Chapter 869 61. Chaos
"To please me. I don't want to say it a third time." He was really patient with her.But there really isn't much patience for her.

Chu Liyou didn't speak, but stood up and walked towards the bed.

For her actions, Yuhen's gloomy face eased a lot.But in the next second, she found that she took down the Qingming sword from the bed and walked towards him.Then, Yuhen's face became even more gloomy.

Chu Liyou handed the Qingming Sword to Yuhen's hand, the meaning was obvious, if you want me to please you, you can kill me directly, right?
"Do you want to die?" He sneered and looked at the Qingming sword she held in her hand, "You would rather die than please me?"

It's a good thing to die, if you can die.However, after experiencing the sword given by Yuhen, she was actually very afraid of death.Therefore, she didn't have the courage to commit suicide, so she could only let Yuhen imprison her.

Chu Liyou's silence gave Yuhen the best answer.

She would rather die than please him.

It can be seen that, looking at her indifferent face like a ghost, he is still very interested in her.He still wanted to hold her in his arms and love her fiercely.

"Since you don't want to please me, I will please you." Yuhen felt that she must be crazy, he must be crazy.He didn't torture this woman crazy, but he was about to be tortured crazy by her.

At the end of the sentence, he grabbed the Qingming sword in her hand and threw it on the ground, wrapped his arms around her waist and fell on top of her.

Chu Liyou is still like a soulless and feelingless machine, neither crying nor fussing, neither refusing nor resisting, allowing Yuhen to do whatever she wants with her.

She just stood there like that, letting him hold her waist tightly, and let him tear her clothes to pieces one by one.

She knew he really didn't love her.Otherwise, how could this man be so rude to him?
No matter how physically and mentally it hurts, she only wants him to end this brutality as soon as possible.

Unknowingly, tears have fallen from the eyes.She thought she was strong enough.She thought she would not shed tears from heartache.

However, when he treated himself mercilessly.The heart will still be so painful, and the tears will follow.

For a long time, her tears flowed so violently that they fell on his palm.

He touched her tears and stopped.

Looking at this crying sad woman, at that moment, his heart also tugged.

Seeing that the clothes on her body have been torn by himself, the traces left by him on her body.This is all he just did to her.Looking at it now, even he himself felt that it was so dazzling.

He let her go.

If he said that he would still attack a woman who was crying so sadly, then he must be a beast.

At that moment, by a strange coincidence, he took off his clothes and put them on her.

At that moment, Chu Liyou was a little startled, watching him stop plundering her, and watching him take off his clothes and put them on her body.So, did Yuhen let her go?
His warm and cool hands gently stroked her tear-filled cheeks, he held her face, and gently kissed away the tears on her face with his warm and cool lips.After the kiss was over, he watched her speak softly, but his voice seemed a bit bleak, "I finally... still lost to you. You don't want to see Ben Gong, and Ben Gong is as you wish."

Chu Liyou just stared at him blankly, she didn't understand what Yuhen meant tonight.When she understood, Yuhen had already left.And she, when she wanted to see Yuhen, it was so far away.

If they can not be so stubborn, they can try to let go of each other's hearts, if they take a step back and see their hearts clearly, will they not miss so much?Will they not have so many life and death?
That night, Yuhen did not stay in Meiyuan.

But the next day, when Chu Liyou woke up, Yuhen was no longer in the Prince's Mansion, let alone Xiyue, she didn't even know where he went.But Yuhen left Chiyu in the prince's mansion.


Chu Jing.

Time passed quickly, and the inside and outside of the Great Chu Palace had been cleaned, and everything had been renovated from the inside to the outside.

On the tenth day of the sixth lunar month, the day when the new emperor of Chu came to the throne.The whole country celebrates on this day, which is very lively.

And from this day, the name of the Great Chu was changed to Southern Chu, and the name of the year was set to Yongqing.Later, according to historical records, Emperor Nanchu only loved one woman in his life, and the reason why Dachu changed the name of Southern Chu to Yongqing was because of this woman.

In mid-June of the first year of Yongqing in Southern Chu, according to reports from the frontier.Murong Yuhen, the prince of Xiyue, sent 20 troops to conquer Beiyuan himself.In just a few days, several cities on the border between Xiyue and Beiyuan have been captured.Now, it is approaching Beiyuan Capital.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar all over the world.

Chu Limo, who was sitting in the imperial study, narrowed his eyes slightly when he received the news.Is Yuhen going to destroy Beiyuan?The next one is direct sword guide Chu.

Although Yuhen is only pointing his sword at Beiyuan now, the Minister of Southern Chu is feeling uneasy.Now that the new emperor of Southern Chu has just ascended the throne, the court of Southern Chu is still unstable, and the new emperor needs to stabilize the court.But Xiyue suddenly sent troops at this time, caught Beiyuan by surprise, and now has occupied the border of Beiyuan.Xiyue will attack Youcheng at the border between Nanchu and Beiyuan anytime next.Once Yuhen sent troops to Youcheng and captured Youcheng, Xiyue's soldiers and horses would go straight to the capital of Chu.

After ascending the throne, Chu Limo spent a lot of time dealing with state affairs.It's just because, during the period after Emperor Chu's death, Nan Chu was really messed up.It's no wonder that Nangong Jin refused to take care of anything at that time.Instead, they sent several letters urging them to return to Beijing.

Fortunately, in a few nights, the mess left by Emperor Chu was dealt with.Chu Limo didn't waste talent either.Talents like Wang Zixuan will be bombarded if they are wasted.

The result was that Wang Zixuan had just returned from Youcheng, so he didn't have time to rest.After a decree came down, everything fell on the Prime Minister Wang Zixuan.

For several days in a row, there will be news from the border that the Prince Xiyue has occupied Beiyuan City.

In the battle between Xiyue and Beiyuan, the emperor of Southern Chu, Chu Limo, was completely watching the excitement from the sidelines and did not intervene.Yuhen dared to conquer Beiyuan himself, so it shows that there are people in Xiyue Jinling City who are in charge of the capital.Chu Limo had already guessed who this person was.As for the Dongli Kingdom across the top of a snow mountain, there is no possibility of fully getting involved.With Nanchu on the side to restrain him, and a snow mountain that he couldn't jump over, Dongli Kingdom could only stay peacefully in his own land.And Chu Limo didn't have the leisure to send troops to Dongli country.After all, Dongli country has an advantage in terrain, once he sends troops to Dongli.The rear of Nanchu will completely fall under Yuhen's sword.Therefore, they love to fight, so he just watches the excitement from the sidelines.

But in less than a month, Yuhen occupied more than a dozen cities in Beiyuan.There's nothing tricky about it, even if he was killed, he wouldn't believe it.It seems that these years, Yuhen has not traveled all over the world in vain.

Although Chu Limo said that he didn't plan to get involved himself.But that doesn't mean he can't let other people get involved.

No, is there someone in Nanchu who is recuperating here?
I don't know what Chu Limo and Su Baiyi said, but Su Baiyi left Nanchu immediately.

"You let Su Baiyi hold Yuhen back? Don't tell me you want to go to Xiyue alone." Yun Qing walked over and looked at him, "I know you are worried about Liyou, but Yuhen dares to send troops to Beiyuan and take Li You stayed in Jinling City. You should know who is taking Yuhen's place in Jinling City now."

The person who sits in Jinling City for Yuhen is none other than the disappeared Qi Rong.Everyone thought that Qi Rong had left Jinling City.However, Qi Rong did not leave but hid in the dark.

"Li Mo, brother is already refining the antidote to the unfeeling Gu poison. The antidote can be refined in two months. You can't leave Nanchu at this time."

It's not that Yun Qing doesn't want to bring Li You back.But at this time, nothing is more important than him.Seeing that the antidote to the unfeeling Gu poison is about to be refined.Once he leaves, I don't know what will happen next.The most important thing is that Yun Qing never thought that the life-extending pill that his father gave him can last for three years, and the life-defying Gu will not attack in these three years.However, just yesterday, he had an attack.

He hadn't had an attack for a long time, but suddenly had an attack.She was terrified yesterday.

Later, after Nangong Jin's inspection, he found out that the reason for his sudden seizure was the song Su Wanyan sang back then.At first, the Seizing of the Soul song caused him to almost have a seizure, but it was only after playing the Qingxin Fu that he suppressed it.Later, when he was in Beiyuan, he had another fight with Yuhen, which resulted in the efficacy of Life-Extending Pill not being able to overwhelm the unfeeling Gu poison in his body.

"Xiyue is now in charge of Qi Rong. You will be discovered by Qi Rong as soon as you enter the territory of Xiyue. He is helping Yuhen now. Once he finds out that you are in Xiyue, Qi Rong will not show mercy. Similarly, Qi Rong will not hurt Liyou. Yuhen is not in Xiyue now, and he will not hurt Liyou. But you are different, Yuhen wants to kill you now. Your current body is not suitable for going to Xiyue. I don't allow you to go either. I know you want to bring Li You back, and I want to too, but I have to wait until the eldest brother cures the poison on you, then I can accompany you to bring Li You back." Yun Qingyi Finish the sentence in one breath.Although she knew that she might be a little selfish, she had to be a little selfish at this time.She couldn't bear him being hurt a little bit.

Yun Qing knew that one day they would have a decisive battle with Qi Rong and Yuhen.But I never imagined that this thing would come so fast.She did not expect that Yuhen would suddenly send troops to Beiyuan.Now that I think about it, when I met Yuhen in Beiyuan, Yuhen wasn't entirely there to find his master, Wuchen.He just took action secretly in the name of looking for a master.At that time, Yuhen was already planning in the dark.That's why Yuhen told them 'kindly' that Yue Linghua was in Beiyuan Imperial Tomb.That was actually just an introduction Yuhen threw out in order to distract them.And they were anxious to find Yue Linghua at the beginning, so they believed Yuhen's words.I didn't think about it carefully.Maybe they had thought about it before, but to them back then, nothing was more important than the Moon Spirit Flower.

Therefore, Yuhen won this round first.But they are a draw, and the real defeat is Beiyuan.

"Qingqing. I asked Su Baiyi to go to Beiyuan just to cause trouble for Yuhen. How could I make Qingqing worry? I won't leave Nanchu at this time, and I won't leave Qingqing." If it didn't happen yesterday If this incident happened later, he might send troops to West Vietnam.But now, he will not take risks under the conditions that his body does not allow.For two months, he could still wait.Just remembering that Qingqing used her spiritual power to play Qingxinfu for him last night, it made him feel very distressed. "Qingqing, what happened last night was an accident. From now on, I won't allow you to boast about your talents."

But if what happened last night happened again, Yun Qing would still choose to clear his heart.Compared with him, what does it matter if I have exhausted my spiritual power?

"Now that Yuhen has provoked a war, the world is in chaos. In this chaotic world, I only want you to be safe. If anyone dares to hinder you, I will meet gods and kill gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas. No matter what the future holds , I only want you to be with me in peace and health. Li Mo, you promised me that you would accompany me until I grow old. You can't break your promise."

"I won't break my promise to Qingqing." Chu Limo said softly as he hugged the woman he loved deeply.This is his promise to her.

When the war broke out, even though Southern Chu hadn't been affected yet, the whole world was already bleeding like a river.

After the battle between Southern Chu and Xiyue, how much blood will be shed in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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