The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 868 60. To please me, I will let you go tonight

Chapter 868 60. To please me, I will let you go tonight

Chu Jing.

It has been a few days since I returned to Chujing.Chu Limo really made the group of ministers kneel at the gate of the Li Palace.

King Li didn't ask them to get up. Headed by Taifu Wei, none of these ministers dared to get up and leave.Now they regret it.How did you offend this old man?But this Lord is the emperor who is about to ascend the throne of their Great Chu.

I knelt for more than a month, although I knelt.But not like now, kneeling all the time.Now, they have been kneeling at the gate of Li Wangfu for two days and two nights.

Some older ones passed out at the gate of Li Wang's Mansion after kneeling for a long time.But this Mrs. Wei, regardless of his age, actually knelt for two days and two nights, and now he is still upright, his body is respectful and knelt still.

Chu Limo didn't care about these situations outside the palace.If these ministers like to kneel, let them kneel.

But Chu Limo also ordered Wuqing and the others to redecorate the palace inside and out.Wash it again.The traces of Emperor Chu must be thoroughly cleaned.

So, Chu Limo is actually ready to ascend the throne.It's just that the time for enthronement has not yet been set.These ministers like to kneel and toss.They like it, but Chu Limo doesn't want to stop them.

Regarding these situations, Yun Qing just smiled and said nothing.

Can she say that this man is too black-bellied?
It's completely deceiving these ministers on purpose.

Of course, she also knows.Chu Limo was actually teaching these ministers a lesson, and frightened them by the way.Who made this group of ministers really annoying.

However, seeing that he ordered Wu Qing and others to redecorate and clean the inside and outside of the palace, Yun Qing also knew one thing.Once Chu Limo takes the throne, once he becomes the emperor, he must live in the palace.And she, as his wife, also wants to live in the harem.

In fact, she really doesn't care where she lives.Just live with him.However, that place in the palace always gave her some unforgettable and painful memories.Those memories have gone deep into the bone marrow.

She thought that if she stepped into the Qianqing Palace once, she would still remember what Chu Feiyang did to her in her previous life.She still remembered the tragic death of her child in her previous life.

Now that Li Mo ordered Wu Qing and others to redecorate the palace, there is also a reason for cleaning the palace, right?

He cares about her and loves her.So understand her suffering about her previous life.And this man directly demolished the Qianqing Palace.The huge and luxurious palace just disappeared.

Although Qianqing Palace was demolished, this man even changed the name of the palace where she will live in to 'Qingyun Palace'.named after her.To explain it in one sentence, he only fell in love with her.

pear orchard.

It's been a few days since I came back, and counting the days, her eldest cousin and second cousin should also be back.

Wang Zixuan is now rushing back to Chujing from Youcheng, and it is estimated that he will be able to return to Chujing in less than two days.But Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan, because they were delayed a lot of time on the road, Chu Liyou was robbed by Yuhen again.Wang Ziqing chased him all the way to the border city of Jicheng.Now he is on his way back to Chujing.

It's just that Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan's journey on Chujing Road was a little slower.

It wasn't that Wang Ziqing didn't want to rush back to Chujing as soon as possible, but that Wang Ziqing didn't want to rush back to Chujing at all.Instead, he took Feng Qingluan all the way to play in the mountains and rivers, and hurried back to Chujing.

Of course, Wang Ziqing would not miss this opportunity to take his wife out for a walk and be alone with the two of them.As for those things about Chu Jing, Wang Ziqing didn't take it to heart at all.Anyway, with his eldest brother, Nangong Jin, and Su Baiyi and his grandfather at worst, Chu Limo's mess of becoming emperor will be cleaned up for him.As for Chu Liyou being robbed by Yuhen, he has already sent the news back to Chu Jing.

Chu Limo in Chu Jing also received the news from Wang Ziqing.When he saw that the letter said that his sister had been robbed by Yuhen, Chu Limo threw the letter on the ground with cold light and anger in his eyes.Eyes full of gloomy anger stared at the big characters on the letter, gritted his teeth coldly and said: " are courting death."

Yun Qing picked up the letter on the ground and looked at it, when he saw the contents of the letter.When thinking of Li You and what he said when he was in Beiyuan, he couldn't help worrying about Li You.She wasn't worried that Yuhen would kill Liyou.If Yuhen wanted to kill Liyou, he wouldn't rob Liyou.She was just worried that Yuhen was so cruel to her, now that she was robbed by Yuhen and taken back to Xiyue, she was afraid that Yuhen would hurt Liyou again.

And at the moment Xiyue Jinling City.

"Second Senior Brother, I beg you...I beg you. Can you tell me where Senior Brother has gone?" Murong Xiyan has been pestering Yuhen for the past two days.The little face under the purple veil was so bitter that it was almost kneeling down by Yuhen.

In the past two days, Murong Xiyan really couldn't find where her elder brother went.She had no choice but to come to Second Senior Brother.As a result, her second senior brother remained sullen and refused to say anything.

Yuhen's gloomy black face just missed throwing Murong Xiyan out of the prince's residence.

However, Murong Xiyan has been thrown out by Yuhen several times in the past two days.Every time he throws her out, Murong Xiyan will entangle her again.For this junior sister with high strength in martial arts, the hidden guards and bodyguards in Yuhen's mansion are no match at all.

"Second Senior Brother, can you tell me where Senior Brother is going?"

Murong Xiyan's haunting spirit and courage are commendable.Yuhen was already on the verge of getting angry, and might throw this annoying junior sister out at any time.But Murong Xiyan still entangled her in every possible way.

The courage of Murong Xiyan, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and the hidden guards and bodyguards who hide in the dark admire her courage very much.

"Second senior brother..." Murong Xiyan looked at Yuhen pitifully with a bitter face.

Yuhen, who was finally annoyed by Murong Xiyan, raised her head and looked at her with indifferent eyes, "You want to see Qi Rong?"

Murong Xiyan nodded abruptly, "Yes."

"If you want to see him, it's fine." Yuhen said, but looked at the woman practicing sword outside the plum garden. Her cold eyes kept staring at Chu Liyou who was practicing sword outside the yard, and said in a very cold voice, "You let her Come to ask for this palace."

"Her?" Murong Xiyan followed Yuhen's gaze and looked outside.In the past two days, she still looked for the second senior brother, and every time she saw Li You practicing sword.She went up to say hello and Li You ignored her, just kept practicing sword.It's like being a different person.Now the second senior brother wants Li You to beg him.The second senior brother was willing to tell her where the senior senior brother was.What is the situation now?What is the situation between the second senior brother and Li You? "Second senior brother, do you mean you want to leave worry?"

"Don't you want to know where Qi Rong is? You ask her to ask me. I will tell you where Qi Rong is."

After returning from the cliff of the back mountain that day, this damn woman turned into this ghostly appearance.All day long, she either practiced the sword or practiced the Xuantian scriptures that Lingyin taught her.After that day, she lived like a walking corpse without a soul.

She still eats and sleeps every day, but there is one more thing.That is practice.In the past few days, I haven't even spoken to him.No matter how he treated her and possessed her body, she didn't say a word, and let him possess her without refusing or resisting.

Seeing her like this, he really wanted to strangle her to death.Want to strangle her severely.

Want to know where the senior brother is, only the second senior brother knows.But the second senior brother's request is to ask Li You to beg him.Now, Murong Xiyan felt a little embarrassed. "Second Senior Brother, is it really the only way to do this?"

"Before dinner, she won't come to beg Bengong. You don't even have this chance." Yuhen said coolly.

This simply did not give Murong Xiyan time to think about it.How could Murong Xiyan want to embarrass this matter.After Yuhen finished speaking, she ran out without even thinking about it.

Compared with this matter, it may be more embarrassing than Liyou, but she really wants to see the elder brother.Moreover, the second senior brother shouldn't embarrass Liyou, right?

Murong Xiyan thought secretly in her heart, seeing the appearance of the second senior brother and Li You, the two must have had a fight.

Judging from how Murong Xiyan got along with the two along the way, the two are clearly lovers.Now it looks like a quarrel between lovers.So Li You has been practicing the sword to vent his anger, and the second senior brother couldn't bear this face to ask for peace.

Outside the plum garden, Murong Xiyan's voice came, "Li You, can you take a rest first? I have something to ask you."

At this moment, Chu Liyou drew his sword fiercely.All the flowers, plants and trees outside the plum garden suffered from Chu Liyou.Even if Murong Xiyan bumped into her at this time, the sword in Chu Liyou's hand didn't stop.

"Li You, I really need you." At this time, Murong Xiyan is not stupid, she can see that Li You's sword is a move to kill people.She didn't dare to go forward, as the saying goes, a sword has no eyes.

No matter what Murong Xiyan said, Chu Liyou just ignored it.Seeing the time passed, it was time for dinner soon, Murong Xiyan didn't need to mention how anxious she was.

Looking at the sword she practiced for so long, the sun has almost set.She didn't cry tired, didn't cry thirsty, and didn't take a break.

Suddenly, Murong Xiyan seemed to think of something.He ran to the house and came out quickly.It's just that when he came out, he had a fruit snack in his hand.

"Li You, you are tired after practicing sword for so long, come here and have a rest. Eat something and drink tea to quench your thirst."

But Chu Liyou didn't pay any attention to Murong Xiyan.He just stopped practicing his sword, and told Nongyue not far away, "Nongyue, get ready to take a bath."

"Yes, Miss." Standing outside the plum garden, Nongyue replied.For the past few days, the young lady's changes have been seen in her eyes and hurt in her heart.

Murong Xiyan watched Chu Liyou leave helplessly.

After Chu Liyou finished bathing, half an hour had passed.The time was just right, and it was time for dinner as Yuhen had said.

And Chu Liyou sat quietly in the plum garden, beside Yuhen, eating quietly without saying a word.

It was rare for Murong Xiyan to sit with them for dinner today.Several times, she wanted to open her mouth to say something.But when Meiyuan was so quiet, so quiet that it was a bit weird, she didn't know how to speak to Li You.

After the meal was over, she still didn't speak.

She didn't speak, but Yuhen did. "You have eaten your meal, so you can leave. I was pestering me about Qi Rong, and I threw you into the back mountain pond to feed the fish."

If it is not for the sake of her being his junior sister, it is for the sake of the master.He didn't have that much tolerance for her.I can tolerate her pestering me for Qi Rong's news several times.

Before Murong Xiyan could speak, Chu Liyou also put down his chopsticks and stood up.

"Stop. I haven't let you go yet." Yuhen said coldly.

Chu Liyou's footsteps stopped.She wouldn't make him angry and give him an excuse to torture himself.If he doesn't let her, she won't go.At least, she won't be as stupid as she was a few days ago.

Three days ago, she just didn't listen to him and left after eating.As a result, Yuhen was furious and directly raped her, and took her here.In that humiliating way, he took her directly.Therefore, she will not humiliate herself at his opportunity.

This sound did not scare Chu Liyou, but it did startle Murong Xiyan.Seeing that things were going badly, Murong Xiyan looked for an excuse and left with a wink. "Second senior brother, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Murong Xiyan came and ran fast.

"sit down."

Like a body without a soul, more like a machine controlled by Yuhen, Chu Liyou sat down.

"Drink medicine."

Chu Liyou picked up the medicine and drank it in one gulp.After drinking the medicine these few times, she no longer asked Aunt Qiu for sugar.Compared with the bitterness and sadness in her heart, she can no longer feel the bitterness of this medicine, and she can't feel that strange taste.

"Are you really listening to Ben Gong now?" He smiled coldly, but he didn't know if the self-deprecation in his words was referring to her or himself?

But what he wanted was not her obedient way.Seeing her like this will only make him more depressed and want to strangle her even more.

She just sat there, silently.

Yuhen was annoyed by her appearance, her warm hand pinched her chin, Chu Liyou didn't resist, and let him pinch her chin.But at this moment, Yuhen lowered his head and pressed it against her lips, and then bit hard as if punishing her.

The bite was so sudden that she thought she was used to the pain.But he found that the bit he bit himself still hurt.

"Since it hurts, why didn't you shout out?" He looked at her and asked.

Chu Liyou didn't answer his question, but bit his lip and looked at him with very empty and indifferent eyes.

It was such a look that made Yuhen feel restless.With such a look, he realized that he didn't understand this woman at all, and he couldn't control her at all.

"Chu Liyou, please me." He really hated her empty and indifferent eyes. "To please me, I will let you go tonight."

His meaning is obvious, as long as she takes the initiative to please him.He will not force her tonight.

But for Chu Liyou, whether it's to please him, or he wants to use force on himself.Don't you want to do that kind of thing with him?It turned out to be like this, whether to use force or to please has nothing to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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