The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 855 47. Do you want to try?

Chapter 855 47. Do you want to try?
Yuhen left Ningcheng with Chu Liyou.

Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan at the inn also found that Chu Liyou was missing.

At that moment, Wang Ziqing also understood why he was plotted to drug him last night.That person's target is Chu Liyou.No need to think, Wang Ziqing also guessed who took Chu Liyou away.

"Ziqing, what if Li You disappeared?" Feng Qingluan blamed herself very much now, she should have slept in the same room with Li You last night.This is all right, Li You was taken away.After finishing speaking, she gave Wang Ziqing a hard look. Last night, she shouldn't have been obsessed with him.As a result, this man tormented her so much that she was about to fall apart.Li You was also kidnapped.

If Feng Qingluan knew, her husband was drugged by someone else last night.It is estimated that if you know who the person who prescribes the medicine is, you must chop that person into pieces.Only she can bully Feng Qingluan's man, and anyone who dares to bully her will have trouble with her.

"They can't go very far. I'll go after them."

"I will go with you."

"Do you still hurt there?" He also knew that he was a little too intense last night.If he hadn't been drugged, he wouldn't have completely lost control in the end.

When he mentioned this, Feng Qingluan immediately blushed.Why are you bringing this up in broad daylight?
It is impossible to say that it is not uncomfortable.Now her whole body still seems to be falling apart.But it is not the first time after all.Compared with the pain of the first time, this time I just feel a little tired.

"You go find a carriage, I'm going to rescue Li You with you anyway."

"Okay." Prince Qing nodded.

He wouldn't feel at ease if he left Qingluan alone in Ningcheng.In short, knowing who took Li You away, he didn't worry so much anymore.At least Liyou is safe now.


After driving for half a day, Yuhen is not afraid that Wang Ziqing will catch up at this time.And the injury on that woman's body should not be excessive and keep on going.

Everyone found a quiet place to rest.

It's getting hotter and hotter in May.After driving for half a day, my body was already hot and sweaty.

But Chu Liyou was even more uncomfortable.After Yuhen applied the medicine to her last night, her wound was healing rapidly, and flesh was growing inside the wound.This made her want to grab it with her hands, but she was afraid to grab it.

Yuhen also noticed that something was wrong with Chu Liyou. "what happened to you?"

Chu Liyou was really uncomfortable and wanted to scratch the wound, but she knew that the medicine must have taken effect, and her hideous wound was growing flesh.Not only was the wound uncomfortable, the weather was so hot that she was sweating all over, which also made her feel uncomfortable all over.

It's just that here in the wilderness, there is no place to take a bath.Her wounds did not allow her to touch the water.In the past few days, Qingluan helped her wipe her body with water.She was the one who helped Yuhen last night.It had been a long time since she had taken a clean bath since she was injured.

Although she has been intimate with him many times, at this moment she wants to tell him that she wants to take a bath.She still couldn't speak at this time.After all, she just slapped him hard last night.

After getting off the carriage, Chu Liyou walked over to Murong Xiyan who was leaning against a tree beside her.Lowering her voice, "Xiyan, can you do me a favor?"

Heard to help.Murong Xiyan's eyes lit up.But he glanced at Yuhen nervously, thinking of the ferocity of the second senior brother, he quickly shook his head, apologetic, "Li You, I can't help you. If I run away for you, the second senior brother will beat me. You know Yes, I can't beat Second Senior Brother."

"I'm not going to run." She's not stupid, there are too many of them at this time.Wherever she ran, she would be caught by Yuhen, so she didn't run away.

"Then what are you doing?"

Yuhen has already seen the movement between the two of them.

"I feel uncomfortable and want to take a bath. But I have an injury on my back, and I will get water when I wash myself. I want to ask you to help me." Chu Liyou said in a very low voice.But in the end, Yuhen still heard it.

Hearing that she was going to take a bath, she didn't ask him for help.Yuhen suddenly wanted to strangle her.What are you hypocritical for? Haven't you seen it? "You can't get in the water now. It's in the wilderness here, where are you going to wash it?"

Then, Yuhen's words fell.

Chu Li was embarrassed.

She spoke very quietly, how did he hear it?
In the end, Wu Chen was not afraid of getting into trouble, and said, "I just saw a lake over there. Girl, your wound is growing flesh, so it's definitely uncomfortable. But you can't go dipping in the water at this time. Otherwise, you The medicine will be in vain." After speaking, he looked at Yuhen and cursed: "He is a beautiful little girl, the weather is so hot, and she has injuries on her body, why are you so fierce? If you still know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, you will know how to help her solve it. These things."

Chu Liyou was even more embarrassed.What is the uncle talking about?Why did she just want to take a bath and change clothes, and suddenly she turned into a pity?Moreover, it was also brought out.

"Chiyu, go to the lake to fetch water and boil hot water." Yuhen squinted slightly and watched Chu Liyou's order lightly.

Akabane opened his mouth wide and didn't understand why he suddenly went to fetch water to boil hot water?
Murong Xiyan secretly smiled, took Chu Liyou's hand and said softly, "Second senior brother is actually very good to you. But why do you look like enemies? I really don't understand you."

Treat her well?

Is it an enemy?

To Yuhen, isn't she just the sister of the enemy that he hates and hates?

It didn't take long for Akabane to prepare everything.Fortunately, Yuhen's carriage has everything in it. In this wilderness, the things in Yuhen's carriage can be regarded as a small possession.

"That...Girl, I'll go to the woods and give you a game tonic. You bled so much last night, you need a tonic." Wuchen made excuses and hurried away.

When Murong Xiyan received the cold look from the second senior brother, she hurriedly found an excuse to slip away. "Li You, I'll go take a look too."

Seeing that both of them made excuses to leave, Akabane was not stupid.Immediately followed and slipped away.

Only Yuhen and Chu Liyou were left in the woods.

"It's no different than in an inn. You can't get water on your wounds, so just let it go. Ben Gong will help you." Even though he wanted to take a bath, it was just to wipe his body with water.You can't really let her go to the shower with the injury.

"No. I can do it myself."

"Bengong will help you if you say so. Don't say something that makes me angry." Yuhen guessed that he didn't know why everything in him collapsed after meeting her.After yelling, he continued, "Go to the carriage."

Although this place is in the wilderness, but if it is not guaranteed, someone will appear.Chu Liyou is his woman, no one can look at her body except him.

Seeing that he insisted on helping, she knew that she had no way to refuse, but to accept.He had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and get on the carriage.

Before he could do anything, Chu Liyou took off his clothes by himself.In addition to the smell of sweat, the clothes also smelled of blood.Blended together, the smell made her feel very uncomfortable.It was because of this that she wanted to take a bath and change clothes.

"The wound is much better. When the wound is healed, I will apply the master's medicine, and there will be no scars." Seeing those hideous wounds, Yuhen came out without knowing why.

"It's just a few wounds, it doesn't matter whether there are scars or not." Chu Liyou laughed at herself, she didn't care whether these wounds on her body would leave scars or not.

What hurt her the most was the indelible wound on her shoulder.The marks on the shoulder reminded her all the time that Yuhen was merciless when he attacked her.

Only she knew how desperate she was when his sword passed through her shoulder, so desperate that she didn't mind making the wound deeper, so desperate that she hoped that she would die under his sword.

"You hate me?" This realization made Yuhen's heart suddenly weak, and he felt that there was a place in his heart that hurt.All along, he knew that this woman was haunting him and loved him deeply.But when he found out that she hated him, it seemed that something was about to be lost.

hate him?
As the saying goes: Love someone as much as you hate them.

She really hates him.Hatred to the extreme, hated to the point of piercing, hated to the point of despair.

"Yes. I hate you." Chu Liyou answered firmly and resolutely.

"Then you should hate Bengong. Many people hate Bengong, and you are not too many. I don't mind if you hate me forever." Yuhen said coolly.

But the movements of his hands were very gentle to wipe her body.For a while, there was silence in the carriage.There was no other sound except the breathing of the two of them.

After a long time, Yuhen stopped wiping.Carefully applied the medicine again, then took out a clean dress from the bag and changed into it for her.However, when he saw the very shallow scar on Chu Liyou's shoulder, his hand gently slid across the scar, and his warm hand stopped at the shallow scar on Chu Liyou's shoulder.His deep eyes stared at the scar, and he didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

"It must have hurt at the time?" He asked softly.

When his hand lightly brushed across her shoulder, leaving on the scar, Chu Liyou's body trembled inexplicably.Hearing him ask, she really wanted to tell him that it was more than just pain.It was an abyss of despair.

Suddenly, Yuhen leaned over, and her cold lips fell on her shoulder.

Touching his cold lips, Chu Liyou's body trembled uncontrollably.She looked at the man who suddenly kissed her with complicated eyes.What is he doing?
After a while, Yuhen's lips left her shoulders.He opened his mouth lightly, "I remember, when I was in Fengcheng, I was injured by an arrow, and you gently kissed my wound back then. I wanted to know when you kissed my wound. What it felt like then. Now, I feel it. You hate me."

"Today is different from the past. Just like time, once it passes, it will never return. I was too stupid back then. Now, I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past." Chu Liyou said coolly, "His Royal Highness You should have heard a saying that it’s hard to get over the water.”

Just like her feelings for him.Now it's hard to get over the water, and I can't go back to the beginning.

It's hard to get overwhelmed.So what?Can't go back to the year?What he wants is not the past, the past is not important to him at this moment, all he wants is the present and the future. "Chu Liyou, I won't let you go."

"If I didn't know that His Highness the Crown Prince hated me to the bone, he would have almost killed me. I would really think that His Highness the Crown Prince is courting me." Chu Liyou sneered.

"Love?" Yuhen pursed her lips and smiled evilly, "Didn't I love you many times? Why, before the injury healed, do you want Bengong to love you?"

"Shameless." Chu Liyou stretched out his hand and wanted to hit him.

However, this time, Yuhen grabbed her hand tightly. "Do you still want to beat me? I have pampered you many times. Do you think I will give you a chance? As for whether I am shameless or not, don't you know the best?"

"Let go." Chu Liyou wanted to break free, but he was no match for Yuhen.

"Bengong said, I won't let you go." Yuhen looked at her, smiling evilly, "Don't move. We haven't tried it in a carriage. You are moving around, I don't mind I want you now."

How could Chu Liyou dare to move around at this moment.She knew this man, if she messed with him, he would definitely do what he said.

"That's good." Yuhen chuckled softly.He let go of the hand holding her, and put her messy clothes back on.

Chu Liyou just stared blankly at the movement of him dressing herself, but she didn't dare to move.This man is sometimes gentle to himself, and sometimes indifferent to himself.She really couldn't understand him at all.

"Don't keep staring at Bengong like this. Bengong has never been a gentleman to you." Yuhen raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Or do you really want to have a try with Bengong in a carriage?"

Yuhen's words are obvious, he has never been a gentleman in front of her, and it can even be said that he can't control it.

Chu Liyou hastily turned his face away, it was as if his face was burnt.

(End of this chapter)

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