The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 856 48. Escape Failed

Chapter 856 48. Escape Failed
"Hehe." Seeing her appearance, Yuhen chuckled, "Now you are much better behaved."

obedient?Judging from his tone, does he treat himself like a puppy or pet?

At this moment, she really wanted to ask him why he chased him all the way to take her away?
Is it just to keep her by your side as a pet?

Or do you want to use her as a pawn to take revenge on your brother?
"What if I don't behave better?" She asked indifferently.

When Yuhen heard this, the soft eyes in his eyes instantly cooled down, "You really want to make me angry, don't you?"

"My life is in your hands now, how dare I? It's just that every minute I'm with you now makes me feel extremely disgusted." After finishing speaking, he ignored Yuhen's cold eggplant-like face and went straight down. got the carriage.

Staying in a carriage with Yuhen, she felt like she was going to die every moment.Only by staying away from him can this feeling be a little better.

Yuhen just watched her jump off the carriage and did not stop her, looking at her figure with deep eyes.

So what about disgusting?He also won't let her go.

If you can't love, then hate.He didn't mind at all that she hated him a little bit, he just wanted to keep her by his side.Even if you want to fall into the abyss of eternal doom in the future, you will not hesitate.

Not long after, Wu Chen, Murong Xiyan and Chi Yu also came back.In Akabane's left hand, he held a fat wild rabbit and in his right, a fat pheasant.All Murong Xiyan's eyes were fixed on the rabbit and pheasant in Chiyu's hand.

"Uncle Master, Xi Yan." Chu Liyou was still very friendly to these two people.Especially Wu Chen, she knew that Wu Chen loved her all the time, so Chu Liyou respected and loved him very much.

"Master uncle caught a rabbit and a pheasant for you, and there is meat to eat at noon today. Look at you, you don't look well at all, you should make up for it."

"Li You, don't listen to Master's nonsense. Master, he just caught a rabbit, and he stole that chicken from the village at the foot of the mountain. The villagers found out and chased him like a thief. Didn't you See how lively and funny that scene is." Murong Xiyan came over and said with a smile.

"You stinky girl, what are you talking about? Is your teacher that kind of person?" Wuchen blew his beard and scolded with a smile.How could his image of being wise and mighty be ruined in the hands of this stinky girl.Looking at Li You again, he said, "Don't listen to this stinky girl's nonsense, the uncle bought it from the villagers."

At that time, he saw a fat chicken and thought of catching one to feed Li You.But who would have thought that this chicken kept clucking disobediently.As a result, the villagers were attracted.Thinking of his generation of masters, no matter what, they can't bully ordinary people who have no power to restrain them.He could only be chased and beaten by these people, and the stinky girl apprentice he taught ended up watching him being chased and beaten by the villagers as a joke.He was pissed off at the time.Later, it was settled by giving money.

Chu Liyou just smiled and didn't speak.

"You, you hurry up and deal with it." Wuchen pointed to Akabane and instructed.

Akabane took the rabbit and the purchased chickens down and disposed of them.

"Girl, how is he? He didn't bully you, did he? You didn't fight with him, did you?" Although Yuhen, this stinky boy, is fierce to himself, he often makes him angry to death if he doesn't regard himself as a master.But he is always the most proud and beloved apprentice whom I have trained for more than ten years, so I can't ignore him.But he would not do such things as hot face and cold butt.I can only ask Liyou about the situation of Yuhen, a girl.

Chu Liyou doesn't want to mention Yuhen at all now.Hearing Uncle Wu Chen mentioned this person, his face darkened instantly, and he said indifferently: "Uncle Wu, don't mention him to me."

"Girl, he bullied you again?" Looking at Li You's face, Wuchen thought that Yuhen must have bullied someone again just now, and immediately jumped up angrily, cursing: "This brat, you really think of me as a master!" It's dead. Girl, don't be afraid, the uncle is here. The uncle will make the decision for you. The uncle will teach this brat a lesson for you now."

"Master, are you sure you can beat Second Senior Brother right now?" Wherever there was excitement, Murong Xiyan appeared.Murong Xiyan grinned and said: "Master, you are not afraid that Second Senior Brother will beat you with black nose and swollen face later, it will be embarrassing."

"Stinky girl, you're against my teacher too, aren't you?" Wuchen cursed.Why did he pick up this stinky girl back then, and gave her all his life's martial arts and poisonous skills like a baby.Now it's all right, the apprentice has taught, and the master is about to suffer.

"Master, I don't dare. I'm trying to persuade you with good intentions. It's not like you don't know Second Senior Brother's temper." Murong Xiyan curled her lips, "I really don't know what the hell you are doing, Master? You are afraid that Second Senior Brother will die, and you I wish I could beat up Second Senior Brother, but Master, you just can't beat Second Senior Brother right now."

Being disturbed by Murong Xiyan, Wuchen didn't really want to beat Yuhen to vent his anger on Chu Liyou.

Chu Liyou looked at their master and apprentice, and couldn't help but think of his master.

She has been away from Lingyin Temple for a long time.It's been a long time since I started to miss my master.

If the master is here, he will definitely not let himself be bullied.

As he thought about it, his eyes became moist.

She really hasn't seen the master and his old man for a long, long time.I don't know if Master is an old man?She has been away from Lingyin Temple for so long, has the master come out to look for her?
"Girl, why are you crying?"

Chu Liyou was startled.Touching her eyes with her hand, is she crying?


It turns out that she still cries?Still cry?

"Liyou, what's the matter with you? Did what we said made you sad?" Murong Xiyan cried the most shamelessly.When she sees someone cry, she feels like she has nothing to do.In particular, Chu Liyou is still a great beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city. When she cries, Murong Xiyan has the feeling that she has bullied her?

"I miss Master. Master, can you take me back to Lingyin Temple? I haven't seen Master for a long time. Master, I miss home, I want to go home. Will you take me back?" Never Like now, she really wanted to go back to Lingyin Temple.So want to go back to Chujing, want to go home.

In the carriage that had been silent all this time, when Chu Liyou finished speaking, a cold voice came from, "You want to go back to Lingyin Temple? I won't let you go back. You'd better die This heart."

Yuhen's words came slowly, as if the whole forest had condensed.

"Uncle, can you take me back?" Now, the only one who can help her back is Uncle Wuchen.She wants to go home, she wants to go back to Chujing.She really doesn't want to go back to Xiyue with Yuhen.She doesn't want to go to that place anymore.

"This... this... Liyou. Your master and my senior brother are completely pure old monks. You, a girl, followed him in Lingyin Temple to endure hardships. Why don't you go to Xiyue with your uncle, and your uncle will take you with you?" You go eat delicious food and play fun."

"Uncle, you won't help me?"

Wuchen frowned, it's not that he refused to help.But it can't help.Seeing Li You's stubborn and helpless face, Wu Chen could only quickly find an excuse to slip away. "I'll go see if Akabane has finished roasting the rabbit. I'm starving to death."

"Master, I'll go too." Seeing this, Murong Xiyan also slipped away.

They refused to help her.Does she really want to follow Yuhen to Xiyue?Could it be that she is really about to fall into Yuhen's hands again?

Yuhen will not let go of his brother.My brother will not let Yuhen hurt himself.Dachu and Xiyue will eventually break up.At that time, she will fall into Yuhen's hands, how about calling her brother?
No, she can't make things difficult for her brother.She doesn't want to fall into Yuhen's hands and suffer again.That pain once is enough.

She's leaving, she's running away.

She must escape from Yuhen's clutches.

Yes, this is the territory of Dachu, Yuhen is only surrounded by her uncle, Xiyan Chiyu, she can definitely escape.As long as she escaped, Yuhen would have no way to take her away from the territory of Dachu.

Chu Liyou patrolled around the forest, and now Uncle Shi and Xiyan went to help Chiyu roast rabbits.Yuhen is in the carriage, and there are two good horses here.As long as she took the opportunity to escape on horseback, she would be safe back in Ningcheng.

Thinking of this, Chu Liyou walked over to the horse beside him.

Looking at the horse, she recognized that it was Shishu's horse.The horse knew her too, and did not growl when she approached.At that moment, Chu Liyou didn't hesitate at all, and directly straddled the horse.


The accident happened in an instant, and Chu Liyou ran away on the horse.

"Master, Li You stole your horse." Murong Xiyan froze for a moment, then raised her eyebrows and looked at the woman who ran away on the horse.Now, she really admires Li You, who dared to run away under the eyes of the second senior brother.

Not to mention that Murong Xiyan was stunned.Even Wuchen and Akabane were stunned at the same time.

"Dare to run. Bengong underestimated you." Yuhen raised the curtain of the car, and looked at the woman who ran away on a horse with a sneer.Yuhen didn't chase after him, but whistled.

Hearing the whistle, Chu Liyou's horse ran back like crazy.No matter what she did, the horse would not obey at all.

After running not far, the horse ran back again.Then it stopped in place.

Seeing the horse came back again, Chu Li was so worried that he really wanted to kill the damned horse. "Even you bully me, don't you? You won't help me either."

"Run. Why don't you run away?" Yuhen raised the curtain of the car and said indifferently, "You want to run that much? Do you want to escape from the Palace so much?"

With the whip in his hand, Chu Liyou slapped the horse fiercely, "Go, let me go."

This whip hurts the horse.The horse roared like crazy, but it didn't run into the woods, and it didn't even throw Chu Liyou off.

"It was raised by Bengong. Without Bengong's order, do you think she would take you away?"

It turned out that it was his horse, no wonder the horse didn't obey her orders at all.Sure enough, it was the owner who bullied him, and even the horse bullied him too. "So what if it's your horse? I can drive it without your order." After finishing speaking, he whipped the horse hard again.Chu Liyou said fiercely: "If you dare not run, I will kill you."

This horse is very spiritual and can understand human speech.Ma'er naturally understood Chu Liyou's threat.

With this whip of hers, the horse started roaring frantically.It seemed that Chu Liyou was about to be thrown out.

"Girl, be careful."

"Li worry."

Wuchen and Murong Xiyan exclaimed at the same time.

And this horse seemed to have made up its mind to throw Chu Liyou out, and it became manic.Yuhen in the carriage just watched coldly and remained unmoved.

Although very scared, Chu Liyou didn't want to show a timid look in front of Yuhen at this time, and held on to the rein tightly and didn't let go.He even scolded fiercely: "You are as good as your master, you are not a good thing. I don't believe that I can't subdue you."

"Yuhen, why don't you hurry up and let it stop. You really want to see it throw the girl off." Although he is riding the horse now, as Yuhen said, this horse He raised the horse, and no one can subdue it except him.

"Didn't she want to run away? She should be taught a lesson." Yuhen said lightly and did not intend to stop her.

(End of this chapter)

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