The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 857 49. Do you love me?Tell me, do you love it or not?

Chapter 857 49. Do you love me?Tell me, do you love it or not?

"You..." Wuchen gave his apprentice a hard look and felt helpless, nervously looked at the manic horse and Chu Liyou on the horse's back, "Girl..."

"Hmph, you forced me to do this. Don't blame me for being rude." While speaking, Chu Liyou pulled out the hairpin from his hair. The moment the hairpin was pulled out, a head of black hair scattered and flew with the wind, and then he held the hairpin Stabbed fiercely into the horse's body.That kind of Chu Liyou is strangely bright and moving.

The horse was in pain and barked, frantically trying to throw Chu Liyou off.How could Chu Liyou really let the horse throw him off.She has injuries, but it doesn't mean her martial arts are gone.With a light tap and a light jump, the whole person has landed firmly on the ground.His icy eyes looked coldly at the mad horse.

Don't look at Chu Liyou's usual gentle and gentle ladylike appearance, but she became ruthless.Sometimes even she is afraid of herself.After all, she is not a real lady raised in a deep boudoir.So, sometimes women really can't offend.

I don't know, Yuhen offended this woman.What will happen in the future?
Yuhen lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the woman with a smile on the corner of her mouth.I didn't expect that she was still so ruthless.It's not bad at all. Yun Qing's ruthlessness is no more ruthless than others, and the women of the Chu family are indeed extraordinary.Her actions just now were not ambiguous at all.

"Girl, are you alright?" Wu Chen stepped forward and asked with concern.

Murong Xiyan also stepped forward with a look of admiration on her face, "Li You, I really admire you so much. You don't know, this horse belongs to the second senior brother, and no one has subdued it except the second senior brother. "

"Really? I knew that I should have slaughtered it just now, so as not to let it come out and harm people." Chu Liyou glanced at Yuhen and said coldly.That tone was clearly scolding Yuhen through the horse, obviously pointing at Sang and Huai.

Murong Xiyan glanced at Li You and her second senior brother, always feeling that the smell of gunpowder was about to spread.

Does she really feel weird?Doesn't Li You like the second senior brother?The second senior brother should also like Liyou, right?Otherwise, how could the second senior brother have chased him from Beiyuan to Dachu before he recovered from his injury.But the way these two get along is very strange, they are like enemies.

I don't know what happened to these two people?

It's not that Murong Xiyan thought it was weird, but that these two people were indeed too weird.A deep love but now dare not love anymore.A person who doesn't know that he is in love is still deeply hurt.

As for what happened to Chu Liyou and Yuhen in Xiyue, Murong Xiyan didn't know about the enmity between them.So it's normal to feel weird.

But as the saying goes, the bystander is clear.Outsiders can see clearly at a glance that these two people clearly have feelings for each other.

It's just that they are destined to stand at the two ends of the opposite end and entangle each other endlessly.

"Come here." A cool voice sounded faintly.

Hearing this chilling voice, Chu Liyou didn't react at all, and just stood still.On the other hand, Murong Xiyan frightened like a mouse seeing a cat, and hid behind Wu Chen.

"Come here. Don't let Ben Gong say it a third time. Don't make Ben Gong angry, go over there in person." Yuhen's tone already contained a trace of warmth and anger.

"Let me go."

Yuhen's eyes cooled down in an instant, and he stared at Chu Liyou with half-closed eyes, and said in a cool voice, "You really are not good at all. You will be happy if you make me angry, right?"

At the end of the sentence, Yuhen had already got off the carriage and walked towards Chu Liyou.

Seeing him walking towards her, Chu Liyou's body trembled involuntarily, she was still holding the hairpin in her hand, the hairpin was still dripping with the horse's blood and her own blood, just now she stabbed the horse with the hairpin When she was a child, she also hurt her own hand, and the blood stained on her hand was extremely coquettish.

Yuhen walked over slowly and stopped in front of her.His deep eyes looked at the hairpin and blood on her hand.Reaching out to remove the hairpin from her hand, she took out the fine silk scarf and gently wiped off the blood on her hand, her movements were extremely gentle.

Chu Liyou stared blankly at his movements, as if he stopped breathing for a moment, he could only look at him stupidly.

"Look at you, the wound on your body hasn't healed yet, and now you have a new wound. Do you want me to give you medicine every day?" Yuhen looked at her, "Chu Liyou, why don't you behave yourself? ?”

Listening to his words, I feel like a pet he keeps.Chu Liyou came back to his senses in an instant, withdrew his hand from his, looked at him with indifferent eyes, and said coolly, "Yuhen, let me go, okay?"

She doesn't understand, she obviously doesn't love her.Why do you have to imprison her by your side? Is it just to take revenge on your brother?

What method did he use to take revenge on his brother? Why did he choose her?

Just because she loved him deeply, is she the best tool for revenge?
"Don't tell Bengong that you want to leave. Bengong listens to your heart." There was already anger in her tone, but she still didn't show it after seeing her injured and bleeding hand.Instead, he picked him up and walked towards the carriage.

"Master, looking at the second senior brother's appearance is so scary. Second senior brother won't bully Liyou, right?" Seeing her second senior brother carrying him away in a huff, Murong Xiyan expressed that she was very worried about Chu Liyou's safety.

"Bullying?" Wu Chen frowned, and said in a low voice: "There is really a bad relationship between them. Talking about bullying, I don't know who will bully whom in the future?"

Murong Xiyan felt that the master's words were very meaningful, but she didn't understand a single word.What made her even more puzzled was why the master suddenly agreed to the second senior brother, and chased him all the way from Beiyuan to Dachu together with the second senior brother? "Master, what did the second senior brother tell you that night in Beiyuan? Why did you suddenly agree to help the second senior brother chase him to Dachu, and help the second senior brother kidnap Liyou?" Words are the most appropriate.Isn't their current behavior kidnapping Liyou?
"Children, why are you asking so many questions? It's you, why did the master tell you, don't let anyone see your face. Look at you, have you listened to the master's words?" Wuchen didn't answer Murong Xiyan asked the question, and changed the subject, reprimanding this restless apprentice with a look of hatred.

"Master, I didn't do it on purpose." Murong Xiyan stuck out her tongue, "I'm not talking about others seeing my face, Yun Qing and the others promised not to tell this matter."

"You, you. I really don't know what to say about you. It's fine if your face is seen by so many people. Look at you. Saved an irrelevant person and exhausted yourself. You don’t have to cultivate the skills of the Phoenix Sutra quickly, and you are still doing something every day. Why did I accept a few of your apprentices, one by one, which is not worry-free.”

"Oh. Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice the Phoenix Mantra before returning to Xiyue." Murong Xiyan couldn't help but think of seeing the big brother after returning to Xiyue. The little one got a little excited.

Wu Chen didn't pay attention to these two uneasy apprentices, but went to see if the food was baked.

in the carriage.

Chu Liyou didn't dare to touch Yuhen's sudden tenderness.As for what he was going to do, she also cooperated motionlessly.

"Look, the medicine you just applied, the clothes you changed, and now the wound is split and the clothes are dirty. Did you do it on purpose? You asked me to apply the medicine and change your clothes on purpose." For this bad woman, Yu Hen felt that his patience was good enough.Otherwise, he really wanted to strangle this bad woman to death.

Chu Liyou didn't speak, while Yuhen took off her bloody clothes.

The wound on the arm on the back that was almost healed opened again.Fortunately, it wasn't serious, otherwise she would really need to lie in bed for ten days and half a month with this injury.

Putting her loose hair on her chest, she took out the medicine and carefully applied it to the wound.I have already prescribed medicine for her several times, and everything is done with ease.Soon, the medicine was ready.He took another set of clean clothes and changed for her.

"Don't think about running away. If Bengong didn't agree, you can't run away. In the end, you will hurt yourself. If you are thinking of running away, Bengong won't tolerate you like today." His words , I can't tell how much threat and how much helplessness and warmth are in it.It's just that Chu Liyou has never seen such a jade mark.At this moment, she didn't understand his thoughts at all.

After getting dressed, she looked at her black hair scattered on her chest.Thinking of how fierce and astonishing she was when she just pulled out the hairpin and stabbed at the horse, he couldn't help but lose his mind slightly.Besides the other woman, the one in front of him was the first woman who made him feel astonished.This woman did not know when she had quietly walked into his heart.

Gently caressing her soft blue hair with his hand, looking at her with warm eyes, he whispered softly: "Don't do things like today. Li You, go back to Xiyue with Bengong."

Such a warm and affectionate him made Chu Liyou lose his mind for a moment.He is not real at all.The unreal made her feel like she was in a hallucination.

"Liyou, go back to Xiyue with Bengong." Once, his low and full of magnetic voice rang softly in her ear.

"For...why?" After all, she started to ask.She wanted to know why Yuhen wanted her to go back to Xiyue with him?Did he just want her to go back to Xiyue, or was it just another heart-piercing revenge? "Why did you come all the way from Beiyuan just to let me and you go back to Xiyue?"

"Yes. I want you to go back to Xiyue with me."

"Yuhen, do you love me?" She asked with a smile, but she could clearly see the desolation after the pain was hidden in her eyes, "Tell me, do you love me? Tell me, do you love me so much?" For a moment, you loved me."

Yuhen just looked at her and didn't answer.

He also asked himself in his heart, had he ever loved this woman?Was there a moment when he loved this woman?
Yuhen's silence for a moment had already given Chu Liyou the best answer.

She laughed at herself, laughing at herself for being too stupid, laughing at herself for being too stupid, laughing at herself for being too stupid.But after this smile, she won't let herself be stupid, stupid, or stupid anymore.

Chu Liyou raised her eyes and told Yuhen resolutely, "Since you don't love me, please let go and stop pestering me. Yuhen, let me tell you clearly that I, Chu Liyou, don't love you anymore. Not in love anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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