old.

Time is something that Su Wudao can't fake.

So she was sure at the time that the handbook was real.Among them, it was for this reason that she destroyed the manuscript.

"I can be sure that the letter is real. Su Wudao won't be so stupid as to lie to me with a fake letter." Yun Qing frowned, "I'm just worried that Su Wudao will go crazy and do anything. "

The only thing she is worried about now is that once Su Wudao becomes crazy, he will destroy her grandmother's body together.For a pervert like Su Wudao, if he can't get it, he will definitely pull it together.

That's why she asked Su Baiyi to help her once.

However, Su Wudao stayed by his grandmother's crystal coffin day and night, never leaving.I don't know what method Su Baiyi will have to transfer his grandmother out.

"Su Baiyi has been with Su Wudao for many years. In this world, besides Su Wudao himself, Su Baiyi is the person who understands him best. Since Su Baiyi promised to help, he will definitely do it. Qingqing, don't worry. "The ability of Su Baiyi is undeniable.

Chu Limo also had to admit that apart from Yuhen Wang Ziqing, Su Baiyi was really an opponent.Su Baiyi is such a simple person who can be called an opponent.

"You saw it." Yun Qing didn't expect that this man was actually present in the scene outside the White Clothes Palace, and she didn't notice it at all.So, he saw her crying outside the palace in white.

"Well. From now on, Qingqing can't let other men do things like wiping tears. Qingqing can't cry in front of other men, and I don't allow Qingqing to cry." Chu Limo said domineeringly.

God knows how distressed he was when he saw Qingqing crying.When he was about to go up, he was caught by that bastard Su Baiyi.That hateful Su Baiyi made people guard the outside of the White Clothes Palace.Anyone with a discerning eye would know that Su Baiyi did it on purpose.

If he had rushed out at that time, he would not only be discovered by the entire White Clothes Palace, but also by Su Wudao, a pervert.

So, Su Baiyi is also a black-bellied guy.

"Are you jealous again?" Yun Qing pouted, "Since you saw it, you know that I wiped the tears myself."

"I know. If he dared to wipe Qingqing's tears, I would definitely chop off his hand." If Su Baiyi had really done that at that time, he wouldn't care if he would be discovered, he would definitely rush to chop it off took Su Baiyi's hand.

"Why are you so overbearing." Yun Qing pouted.

"That's how domineering. Qingqing belongs to me." After speaking, a domineering kiss fell on Yunqing's lips.

The warm tongue penetrated into her mouth and entangled her fiercely, as if trying to swallow her.

After the kiss, Yun Qing looked at him shyly with a flushed face, pursed her mouth on purpose, "Still so domineering."

"If you're not overbearing, your daughter-in-law will be snatched away."

"I really don't know why I fell in love with you at the beginning." Yun Qing pouted.

She must have been tempted by his beauty at the beginning.Otherwise, why did I fall in love with this domineering and jealous guy?
"Of course Qingqing has taken a fancy to me." Chu Limo said ambiguously.Taking advantage of the situation, he hugged the person horizontally, and whispered softly, "I will show my beauty to Qingqing."

"Rogue." In his arms, Yun Qing couldn't help but scolded him.

"Yeah. Then I'm a bit of a hooligan, okay?" Chu Limo smiled softly.

"No." Yun Qing quickly interrupted him, this stinky hooligan knew what he was going to do without even thinking about it. "I'm tired, I'll supply you after returning to Chujing, okay?"

"Okay." Putting the person on the bed, Chu Limo smiled softly, "Qingqing is also tired, so have a good rest tonight. Qingqing's promised compensation must mean what she says."

Yun Qing suddenly felt that he seemed to be tricked by this man.

It really is a beauty that hurts people!


Ningcheng Inn.

After finishing the matter, Wang Ziqing held the tired sleeping woman in his arms with a cold light in his eyes.

Wang Ziqing is not stupid, he was so fierce tonight because he was plotted against.

After eating, he realized that something was wrong with him.However, he didn't want Qingluan to feel that he wanted her because he was drugged.

He wants her because he loves her.

So, when he found out that he had been drugged by someone.Suppressing the discomfort in his body, he asked Qingluan for her opinion before taking her.Even if he was drugged, he still wanted Qingluan to know that being with her was not because of the effect of the drug, but because he wanted her.he loves her.

It's just that the medicine is too powerful.In the end, no matter how gentle he was, he still exhausted the woman he loved.

However, in this place of Ningcheng, what kind of blind thing actually plotted against him and drugged him?He also gave him such a strong drug, and he didn't even notice the way the drug was administered.

Let him know who drugged him, and he will definitely take his skin off.

And at this moment, in another inn in Ningcheng.

Yuhen brought Chu Liyou directly back to the inn, and originally planned to leave the city directly.But the wound on Chu Liyou's body was still open and bleeding continuously.And this night, if she leaves with a wounded person, her wounds will only get worse.

In desperation, Yuhen could only take her back to the inn first.

Anyway, Wang Ziqing didn't have time to look for her at this time.

That's right, the person who gave Wang Ziqing the medicine was none other than Yuhen.The medicine given to Wang Ziqing was exactly the very strong medicine Wu Chen gave Yun Qing and Yuhen when he was in Xueyue City.That Wang Ziqing could bear it for so long at that time was enough to show how strong this man's forbearance was, and it was enough to show one thing, Wang Ziqing was unfathomable.

Yuhen is precisely because he knows that Wang Ziqing is unfathomable.That's the way to hold him back.But who would have thought that Chu Liyou, a woman who was injured, would not be able to travel overnight.

However, now that this woman is in his hands, no matter how powerful Wang Ziqing is, he can never take this woman away from his hands.

"Get the medicine here." As soon as he returned to the inn, Yuhen ordered someone in the inn.

Wu Chen and Murong Xiyan also noticed the blood on Chu Liyou's clothes.

As Wuchen asked, he also looked at his apprentice with puzzled eyes. "Girl, why is there so much blood on your body? Who hurt it?"

Murong Xiyan also looked at the second senior brother suspiciously and said, "Li You, could it be the second senior brother who tortured you?"

"Shut up, you guys. Bring the medicine." Yuhen glared at the two of them coldly.

With Yuhen's appearance, even though there was a master there, Murong Xiyan was still so scared that she would die, she quickly shut her mouth and went to get medicine for Chu Liyou.

Chu Liyou was hit on the Ya acupoint, so he couldn't speak at all.Her silence made Wu Chen and Murong Xiyan feel that the wound on her body was caused by Yu Hen.

"Stinky boy, I will save you. I promised you to come here, but I didn't promise to watch you hurt this girl. You hurt her like this, you really think I'm dead." For Chu Liyou, Wuchen It is very loving.When he was in Xiyue back then, Wu Chen disapproved of Chu Liyou being with his apprentice.Wu Chen looked at Chu Liyou who was covered in blood and asked again: "Girl, tell Master Uncle, did he hurt you like this?"

What did Chu Liyou say now?But when he saw the uncle was there, he said a few words of 'woo woo'.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Wu Chen realized something was wrong.Staring at Yuhen, he blew his beard angrily, and scolded: "Okay, you hurt her, and you still tap her acupuncture points to prevent her from talking, right?"

"Shut up." Yuhen glanced at his master.Then he unlocked the acupoints for Chu Liyou.

As soon as the acupoints were unlocked, Chu Liyou slapped Yuhen hard.This slap was hard, fast and accurate.

Wuchen was stunned, and Murong Xiyan was also stunned.This is the second time she saw Li You slap the second senior brother.

"What qualifications do you have to take me away? Who are you to me? Do you think that you can dominate other people's lives just because you are the high and mighty Crown Prince? Let me tell you, I am not someone you can dominate. You are not qualified. "

This slap, she slapped for herself.Because Yuhen said those unfeeling words in Beiyuan and hurt herself.

This man, she has already decided.Far away from him, so far away that I will never see him in this life.

"You are the first person to slap Bengong." Yuhenyou said coldly, "Chu Liyou, how many times have you slapped Bengong?"

"You asked for this." After saying these indifferent words, Chu Liyou walked out of the inn.

"Chiyu, stop her. If she dares to run, break her leg." Yuhen ordered coldly, and then looked at Wuchen and Murong Xiyan, "If you two dare to help her, don't blame me Love it."

"Yuhen, I'm your master. Do you treat your master like this?" Wu Chen jumped.Murong Xiyan weakly hid behind her master, there were only a few people in this world she dared not offend.The second senior brother counts as one.

Chu Liyou couldn't run out of Yuhen's palm at all, and was finally caught by Yuhen.

"I see that you are so disobedient, it's better to press your acupoints." He shouldn't feel sorry for her and untie the acupoints for her just now.As a result, she was slapped in the face, and this woman was so naughty and wanted to run away.

"You let me go."

"Jiqian Bengong hit your dumb acupoint together." After finishing speaking, Yuhen walked up to Murong Xiyan and took the medicine from her hand.He said coldly, "You can go out now."

"Master, Xiyan. Don't go." She didn't want to stay with Yuhen.She doesn't want to see this heartless and cold man again.

"Get out." Yuhen chased people away coldly.

"You help the girl with medicine. Stop bullying her. You're bullying her, old man, I really turned against you." Wu Chen took a look at Li You, saw the blood on her body, and let go.I really don't know whether my apprentice and Liyou are fate or evil?

The master let go and wanted to leave, and Murong Xiyan also left with him.She doesn't want to stand here and be taught by the second senior brother.

"Master Uncle, Xiyan." No matter how she shouted, both of them left her and left.

"They won't pay attention to you even if you yell out your throat. Stay here obediently and don't make me angry." As he said, he took off her bloody clothes and looked at the torn skin on her body. Wound frowned, "What medicine did Wang Ziqing buy for you?"

The medicine given to her just now has no effect at all.Now it's getting worse.

How could Yuhen remember that it was he who hugged her all the way, and she resisted, the wound opened.It doesn't matter what medicine Wang Ziqing bought.

The two were alone in a room.Chu Liyou fell silent.

"These medicines are made by the master with good medicinal materials. They will heal your wounds quickly. If you are in pain, just call out. I won't laugh at you." When giving her medicine at the inn tonight, She said nothing.He felt bored.He didn't like that this woman had been holding back.

Speaking of which, he had never felt this way.He obviously hates her so much that he sometimes wants to strangle her to death.But seeing her like this makes me feel distressed.

For her, I really love and hate.

He thought he must be crazy.That's why he ignored his injury and chased her all the way from Beiyuan to Ningcheng just to bring her back to Xiyue.

Looking at her hideous wound, Yuhen's eyes cooled down, "Who hurt you?" In fact, Chu Liyou didn't say anything, he could find out if he went to check.It's just that at this time he hopes that this woman will tell him who hurt her.He hoped that this woman would not have to pretend to be in front of him, and she could cry when she wanted to.

The dust-free medicine has a cool feeling on the body.But soon, Chu Liyou discovered that after applying these medicines, her wound didn't hurt much.

"Can you help me untie the acupoints?" Her voice was very cold, no longer the gentleness of the past.

"Do you want to run again?" Hearing what she said, Yuhen couldn't help feeling angry, "Where do you want to go? Who else do you think can save you here? Wang Ziqing? Or Who?"

"I didn't want to run." She laughed at herself: "Since I know I can't run away, I won't be so stupid to run in vain. I want to sleep, and I can't sleep well because you touched my acupuncture points."

"Just be good. I don't need to touch your acupoints anymore." As he spoke, he released the acupoints on her body.

Chu Liyou really didn't run away.He went directly to the bed, lay down and closed his eyes.

Yuhen also took off his clothes and lay down on it.

That night, he hugged her to sleep.

After dawn, when the city gate was opened, Yuhen and the others drove out of Ningcheng slowly in a carriage.

Chu Liyou wiped Wuchen's medicine, and her work improved a lot overnight.As long as she doesn't do strenuous exercise along the way, and doesn't bump into bumps or get wet, her injury will heal within a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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