The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 858 50. Slaughtered a city for a woman

Chapter 858 50. Slaughtered a city for a woman
So what if he doesn't love her anymore, he still wants to take her away.

So what if he had loved her?This woman, he will never let her escape from his side in this life.

Since she was destined to be entangled for a lifetime, how could he let her leave alone.How could he let her fall into the arms of other men, how could he let other men see her beauty, how could he let her be affectionate with other men.Watching her tactfully and happily under other men?
Yuhen said coolly, "If you don't love me, you don't love anymore. I don't expect you to love me deeply, all I want is for you to stay by my side. As for the others, I don't mind if you love me." It doesn't matter if you hate me or you hate me."

However, Yuhen never thought about it.He asked for more than that.He wants this woman's love, this woman's heart, and this woman's body.The whole life belongs to him alone.

"Why are you so cruel to me?" Chu Liyou also smiled coolly, and shed a cold tear.

She really wanted to know why Yuhen was so cruel to her?So cruel that he didn't even leave her the last chance of survival.

"Then you can enjoy the cruelty that this palace brings to you." After the words fell, the domineering and warm lips fell.

She was powerless to resist, only to obey.Submissively enjoying the cruelty he brought to her.His predation of her.

If so, this is her fate.Then she resigned to her fate.

It's better to go to hell together.It's better than that, she is walking alone on the verge of hell and suffering painfully.


The Snow Mountain Underground Palace, Misty Palace.

The day is getting closer and closer, but there is still no news from Su Baiyi.Su Wudao has not seen himself since that day.Instead, he stayed beside his grandmother's crystal coffin without leaving for a moment.Su Wudao knew what kind of person he was, and he stayed by his grandmother's side because he knew what she was going to do.

However, he stayed by his grandmother's side all the time, and Su Baiyi couldn't get close if he wanted to get close.

Seeing that the time is getting closer, Yun Qing can't help but feel a little worried, can Su Baiyi get things done smoothly?
The army dispatched by Chu Limo is also ambushing near Xueyue City, ready to attack at any time. Everyone knows one thing, this thousand-year-old ancient city will cease to exist in a short time.

It is getting closer and closer to the best time to use Soul Conjuration. As long as the midnight arrives and Yun Qing does not revive Shangguan Ning, Su Wudao does not know what will happen, but Yun Qing has already guessed the worst ending Yes, if the time comes, if Su Wudao does not get it, he will only destroy it, bringing his grandmother's body along with him.

If they attack now, Yun Qing has a good chance of winning.However, Shangguan Ning's body was still in Su Wudao's hands.Yun Qing had no choice but to watch his grandmother's body being destroyed by Su Wudao, a pervert.Now, she can only wait.Wait for news from Su Baiyi.

I just hope that Su Baiyi won't let her down.

There are still a few hours left in the ion time, but the person Yun Qing wants to see still hasn't been seen.

After the setting sun set, Su Baiyi walked over slowly, with an apology on his face, "I'm sorry."

With just two words, Yun Qing knew that Su Baiyi's action had failed.

"Since you left, Master has been guarding the crystal coffin. The White Clothes Palace is surrounded by Master's people. Except for those people, no one is allowed to approach Master's room...including me." Su Baiyi said lightly, with a tone of voice. But with a little sarcasm: "Perhaps, the person the master is guarding against is me. Hehe, he has been guarding against me."

For a long time, he has always given his most sincere heart to this master who has the hatred of killing his father and mother but also has some kindness in nurturing and teaching.Even if he clearly knew that this person had ruined his home and everything about him.However, if it was he who destroyed it, it would be better to say that it was the people of the Feng clan who possessed supreme power, and he was just executing orders.He destroyed his home, so why not save him and his sister.

It was such a person he should hate, a person he hated and respected at the same time.He has always given his most sincere heart.But in the end, he discovered that the so-called master had been guarding against him all along.

Now think about how ridiculous everything was.

Regarding the messy relationship between Su Wudao and Su Baiyi, Yun Qing was powerless to say anything.After all, relationships in this world are so complicated.The human heart is so complicated.

"I know you have tried your best. If you are the person who understands Su Wudao best in this world, it is better to say that the person who understands you best in this world is Su Wudao. You know each other, Su Wudao may have already guessed It’s time to get ready.” Yun Qing frowned, and said coldly, “Since this method doesn’t work, let’s grab it by force. It’s time to settle the grievances and grievances with the Feng clan.”

If it is not time-critical, there is no way.Yun Qing would not choose to grab by force.But now, she's taking a gamble.

After finishing speaking, Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi and said lightly, "This battle is inevitable, do you choose to stand on Su Wudao's side? Or stand by and watch?" Yun Qing didn't expect Su Baiyi to stand on the same side as them. On one front, I just hope that Su Baiyi will not become an enemy with them.Once she becomes an enemy, she will not be soft on Su Baiyi.

Yun Qing also knew that such a choice was too sudden for Su Baiyi.Let him make a choice in such a short period of time, he can't choose at all.

But, life is full of choices.

He and Su Wudao have had grievances and grievances over the years, and it's time to make a choice.

Su Baiyi did not answer Yun Qing's words, but looked at Chu Limo, who was silent, raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "At this time, Xueyue City is already fighting, right? In less than an hour, your army will occupy Xueyue City." Moon City. Afterwards, the army will come straight to the Snow Mountain Palace, right?"

"Hehe." Chu Limo just smiled slightly.

"It seems that your people have already occupied Xueyue City." Su Baiyi said lightly, "What are you going to do with him?"

In this battle, Su Baiyi clearly understood that the master would not be Chu Limo's opponent.In the end, the master will still be defeated by this man.Ever since Chu Limo entered the snow mountain, he seemed to have done nothing and stayed by Yun Qing's side every day, but he did a lot of things behind his back.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing did not answer Su Baiyi's question.Because how to deal with Su Wudao already has an answer.

And at this moment, Xueyue City also started fighting just as Su Baiyi said.

It should not be said that there was a fight, it can be said that it was directly massacring the city.The army led by Wang Zixuan is slaughtering the city in Xueyue City.

The people in Xueyue City are all from Su Wudao of the Feng clan.These people, Chu Limo will not stay.He won't leave these people to make trouble for Qingqing in the future.Compared to Qingqing's safety, he doesn't mind if it's all solved at once.

In Xueyue City, there were sounds of fighting, bloody sounds, cries, shouts, the blood in Xueyue City filled the river under the snow mountain, and the blood of tens of thousands of people dyed the river red.

Xueyue City, which had stood for thousands of years, was on the verge of destruction because of a woman.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.


In less than an hour, the [-] army led by Wang Zixuan slaughtered the thousand-year-old Xueyue City.In Xueyue City, apart from the [-] troops, there is no one alive.

White Palace.

The sound of fighting and crying all over the sky has already alarmed the people in the Snow Mountain Palace.

Su Wudao looked at the woman in the crystal coffin and smiled like crazy. "Ning'er, it seems that we will meet soon. We will meet soon. Just wait for me, there is no one in this world who can separate us. Even if we die, we must be together."

The biggest mistake Su Wudao made in his life was that he confidently believed that he could threaten Yun Qing to use the soul-stirring technique to resurrect Shangguan Ning for him.But what he didn't expect was that Yun Qing was not at all afraid of such a threat.

Yun Qing wants to live with Chu Limo more than die.Instead of letting Chu Limo live alone, she died.

When Yun Qing and the others arrived at the White Clothes Palace, a big fire was burning in the White Clothes Palace.

In the midst of the fire, Su Wudao hugged the woman and laughed crazily.

"No..." Seeing such a scene, Yun Qing's eyes turned scarlet, and he rushed into the flames.

In the sea of ​​flames, Su Wudao hugged Shangguan Ning and said in a dazed way: "No one can separate us now. No one can separate us now. I have been waiting for you for decades, and now I am finally waiting for you." .It's finally your turn."

Yun Qing rushed into the flames, Chu Limo and Su Baiyi also rushed into the flames.

"Su Wudao, give her back to me. Su Wudao..." In the sea of ​​fire, Yun Qing yelled frantically.

How can it be, how can it be like this?How could Su Wudao, a devil, be so cruel?



There was another violent sound, and the entire Snow Mountain Underground Palace shook.

"Qingqing...Qingqing..." Chu Limo followed the white figure and kept shouting.

No one thought that Su Wudao finally used the most cruel method and set fire to the Snow Mountain Underground Palace, causing the Snow Mountain Underground Palace to collapse soon.

"Su Wudao, give me my grandmother back." Yun Qing stood outside the room, looking at the sea of ​​flames in the room, Su Wudao just hugged her grandmother and did not let go.

"Girl." Su Wudao hugged the woman in his arms tightly, and looked at Yun Qing, "I have been waiting for her for decades. Now, I have finally waited for her. She belongs to the Feng clan and belongs to this place Yes, just let me accompany her to sleep here forever? Girl, the worst thing I have done in my life is to harm your mother. It caused her to suffer for so many years, and it also caused you to be lonely for more than ten years. I am also sorry for Bai Yi. I forced his parents to jump off a cliff and die. In my life, I have done a lot of bad things, but also a lot of good things. But I am already a bad person in your heart, girl, right? "

"Girl, you said that I don't understand love. In fact, love is in my heart and has never left. I am just too persistent. I have been persistent for decades. In these decades, I have never regretted it. The only thing I regret is Why didn't I find her earlier. Why didn't I be with her sooner. Even though she has been dead for many years, she will always live in my heart. She will always live in my heart. Girl, your grandfather has had her for many years, Let me accompany her to finish the rest of Huangquan Road."

"Su Wudao..." Yun Qing stared blankly at him, at him hugging his grandmother, at his affection.

"Girl, I'm telling you a secret before I die. There is no cure for the unfeeling Gu poison. The antidote to the unfeeling Gu poison is right in front of you. It depends on your choice."

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" Yun Qing wanted to rush over, but there was a sea of ​​flames in front of her, and she couldn't get through even if her lightness kung fu was high. She could only watch Su Wudao hugging her grandmother in the room. "Su Wudao, what do you know?"

"Haha. Girl, let's go. Leave the snow mountain, leave the Feng clan, and never come back. Never come back. Remember what I told you, remember what I told you in the Holy Land. Be careful of your life and death robbery."

Fire, the fire in the room was burning instantly.


"No...don't..." Yun Qing roared.But he could only watch Su Wudao and his grandmother burn in the sea of ​​flames.

"Qingqing, be careful." Chu Limo rushed up and hugged Yun Qing, and the two finally stopped after rolling around on the ground for a few times.And Su Wudao's room had collapsed into the flames.

Afterwards, Su Baiyi also rushed up.Seeing the master's room collapsed into a sea of ​​flames, he was startled for a while.

The snow-capped underground palace started to collapse staggeringly.

"Hurry up, the underground palace is about to collapse." Su Baiyi yelled.

He didn't expect that the master would activate the mechanism in the underground palace and set fire to the underground palace.Just to sleep here with that woman named Shangguan Ning.

"Qingqing, wake up... wake up..." At the moment when Su Wudao's room collapsed into the flames, Yun Qing was hit.Although Chu Limo hugged her in time to prevent Yunqing from being burned by the fire, Yunqing still passed out.

"Go, it's too late if you don't go." Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the underground palace also collapsed.Su Baiyi hurriedly shouted from the side.

Chu Limo picked up Yun Qing, looked at the sea of ​​flames, and left with a cold expression after seeing the thousand-year-old Feng clan.

According to records, in May of that year, Xueyue City was slaughtered overnight, and the top of the snow mountain collapsed.That night, a fire suddenly broke out on the top of the snow-capped mountain that had been snowing all year round.Snow and fire were unusually dazzling that night.

And the Feng clan, who had been hidden from the world for thousands of years, also disappeared from the world that night.

 Perhaps, such an ending is the best for Su Wudao.

(End of this chapter)

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