The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 867 59. Let this matter be a secret between the two of us

Chapter 867 59. Let this matter be a secret between the two of us
These strong and powerful words hit the hearts of all the ministers like a thunderbolt.It's just that they didn't kill these ministers.

"My lord..." All the ministers were terrified and knelt down in front of this lord, begging him to take back these words.

At this moment, how much these ministers want to say the truth, my lord, you can't be willful about whether you should be an emperor or not!If you don't become the emperor, who will inherit the country of Great Chu?What should the people of Dachu do?
"My lord, please choose an auspicious day for your lord to ascend the throne." The minister said.

Then another minister said, "My lord, please choose an auspicious day to ascend the throne."

There were ups and downs of voices behind each other, but without any surprise, it was the same sentence, let him ascend the throne.

Looking at these old guys, Chu Limo's expression was very bad.He didn't like the position of emperor in the first place. Are the actions of these ministers threatening him?
very good!very good!really good!

"My lord, I also ask my lord to put state affairs first. Ascend the throne as soon as possible." Another year old minister said.

Chu Limo shot him with cold eyes, just now this is the Grand Tutor who spoke of Da Chu.Wang Zixuan is quite famous, and now Wang Zixuan is still in Youcheng, and now in the court of Great Chu, this Taifu lord has a high position, and the ministers are headed by this Taifu lord.

"Teacher Wei?" Star pupils narrowed slightly, thin lips hooked slightly, and Chu Limo stared coldly at Mrs. Wei Taifu, who was already in his sixties.

This shuddering gaze couldn't help but make the minister kneeling at the gate of Li Wang's mansion tremble in his heart.

He couldn't help but think of this master's behavior and all kinds of rumors about him in Chujing these years.This master seems to be recuperating in the mansion all these years in Chujing, and he doesn't go out of the mansion for half a step.But it was such a prince who recuperated in the mansion that made the late emperor fearful for many years.It was such a sick prince who suddenly made the first emperor leave a will for him to inherit the throne.

None of the ministers here are confused. There have been some large and small assassinations in Chujing over the years.Isn't it aimed at this master?And they also more or less guessed who would assassinate this master.

But this master has been able to escape these assassinations one by one in these years, which is enough to prove that this master is not a simple character.

And what they did just now is enough to anger this master.Angry the emperor who is about to ascend the throne, they have no good fruit to eat.

"The old minister is here." Wei Taifu replied respectfully, in front of the young emperor, this powerful Wei Taifu also had a tremor in his voice.

"So what if this king doesn't put state affairs first? So what if this king doesn't take the throne?" Chu Limo said arrogantly, hooking his slightly cold lips, "Teacher Wei, you have a lot of opinions on this king, don't you?"

Wei Taifu didn't understand what this sentence meant for a while.But how dare he have any opinion on this prince? "The old minister dare not."

"Don't you dare?" Chu Limo pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice: "Since you dare not, what is Wei Taifu doing with the civil and military ministers kneeling at the door of this king? Kneeling for this king's funeral? This king is not dead yet ?”

Chu Limo's words were serious.

However, these ministers who are kneeling in Li Wang's mansion are not led by Mrs. Wei?
When Chu Limo received Nangong Jin's urgent letter, he had already investigated the matter clearly.

"The old minister is terrified. The old minister has absolutely no intention of doing so." Wei Taifu was so frightened that his heart almost stopped, and his head hit the ground heavily with a thump.He can't bear the charge.

The other ministers who knelt on the ground also kowtowed one after another, and said: "I am afraid..."

From the gate of the palace, the scene was spectacular.

On the roof, Nangong Jin and Su Baiyi stood against the wind, watching the commotion from the roof.The corners of the mouths of the two of them were in unison again, and they pursed their lips and smiled.

"Chu Jing, it's really interesting." Su Baiyi looked at the scene below, and said with a faint smile: "It seems that the days of recuperating in Chu Jing will not be boring."

Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Su Baiyi, "Is it necessary to take care of your arm injury?"

Although the words of the two were whispered, they did not escape the ears of Chu Limo and Yun Qing.Chu Limo didn't have the leisure to stand here and let some two people watch.

"Get out of here." He is not in the mood to pay attention to the entanglement of these ministers now.

"My lord..." Taifu Wei shouted.The ministers behind followed suit.

No matter how angry the prince is, it doesn't matter if it takes their lives.But now Da Chu cannot live without a new emperor.This is related to the century-old country of Dachu.

"My lord, state affairs are the most important thing. If you don't ascend the throne, my lord, how can I be worthy of the late emperor and the ancestors of Great Chu. If you don't ascend the throne, my lord, the old minister will not be able to kneel forever." Taifu Wei said anxiously.

It's okay not to mention the late emperor, but Chu Limo's face turned even colder when he mentioned the late emperor. "Threatening this king? Heh, since Taifu Wei has such a determination, please ask Taifu Wei to kneel here properly. Maybe this king will be moved by Taifu Wei's sincerity at some point."

After saying that, he pulled Yun Qing into the carriage and completely ignored the group of civil and military ministers with livid faces behind him.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing got into the carriage and left.The two people standing on the roof watching the excitement suddenly felt that it was boring to watch these ministers kneeling, so they flew down and left the roof.

Yun Qing had been silent just now, but now he got into the carriage.Looking at Chu Limo's face, he jokingly said, "Are you serious? Are you really planning to have these ministers kneel at the gate of Li Wang's Mansion?"

It is estimated that if he refuses to be emperor for a day, the group of ministers at the gate of the palace will not disperse for a day.Who made it so that in the entire Great Chu royal family, the only candidate who is most qualified to be emperor is Chu Limo?

So I have to say how ruthless Emperor Chu was when he killed his son before he died.Emperor Chu did not leave a way out for Chu Limo at all.It completely blocked Chu Limo's way.

If there is still a suitable candidate for the Great Chu royal family, Chu Limo will definitely support him as the new emperor.

"Does Qingqing want me to be the emperor?" Chu Limo also joked, "If I become the emperor, Qingqing will be the queen. Does Qingqing want to be the queen? Qingqing thinks, I will be the emperor."

Yun Qing smiled mischievously, "Okay. It just so happened that I felt a little boring. It seems that the post of queen seems to be very good."


Didn't she become Chu Feiyang's queen in her previous life?

For this seat, she really didn't have anything to look forward to.However, if it is Chu Limo's queen, she thinks it would be nice to play around.

If the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty knew about these two, one became the emperor and the other became the empress just for fun, they would probably vomit blood.Even if he didn't vomit blood at that time, he would probably bump his head against the big pillar of the Golden Temple.

"Yeah. Qingqing likes it, so I'll play as the emperor for a few days. Let Qingqing be happy." Chu Limo looked at Yunqing gently and said, "However, these old men are really annoying. Just Let them kneel down for a few days. Anyway, Da Chu will not be confused if there is an emperor now."

Even if it was going to be chaotic, it wouldn't be too chaotic to get out of hand.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched suddenly, you are too willful, aren't you?Let these ministers kneel for a few days, it is estimated that the old bones of these ministers are about to kneel to pieces.

And is she happy being a queen?

Also, can the emperor be only a few days?
Not to mention the twitching of the corners of Yun Qing's mouth, even the ruthless one who was driving a carriage outside, his eyelids twitched when he heard what his lord said, so he almost didn't fall off the horse.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the gate of the palace.

The two people who were still watching the fun on the roof just now stopped the carriage at the gate of the palace ruthlessly, and Nangong Jin's carriage also stopped.Nangong Jin and Bai Yue got off the carriage with the child in their arms and Su Baiyi.

Looking at these people, the corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly.Secretly thinking in his heart: Didn't the big brother and Su Baiyi just watch the excitement on the roof enough, and they chased here to watch the excitement?

Nangong Jin seemed to see through what his sister was thinking, and explained: "We are here to see grandpa."

Yun Qing pouted, smiled without saying a word.

I didn't say anything, brother, why are you so anxious to explain?
"I'm here to go out..." Seemingly feeling that it was inappropriate to call grandpa, Su Baiyi quickly changed his words, "I came to see General Wang. There are some things I want to explain and apologize to General Wang in person."

"Grandpa will be very happy to see you." Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi and smiled.

She thought that at least Su Baiyi would not come to see grandpa so soon, but she did not expect that he would choose to come to see grandpa on the second day after returning to Chujing.It seems that he is ready, right?

Chu Limo, but Su Baiyi didn't have a good face, Chu Limo had to admit one thing, this man is too good.And Su Baiyi has a different place in Qingqing's heart.Therefore, it is really difficult for him to have a good face towards Su Baiyi.

Su Baiyi didn't mind Chu Limo's attitude at all.Everyone knows that this master is famously stingy and jealous.

The old housekeeper of the palace knew that Chu Limo and Yun Qing were coming, and greeted them at the door early.Seeing not only Chu Limo and Yun Qing coming, but also Nangong Jin's family of three and Su Baiyi, smiling from ear to ear, they welcomed them into the mansion.

Knowing that they were all here, Wang Qingshan was very happy.Especially when she saw the baby in Bai Yue's arms, she had a kind look on her face.

The child is only one month old, but he has been raised so tender and tender that he is very sensual.Moreover, Wang Qingshan often went to Nangong Mansion during these days. This little guy has long been familiar with Wang Qingshan, his great-grandfather.Now he laughs whenever he sees Wang Qingshan. "Little Yu'er, come, come to great-grandfather."

"Grandpa won't hurt me now that he has this little guy." Nangong Jin watched his son smile at everyone else, but he was unhappy when he hugged him.I really don't know if this little guy did it on purpose.

"When will grandpa stop loving you? You're still jealous with your own son, I'm not ashamed." Wang Qingshan scolded with a smile.

The words of the two of them couldn't help but make the few people on the side laugh.Yun Qing also deliberately joked, "I've been here for so long, but Grandpa doesn't even look at me. He just cares about hurting Xiao Yu'er."

"The two of you are still jealous with a child. You really don't know how to be ashamed. Xiao Yu'er, do you think your father and your aunt don't know how to be ashamed?"

Xiao Yu'er didn't know what the great-grandfather was asking, but seeing them all laughing, the child also laughed to express his feelings.

There were children's laughter, and the whole palace was melted in a harmonious warmth.

Knowing that they still had something to talk about, Bai Yue took the child back from Wang Qingshan's arms.But Wang Qingshan did not forget that there is still something to say about giving the child to Bai Yue.

Looking at Chu Limo who was sitting aside, "It's good that you are back now. You are not in Chujing during this time, and Chujing is in a mess. Now that you are back, what do you plan to do?"

It can be said that Wang Qingshan watched how Chu Limo grew up in Chujing.He has always seen Chu Limo's suffering.Regarding Chu Limo, he knew that Chu Limo disdained the throne.Otherwise, he would not have been recuperating in the palace in silence all these years.

But now, he is the only heir to Da Chu Jiang Shan.If he refuses to inherit, what will happen to Da Chu Jiangshan?I'm afraid it won't be long before the century-old country of Dachu will be destroyed.The people of Dachu will suffer unspeakably.

Chu Limo also knew what Wang Qingshan was worried about.

Although he hated Emperor Chu extremely, he hated the royal family of Chu extremely.But he also understands that as a member of the great Chu royal family, there are some things he must do.This is his responsibility, as the surname Chu's responsibility. "As long as I am here, Da Chu will not be in chaos."

One sentence has already agreed to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan was also very satisfied with the answer, nodded and smiled: "Okay, Grandpa believes it. With you here, the life of the people in Dachu will be better and better."

After getting Chu Limo's answer, Wang Qingshan was no longer worried.Now that they have not seen each other for a long time, they naturally want to sit together and have a happy meal. As for the matters above the court, we will wait until the court to talk about them.

When Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, and Bai Yue left the palace, Wang Qingshan left Su Baiyi behind.

That afternoon, Wang Qingshan and Su Baiyi chatted for a long time in the room.The two talked a lot.Su Baiyi also told everyone about the fact that he deceived everyone, and even told about his identity one by one.

Regarding Su Baiyi's cheating, Wang Qingshan did not blame him.Instead, he forgave him.

Just like what Yun Qing said to Su Baiyi on the snowy mountain, Wang Qingshan still regards him as his family.

And Wang Qingshan left Su Baiyi alone because he actually had something to ask him.

"Bai Yi, tell me what happened on the snow mountain? Is there something else behind the fact that Li Mo slaughtered Xueyue City for Qing girl?" The news of Xueyue City's slaughter has spread all over the world. Yes, Wang Qingshan is also well-informed.But he knew that it would not be that simple behind this matter. "Tell me, Ning'er, right?"

Su Baiyi was startled when he heard the sound of Ning'er.What he didn't expect was that General Wang would notice it.

"I went to Ning'er's cemetery and found that her cemetery had been tampered with. In Ning'er's cemetery, I found this." Wang Qingshan took out a small bottle from his pocket. "Is this vial yours?"

This small bottle is filled with Su Baiyi's special condensed dew fragrance.When Yun Qing and the others went to the top of the snow mountain for the first time, when they encountered an avalanche and a pack of wolves, they needed the pack of wolves to lead the way, and it was Su Baiyi who used this condensed dew fragrance.And Wang Qingshan accidentally saw this bottle on Su Baiyi's body.So I recognized it at a glance.

"Yes." Su Baiyi did not refute, but admitted.

He was still thinking at the beginning, why this small bottle disappeared.It turned out that it fell in front of Shangguan Ning's tomb.

"That Ning'er, she..." This woman is the one he loves all his life.But he didn't expect that she would leave him and her body would be dug up after she died. "Is it related to Ning'er that Li Moyunqing and the others slaughtered Xueyue City?"

"Yes." It is undeniable that although Chu Limo slaughtered Xueyue City, it was because of Yun Qing.

But if the master hadn't dug up Shangguan Ning's body first, and then kidnapped Yun Qing, Yun Qing would have been required to use Soul Conjuration.The massacre of Chu Limo would not have happened.Therefore, Shangguan Ning was the first to cause the massacre of the city.

"Bai Yi, tell me. Where is Ning'er now?" He could tell from the appearance of the girl just now.Qing girl obviously wanted to say something to him, but she restrained herself from saying it.

Su Baiyi didn't know how to tell him that Shangguan Ning and his master had been buried in the sea of ​​fire with no bones left.

He was afraid that the news would make the old man unacceptable.I'm afraid that he won't be able to bear the blow if he finds out.

"Bai Yi, no matter what the outcome is, I have to know." More than ten years ago, he had experienced the pain of losing his daughter and losing his wife at the same time.Now, no matter what happens, he accepts it.He knew that if something hadn't happened, Qing girl and the others wouldn't have slaughtered the city so easily.

"The master set fire to the Snow Mountain Underground Palace, and she and the master were buried in the sea of ​​flames."

"Su Wudao." Hearing this news, Wang Qingshan called out the name tearfully.He has never met Su Wudao, but he knows that Su Baiyi's master is Su Wudao. "Why did he do this? Ning'er was buried in the sea of ​​fire, and there is no bones left?"

"Master, he loves Mrs. Wang. He dug up Mrs. Wang's body and kidnapped Yun Qing to make Yun Qing revive Mrs. Wang. It's just that things can't develop as the master wishes." Su Baiyi said lightly, looking at this vertical and horizontal The old general who has lived his whole life feels very uncomfortable because of a woman crying sadly. "I'm sorry about digging up Mrs. Wang's body."

"It's not your fault... It's not your fault..."

"Old General Wang, I know that no matter how much you say I'm sorry, it's useless, and it can't make up for what has happened. I thought you would never know, but I didn't expect you to know anyway." Su Baiyi thought again After seeing the woman, the woman who regarded him as her family said lightly: "Yunqing has always blamed herself for this matter. She blamed herself for not saving Mrs. Wang. Although she didn't say it, I understand that she is in her heart Blame yourself. She is also very filial and doesn't want you to know about it. We thought that as long as we didn't talk about it, no one else would know about it. We were going to keep it from you for the rest of our lives. Now, you know, okay Please don't let Yunqing know that you already know what happened in Xueshan. I lied to her a lot and owed her a lot. The only thing I can do for her now is to hope that she can be happy and not because of the past Blame myself."

"Young girl Qing is a good boy. You are also a good boy. Let's keep this matter as a secret between us." Wang Qingshan looked at Su Baiyi, looked at Su Baiyi's eyes, "Baiyi, do you know, The first time I saw you, I thought I saw Ning'er again. You have a pair of very similar eyes. Compared with Qing girl, her mother and Qing girl, your eyes are more similar to Ning'er. When I saw you , I didn't doubt your identity at all, but I really believed that you were Luo Yan's child. But I don't want to, you are not. But I want to tell you, whether it's because your eyes look like Ning'er, whether you Are you Luo Yan's child, are you my Wang Qingshan's nephew, I already regard you as my family."

"I know." It was only when he saw Mrs. Wang that he realized that he and her had very similar eyes.It was also at that time that he suddenly understood something.It was because of his eyes that the master saved him back then, right?Because of these eyes that look very similar to Shangguan Ning's.

But he is also very fortunate to have such a pair of eyes.

Because of these eyes, he got a lot.

 Yun Duo has been very sad these days, and has to run to the hospital.I still don't know how many times I have to go to the hospital.

  Therefore, there may only be one update these days, and the number of words may not be many.

  But there will be more and more clouds as soon as possible.Save more manuscripts so that they won't be interrupted.

  Yesterday Yun Duo was in the hospital for examinations and blood draws. He went to the hospital early in the morning, but he stayed in the hospital for a long time but he still hasn't finished.I still have to go tomorrow.

  In view of Yunduo's misery and hard work, everyone please support the genuine version.

(End of this chapter)

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