The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 866 58. When did this king promise to be emperor?

Chapter 866 58. When did this king promise to be emperor?

Xiyue, Jinling City.

I don't know where Yuhen is convulsed?In other words, Yuhen probably had his head squeezed by the door this morning.Really went out with her.

It was the first time, and it was the first time that she and Yuhen walked quietly on the streets of Jinling City.That style of painting is simply a bit wrong.

If so, all this happened a year ago.Chu Liyou will definitely be very happy.But now, what Yuhen has done, in her opinion, is just that Yuhen is monitoring her every move.

Now she is just an imprisoned doll in his hands.When he was happy, he let her out for a stroll, but when he was unhappy, he treated her coldly and even tortured her roughly.

The streets of Jinling City are very prosperous, but the prosperity does not belong to her.

The two walked quietly.No one spoke.

It took about half an hour for the two of them to walk from the Prince's Mansion to Qi Rong's mansion.

However, when Chu Liyou looked at the closed door, he suddenly felt that he must have come to the wrong place today.

"I forgot to tell you, Qi Rong left Jinling City yesterday." Chu Liyou's gentle laughter came from above Chu Liyou's head.

For a moment, Chu Liyou suddenly felt that Yuhen did it on purpose.

He clearly knew that Qi Rong was not in Jinling City, but deliberately did not tell her.He even came here with her on purpose.

Yuhen smiled again and said, "It's the first time I've seen Qi Rong so afraid of women that he left Jinling City and hid. Thinking about it, Qi Rong won't appear in Jinling City for a long time. "

Qi Rong was not in Jinling City, Yuhen's mouth was filled with a kind of complacency.He wants to see, what excuse will this woman find to go out in the future?

Knowing that Qi Rong is no longer in Jinling City, then Xiyan will definitely not be in Qi Mansion either.There is no need for her to knock on the door anymore.

"Since you already knew, why didn't you tell me?" Chu Liyou said lightly.There was a questioning meaning in her tone that she didn't even realize.

"Don't you want to see Xiyan? What's the difference between Qi Rong's presence and absence? Or, do you want to tell me that you didn't come to see Xiyan, you came to see Qi Rong?" A little angry.If Chu Liyou dared to say "yes" at this moment, Yuhen would definitely want to strangle her to death.

If it is said to come to Xiyan, it is only half of the reason.More importantly, she still wanted to thank Big Brother Qi Rong, thank him for taking her to Beiyuan with him, and thank him for taking care of her along the way.Still, she wanted to ask Big Brother Qi Rong if Yuhen made things difficult for him when he left the inn.Did Yuhen do something to hurt him because of her?

It's just that she didn't expect that Big Brother Qi Rong would leave Jinling City because he avoided Xi Yan.

I don't know when I want to see Big Brother Qi Rong in Jinling City.

In this Jinling City, I am afraid that the only person who can make her tell her pain is Big Brother Qi Rong.I don't know why, but in front of Big Brother Qi Rong, she will feel at ease, and have a sense of trust and intimacy between relatives.For example, Qi Rong is her brother, that feeling.It's just that now that he has left Jinling City, she can only hide all the hardships in her heart.

"Brother Qi is not in Jinling City anymore, so Xiyan must not be in Jinling City either. Since that's the case, there is no need to meet. Your Highness, please do what you want." She knew that as long as she didn't go to Brother Qi's house, Yu Hen would not have followed her all the time.Now, she doesn't want to stay with Yuhen at all.

"Xiyan is in Jinling City. Do you still want to see her?"

Chu Liyou was stunned for a while, but she didn't know how to answer Yuhen's question.Xiyan is in Jinling City, does she still want to see her?
she does not know.She didn't know whether to see her or not.Because, compared with brother Qi Rong's friendship, she really has no friendship with Xiyan.At most, they just met for a few days and said a few words.

Her pause somehow made Yuhen annoyed again.He sneered, "I already knew that you didn't come to Qi Rong's mansion to find Xi Yan. Heh, in Jinling City, is Qi Rong the only one in your heart?"

Yuhen didn't know how much jealousy was hidden in this full of questioning.But he didn't realize it himself.

No matter how smart a person is, they are fools in love.

Chu Liyou didn't refute Yuhen's words.She didn't want to refute, but turned around and left.

But Yuhen grabbed Chu Liyou's hand when she turned around, and the man who was sneering at her just now said softly, "I will take you to a place."

"What?" Chu Liyou looked at him blankly, seeing his gentle appearance, at that moment she suddenly felt so unreal.

Before Chu Liyou could react, Yuhen took her hand and left.Then, Yuhen gave instructions to the dark guard who was following behind. In fact, Yuhen said these words to Nongyue who was following behind. "You don't have to follow."

She didn't know why Yuhen brought her here?
Looking at the cliff of endless abyss in front of her, she sneered in her heart, did Yuhen want to throw her down here?

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the June breeze blows, and she feels endlessly cold.

Yuhen spoke slowly at this moment. "Many years ago, I followed a woman and jumped off the cliff. I just wanted to follow her, but I didn't expect this jump. I became Yuhen, the prince of Xiyue, Murong Yuhen. .”

She had an intuition that Yuhen was going to tell her something about the past, and this thing was related to another woman.There was a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, but he stood quietly and listened to him.

"Over the years, I have traveled around the world, always looking for a woman. A woman who I feel familiar but also unfamiliar. She has appeared in my dreams many times, but I have never seen her clearly. Face. She seems to exist, but does not exist. I know that I seem to have lost a very important memory. The master once said that this woman is my destined person. The woman I am looking for is similar to this palace. An indissoluble bond. I have been looking for her for many years, but I have never found her. Until one day, she appeared in front of me. But I didn't want to, I was still a step behind. Your brother was a step behind. That day, she I just jumped from here with your brother, just to escape from this palace."

"How could Ben Gong be willing to let her go so easily? Ben Gong followed her trail all the way to the East China Sea. During the trip to the East China Sea, the lost memories of Ben Gong suddenly came back. All the memories of the past are deeply engraved in this In Gong's mind. Ben Gong will always remember that the moment she was forced to jump off the cliff, Ben Gong didn't have time to grab her hand and tell her, tell her what Ben Gong wanted for her. Ben Gong followed her and jumped down , followed her."

Listening to his story, Chu Liyou just cried bitterly.

"When the lost memory was retrieved, I also thought that I was the person in the previous life, her fourth brother in the previous life. But I didn't want to, the master said that everything in the world has reincarnation. The fourth brother back then had already passed away. The moment I jumped off the cliff with her, I entered the cycle of reincarnation. The current Bengong is just the real Murong jade mark. It is the real Murong jade mark on Xiyue. It is just the original Ben from the previous life. Gong's obsession is too deep, and she doesn't want to forget the memories of the previous life. Whether it's the previous life or the present life, I and her are always involved."

"So?" she asked with a smile.

"She is the only obsession in my heart, an obsession that cannot be erased. I have missed her for two lives, and this life is just to follow her. Whether I am Murong Yuhen or not, it was It doesn’t matter if I’m your fourth brother. Bengong and her have had a bond for thousands of years.” Yuhen looked at the figure standing on the edge of the cliff, her tone was so cold, “Chu Liyou, you asked me for the position of crown princess. .This is what I will never give you."

Chu Liyou had already burst into tears, "Since you never forget her so much, and are so infatuated with her, why did you bring me to Xiyue? Since you only have her in your heart, bring me here, and you want to put me away." Where? How can you be so cruel?"

At this moment, she deeply understood how cruel he was.

In just a few short sentences, she could hear his deep infatuation for that woman.

Follow the woman to jump off the cliff.Follow that woman into this world.The obsession is so deep that I don't want to forget the memory of being with that woman in the previous life.

He was cruel enough.Tell her all this.A knife was being cut in her heart.

"Cruel?" He raised his eyebrows and sneered. "I am cruel. Chu Liyou, I know what you want, but I just can't give it to you. I know that you want the position of princess and my affection. Oh, Chu Liyou, Don't talk about feelings with Bengong. Feelings are illusory, and I will never have such illusory feelings in you. I keep you by my side just because you make Bengong very interesting now."

Today she asked him for the position of princess, at that moment he hesitated.He began to think, can this seat be given to her?
However, when the memories of his previous life lingered in his mind once.He knew that he could not give the position of princess to this woman named Chu Liyou.

"Now you make me feel more and more disgusting." She smiled coldly, "Yuhen, I don't care about your position as the princess. You just take your so-called crown princess position and take it with you." Go to hell with all your so-called obsessions."

"Really? Disgusting, isn't it rare?" Yuhen approached her, stopped in front of her, and touched her beautiful face with a warm hand, "But now you, this palace is rare. Very. Before I don't hate you, I'm afraid you will be disgusted for a long time. Of course, when I completely hate you, I will let you go."

Look, what a ruthless man he is.

Chu Liyou knew that no matter how much she had done in this life, she would not be able to get into the heart of this cold man.Fortunately, when he gave her a sword, she had already seen it clearly.For the rest of my life, put away my beating heart for him.

Compared with the chilling scene of Xiyue, Chu Jing was very warm.


Chujing, Liyuan.

It is a very happy thing to be able to eat a loving breakfast cooked for yourself by your beloved after waking up.

Since Chu Limo fed her stomach well, Yun Qing didn't bother with him about the fact that he took advantage of others last night.

In fact, to put it bluntly, she was the one who took the initiative to seduce Chu Limo last night.If she hadn't seduced Chu Limo while she was half-drunk and half-awake, she wouldn't have been completely wiped out by him in the end.

But between husband and wife, it takes a little fun to be more harmonious and loving.Life is more enjoyable.

"We haven't let grandpa know about our return. We'll go to greet grandpa later."

"Should be. I'll ask the housekeeper to prepare the gift, and I'll accompany Qingqing to see grandpa later." Chu Limo said softly, feeling very distressed that Qingqing didn't sleep well, but the heartache is the heartache, but what should be done is still to be done . "Qingqing go to sleep first, I will call Qingqing later."

"Okay. Then remember to wake me up later." Yun Qing did not refuse this time.


It can be said that she did not sleep all night last night.In the past few days, she has been rushing back to Beijing, even if she is an iron man, she will not be able to bear it.To see this elder she respects and loves her.Yun Qing naturally wants to meet her with her best attitude.Naturally, she couldn't let her grandfather see her tired look.

After putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Yun Qing lay down on the bed to catch up on sleep.After only a while, I heard Yun Qing's shallow breathing.

In the room, apart from Yun Qing's shallow breathing, there was also the sound of Chu Limo tidying up the room carefully.Such a small matter should have been done by the servants, but it turned out that the noble prince cleaned it up himself.

If the matter gets out, people in the world will probably be blinded.

People all over the world would probably point at Yun Qing's nose and scold him.

And those women who adore this noble prince are probably all kinds of envious and jealous.

When it was almost noon, Chu Limo came to call Yun Qing.

"Qingqing." A magnetic and pleasant voice rang in my ears.

"En." The woman on the bed rolled over and fell asleep in someone's arms, and she responded with a haze of starry eyes, and her voice was endlessly lazy. "I'm so sleepy, what should I do?"

Really, the more you sleep, the sleepier you feel.

Yun Qing felt that she must be too comfortable.There's nothing to do that's why I'm so sleepy.

"Little lazy cat." The voice was full of endless pampering, "Qingqing is sleepy for a while, I will hug Qingqing over."

"No." Yun Qing immediately woke up when he wanted to hug her.He really let him go out with his arms in his arms. It might take less than an hour for the whole Chu capital to know.Yun Qing pouted, "I don't want to be laughed at."

"With me here, there are those who dare to laugh at Qingqing."

"Neither. I'm up."

Thinking about going to see his grandpa and his old man, Yun Qing didn't hesitate this time, and got up quickly to tidy herself up.

Chu Limo also got ready to meet this grandpa whom he respects.Of course, before going to the palace, one has to leave the palace first.

The result is…

When the minister who had knelt at the gate of Li Wang's Mansion for more than a month finally saw the gate of Li Wang's Mansion opened, he suddenly felt that he had not knelt in vain for a month.All the ministers are full of insiders.

Upon seeing the deity of King Li, all the ministers said bluntly: "A country cannot be without a king for a day. I also ask the prince to choose an auspicious day to become the throne."

"A country cannot be without a king for a day. I also ask the prince to choose an auspicious day to ascend the throne."

"A country cannot be without a king for a day. I also ask the prince to choose an auspicious day to ascend the throne."


From the gate of the palace, the voice became louder and louder.It is estimated that the sound has spread to the gate of the city.

Seeing this group of ministers blocking the way, Chu Limo's face instantly became dark and gloomy.He raised his eyebrows and said, "When did this king promise to be the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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